Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Advice...YYH style ❯ Jin ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Thank you to M-python-girl for her character and question ideas.
A/N to M-python-girl: Dear god!!!!! That is a lot of ideas! ^_^ I'm not going to be able to do all of them now (I have other advice questions to write for other shows/movies!), but you can bet that I'll dot the rest of them whenever I don't have any more ideas! Thank you soooo much! (Oh yeah, and I'm going to do my favorite of your suggestions this chapter. We'll see where we go from there!)

Dear SiriousB1,

I never thought that I'd be gay. In fact, I'm not too sure if I am. But I certainty feel gay. You see, there is this guy. He is young, still in school. I'd say about 14-years-old. I had this big fight with him in the Dark Tournaments. I really wanted to win, but I couldn't bring myself to use my full power on him! He was just too adorable to hurt! The problem is a lot of girls seem to swoon over me. I think it has something to do with my Irish accent (they tell me it makes me appear suave) and the fact that I can fly. You wouldn't believe how many girls run up to me saying that they'll do anything for me if I let them use my body for a few hours! I naturally turn all of these requests down, as I feel that I am stuck on this Urameshi. Is it wrong to have these feelings towards a human boy? Being a demon, I feel somewhat ashamed at my emotions, but they can't be helped. I also feel that, should I admit to being gay, all of the girls in my fan club will suddenly merge with Sisshy-wakumaru's! (Oh, shit! I can't spell his name, but you know who he is!) I don't want to date women (as this Urameshi has stolen my heart away) but I don't want to feel left out. Besides, if someone as ugly as him has a group of fangirls chasing him, why shouldn't I? What can I do?

Your Friend,
Possibly Gay Wind Master

Dear Possibly Gay,

Okay, let's just say for one minute that you are gay. It's not a bad thing! And just because he's human and you're a demon doesn't mean anything! Look at Kurama and me! *Realizes what she just said* Um...I mean, look at Kuwabara and Yukina! You don't see either of them complaining about different species mating! *Blink* Okay, that came out a bit weird...moving along! I think you should just go up to Urameshi and tell him how you feel. Even if he does reject you (which I'm sorry to say that he probably will; he's dating), at least you'll have let out the truth. You could also resort to stalking. It seems that everyone I know agrees with me in saying that stalkers have this weird aura around them that makes them incredibly sexy! And don't worry about any girls going over to Sisshy-wakamaru's (I don't know how to spell it either...) fan club. It ceases to dawn on me why anyone even as remotely ugly as him has a fan club in the first place. Trust me, you're accent is enough to get girls chasing you!


Um, about Urameshi being human. You really shouldn't worry about that because, well, he isn't!

Dear SiriousB1,

Like, oh my god! I am totally obsessed with Kurama and Hiei from the best show in the world: Yu-Yu-Hakusho! They are, like, sooooooooo incredibly sexy and hot! I would do anything do be with either of them! But, you know what I like more? I just love envisioning them, like, making out with each other! I mean, seriously?! Who doesn't get sweaty thinking about Kurama's tongue entering Hiei's mouth, ya' know? And, oh my god! Like, all of my friends think that they make the cutest couple, too! One of my friends (her name is Noroi) wrote this totally awesome story where they actually do it! It was so detailed; it amazed me! I mean, who doesn't want to read about Hiei's *beep* going into Kurama's *beep*? Oh, yeah, my question! Okay, Hiei is, like, totally spazzing out over this whole kamawohoru thing. What's his damage?

Random Yaoi Fangirl

Dear Random Yaoi Fangirl,

You're lucky this advice column is rated R or I'd have had to censor your little "story" more than I did. (I actually could have, but then no one would have any idea what you were talking about.) First of all: I'm cool with gay and lesbian stories. I know some gay people, and watching anime has actually made shounen-ai (guy and guy) and shoujo-ai (girl and girl) not bother me too much. I mean, one of my favorite mangas has a kind of shoujo-ai theme to it (Revolutionary Girl: Utena.) Not to mention the Isabella and George from the superb manga Paradise Kiss. (Okay, George is just bisexual, and him and Isabella, yes Isabella is a he, aren't gay together, but all the same!) And I have read some decent yaoi stories online; particularly some good ones with Kurama and Hiei. (You can find a few on my favorite stories list, and one of the author's on my favorite author's list has written a really good one!) I'm just telling you this so you don't think I'm an idiot who has no idea what it is that I am talking about. (Uh...wait!) But, you really didn't have to go into detail in your question! And, to answer your question and stop rambling about homosexuality, why are you asking me? How should I know why Hiei is complaining? Have you ever thought that he might be in love with someone else? Why don't you ask him? And why isn't Kurama complaining?!


Okay, did you know that your friends name (Noroi) is another word for "stupid" in Japanese? And (for all you people who are out there reading this and are too lazy to go find your online or regular Japanese dictionaries) kamawohoru means, "to have gay sex." Oh yeah, and if anyone reviews flaming me about yaoi or anything along those lines, I'm just going to ignore it, so don't bother. (Or, if you ignore my warning, I might be really mean and make it an actual advice question like I did with "pickle hating cat." You have been warned!)