Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ After the Fall ❯ Confusion ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter two-- Confusion

Hiei vaulted speedily among the massive trees within Mukuro's territory, his agility and skill unhampered by the pitch black darkness that surrounded him as he continued without rest, eager to return to his new home.

Home. The fire demon thought with a smirk. Finally a place where he belonged. With someone who truly cared for him.


The tall, female fire demon that ruled one third of Makai had taken him in, healing the devastating wounds inflicted upon him during the Makai tournament where the fate of the demon world was decided. And at first he was confused why someone with such immense power and influence would be interested in helping someone like him. A convicted felon with no ties to the demon world.


"Why did you save me? Why do you care?"

"Because I like you."

"You ... like me?" Hiei murmured incredulously.

With a cryptic smile that belied her unassuming features, the female demon, Mukuro gave him a nod and pulled him close to her.

Hiei had been shocked to say the least. Never had he felt the touch of a woman upon his skin. No one had ever dared try. And yet here was this strange woman with short orange hair and a cybernetic device over her right eye and head embracing him without fear.

He didn't know how to react to the sudden contact but Mukuro settled it for him, pulling away slowly and rising to her full height.

"I would like to train you in Makai. Make you heir of my territory. What do you say?"

Hiei looked up into her blue eyes, his face showing no emotion even as his heart beat against his compact chest. "Yes." He said with conviction, committing to her right then and there.


The fire demon smiled back at that memory. Mukuro had given him a purpose. And he was willing to learn everything she could teach him. So that when the time came for a successor to her territory, he would be ready to take her place. It was a lofty goal but well within his reach.

For all that she offered, Hiei was grateful. But years of a hard, violent life had robbed him of his gentler nature. He found himself unable to thank her with words. Instead he showed his appreciation through his actions. Doing all that she asked of him without question or complaint.

Hiei stopped suddenly, his eyes brightening as he caught sight of Mukuro's compound. The fire demon dropped to the ground, landing with a grace only he possessed. He walked purposely forward, halting his movement in front of the entryway when he heard a gruff voice shout out, "Who goes there?!"

"It's me you moron." Hiei countered loudly in disdain although a smirk graced his handsome face as the large metal gate opened.

No other sound met his ears as the fire demon passed through the gate unharmed though he could feel several pairs of eyes watching him intently. He made his way straight to his quarters, arriving a few minutes later. The small man pushed his door with gentle force, leaving it wide open as he sunk down into a chair beside a table beyond his small bed, kicking his feet up onto the round top before leaning back in his chair. Hiei closed his eyes and allowed his body to settle into his surroundings.

The fire demon remained this way for several minutes until he sensed someone approach. He forced an eye open, his gaze focused on the silhouette that hovered on the wall opposite him, a smile spreading on his lips.

"Did you enjoy your visit to the human world Hiei?"

The small man turned his head to the side. "It was tolerable." He replied, watching Mukuro advance within a foot of his space.

Her gaze remained unwavering as Hiei met her stare with a questioning one.


Mukuro smiled, walking past him to take a seat in the chair opposite of him. "I've missed you." She whispered softly.

Hiei's face flushed.

The female demon laughed. "You are so easy to tease." She cooed lightly.

Hiei frowned, recovering himself as he turned away from her. "Whatever." He murmured in mock indifference.

"So," Mukuro began, nonplused, leaning back in her chair, her arms crossed and her features impassive. "Did you enjoy visiting with your friends? I trust they are all well?"

"Hn." Hiei grunted. "My acquaintances were fine." He quipped. "Why do you ask?"

Mukuro shrugged, relaxing her features. "You seemed worried to me when you left."

Hiei closed his eyes. "As long as Kurama, Yusuke and that buffoon Kuwabara remain in the human world. There is no reason to be worried." He replied. As long as they are there, Yukina is safe from harm. He added mentally, no longer upset about his sibling deciding to remain in Ningenkai.

The female demon noticed the distant look in his features. Arching an orange eyebrow she asked, "Someone you care about is still there. Someone close to you?"

Hiei's eyelids snapped open as he whipped his head to her. "If I do that's my business, not yours." He said more harshly than he intended.

Mukuro took no offense, a concerned look flashing across her pale features. "What is troubling you Hiei? What happened?"

"We were being watched." He replied flatly, waiting to see her reaction.

