Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ After the Fall ❯ Within A Rose, Lies the Promise of A Future Part 2 ( Chapter 24 )
Onto the story!
Chapter 24-- Within A Rose, Lies the Promise of A Future Part II.
Yoh stood in front of a small, two mail box system at the bottom of the stairs that led to his and Kurama's respective apartments, his right hand twisting the small silver key attached to a dog tag chain. Now unlocked, he curled his fingers around the edge of the tiny, beige colored door, pulling it open to reveal a small stack of white envelopes which the blond slowly retrieved with his left hand. His blue orbs focused downward, studying the stack in his hand with slight dismay.
And although he had more than enough funds to cover them, Yoh shook his head. Why do humans put up with such nuisances? He wondered, reaching up absently with his free hand to retract the key before sliding the chain back over his head.
"Excuse me," A soft feminine voice spoke to the young Reigen's right, drawing his attention immediately over to her. "Is this the Shinju apartment entrance?"
Yoh turned around, lifting his eyes away from his mail, his lips slightly parted to confirm her question only to gasp at the person standing before him. Botan? The blond thought in complete surprise, his grip loosening on his envelopes, sending them scattering to the floor.
The deity was dressed in a simple pair of light blue jeans, her pale blue short down jacket unzipped, revealing a pink cable knit sweater that hung loosely around her lithe frame, the collar of a white turtleneck wrapped around her slender neck.
"Uh .. .. " The blond murmured softly, casting his gaze downward, away from her smiling face. Good going, Yoh. He berated himself as he bent down to retrieve his mail. The first time you get to speak with the ferry girl and you sound like an idiot!
Yoh's eyes widened slightly as Botan's white tennis shoed feet suddenly entered his vision only to witness the blue haired beauty crouch down to help him.
"Here you go." She said in a cheerful voice, her hands outstretched, offering his envelopes back to him.
Yoh brought his gaze up to her, noting the happiness he could see upon her countenance. She must really look forward to seeing Kurama. The blond thought as he reached out and took the envelopes gently from the deity. "Thank you miss." He said softly, rising to his feet, Botan following his movement. "And yes. This is the Shinju apartment entrance." He added, sliding the back pack as black as his jeans off his right shoulder. Setting it down, he unzipped it, tucking the envelopes inside before zipping it closed once again and slinging it over his shoulder, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his buttoned blue varsity jacket. "Can I help you?" He asked in a friendly voice as he studied her.
Botan's features brightened considerably. "I'm looking for Ku .. uh Suuichi Minamino." She started then corrected herself, smiling to hide her near slip up. "Do you know if he's come back from basketball practice yet?"
Yoh nodded. "He just got back about five minutes ago." He answered, frowning suddenly. "Where are my manners," He said with shake of his head. "I'm Yoh Hajime." The blond said, giving her a slight bow of his head before bringing his gaze back up to the deity, eyeing her expectantly.
Botan caught on to his gaze and smiled. "Hello Yoh. My name is Botan." The deity said, her features remaining friendly as she added, "Suuichi has told me about you."
Yoh looked at her in surprise. "Did he really? That's cool," The young Reigen said. "Suuichi's told me about you too. And I must say the picture he has in his apartment pales in comparison to the real thing."
Botan blushed slightly. "Thank you." She said softly before asking. "How are your hands doing?"
Yoh pulled out his hands and held them up, white strips of cloth visible around the sight of his wounds. "Still healing I'm afraid." He said in a soft tone. "I was relegated to the sidelines during practice today. But that's okay. It was kind of fun to watch the others play, especially Suuichi. He's quite a strategic player." He added, noticing the deity beam at the praise he had given about her soul mate.
"He certainly is." The deity agreed. "Well, I better go upstairs then." She added, giving the blond a friendly nod. "It was nice meeting you Yoh."
Yoh watched the deity turn and begin up the wooden stairs. "Likewise." The Reigen said, letting out a sigh after the blue haired ferry girl had passed from view. Well, all in all that wasn't so bad. I just hope next time we meet I don't sound so stupid. He thought, his gaze lingering a little longer on the stairs, his features troubled. And I hope all goes well for them. He added, turning away. Yoh headed towards the glass door, twisting the knob and pushing outward, stepping out onto the sidewalk and turning right, marching briskly along towards the red canvassed roof several feet ahead, where the local ramen shop stood, for a light lunch.
Botan rapped softly on the white metallic door on the right side of the hallway, fully confident that it was Kurama's apartment she was standing in front of. She could feel his presence just beyond the walls, a loving smile reaching her lips as she saw the knob twist and the door open, revealing a casually dressed Kurama, a black rib knit turtleneck hugging his lean frame, the material tucked neatly inside a pair of light blue jeans. His black socked feet shifted slightly as he straightened his frame and beamed at her.
