Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Anime Anarchy- Book 1 ❯ And the Moral of the Story Is… ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Anime Anarchy- Book 1- Chapter 2: "And the Moral of the Story Is…"

By Ash (kb_girl3) and Matoko Shizaki

Disclaimer: FUNimation owns itself and Yu Yu Hakusho. Matoko Shizaki, 2002, copyrights Matoko, Jin, and Chaos. Mei is copyrighted by Ash, 2002. Matoko owns Mr. Komoda, Mr. Okoyama, Mr. Fujisawa, and Dr. Abate too. Please note that they are fictional characters and not the really representatives for their companies.

Notes: For once, these vociferous writers don't have anything to say… Oh well, let's get started!


An alarm went off in the background as Mei sleepily rubbed her eyes. "Mei, turn that thing off!" Matoko yelled from under her futon. "Come on Matoko. We really do have to get up. I mean, I know it's still summer back home but we have to follow the schedule here in the anime world!" "I know, but five more minutes." Matoko moaned rolling over. Mei ripped the futon off of the sleeping blond. "We can't be like Yusuke you know!" "Hey! I heard that!" Yusuke screamed from the next room. Matoko sat up realizing that her futon was gone. "We better watch what we say, especially around the guys." Matoko said sweat dropping. "Yeah, I kind of found that out." Mei replied.

The girls straightened out their sleeping quarters and began putting on their school uniforms. "I seriously don't know how Keiko or any of the other girls can stand these things!" Matoko whined. "Yeah, I mean, perverted boys can easily look up out skirts." Mei grinned evilly and stuck her head out the door. She made sure to yell, "Yusuke's really good at that!" extra loud. "Hey! Shut up!" Yusuke yelled again. Both girls burst out laughing. "We should stop. He might kick us out." Matoko commented. "Calm down, I did it on purpose. Anyways, that would give us an excuse to stay with Kuwabara." Mei replied tucking the anime hopper pass into her blouse and out of sight. "Good idea." Matoko said putting her pass in her pocket.

Silence… no one spoke while the girls continued dress. It was quite unusual that they were quiet but then again, the girls were unpredictable. The place was strange to them… but it was better than living in the orphanage. The only sounds in the house were Yusuke cussing as he got ready and Atsuko in the kitchen making breakfast. "Hey, Matoko." "Yeah?" Matoko replied putting on her skirt. "When you said we were no match for Yukina, did you really mean it? I know I'm not the best looking person but do you think I at least look good? I mean, maybe I can find a way to look better." Mei said, tears welling up in her large purple eyes. "No. Calm down! Actually, I think you're a lot better looking then she is. She short… Anyways, we can't really alter the anime universe." Sparkles replaced the tears in Mei's eyes and she sniffed. "You really think so? Thanks! But, haven't we already altered the system with that odd virus? Anyway, I never really thought that Yukina cared that much about him. But, if she makes him happy, that's all that matters." "Yeah, I hear you. But," Matoko struck a cute schoolgirl kind of pose. "We'd make much better girlfriends!" Mei laughed.

"You know what, you're right! Well, I don't want to be late like yesterday." Mei replied while getting to her feet. "Sure thing! Akashi-sensei wasn't so happy about us being late yesterday." Mei frowned as her brow crinkled in anger. "God I hate that man! That Akashi just pisses me off!!!!" "Mei, calm down. You sound like Yusuke." Yusuke passed by the open door on his way to the kitchen. "I heard that…" he muttered but the girls didn't take notice. "What, don't you remember the episode where Kuwabara couldn't fight for a week? I mean, that's one of my favorites! He was so cool…" Mei got that glazed over romantic look again. "I have to agree with you on that one. He like to torture kids. We should try to be on time though." Mei nodded and put the last of her hair clips in as Matoko sat down her hairbrush.

"You should really grow this out." Matoko muttered while fingering the ends of Mei's short blue locks. "Hey, at least mine doesn't make me look like a blond Kurama!" Matoko turn pale. "Come on! I can't help that I look this way!" she wailed. "Just kidding, come on Matoko."

They ventured out into the kitchen, quickly grabbed a piece of toast, and ran to the door. Right as Mei reached to open the sliding door, they heard a voice. "What is it, pick on Yusuke day? I mean I thought you guys liked Yu Yu Hakusho." The girls turned around smiling so much that Yusuke sweat dropped and couldn't help but feel he was about to eat his own words. "We do…" they began. "But we especially like Kuwabara!" They continued with a giggle. Yusuke face faulted and then recovered. "What have you guys been smoking?" Yusuke asked, his eyebrow twitching. "You better watch what you say." Mei said crossly while her hands began to turn purple. "Whoa! Sorry, all I meant was, why in hell do you like him?" Matoko scowled. "He's awesome. We think you're cool too." Mei smiled, back to her cheery self. "Yeah! We just hate Hiei and Kurama." "I wouldn't go around announcing that. That shrimp can cut either of you in half in an instant." "He would have to keep up with me first…" Mei muttered. Matoko elbowed her in the side. "What did you say?" "Oh nothing!" Matoko laughed as she clasped her hand over Mei's mouth. "She's just a little tired today." Mei glared at Matoko and the blond sweat dropped.

People crowded the sidewalk as the girls made their way towards Sariaski Jr. High. Neither spoke, another thing that was very odd for the brash girls. "Hey you guys!" Yusuke and Kuwabara caught up to them from behind. "Hi." Both girls said cheerily with big smiles. "Wow, you guys don't look so good. Are you okay?" Kuwabara asked raising one eyebrow. The fan girls couldn't hold it in any longer. They latched onto Kuwabara tightly. "Oh Kuwabara! I didn't know you cared!" Matoko laughed with a smile. "Yeah, that's so sweet of you!" Mei added. Kuwabara sweat dropped and Yusuke had to bite his lip to keep from laughing. "Wait a second…" Mei muttered, her purple eyes getting bigger. "What is it Mei?" Matoko asked turning to look at her friend. "What happened to Jin and Chaos, those perverts? I hope they aren't skipping." "There no chance in hell that you'll be able to get up to Genkai's, bring them with you, and come back to school on time." Yusuke said. "Can I show him Matoko, huh, huh, huh?" Mei jumped around happily. Matoko sighed. "Sure, they'd find out soon anyway." Kuwabara released himself of the two girls. "Find out what?" Mei disappeared in a blue blur only to return a few minutes later dragging Jin by his wrist and Chaos from his ponytail. The boys' hair sprung out at weird angles and Matoko muttered to Yusuke, "I think that's what they call whip lash." Mei let go off the boys and Chaos fell to the pavement on his back. "Are you dudes okay?" