Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission in America ❯ They Melt in Your Mouth! ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"What does yours taste like?" asked Genkai as she and Hiei sat on a porch step behind the others. Both of them had bite marks in the Anti-Nips they were supposed to be smelling regularly.

"Cotton candy," replied Hiei.

"Booyah! Cinnamon!" exclaimed Genkai, pumping a fist into the air.

"You just got lucky this time," murmered Hiei, taking another bite of his Anti-Nip.

"Hey, you two quit eating those!" shouted Azulu as he finished explaining his specialty to Yusuke and the others. "As I was saying... Each orb I possess (snickers from Yusuke) holds a different power and has a different affect on the person who touches it (snicker) and only I can tell what each orb will do to the subject. Are you done, Urameshi?" Yusuke had gone into a laughing fit.

"Hey, is the guy with all the balls (SNICKER) done talking?" asked Hiei. Kurama grew impatient and shoved an Anti-Nip up his nose. Hiei rolled around trying to get it out. "OH, THE PAIN!!" Genkai watched him roll around, clearly entertained.

"That won't work if he can't smell it," said Azulu. Kurama looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

"So?" he asked, looking back at Hiei, who was still rolling around in agony. "He was beginning to pester me." Everyone took three steps away from Kurama.

Kurama looked at Genkai. "Aren't you going to smell yours?" Her eyes widened and she hastily took a big sniff of the Anti-Nip, then hid behind Kuwabara and Yusuke. Hiei finally got the orb out of his nose and stopped rolling around.

"Okay, can I kill this guy now?" asked Yusuke with a yawn.

"Yes, just get it over with," said Kurama.

"Okay Kurama!" Yusuke said hastily, backing away from him a bit. "Just don't hurt me!" Kurama stared at him.

"Yusuke, that joke is so old now," he murmered, massaging his own temples.

"Right, let's just get this done and wrap up this mission," said Yusuke, cracking his knuckles.

"Dim wit, don't forget about those (snicker) orbs," said Genkai, finally back to normal. "If you get hit with one there's no telling what could happen to you."

"What're you, some kind of NPC in a tutorial?" asked Yusuke impatiently. "I'll kick his ass , and then we can go." Genkai slapped her forehead.

"Whatever," she said with a sigh. Azulu took two (snicker) orbs from his pocket, one red and one yellow.

"You'll regret not taking the woman's advice," he said.

"At least someone agrees with me," Genkai muttered. Everyone looked at her. "What! Don't mind me, just keep fighting."

"Anyway!" said Azulu rather loudly, attracting the attention of passerby, most of whom were drawn in by Hiei's rolling around and screaming. People closed in around them, watching the match. "I'll give you a sample of what my (snicker) orbs can do. And stop that snickering, already!" Yusuke ceased laughing and continued to crack his knuckles.

Azulu suddenly tossed the yellow orb at Yusuke, and his nose filled with a skunk-like scent, making him gag and then vomit all over the ground. "Okay, that's just sick!" Yusuke shouted as he recovered. Their small audience was growing larger, and small children were pointing and laughing at Hiei, who continued to eat the Anit-Nip, even though it was up his nose for quite some time.

"And that was just a sample!" exclaimed Azulu maniacly. "Wait until you see what I can really do to you!" Yusuke tried to dodge the next one, but the orb was within about four feet of him when the scent of blood filled his nose. He dabbed at his nose with his sleeve, and his sleeve was stained by a bright spot of blood.

"A nose bleed!" exclaimed Yusuke. "Oh, that's just great! The puking one was worse!"

"I see," said Azula. "Maybe a few more of those will change your mind." He pulled more red orbs out of his pocket and chucked them at Yusuke one by one. Before he knew it he was nearly bled dry through his nose.

"It's still..." he began. "It's still a stupid... way to kill someone..." He fell to his knees, still bleeding heavily.

"Yusuke, maybe we should step in," said Kurama.

"I'm handling it!" Yusuke shouted. He got back to his feet, but Azulu chucked a brown orb at him. "Headache!" He fell back to his knees and clutched his head, moaning in pain. His head was throbbing.

"Take this!" yelled Azulu as he threw a green orb at Yusuke. Immediately he started sneezing blood and coughing. Azulu threw a blue orb and his eyes started to water. Eventually Yusuke was a bleeding, sneezing, watering, pulsating mess on the sidewalk. Just when he was about to give up hope, Azulu was hit in the head by some unknown object.

"What was that?" asked Kuwabara.

"That was me," said a voice from across the street. Everyone turned to see a young man in red. "Duke Devlin's the name. Yugi called me as soon as he saw you guys were in trouble." Yugi, Tea, and Kaiba came out from behind him.

"You should have woken us up!" said Yugi with a chuckle. "We're supposed to be helping you all on this mission, aren't we?"

"Yeah, well you can go help yourself," Genkai murmered, crossing her arms.

"She meant she would be delighted to have you assist us on this mission!" said Kurama, stepping out in front of her. "Don't blow it now, Genkai. They could actually help us out."

"Did everyone forget about me?!" exclaimed Azulu, lying out on the pavement. Yusuke picked him up and slammed him back into the sidewalk, still bleeding slightly.

"You give me an Anit-EVERYTHING or you can taste concrete !" he shouted, pushing Azulu's head into the ground. Azulu fished a purple orb out of his pocket and gave it to Yusuke.

"My partners will stop you," he muttered. "You'll all die at their hands."

"Yeah, we'll just see about that," said Yusuke as he sniffed the orb. "Mmm, peanut butter."

"Well, we might as well advance to their hideout," said Kurama. "We must be close. I can sense high spirit energy nearby." Everyone but Yusuke continued down the sidewalk. Yusuke looked left, then right, made sure no one was watching, then shoved the whole orb into his mouth. He began to choke and spit it out.

"Smells like peanut butter but tastes like crap," he said. "Figures." He continued down the sidewalk with the others.