Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ a simple interveiw, ihope ❯ the begining of hell ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The lost House of Hogwarts

Zorrita: I do not own any characters that I am putting in this story, except Zorrita. She belongs to me. And Avia belongs to my friend. So if you rip them off I will…

Avia: Zorrita! Shut the hell up!

Zorrita: whatever!

Avia: yeah well , ignore her , well on with this wonderful piece of crap, I mean work. Yeah work.

Kagome walked slowly down the long hallway of the palace.

`God, it's been ages since I was here for my assignment.' Thought Kagome quietly, but her silent thoughts didn't last long, they never did.

"Kagome!" yelled a small child, "InuYasha's picking on me"

"Whatever you little shrimp!" InuYasha yelled. He was still upset, but then, who could really blame him.


"We finally beat him," Sango said, disbelieving what had just happened.

And yet they truly had beat Naraku. He was destroyed. Gone forever.

Kagome had purified the jewel Kagura was free (AN:I happen to like Kagura, she really doesn't want to help Naraku or any thing so she may come in later chapters) and willing to help them at any time.

"Kagome?" shouted InuYasha suddenly. "Toss it over so I can use it."


Everyone looked at Kagome, she sounded different not as weak, more powerful than before.

"Whad'ya mean, no?"

"No, InuYasha, I have to return it to prince Koenma"

"We traveled around for two years for this stupid thing, so that when we finally get it you say no?"

"So it appears little brother" spoke Sesshomaru sarcastically. He'd joined their party for reasons known only to him however kagome suspected that it had something to do w/ Rin.

"I said I have to return it, not we can't use it" spoke Kagome" baka".

Kagome turned and spoke to Kagura, who was now free. " If you'd like Kagura, I know someone who can give you a job."

Kagura smiled," I'm not sure I want to work for anyone just yet, but thank you."

"Well at least come with me to meet him, after all, you did help us defeat Naraku. And besides, you'll get to meet your future boss, and if you don't like him you can just quit, or kill him. Whichever. Oh how about you work as my detectives assistant!"

//end flashback//

Kagome turned around and faced her companions. What a strange bunch.

InuYasha, that baka

Miroku, always there to offer a hand (sometimes in places where it wasn't needed)

Sango, the sister she never had.

Shippo and kilala, comic relief, and help.

But there were also three newbies to their group, Kagura, Sesshomaru, and the evil one, kikyo.

" Alright you guys, listen please, I really need you to behave your selves. And don't give me that `I always behave' look either; yes Sesshomaru and InuYasha I'm talking to you. This is my boss we're going to meet and I don't want him pissed off!" they walked up to a pair of large golden doo" they walked up to a pair of large golden doors.

" Wait here," ordered kagome " Oy George!" kagome walked over to a blue ogre and began to talk with him.

" InuYasha" began Miroku," have you noticed anything, well, different about kagome?"

"Yeah she's real nervous about something," InuYasha would never admit it in front of kikyo, but he was worried.

"Duh", spoke Sesshomaru matter-of-factly " she's about to meet her lord. Its only proper she should be nervous. Though I must say, I think she's a little too nervous" he finished as she walked up.

" Right, now, okay, in five mins., we're going to … oh Shippo your all dirty, Inu, fix your hair, kikyo why didn't you bathe you smell dead! Sesshomaru…"as everyone proceeded to tidy themselves up, and kagome nearly drowned kikyo in perfume.

//in the office//

"Damnit Koenma! Will you give us our newt assignment already!"? Yuskae bellowed.

"No. I already told you, we're waiting for somebody," answered Koenma.

" Well when…"

"Um, sir?" called George from the doorway.

Yes? What is it"?

" They're here."

"What!" instantly, Koenma changed into his teen form, and straightened up.

" Whoever these people are urameshi, they must be important," whispered Kuwabara.

"Indeed, why else would Koenma ask us to bring Shizeru(an: spelling?), Yukina, and Keiko," commented Kurama.

The door opened, and 7 people walked into the room. A monk in purple and black robes, a miko in red and white, and a girl in what looked like a school uniform. Next to her was a woman in a pink and green kimono with a large boomerang on her back, three demons followed her in and, at the very back, muttering was a very pissed off hanyou in red.

"Who're they." Asked Yuskae of Kuwabara. But his question was soon answered.