"Hello Botan." He said in a gentle tone, that made the deity's heart melt. "Come on in." He added, backing away slightly as he pulled the door open wider, allowing her entrance inside.
The deity nodded, stepping inside and to the left where a shoe mat lay while the kitsune closed the door. Her surprised amethyst eyes took in the surroundings, amazed at the amount of space the red head had in his apartment. The decor masculine yet tasteful at the same time. Just like Kurama. She thought with a soft smile.
Kurama studied the deity with lovelorn eyes, his anxiety brimming just below the surface, which he kept hidden from her, his voice even as he spoke, "You look nice today." He said, giving her a tender smile which Botan mimicked.
"You too." She replied, turning to face him. "Your apartment is nice. Nicer than most I think." She added, casting her eye again about the room settling her gaze on the picture resting atop Kurama's desk. "So that was the picture Yoh was talking about." She murmured.
"You spoke with Yoh?" Kurama asked, his voice full of surprise as he watched the deity return her attention to him.
"He was picking up his mail downstairs. He seemed very nice."
Kurama smiled. "He is." He replied, his features growing serious as he walked towards her. "So are you ready to go Botan?"
Botan nodded, the excitement she felt extending outward to his soul, making the kitsune beam at her.
Kurama grabbed the leather safari jacket hanging off the wood coat rack beside the door and slid it on before slipping on his white tennis shoes and quickly tying up the laces. He straightened his frame and opened the door. "After you."
Botan gave him another nod, exiting the apartment, Kurama right behind her.
Kurama pulled his motorcycle in the parking lot just outside the Okido gate that admitted entrance to the Shinjuku Gyoen, a 144 acre oasis within the borders of the largest city in the world. Over 20,000 trees of all varieties littered the massive landscape that was divided into three different styles, Japanese Traditional, English Landscape and French Formal. It was a park the kitsune was well familar with. It was his favorite out of the thousands spread across Tokyo and the most beautiful.
Kurama found a spot close to the paved walkway near the gate, pulling slowly into the parking space. He lowered his feet to the ground, balancing his vehicle as he knocked the kick stand down with his left foot before turning off the engine. He reached up in front of him, clasping then pulling the key out of the ignition. Tucking it into the right side pocket of his jacket, Kurama turned his head sideways, peering over his shoulder at the form of Botan cuddling against his back. "Botan?" He said softly, smirking when the deity didn't reply. "Botan?" He repeated in a firmer tone which caught her attention.
Botan lifted her head, her amethyst eyes staring sheepishly into the twinkling emerald ones of Kurama. "Sorry." She said, reluctantly releasing her tight hold around his waist before sliding off.
Kurama followed her, holding out his hand for her to take. "Shall we." He said with a smile.
Botan smiled back, clasping his hand into her own.
The two lovers walked slowly along the walkway, pausing as they stopped at the gate paying the small admittance fee before entering the park.
"This is certainly a beautiful place." Botan commented as the walked under the Sycamore trees that lined either side of the walkway, admiring the way the large yellow leaves ungulated in the wind that swirled around them. The deity shivered slightly in the breeze, drawn instinctively closer to the kitsune, her body seeking warmth.
Kurama smiled, releasing his hold upon her hand to wrap his arm around the deity's shoulders, pulling her closer to him as they continued onward. "It this better?" He asked softly, his smile becoming a masculine smirk as Botan snaked her arm around his waist and pulled him closer still.
"Mmm ... Much better." She cooed resting her head against his shoulder as they followed the signs that pointed straight ahead, the black hued kanji painted against a bright white background, announcing a Chrysanthemum Exhibition in the Japanese Traditional garden.
Several minutes passed, the deity and the kitsune enjoying the views of nature as they proceeded into the Japanese garden, noting the vast array of colors displayed under the various floral exhibits. There were mums arranged in a cascade style, the flowers literally flowing downward like a waterfall. There were enormous domed shaped displays in pale purples and yellows, hundreds of blossoms from one plant. Medium sized mums that produced 27 stems with one blossom each. And the Ichimonji mums, single large flowered varieties that look similar to the Japanese crest. So many flowers and all of them beautiful in Kurama's eyes.
The kitsune and the deity spoke little as they took in the displays, a few words of awe here and explanation about techniques there though both kept their hold on each other, neither willing to let go even as they became absorbed in the various styles and colors of the Chrysanthemums. An hour more passed within the confines of the garden before they headed back the way they came.
"I really like this place." Botan said softly as Kurama led her down the Sycamore pathway, her grip tightening around his waist. "Thank you for bringing me here."