Mukuro's features hardened and her posture stiffened. "When was this?"

Hiei smiled inwardly, touched by her concern but his face remained impassive. "While I was talking with Kurama."

"Were you able to find out who it was?"

The fire demon shook his head. "No but something felt odd about it. As if whoever was watching knew how to conceal their power."

Mukuro's eyes narrowed as she looked to the side, her features thoughtful. "What did Kurama say about it?"

Hiei snorted. "The kitsune was clue less. He was too preoccupied wallowing in depression over his feelings for Botan."

Mukuro's eyebrows shot up. "That blue haired ferry girl from Reikai?"

Hiei nodded, his face a picture of annoyance. "That crazy kitsune's heart is lost to that annoying woman. He wants her but instead of telling her he loves her he runs away from his feelings. The whole thing irritated me to no end."

Mukuro lips twitched but she remained somber. "And what did you say to him?"

"I told him to get over his fear and tell her the truth. He deserves to be happy and insane as it sounds she makes him happy." He replied curtly, twitching in his seat, uncomfortable talking about matters of the heart, especially in front of a woman he himself had strong feelings for.

Mukuro stared at him intently for a few seconds before breaking out into a fit of laughter.

A dark look crossed the small man's pale face. "What the hell is so funny?"

"I'm sorry," She sang through her laughter. "It's just sounds weird that you would be giving advice on matters of love."

Hiei growled, his blood pressure rising. "I'm so happy you're enjoying this at my expense but I assure you it's no laughing matter. " He said in a low, dangerous tone. "And I'm not a heartless monster, much as I try to pass myself off as one." He added softly, drawing Mukuro's attention back on his eyes.

Instantly, the female demon stopped laughing, tilting her head to the side as she studied him, a tender look in her eyes that Hiei suprisingly returned. "I know you're not." She whispered and this time it was Mukuro who broke eye contact first. "Do you think the fox will come to his senses?"

Hiei sighed, taking his feet off the table. "If he can get over his fear of her being harmed, then yes."

Mukuro turned back to Hiei. "Do you think she is in danger?"

At this the fire demon frowned. "Kurama thinks so. And after what occurred, he may have a point."

"Then perhaps you'll have to check up on him from time to time. See how he's doing."

Hiei crossed his arms. "The kitsune is a big boy. He can take care of himself."

Mukuro rose. "If you say so Hiei." She murmured as she walked past him, bending to give him a quick peck on the cheek before leaving the room. "Good night." She said over her shoulder.

Hiei placed his hand on his cheek, startled by the kiss. "Good night." He whispered as he watched her go. Confused but excited by her action as he rose to prepare for bed.


Kurama sped along the abandoned highway, the beam from his headlight slicing through the inky blackness that enveloped him. The steady humming of the bike's engine and the rush of the wind the only sounds that met his attuned ears. But the darkness of night could not conceal the distant look in his eyes, a look that betrayed the constant torment that was going on from within. For the fox spirit was lost. Lost in the words that Botan had whispered for his ears alone.

I promise to see you as soon as I can.

But when will that be Botan? When will I see you ? Will Koenma ever let you near me again?

Recently it seemed that Koenma was always monitoring Botan's whereabouts. As if he knew she was spending most of her free time visiting with the fox spirit. Kurama's face hardened at that thought. Why should I be so upset if he did know? It's not like Botan and I did anything. We just talked. Talked about our pasts and our plans for the future. Well, he added mentally with a smile, She did most of the talking but that's besides the point.

Kurama's brow furrowed. Because it's not his business how Botan and I spend our time together. I don't care if he is her boss. She is a living being with feelings, wants, desires. Not some piece of property to be controlled.

And that's what irritated him about this whole situation. The fact that the ferry girl had to sneak behind her boss's back just to visit him. Kurama had always respected the lord of the spirit world but he could never quite get over the way he treated Botan. As if she were a mere servant whose sole purpose was to fulfill his wishes and carrying out his demands. He hardly ever thanked her and constantly berated her for her any mix up that occurred. But the look Koenma had thrown at Kurama when he had caught the fox spirit's gaze lingering too long on the blue haired deity was so hostile and territorial that Kurama wondered if the toddler lord was jealous. Or perhaps I'm reading too much into it?

