Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Line is it Anyway? Link Style ❯ Helping Hands ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Link dosen't own Yu Yu Hakusho or Yu-Gi-Oh or any of the reveiwers who offered to do this. (WARNING: SETO BASHING IN THIS CHAPTER!!)
Link: I can't believe you two got into a fight!!! On live television too!!!

Yami: *has bruises* Sorry, He started it though!

Yusuke: *Has black eye* Me?!?! You provoked it!!

Link: *Using healing powers* Jeez the things I do for you people……Huh?…….WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE'RE BACK ON?!?!…………uh, yeah……Welcome back to Who's Line is it Anyway! The game where the points don't matter and everything's made up. The points don't matter just like Seto Kaiba!

Seto: *In the Audience* That's not true!

Link: Anyone who insults Yami other than me doesn't matter. (glares at Seto)

Seto: How come you can make fun of him?

Link: Because, 1. I mean it in a nice way, 2. I love Yami no matter what, And 3. I'm the host so, SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!

Seto: O.O………..ek………

Yami: Go Link!

Link: :)……..That makes me feel all good inside………anyhow, lets move on to our next game which is……Helping Hands! This is for Kasemeihikotori, Yusuke, and Yami. How this works is that Kasemeihikotori and Yusuke are going to act out a scene but Yusuke can't use his hands. Instead Yami will be his hands. And the scene is that Kasemeihikotori and Yusuke are a couple at an expensive, Japanese restaurant. Start now!

Kasemeihikotori, Yusuke, and Yami take their postions, Yami bringing his hands around Yusuke and Yusuke with his hands behind Yami's back. (If you've ever seen the game you know what it looks like!)

Kasemeihikotori: Well now that we're here, what would you like to eat Yusuke?

Yusuke: Well let's see what's under this dish…..(Yami grabs the sake)…or we could just start with the sake….

Kasemeihikotori: Pour me some please! Whoa! Watch out! You're spilling it everywhere! O.o

Yusuke:……….right, well, uh… how about we eat some…… *lifts a platter top* SQUID!?!?……Oh you people are sick...….. O.O … Here, Kasemeihikotori … have some……

Kasemeihikotori: O.O……..*help!*…ok, then…..(Yami picks up the squashy squid head and puts it down Kasemeihikotori's throat)….I THINK I'M GONNA BE SICK!…(swallows)

Yusuke: O.O…..you're turning green you know that?……..anyway how about we light some candles……

Yami: O.O (lights match and burns his hand)…………(bitting Yusuke to keep from yelling)

Kasemeihikotori: *still green* You're being really clumsy tonight, Yusuke.

Yusuke: I know. I don't know what's wrong with me. *He's really good at hiding the fact that he's being bitten by Yami!* Oh well. How about some bread?

Kasemeihikotori: Sounds better than squid. *thankfully* (Yami picks up a bread stick and puts it in Kasemeihikotori's face) Oh, uh… thank you… (she takes and eats it)

Yusuke: And now for me! (Yami picks up bread and holds it up, but can't reach above Yusuke's shoulders because of his size)

All: *laughter*

Yusuke: Uh… right… (He bends over and takes the breadstick in his mouth)

*Buzzer sounds*

Link: OK! That was…uh...good!

Kasemeihikotori and Yusuke go back to their seats and Kasemeihikotori gulps down LARGE glasses of water. Kurama just sits there and shakes his head, trying to stifle his laughter. Seto *In the audience* is laughing his head off at Yami, who is running around the stage holding his burnt hand and looking for a paramedic.

Link: Yami, hold on! STOP A MINUTE! (heals Yugi with healing powers) Better?

Yami: Thank you, Link. That's a lot better!

Seto: You ruined all the fun!

Link: (glares at Seto and then goes up to pummel him)

Back-up host: It says here that Yami and Ysuke get 1000 points and Kasemeihikotori gets 3000 for having to eat the squid.

And now to a commercial break!!

Feel lonely? Sad that you can't have your favorite guy with you all the time? Then we have a product for you! The brand new Life-size blow-up dolls of your favorite anime guys!! *Link comes running in* "I WANT ONE OF YAMI!!!!" Sure! We have all the characters imaginable! Just give us a call at 1-800-IBELIEVETHISCOMERCIAL to order one today!
Link: "GIVE ME YAMI NOW!!!!"

Link: In case you haven't noticed I'm crappy at updating, but I'LL TRY HARDER!!! I REALLY WILL!!!