Kurama smiled. "You're welcome." He replied, turning his head to the side. He leaned down slightly, brushing his lips softly against the deity's forehead. "I hope you're not too tired to continue?"
Botan sighed. "Of course not silly. I'm ready when ever you are." She said, pulling away from him after a quick tag on his shoulder. "You're it!" She cried, rushing forward at a speed that surprised the kitsune.
Kurama watched her go for a few seconds, giving her a head start before he took off after her, his Youko self enjoying the little game of catch me if you can.
Several minutes later, back on the motorcycle, Kurama directed his vehicle expertly around the heavy traffic that lined the streets of Shinjuku, his ever watchful eyes studying the left side of the highway, looking for a place to park. His eyes brightened as he found what he was looking for, zooming ahead and pulling quickly into the spot before anyone else could claim it.
Hopping off the bike, they walked forward, merging into the crowded sidewalk, blending in with the mass of shoppers converging into the merchandise districts up ahead.
The deity eyed the area in awe and delight. As many times as she'd been in Ningenkai, she had never really ventured into this section of Tokyo. Botan's eyes lit up suddenly, her voice filled with an almost child like excitement as she raised her left hand and asked, "Is that it Kurama?"
Kurama followed the direction of her pointed finger, noting that it was aimed at a massive square building divided into three sections a small distance ahead on their left. He gave the deity's hand within his own a gentle squeeze, letting her know she was correct. "That's it Botan," He began softly. "Takashimaya Times Square."
Botan grinned. "Let's go!" She cried excitedly, practically dragging a surprised Kurama along with her.
Well she is a woman after all. Kurama thought with a small smile. And most women love to shop. He added, chuckling at the deity's child like enthusiasm.
They entered the lobby a few moments later, the deity craning her head back as she took in the enormity of the interior. "Wow. There's so many levels." She murmured, casting her gaze over to Kurama who gave her a patient smile.
"So what are you interested in looking at Botan? Clothing, Jewelry, Music? You name it, this place has it."
Botan pondered these options for a moment before giving him an unsure smile. "Well, my ningen wardrobe could use a little sprucing up." She said softly, hoping Kurama didn't think her frivolous.
"Well," He began, pulling the deity gently with him towards the elevators on the opposite side of the lobby. "There are lots of clothing options for women on the third and fourth floors. So I guess we'll head there first."
Botan smiled, wrapping her free arm around the kitsune's right one as they waited for the elevator door to open.
Some distance behind them, near the entrance of the building, a pair of gray eyes watched. His thoughts as dark and black as the suit he wore. The malice undisguised upon his handsome features as he waited for the pair to disappear within the elevator before heading forward to wait for the next one.
Kurama sat patiently outside the dressing room doors, waiting for Botan to emerge with her ensembles. So far the deity had decided on a new pair of jeans, a purple dress shirt and a white sweater with a red Nordic design. The deity had one last outfit to try on and so Kurama watched and waited, becoming a little unnerved at the constant stares the women were throwing at him, some blatantly ogling him while others frowned.
They probably think I'm a pervert. The kitsune thought with a shake of his head. There was only one woman he was interested in. Only one woman he belonged to. I only wish she would hurry up. He added, eyeing the dressing room anxiously. He felt the deity coming closer and rose from his seat to ask her if she were ready only to fall back down at the lovely vision before him.
Botan emerged from the dressing room, a floral print dress snuggled against her frame, the material hugging every curve of her body, showing off her lithe figure.
Kurama couldn't help but stare, rendered speechless by her. He had never seen Botan wear anything as feminine as that before. Her clothing was for the most part tasteful but practical. Kurama didn't hold it against her. But now, seeing her like this, the kitsune couldn't form the words he wanted to say. Beautiful. He sighed inwardly, a lump forming in his throat as the deity approached and twirled around a few times for him.
"Well, what do you think?" She asked in a light tone, giggling as Kurama parted his lips to speak but no words came out.
"Um ... It's ... Um .." Kurama started then stopped, frowning at his inability to voice his approval.
Stupid boy! Stop ogling and tell her she's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen!
Kurama frowned, annoyed that Botan's appearance had aroused Youko's interest.
Go away. Kurama growled internally, nodding with satisfaction as Youko grew silent. Drawing in a breath, the kitsune calmed himself as he rose to his feet. "It's beautiful Botan." He managed to say in an even tone that countered the war drum of his heart.
Botan smiled happily, walking forward to give Kurama a quick peck on the lips. "Thank you!" She sang merrily before turning and heading back into the dressing room.
Kurama watched her go, still trying to slow down the erratic beat of his heart when his eyes suddenly narrowed at the voice that met his ears.
"Sitting around in the women's section for a cheap thrill Minamino?"
Kurama let out a sigh, turning to face the rather smug features of Ren. He studied the leaner man with hardened eyes. " I see your jaw is still working. Pity." He replied in a cool, indifferent tone that only made Ren's smile widen.
"Yes." The dark haired man began in a disdainful tone, pulling his hands out of his tailored black trench coat. "That sucker punch you threw was quite a powerful one but needless to say I'm a quick heal."
A thought suddenly popped up inside the kitsune's mind. A thought he didn't like one bit as he stepped forward, his body language threatening, his gaze never leaving Ren's as he asked, "Have you been following us?"
Ren raised an eyebrow. "Oh, is your pretty girlfriend with you?" He replied, shifting his gaze over to the dressing room. "Naked I hope." He added with a leer.
Kurama knew his game and tried not to rise to the bait but his protective nature got the better of him or perhaps it was his growing possessiveness that made him want to kill the man before him. "I'm only going to say this once," The kitsune growled, emerald shifting quickly to gold, fists clenched at his sides as he restrained his rage. "You stay away from her."
"What is she, a piece of property?" Ren countered, smirking at how emotional the red head was becoming. One of the strongest demons ever to exist, and a mere woman becomes his undoing. The gray eyed man thought in disdain. "And I go where I please." He added shifting his gaze past the kitsune's shoulder.
"Ku ..." Botan paused, frowning at her near slip as she corrected herself. "Suuichi? What's going on?" Botan's voice called out in a soft tone, drawing the kitsune's attention back on her, gold reverting back to emerald as he watched the deity come up beside him.
Before Kurama could answer, Ren spoke.
"Just a little friendly conversation we were having about you." The dark haired man said softly. "It seems Suuichi believes you are a piece of property controlled by him." He added with a fake smile. "I told him you were not."
Botan studied the handsome man in front of her. There was something familar about him. Something she couldn't put her finger on. As if she knew him. Her eyes shifted over to Kurama, frowning at the hostility flaring within his soul.
"You're a liar Ren." Kurama said in a surprisingly cold tone that shocked the deity. "Botan is not a piece of property but she is a part of me. So I suggest you move along and go find somebody else to harass."
Botan looked back to the smaller man. So this is Ren. She thought, her features darkening as she moved closer to Kurama as if to offer her support.
Ren gave a small laugh then shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever." He said flippantly, giving Botan a small wink and heading off before Kurama could react.
"Well that was strange." Botan murmured, reaching out to clasp Kurama's hand, hoping her presence would soothe the anger boiling within her beloved.
Kurama let out a sigh, comforted by her touch as the anger fled his heart. "I'm sorry about that Botan. I don't usually act like that but something about him irritates me."
"Do you think he was following us?"
Kurama turned to her. Yes. He wanted to say, but rather than trouble her he shook his head. "No. Merely a chance encounter, nothing more." He said in a reassuring tone as he gently squeezed her hand. "Are you ready to go upstairs to the IMAX theater?" He asked, changing the subject, hoping to draw her attention back on their date.
Botan nodded. "Just let me pay for my things." She said, turning back towards to the counter only to stop as Kurama held onto her.
"Let me." He offered, hoping she would let him but the deity shook her head.
"It's all right Kurama. I've been saving this money for a while now and since the only place I can spend it is in Ningenkai, now is as good a time as any."
Kurama frowned in disappointment but nodded, letting go of her hand. He understood her need for self reliance. To be beholden to none. That aspect of her personality greatly appealed to his Youko self. Freedom. He thought with a small sigh, as he watched the deity pay for her things.
Kurama offered to carry her bags which Botan readily accepted, the two of them riding the elevator to the twelfth floor where the IMAX theater was showing a film series on feudal Japan. Two hours later found them in the music store where Botan tested the various sample tracks.
"Oh, listen to this Kurama." Botan said softly, holding up the headphones so the kitsune could hear.
Kurama leaned towards her, his face brushing up against hers as they listened together.
It was a slow, melodic piece sung by a woman with incredible vocal range, the lyrics and instrumental background heart breaking in it's sadness. "Well that's kind of depressing." The kitsune commented, as he pulled slightly away from her.
"Well I think it's beautiful." Botan said with a slight pout that made Kurama chuckle.
"It is beautiful, but sad." He murmured as his eyes shifted down to the racks, studying the CD's. Found it. Kurama thought triumphantly as he reached out and retrieved the CD, his hand clasping around the deep blue cover as he pulled it towards him. "And since you like it, how can I deny not getting it for you." He added, holding it in front of him. "I'll be right back."
Botan watched him head to the sales counter, her eyes lighting in recognition at the featured CD cover a few feet down. Moving quickly over to the head phones, she slid them on and closed her eyes.
Kurama returned a few minutes later, a small white plastic bag in hand, his features twisting in surprise.
There stood the deity singing, and singing quite well, in Kurama's opinion, some song the kitsune had never heard before. Her body swung in time to a melody only she could her, oblivious to the crowd that had gathered around her. Eyes closed, she continued to sing. No sooner had she finished did a burst of applause erupt around her. The deity's eyelids snapped open, startled by the sudden noise. Glancing briefly around the throng of people, her eyes made contact with Kurama's twinkling ones.
Botan smiled shyly at the crowd, placing the headphones back on the rack as she reached out and clasped Kurama's hand, tugging him with her into a different aisle.
"You could have told me there were a bunch of people watching Kurama." She berated him lightly as she let go of his hand.
Kurama shook his head. True she was acting kind of silly but he liked that about her. "They were just admiring your talents. I can hardly blame them for that." He said with a smile.
Botan stared down at her feet, suddenly feeling very self conscious. "Do .. You admire my talents?"
Kurama stepped forward, reaching out to tilt her chin upwards so that there eyes now met. "I admire everything about you Botan." He whispered softly, leaning forward to kiss her lightly on the lips only to break away when another round of applause erupted around them.
Botan rested her forehead on the kitsune's chest, letting out an aggravated groan that was muffled by the dark material of Kurama's shirt while the red head sighed heavily.
"Come on." He said in mild exasperation as he wrapped his arm around the deity and led her forward and away from the whistling crowd.
Sometime later, after a stop at the Kinokuniya book store annexed to the Times Square building, Kurama and Botan exited the shopping center, the blackened sky free of clouds but the Neon lights of Tokyo made viewing the stars next to impossible. They walked hand in hand back to the kitsune's motorcycle, both carrying bags from their shopping excursion.
"Um .. Kurama?" Botan said softly.
"Where are we going to put these?" She asked, holding up her two bags.
Kurama smiled, stopping beside his bike. "Let me see those Botan." He replied, holding out his hands.
The deity placed the bags in his outstretched hands, watching to see what he would do.
Wordlessly, Kurama retrieved the key to his bike, unlocking the seat. Flipping it up, he pulled out the neatly folded clothing and maneuvered it expertly around the small storage space. He then tucked the CD and two books he had bought for his mate in-between the clothing before folding the bags and placing them on top. Pushing the seat back down he locked it, turning to face a surprised deity. "Ready for dinner?" He asked as Botan walked over to him.
"Starved." Botan replied, waiting for Kurama to slide onto his bike before getting on behind him. The kitsune started the motorcycle, pulling safely out into the nighttime traffic, heading towards the Park Hyatt Hotel where the kitsune had managed to finagle reservations at the New York Grill.
The two ate their meals slowly, enjoying the view of Tokyo from high above. The bright lights of the city absolutely breathtaking from the restaurant's panoramic view. Conversation revolved around the kitsune's upcoming basketball game and the training sessions the detectives were involved in.
It worried Botan greatly. Especially after seeing him hurt. "Are you sure there's no other way around this?" She asked, gazing at the red head with troubled eyes.
Kurama shook his head. "Until we know what were up against, I'm afraid it's the only thing we can do." He replied, lowering his fork on his now empty plate, turning his head to the side as he signaled the waiter for the bill.
"I understand." Botan said softly. Her mind accepted the fact he needed to build up his strength, but her heart refused to accept the rough and deadly means that came with such an increase.
Kurama felt the worry and tension escaping from his lover's heart. Reaching out, he rested his hand gently upon her own. "I'll be fine Botan. I promise." He whispered, caressing the back of her hand gently with his thumb.
His touch was comforting, the resolve and determination in his soul boosting her confidence in him once again. She smiled at him and nodded, accepting his words as the truth. Everything will be fine. He'll succeed no matter what. The deity thought as she reached out with her left hand and rested it atop his own.
"I've had a lovely time today Kurama." Botan said with a beatific smile as she entwined her fingers with the kitsune's, the pair walking across the hotel parking lot, his bike still some distance ahead of them.
"It was my pleasure Botan." Kurama replied, a contented smile upon his lips.
The two continued silently, neither willing to put into words what they knew would soon be spoken as they slipped onto the bike and took off once again.
Botan clung tightly to the kitsune, relishing what little time she had left with him. She didn't want to let go. Didn't want to leave him. But my staying will only complicate things. She countered, arguing with her mind which told her this is the way it must be and her heart who refused to believe it. So wrapped up was she in her internal struggle, that she failed to notice Kurama was not heading back towards his apartment but farther into the city. Where are we going? The deity wondered but said nothing, just held tightly to her mate and buried her face in his back.