A sudden sound erupted outside of Kurama's mind, shattering his thoughts and dragging him back into reality. Twisting his head, the fox spirit tossed a quick glance over his shoulder, his face illuminated by a brilliant white light that nearly blinded him. Turning back around, Kurama clenched his eyes open and shut several times, trying vainly to remove the specks of white dots that swam around his field of vision.

His ears perked up at the unmistakable sound of a motorcycle engine roaring to the left of him. Whirling his head to the side his eyes narrowed, his gaze taking in every little detail of the rider. A tall but slender individual capped in a black helmet that concealed all facial features, with a body clothed head to toe in leather as black as the bike he, or possibly she, drove. As Kurama focused a little harder his features grew suspicious. No life signs. No energy. Nothing.

Who are you? What are you?

The mystery rider snapped his head to the side, as if hearing the fox spirit's thoughts. Instantly, the rider steered his bike hard towards Kurama forcing him into the other lane, the red haired man able to artfully dodge the move as he steered his bike back into it's original position. Again the rider steered towards Kurama and again he dodged the move. Kurama chanced a glance ahead of him, noticing the faint glow of the city's skyline coming into view.

The traffic will begin to pick up along this highway. Kurama thought worriedly. I must be on my guard. Whatever this game, I must win.

Kurama accelerated forward, topping out his speedometer at 160 mph. He looked behind him to find the dark rider gone. Hmph. the fox spirit thought with a smirk. Looks like I win this little game.

His smile faded as the black rider sped past him, shaking his head as if mocking the inadequacy of his motorcycle. What the hell is he up to?!

The biker slowed down, coming to ride beside him once again. Kurama let out a growl of frustration as his stalker began his little game once more, this time forcing the fox spirit all the way over into the opposing lane.

I'm not in the mood for this!

Kurama lifted his hand to the back of his head, about to pull out his signature rose when a blinding flash of light smacked into his face, the headlights of an oncoming semi disorientating him. With lightning fast reflexes borne from years of practice, the fox spirit veered to the left of the vehicle, barely missing being squashed into a pancake. He ignored the protesting sound and few choice words emanating from the big blue truck, his angered eyes set on the rider in black who gave a quick, condensending wave and sped forward.

Kurama set his jaw. Don't think you're going to get away that easy.

The fox spirit accelerated, keeping pace with the black rider who would glance back every now and again as if checking to make sure he was keeping up. Kurama's eyes remained focused, never letting the black bike out of his sight, even when the rider began to weave in and out of traffic, maintaining the same break neck speed that would have killed lesser riders. But Kurama was no slouch in the driving department as he kept tailing the offender with hardened eyes, maneuvering every bit as skillfully as his prey.

Traffic grew heavy as they reached the outskirts of the city. The risks to innocent bystanders were skyrocketing and part of Kurama wanted to stop the chase. But the other, more dominant part of his personality kicked in. I will not give up. I will find out who you are, even if it takes all night. His persistence was beginning to irritate his pursuant, who turned suddenly, crossing the median and driving into opposing traffic. Kurama didn't even blink, following head long into the fray, intent on settling the game.

The sounds of sirens filtered through the air, growing louder by the second.

Oh great! Just what I need! The police! Kurama's mind growled as he pushed forward, swinging around a white SUV and bringing himself just behind the black rider.

"Got you!" He cried, accelerating until the two were neck and neck.

The rider in black did not look over to him but instead gave a quick flick of his wrist.

The sense only lasted a second, but it was enough for Kurama to feel a rush of spiritual energy nearly equal to his own. The fox spirit flinched, his head flinging back reflexively, wincing in pain as his left cheek split open, a burst of red splashing onto his face, clashing with the paleness of his features as he veered off onto the sidewalk. The wound wasn't too deep but it was enough to distract him from his goal. In the few seconds it took to recover, he had lost track of his prey, his angry eyes searching the area as he maneuvered his bike back into the proper lane.

Where are you? He thought as he reached up to wipe away the blood that soaked his flesh. He looked down briefly at his reddened hand before whipping his head back up as the wailing of sirens grew louder. Kurama gave a quick glance over his shoulder before returning his focus in front of him, speeding off down the side road away from the noise, towards his home still some distance ahead. His gaze leery and his thoughts troubled. The fox spirit didn't know who or what he had been chasing but he was sure it didn't bode well.

