Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Abyssal Plains and Love ❯ You're Walking With You're Friends? ( Chapter 19 )
Congrats! You have chosen to walk to class with your friends. Isn't that faboo?
K-kun: You're hyper… aren't you?
Duh. I like soda and caramels?
K-kun: I think I'd rather not answer that one.
Saylee: Roses are red, violets are blue, Meg doesn't own it, please don't sue.
Uh…. Doughnut and soda don't go together!
//e-heh. Don't kill me! BRING! As the bell blared, you and your friends walked to class together. Once inside the building, some of your friends went their own way (because they had different classes). Walking into the class, you and your friends went to your respective seats//
Teacher: -taking roll-
You: -you are staring off into space-
K-kun: -writing down something-
Me: -I walk into the class and up to the teacher-
Teacher: May I help you?
Me: -I hand her a slip of paper- From the counseling office. They want her immediately.
Teacher: Okay then, will ______________ ________________ please go to the counseling office?
You: Moi?
Teacher: Yes, please come pick up your paper and go there now.
You: -you walk up and take the paper-
Me: -I walk out of the room-
//anyways, you walk to the office and I follow you. waiting for you in the office is…. Did you really think I was gonna tell you? Too bad for you//
You: It's you!
???: Yes, it's me! -Evil laughter-
You: But, but… I thought you had died!
???: Well, you were wrong.
You: -you faint-
Me: -I shake you- ________, _________ are you all right?
You: X.X
Me: -I sigh and put an ice cube down your shirt-
You: Yeouch! What in the….
Me: Well that worked well.
You: -you're trying to fish the ice cube out of your shirt-
???: Uh… hello? You're supposed to be cowering in fear!
You: -you're not listening to the mystery person-
???: -Smacks the back of your head- Yo, _________! Are you listening?!
You: @.@ Whoa… pretty stars…
Me: -I sigh and go back to my work-
//meanwhile… back in your class…//
K-kun: I wonder where _________ is…
Go to Chapter 20.
Okay… there's your chappie. ^.^
K-kun: Review…
Myara: Or Hiei will…
Saylee: Rip out your organs…
Naniona: And force-feed them back to you!
Um… oh yeah. If you couldn't figure it out, K-kun=Kurama.
Saylee: She uses K-kun now because it doesn't show up as wrong on the word processor.