Kurama found it hard to concentrate on the road, the closeness of Botan and the thoughts swirling in his head taking his focus away. His brow furrowed at the sudden nervousness that he felt. Everything was prepared, he had made sure yesterday. His idea was flawless he knew. But still ... He wondered. Was it too soon? What would she say? His stomach began to knot up at the possibility she might not accept. What would he do? How would he react?
He didn't have long to ponder these questions as the Kurigai Botanical Gardens came into view, the multistoried, glass encased facility still aflame in bright florescent lighting though the building was now closed. I guess it's now or never. Kurama thought as he pulled into the parking lot and shut off the engine.
He felt Botan shift behind him, frowning at the uncertainly in her voice.
"Why are we here Kurama?" Botan asked, studying the building before her with curious eyes.
Kurama reached down and rested his hands upon hers, his frown deepening as he noticed they were slightly shaky.
Botan noticed this as well. "Kurama? What's wrong?" She asked in a pained voice.
Kurama closed his eyes, mad at himself for upsetting her needlessly.
The kitsune opened his eyes, gathering his courage. "It's a surprise." He replied, slowly removing his hands from hers, waiting for the deity to slide off the bike before he did the same. Without a word, Kurama held out his hand, smiling as the deity accepted his offer. He led her around the corner to the back door, taking out the spare key to the building. He unlocked the door silently, pulling it towards him while ushering Botan to go ahead of him.
The deity complied, waiting as Kurama closed the door behind him.
"Kurama isn't this illegal?" Botan whispered in concern, her eyes darting about the corridor for some sign of security or personnel.
"It's all right Botan." Kurama replied, trying to calm her troubled heart when he couldn't even calm his own. "This key belongs to me. I can come here anytime I wish." He added, making a motion with his head, beckoning her forward.
Botan sighed but followed. She didn't understand the kitsune's suddenly sneaky and mysterious behavior. It reminded her of his Youko half. Well it is part of who he is, I just have to accept that. She chided herself as she walked beside Kurama, holding her tongue though she was dying to ask him what this was all about.
He led her wordlessly through a room full of wildflowers decked out in every color of the rainbow, then through a large room filled with tropical trees and foliage until at last they reached their destination.
"Kurama this is ..." Botan's voice started then trailed off, her amethyst orbs taking in the sight around her.
The room was filled with roses!
Nothing but roses of every shape, size and color imaginable.
"Beautiful isn't it?" He said, his lips pulled back in a contented smile as he fed the room with his energy, the roses coming alive, their petals obeying his silent command as they bloomed full open.
Botan just watched in awe, impressed with the kitsune's control over so many flowers at one time.
Satisfied at her response, Kurama reached out and gently took Botan's hand. Holding only her fingers, he urged her forward. "There's something I want you to see."
"What is it?" Botan asked, wondering how anything could possibly top what he had just done. Her eyes watched him curiously, trying to figure out what it was he was going to show her, only to gasp as Kurama moved to the side, revealing a small group of roses, their petals the same shade of blue as her hair. Never had she seen roses like this. "They're beautiful." She whispered, leaning down for a closer look. "What are they called?"
Kurama took a few seconds before replying, "I call them the Deity. Named after the woman who stole my heart." He whispered lovingly, watching her face closely for any sign of disapproval. His mind sighed in relief as Botan beamed at him.
"You created these?" She asked, returning her attention back on the flowers.
Kurama nodded. "And I've given them an extra feature." He said, trying to ignore the way his heart was beating, the anxiety that now plagued him, knowing the moment was at hand.
"What is it?" Botan asked, looking from the plants to him.
"Wave your hand over the center rose and you'll find out." He replied, watching her with excited yet nervous eyes as the deity followed his instruction.
Botan reached out, waving her hand slowly over the center rose, gasping in astonishment as the flower petals began to unfold, blooming in front of her eyes. Unbelievable! She thought, her features becoming puzzled. "What's that?" She murmured, leaning forward for a closer look. A cry of surprise escaped her lips as she slowly reached out and retrieved something from the rose's center. "Ku ... rama?" Botan stammered, words failing her as she held up a gold ring, a well crafted oval shaped diamond in the center. "Is this .. what I think this is? " She asked, looking up from the ring and into the beautiful eyes of the red haired detective. Eyes that spoke the truth of his heart. She didn't need to share a bond to know exactly what the kitsune was feeling at that moment. A love as deep and pure as hers was for him. A love that asked no questions and gave whenever and whatever asked. Oh Kurama. Botan thought, her eyes threatening to tear up as she waited for him to speak.