Perhaps I should talk to the others. See if they experienced anything similar.

With a determined stare, Kurama continued forward, his mood dark as he pondered the reasons why someone had attacked him .


"Well that was an interesting little trip!" Koenma chirped happily as he strolled into his office, Botan close behind. The lord of Reikai reverted back to his toddler form, walking quickly over to his desk where a blue oni in tiger striped clothing stood patiently.

"It's good to see you back sir!"

Koenma looked up to his subservient and flashed him a look of irritation. "I was only gone for a few minutes Ogre." He said quickly, before focusing his brown eyes back on Botan who stood respectfully in front of him. "Now Botan there's something I need to speak to you about before you retire for the night." He paused looking over to the blue oni with narrowed eyes. "Alone Ogre if you please."

Ogre pouted but turned around and exited the office, mumbling incoherently.

Koenma watched him leave before turning back to the blue haired deity. "Now Botan, before I begin I just want you to know I don't blame you for what happened today."

Botan eyed him in confusion. "What are you talking about sir?"

The toddler lord leaned back in his chair, resting his tiny arms on the sides of his red seat. "That display you and Kurama engaged in of course." He replied, through the side of his pacifier.

Botan's eyes narrowed at his implication. "Kurama and I are just friends sir." She said frostily, not liking where the conversation was going. "He has always behaved like a gentleman towards me. Nothing more than that." I only wish it were more than that. She added mentally.

"Friends because of your actions not his." Koenma countered, his tiny brow furrowing in annoyance. "The way he looks at you is less than gentlemanly I assure you."

Botan's cheeks reddened but she laughed. "Oh, Koenma sir you must be seeing things. I never noticed him looking at me."

"That's because the kitsune does it when you're not paying attention!" Koenma yelled, startling Botan.

The ferry girl snapped back. "There's no need to shout! I'm perfectly able of hearing you from right here thank you very much!"

Koenma gave a "Hmph." as he crossed his arms. He shook his head, closing his eyes in thought. "I worry about you Botan. I don't want to see you get hurt."

"Hurt by what, by who? Kurama would never hurt me Koenma. He never has." Botan blurted out, covering her mouth reflexively as she realized how that sounded.

"What!" Koenma roared as he bolted onto his seat. "You and he ... You and he ..." He stammered, unable to bring himself to say it.

Botan scowled at him, her features reddening in shock and anger. "No we did not you little perv! And even if we did I don't see how it concerns you! It's my body not yours and I'll decide who I want to share it with!" She yelled defiantly, turning around and stalking off toward her room.

Koenma grabbed his chest in horror and tilted to the side, falling over the arm rest of his chair. His small head smacked into the ground. "Ouch." He managed to mumble as he lay there in shock and pain. This is bad! Very bad! the toddler lord thought as he closed his eyes to wait for the throbbing in his head to subside.


"Stupid jerk!" Botan growled under her breath as she entered her small quarters, slamming the powder blue door shut behind her. "What does he think Kurama and I are? A couple of hormonally deranged teenagers?!"

The ferry girl flopped onto her small bed, the beige down comforter conforming to her shape as she let out an aggravated sigh. What the hell is he afraid of anyway? I'm not his wife or his child. He can't tell me what to do! She thought defiantly until reasoning set in and she grew pensive. Or can he? What could he do to me if I chose to disobey him? Botan rose up out of bed and strolled over to the window, staring down at the rocky terrain that lined the bottom of Koenma's palace. The moonlight of Reikai shining down upon the landscape and streaming through her window, casting a bluish glow around the deity's features.

She let out another sigh, the atmosphere reminding her of the night after Yakumo's attack when Kurama had healed her wounds and Botan first felt something deeper and more intimate than friendship towards the fox spirit. Closing her eyes she thought back to that day, the memory still fresh in her mind.


The first thing she had felt was a never ending pain in her abdomen. A burning fire that raged endlessly. There was no comfort, no escape from the torment her body had gone through, being too weak to heal herself . No one could hear the silent screams that echoed within her head. She had not the strength to open her eyes, let alone speak out her need for help. But her sense of hearing remained intact and her mind cried out as she recognized the voices whispering low beside her.

Genkai! Kurama! Please help me!