" Ah! Detective higurashi and co." said lord Koenma, rushing forward and hugging the girl in the green and white sailor outfit. Two growls could be heard from Kagome's group and Koenma quickly stopped. " Sorry, very improper of me. Um, Yuskae, this is detective higurashi," he said motioning to the girl "and her associates, Miroku, kikyo, Sango, she's a demon exterminator, lord Sesshomaru lord of the western land's" at this Sesshomaru got two very deep bows from Hiei and Kurama "um , Shippo , he's a relative of yours Kurama, Kagura, and sesshomaru's brother InuYasha". At this , both brothers snorted.

"Lord Koenma, we brought the shikon jewel back," kagome brought out her hand. In her palm was a small jewel.

"Well purify it and place it back into your side you are the guardian after all"

" Yes sir"

" Is that why you called us here! To see that!" screamed Yuskae.

"No, I called you here because I need your teams to work together," said Koenma.

"What!" all of the detectives.

"No way," said kagome

"Are you crazy?" yelled Yuskae.

" You both need the training, and, you both have enemies in that dimension."

I don't need any training," said Yuskae.

" Kaede can help me," said kagome.

" Your mission is to find the daughter of a man named Sirius black, and the daughter of a woman named Bellatrix Lestrange. They're related, but Ms. Lestrange I imagine will want to kill her cousin's daughter, and make her own daughter join the dark forces," finished Koenma.

"Hey wait a minute, they're characters on a soap opera, not that I watch those, my sister does, I only watch them for the death and dragons and stuff," said Kuwabara.

"Kuwabara, you're the one who got me hooked on that soap," said Shiziro.

"You baka, I'm sure he doesn't mean them, baka," snapped Hiei.

"Actually, I do," said Koenma.

" What! But he's not real" shouted kagome. " What? Some of the characters are hot."

"In his dimension he is real, and because he's dead you have to track down his daughter Avia. And miss Zorrita Lestrange, now the girls live together, and are on their way to England in a foreign exchange program with 2 other people. You are to accompany them as a guard. Now miss Lestrange will be visiting her aunt during the holidays, one of you will have to accompany her. Kurama, I suggest you go, she has a case quite like yours, and should she lose it, you'll be able to hold her back."

Aw man! Why do we have to go to crappy ass school?" asked Yuskae.

This school is different stupid," said Kuwabara,

" Students study magic at hogwarts," said kagome.

" And there's unicorns…"

"And Quiddicth…"

And potions class…"

"And herbology…"

"And unicorns…"

"And Quiddicth."

" A magic school?" asked Shippo " can I go?"

"Of course, I wouldn't have called everyone here if I didn't mean everyone. ," said Koenma.

"Question," asked Sesshomaru how do we get from here to there," he said pointing at the castle on the screen.

" I was wondering that also," Sango pitched in.

"Oy! Wait a minute urameshi! Called a voice from the door, with a Scottish accent ," I want a rematch!

"Jin!!" yelled everyone but Shizeru and the Inu gang.

"Ah yes, I forgot to mention that he will be accompanying you on this."

"What, why?" yelled Yuskae.

"Two wind demons are better than one," said Koenma simply

"I'm not working with that numbskull !" cried Kagura, insulted.

"Aye, what a cold wind! Perhaps I could warm it up a bit?" Jin said, putting his arm around Kagura's shoulders.

"If you like having two arms, then I suggest you move you're your hand within the next three seconds," Kagura spoke calmly.

"Oh you wouldn't…"


"Ah come on…"


"You can't be serious!"

"Three," Kagura then proceeded to chase Jin about the room.

"Ha ha," Jin flew into the air, and started doing laps around the room. "Now you can't get me!"

Kagura simply laughed. She pulled her feather out of her hair, and floated up on it. Jin, who had fallen asleep, didn't notice. Kagura leaned in close and whispered, " boo!"

" Aahhhhh!"

Everybody who was down below was on the floor laughing. Except Hiei, and Sesshomaru (and kikyo, because she was chained to a group of five rabid starving polar bears, okay, wishful thinking).

"Okay you two," began Koenma. " stop flirting and get down here!"

Zorrita: oohh what's going to happen next I wonder?

Avia: You wrote the damn story idiot!

Zorrita: for all you viewers out there don't worry, Malloy's gonna go through hell.

Avia: yep, two teen girls at Christmas time, mix in some magic and makeup. You do the math.

Zorrita: Well, review