"It is." Kurama managed to say, wincing at how dry his throat no seemed. His heart beat soundly against his chest as he moved closer to the deity, unable to tear his gaze away from her beautiful countenance as he whispered in a voice full of love and longing. "Botan .. will you marry me?"
The deity's eyes filled with tears, but her voice seemed to have left her.
Kurama frowned, fear and uncertainty filling his heart as Botan suddenly turned away from him. "Botan?" He whispered, his saddened gaze dropping to the ground. The red head clenched his eyes shut, his stomach twisting into knots at the sudden lack of emotion he sensed from the deity. She had closed off her heart to him, the pain at not sharing in her emotions more hurtful than the heavy silence that filled the room. Oh God! He cried inwardly, his hands balling into fists at his sides.
He was angry.
Angry at himself for his forwardness.
I knew I should have waited! I should have ... The kitsune's thoughts were cut short as his ears picked up the sound of Botan's feet shuffling towards him. Eyelids fluttering open, Kurama brought his gaze upright, his eyes widening as Botan lunged towards him, pouncing onto him with a surprising show of strength that both intrigued and mollified the kitsune. The red head was knocked backwards onto the ground, his arms wrapping instinctively around the deity's waist as he pulled her down with him. His back smacked into polished stone surface of the rose room floor, his eyes closing briefly at the impact only to snap open as he felt Botan shift above him.
Puzzled emerald eyes stared up into the tear filled amethyst ones of Botan. "Botan?" He whispered, studying the deity with the most vulnerable look on his face. As if the next words she were to speak would literally create or shatter his world.
Botan held Kurama's gaze, her heart threatening to burst out of her chest. The way he looked at her made her want to cry. She had closed off her emotions from him, wanting to surprise him with her answer. But now, seeing him like this, the deity was unable to hold back her emotions any longer. "I will." She whispered in a tender tone, leaning forward until the tips of there noses touched and rested upon each other.
Kurama's features turned instantly from wounded to elated, a small gasp escaping his lips at the surge of emotion Botan unleashed upon him. "You ... will?" He said in a shaky voice that betrayed the love and longing that swirled within his heart as he continued to stare into the deity's eyes.
Botan nodded emphatically. "I want to be your wife Kurama." She sang in a loving voice, a small gasp of surprise escaping her lips as Kurama removed his hands from her waist and brought them up to her face, cupping the sides gently as leaned forward and began to shower her with kisses.
Botan giggled at his affection, enjoying the feel of his lips along the pale flesh of her countenance.
"Thank you my beloved. Thank you." He whispered over and over, his voice a mixture of relief and joy as he gave her a one last kiss on the tip of her nose before releasing his hold of her face, his voice giving way to a warm and tender smile while he gazed into the eyes of Botan once again.
Botan's giggling died down, her heart and her eyes noticing the emotions that surged from her husband to be. Her once twinkling gaze shifted into a predatory one as her eyes lingered upon Kurama's face and with a burst of emotion, the deity leaned downward and pressed her lips against the surprised kitsune's.
A bolt of electricity shot through Kurama, the kiss heady and full of promise. A promise that no matter what happened, Botan truly belonged to him. Him and him alone. The love and desire she felt towards the kitsune washed over him, cleansing any doubt he may have had about their relationship.
My deity.
All mine. Kurama thought possessively as his body began to overrun his reason. The kitsune lowered his arms, wrapping them around Botan's slender back, crushing her against him as he deepened the kiss, reveling in the contact of her against him as they fought for control of each other's lips and mouths until at last the need to breath overrode their expression of love and desire and they broke apart, both in need of air.
The deity drew in air greedily, her pupils still dilated at the desire she could feel in Kurama's heart and against her body. Oh my. She thought, blushing darkly at the close and somewhat intimate contact between them but did not move from her spot as she rested her the right side of her face against the kitsune's shoulder, her arms relaxing against his slightly heaving chest.
Kurama struggled to contain himself from the pleasant feel of the deity's body against his as he drew in several breaths, frowning as he realized just how affected he was. Oh dear. He thought. Perhaps I should have controlled myself a little better. The red head looked worriedly to his right where Botan rested her head against his shoulder, hoping he hadn't frightened her. The kitsune's brow relaxed, his once somber lips twisting into a masculine smirk.
Botan had not moved away from him. Did not reproach him for the way his body and his heart reacted and felt towards her. Quite the opposite actually. She seemed to be as absorbed in him as he was in her.
Still, as much as he wanted to express his love for her in a physical sense, he knew now was not the right time. Especially in a public place. He countered in his mind as he willed himself calm. "Botan?" He whispered in a soft tone as he reached up and stroked the back of the deity's head gently with the backs of his fingers.