"She's in terrible pain! That sick bastard Yakumo really did a number on her abdomen. The son of a bitch literally ripped her internal organs searching for that orb." Genkai raged quietly her voice drowned out suddenly by the unexpected sound of urgency emanating from Kurama's voice.

"Let me heal her Genkai. I'm the only one who can without causing any more harm."

"Are you sure you want to do this? Your wounds haven't completely healed. There are risks involved. Are you willing to sacrifice that much of your energy to help her?"

"Yes I am." Kurama said without hesitation and without fear. "Her wounds are more life threatening than mine. Trust me Genkai, I know exactly how to heal her. I am the only one who can."

Botan's breath caught in her throat. He cares that much for me? She wondered in astonishment. She had always held a strong physical attraction to the fox spirit but had always kept it hidden, believing he cared for her as only a friend and nothing more. But the tone of his voice compelled her to think otherwise. There was pain in his voice. She had heard it. He was suffering for her. Focusing every bit of her hearing, Botan waited to see what he would say next.

There was a slight pause then Genkai spoke. "Very well."

The blue haired deity heard the shuffling of feet and the opening and closing of a door and then silence.

And then she felt the touch of his hand. So soft and gentle as he brushed his finger tips against her forehead. Botan felt a pleasant shiver run up her spine, the pain of her wounds momentarily forgotten only to be followed by a wave of disappointment as he took his hand away.

"It will be all right Botan. I will help you." He whispered tenderly, almost reverently, into her ear.

Botan felt a sudden pressure on her abdomen followed by a warm sensation that seeped into the pit of her stomach, the inside of her body mending quickly and painlessly. All too soon it was over and the pressure was gone.

She heard a painful gasp and wondered what could be wrong with the kitsune. She willed her eyes closed and waited for him to say something, anything to her.

She stifled her voice as she felt his hand clasp onto hers as he whispered in a tone that made her heart jump excitedly, "Rest well sweet peony."

She felt him begin to pull away and in a desperate move to keep him with her a little while longer she gripped his hand and pulled him back towards her.

"Don't go." She whispered, opening her eyes to gaze up at his perplexed features. "Please."

Kurama studied her for a moment and the blue haired deity could have sworn there was a pained look in his eyes but it vanished, replaced by one of concern and acknowledgment of her plea.

"As you wish." He murmured breaking away slowly to collect a wooden chair from over in the far corner, picking it up with his right hand and walking slowly over to her bed.

Botan watched the fluid way his body moved and sighed. I could watch him all day. Her features of contentment turned to concern as she noticed his left hand clenching his side. And as he came to sit beside her, she gasped at the sight of blood flowing through his fingers and down his hand. "You're bleeding!" She cried sitting up to examine him closely, her eyes fixated on his side.

"It is nothing." Kurama said dismissively. "I've survived far worse than this believe me. Your wounds were in greater need of tending."

But Botan was not convinced. "What happened? Did Yakumo do that to you?"

Kurama shook his head. "No it was a different creature. Someone who manipulated my memories and used it to try and kill me. Needless to say he failed." He said softly, his voice tinged in sadness.

Botan swung her legs to the side. "I take it, it was a bad memory?"

Kurama said nothing at first as if debating whether or not to tell her. "The creature pretended to be an old friend, someone long since past away. An old partner of mine named Kuronue. He was my best friend. He died during a heist of the palace in Makai. I blamed myself for his death. I still do." He whispered finally, closing his eyes to hide the pain he felt.

"I'm sorry."

Kurama opened his eyes. "Don't be. It's in the past. There it shall remain. What's more important is you getting some rest." He replied rising up off the seat.

Botan sighed as she laid back down.

Kurama covered her up and brushed a few strands of blue hair away from her eyes. "You know you are a very brave person Botan."

She laughed. "Foolish is more like it. I should have known that the power of the orb was too much for my body to handle. I put everyone at risk with my behavior."

Kurama said nothing at first as he stared down into her face.

Botan clenched her fists, resisting the urge to reach out and trace the perfect contours of his jaw, instead she merely looked up at him expectantly.

"No Botan," He said finally. "What you did took great courage. Sacrificing yourself for the sake of the human world took more heart and guts than all our efforts put together. Don't ever sell yourself short." He added as he righted himself. "Good night Botan." He whispered as he moved towards the sliding door.

"Will you come by to check on me in the morning?"

