Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ A Child ❯ New Ruler ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I would just like to say thank you to all my wonderful reviewers.....I love reviews even if your flameing me......that at least tells me you read some of it....though it still makes me sad

Chapter 17:

New Ruler

Upon hearing of Yomi's death Makai seemed to go heywire, but when Mukuro stepped forward everything started settling down. Yoko took Hiei back home. When they arrived Hiei started yending to Yoko's wounds. "Don't worry about it Hiei." Yoko said to his mate. Hiei shook his head, "It's my fault you were hurt so I'll going to help you."

Yoko knew it was pointless to agrue with Hiei so sat quietly while Hiei bandaged his wounds. There was a slightly deep gash in Yoko's left arm and a cut across the stomach. Also claw marks on his right cheek.

After Hiei was done he sat on the bed next to Yoko and kept his head down. "What's wrong Fire-fly?" Yoko asked. "I'm sorry. I never meant for any of that to happen and besides that your friend died. How could you ever forgive me?" Hiei asked. "Cause it was going to happen one way or another. Yomi loved me but I love you and nothing will ever change that. And their is nothing to forgive as I have explained, it was going to happen." Yoko said.

The claw marks left a faint scare and Hiei traced over them. "Thank you I needed to hear that." Yoko stole a kiss from Hiei, "Of course, anytime and now..." Yoko pushed Hiei down so he was now laying on the bed, "I need you." Hiei shived at the suductive tone of his mates voice.


Mukuro sat in her office going over paperwork. It was an early hour of the morning. She sighed putting the last bit of papers in her hand down. They need her to place in her heir. Hiei is her heir but since learning of his pergnancy she had to ask him if he was still going to be the new king. She hoped so.

Just when she was about done one of her gaurds came up, "Mi Lady Lord Hiei and his mate are on there way." "Send them in here when they arrive I must speak to them" Mukuro ordered. The gaurd bowed and went to wait for Hiei and his mate.

Upon reaching the gate the same gaurd walked up to them, "Welcome Miss Mukuro wishes to talk with both of you in her office." Yoko nodded and they went to talk with Mukuro.

"Hello it's good to see both of you." She greeted. "Hn! What do you need?" Hiei asked already annoyed. "I wish to ask if you still plan on becoming ruler once I step down." Mukuro said. Hiei was slient for a moment than spoke, "We'll be right back." With that he pulled Yoko from the room.


"You do understand what this means don't you?" Hiei asked once he knew Mukuro couldn't hear him. Yoko nodded. "And you would be fine with that?" Hiei asked. Another nod. Hiei sighed, "Ok than." "Are you sure your ok with being the new ruler?" Yoko asked when Hiei had his back to him. Turning slightly he answered, "Yes I've been waiting for this. I just wanted to make sure it was ok with you."

Yoko smiled, "Of course it's ok with me. You just didn't seem to like it. We wont spend as much time together but I'm sure we could figure something out." Yoko said. With a nod Hiei went back to tell Mukuro.

"Excellent." She smiled. "When exactly do you 'step down'?" Hiei asked. "As soon as your child comes of course. I wont allow a pergnant man be a ruler." She said. "And what will you do if I become pregnant again?" Hiei asked. "You would than allow Yoko to help you. And by the shocked look on Yoko's face it doesn't look like you will have another anytime soon." Mukuro said.

"Thanks you Mukuro for asking. I was wondering the samething myself, about Hiei becoming ruler and all. We must be going, we had other plans." Yoko said taking Hiei's hand they left.


Arriving back at their home Hiei went to get something to eat. Yoko went to their bedroom and layed down. Not to long after that Hiei came in and layed down as well. "So these are the plans you told Mukro about?" Hiei asked in a teasing voice.

Yoko did a fake pout, "I thought you would like to spend more time with me but if Mukuro is better..." Yoko couldn't finish. Hiei had loomed over his mate and pulled him into a deep kiss.

Pulling away Hei spoke, "There is nothing better I can think of than spending time with you. But I would perfer you spending time in me." Yoko growled playfully, "Anything for you My Lord."


A week later Mukuro was still going over paperwork. She had spent a message to Hiei but hasn't heard back from him yet. Finishing the last of her paper work she left her office. When she stepped out she saw Hiei standing there. "Yes?" She asked.

"What do you mean by being the ruler now? I thought you wanted to wait." Hiei said. So he did get the message. "Yes, I have been thinking alot and thought that maybe it would be a good idea to have you start now. Unless you have a problem with that." She said teasing him by the end.

"No I have no problem with that. When do I start?" Hiei asked. "Tomorrow. Oh and where is Yoko?" She asked. Yoko didn't appear to have come with him. Which seems weird because Yoko is so protective over their mate, espically when they're with child. "Not here. I'll be back tomorrow." With that Hiei flitted away.


Yoko woke up and noticed that Hiei wasn't laying with him. Getting up he went to the kitchen and didn't see Hiei. Nervous he checked the house and his garden out back...no Hiei. Turning he headed straight to Mukuro's.

Upon arriving he saw Hiei just coming out the front gate. Hiei saw him and went over. He could see the look of relief in his Yoko's eyes. "I'm sorry Fox, I didn't mean to worry you. Mukuro sent a message and I had to speak to her about a few things. I'm fine." Hiei said.

On their way home Hiei told Yoko how he was going to be the one in charge starting tomorrow. "At least I kno you will be better protected. You scared me sinceless when I couldn't find you." Yoko said pulling Hiei close to him. Hiei leaned into Yoko and sighed. Yea, he was glad to be with Yoko. Rubbing his stomach he thought of what their child would look like if it was a girl or boy and how it would act.

And most of all how much love the child would be given.


Well, Hope you liked it. Sorry that it's kinda short but I had lost my notes that I wrote up for this chapter. Any idea on what should happen would be helpfull thak you. Also the chapter would be up soon if I got a little more help.