"Mmm ... " Was all Botan managed to slip past her lips, as she nestled into the red head's chest, smiling as a soft rumble erupted within Kurama's torso.
Kurama let out a small chuckle, amused at the contented sounds the deity made. "We should be going," He murmured softly. "Unless you want to be caught in a compromising position by the custodians that work here?" He added in a teasing tone that brought an immediate response from the deity.
Botan's eyes snapped open. "What?" She said in trepidation and shock, raising her head off his shoulder. "You mean to tell me we're not alone in this building?!" She exclaimed, her eyes darting about the room only to bring themselves back upon Kurama who released his hold from her, trying hard not to laugh at the sudden sense of guilt and panic that filled the deity.
"That is correct." Kurama replied, watching as the deity bolted upright and quickly began to straighten her sweater and hair before rising to his feet as well.
Botan eyed Kurama warily, her features twisted in annoyance. "Why didn't you tell me this before you got up close and personal with me." She growled, her features darkening at the mischievous twinkle that danced within her mate's emerald orbs.
"Au contraire mon ange," Kurama spoke in an even tone that belied his amused features. "You were the one who pounced on me."
Botan's features remained irritated though the tone of her voice changed, becoming more teasing than angry. "Funny, I don't remember you lodging a protest," The deity replied with a sly smile. "You seemed quite a willing participant to me."
Kurama let out a chuckle. "I never denied I was." He countered, his features growing serious as he closed the small gap between them.
Botan watched him with puzzled eyes. What is he planning now? She wondered only to bring her gaze downward as the kitsune reached out with his left hand and gently unwound the clenched fingers of the deity's left hand. With his left hand still a hold of the deity's, Kurama reached out with his right one and retrieved the ring slowly from her now open palm.
"Let me give this to you properly." He whispered, turning the deity's hand around before slipping the engagement ring on the appropriate finger. Dropping his hands back to his sides, the kitsune backed away slightly and studied the woman before him with tender eyes.
Botan studied the ring more closely, noting it fit perfectly on her. "It truly is beautiful Kurama." She whispered, bringing her gaze up once more, her heart fluttering at the intense look the kitsune displayed. The strength of his devotion and love warming the very core of her soul. He truly loved her more than life itself. And she him.
Kurama said nothing, just continued to bask in the warmth of the deity's love and joy.
So they remained for several seconds until at last reason kicked in and Kurama became his logical self once more. "Shall we go then?" He asked softly, as he held out his hand for her to take.
Botan looked away from her beloved's face to his outstretched hand. "Where are we going to?" She asked as she reached out and entwined her hand with his own.
"Home." Kurama replied, pulling her gently towards him, the two walking towards the exit hand and hand.
Botan smiled. Home. She thought with a wistful sigh. Even it was only the weekend, Botan would be spending it with Kurama, her mate and her future husband. I only wish it could be longer. She added, her features darkening briefly before relaxing as her mind pondered what would happen next between them. What ever questions she had, the deity was certain in the knowledge that their lives would forever change. For better or worse, she didn't know.
But whatever happens, it will be our future. Botan thought, smiling tenderly as Kurama led her back towards the building entrance. Our future. She repeated mentally, unaware that someone was outside, plotting to destroy their world. And all within it.
Soon Kurama. Ren thought, his fists clenched tightly in anger as he straightened his frame above the glass dome that covered the Rose room. His blood boiled at the injustice of it all. At the past that had robbed him of his ancestors happiness. And yet they are allowed to continue in this?! He growled inwardly, his features twisted into malicious glee as he thought of what was soon to come. I will show you what happens when a Reigen and a demon fall in love. He vowed as his gray eyes followed the retreating forms of the deity and the kitsune. Then you will understand the true meaning of pain and suffering. He snarled mentally, before disappearing into the darkness that fed his soul.
Okay, so there wasn't anything too drastic or bad at the end. I kind of tinkered around with the ending and decided rather than continue on to the next logical point, I'd cut it off here. I can't even really say what is going to happen in the next chapter but I will continue with the situation between Kurama and Botan at the beginning and most likely I will delve into the villains roles a little more. And also about what is going on in Reikai as Koenma pays Torandai a visit. Of course expect a few surprises from Kagone as well. So drop a few lines. Sessha wants to know if you liked or disliked this chapter.
Also, for those K/B fans that love pictures of our fav couple, type in this direct link to a wedding picture of the two lovebirds at
Now this pic is off a Japanese web site so don't get freaked out when you see all the strange symbols (unless of course you choose to download the Japanese dialect in which the symbols become kanji but you don't need that in order to view the pic!)