Kurama stopped his progress and pivoted back to her. "If it pleases you." He replied softly but his emerald eyes betrayed no emotion.

"I would like that very much." She said, unable to keep the eagerness out of her voice.

"Good night Botan."

"Good night Kurama."


Botan opened her eyes. I wish Kurama was here with me now. I need someone to talk to. I need his guidance and his wisdom. Hell, I just need him.

But you can't have him. Her inner voice whispered. He is of the human world and you are not. Koenma won't allow it.

"Shut up!" Botan berated herself under her breath as she made her way over to her bed, pulling back the covers. She collapsed onto the mattress, letting out a long, slow sigh as she reached out with her right hand to tap off the small gold lamp that stood upon her white night stand, throwing the room into a state of moonlit darkness. She snuggled into the comforter and closed her eyes. The image of Kurama waltzing through her head as she fell into the arms of sleep.


Kurama crept to his room stealthily, his sensitive hearing focused for the slightest noise that was out of place, his body alert and his features ever watchful. He had managed to sneak into his house without arousing his mother, step father or step brother from their sleep. He took great care with his jacket and boots, placing them in their proper spots as he walked silently up the steps and into the carpeted hallway that ended at the foot of his bedroom door.

The fox spirit opened and shut his door slowly and quietly. Once inside he breathed a sigh of relief as he studied his room. Everything seemed to be in place. Kurama frowned, his features a mixture of confusion and sadness as he walked briskly into his bathroom and switched on the light. Staring at his reflection in the mirror, Kurama brought his left hand up, his finger tracing the open, raw wound that ran along the entirety of his left cheek.

Curious. He thought as a soft white light erupted from his index finger, the torn flesh healing instantly in response to his touch. The kitsune lowered his hand, turning on the faucet, checking the temperature of the water before cupping his hands and splashing the water onto his blood stained face, the once white sink turning pink from the now diluted blood that fell into the basin. Kurama shut off the faucet, grabbed a towel off the rack beside the shower, dried his face quickly then deposited the stained towel into the wicker hamper on the opposite side of the sink. He turned away from the sink and marched over to his bed, flopping onto his back as he stared up at the ceiling, resting his right arm over his forehead as his thoughts turned to what had occurred earlier in the evening.

Strange. It's been months since anything unusual has happened. There are patrols in Makai to keep humans from getting in and demons from getting out. So how did a creature like the one who attacked me get into the human world. Kurama wondered his face brightening in realization. Unless whoever it was came from this world rather than the demon one. The kitsune frowned. If that's true, I fear this is only the beginning. I must be on guard and I must tell Yusuke and the others as soon as I can.

Kurama tilted his head to his right, his troubled gaze settling on a pair of framed pictures that set just beyond the curved black lamp on his white student desk. One held the photo of the entire spirit detective team, dressed in costume for a festival, smiling and laughing as they enjoyed the brief respite from the dangerous assignments handed out to them by Koenma. The other held a smaller picture but no less endearing to the fox spirit's heart. For encased within the wooden frame two pairs of eyes stared back at him. One pair belonged to the kitsune himself, flashing the camera a rare smile. And the other. The other pair belonged to the blue haired deity, her eyes sparkling and her face so full of life, it broke Kurama's heart. It was as if Botan was there with him, at this very moment, calling out to him to relax and have fun.

"You are so reserved all the time." She would say.

"What other way is there to be?" He would ask.

"Allow me to show you." She would reply.

Kurama smiled. Botan would always say that to him. Her enthusiasm breaking down the walls he had built to keep people away. She gave him hope in the future. Faith in his humanity. The fox spirit closed his eyes suddenly, turning away from the picture.

I can't keep thinking like this. She is forbidden to me. She belongs in the spirit world while I must make my way in the human one. He scolded himself, his body growing weary by the second, screaming out for rest. But the fox spirit's thoughts wouldn't let him be. And yet I can't stop thinking about her. I can't forget the way she feels when I hold her in my arms. God help me I love her, but I can't tell her!

Kurama growled in frustration, as he reached over to shut off his lamp, and succumbed to the images that paraded in his head all the while unaware that he was being watched. But the eyes that studied him were far away, reading his mind and memorizing every little detail of his personal life for several minutes before taking off along the road, the black bike they rode blending into the darkness that had laid claim to the land.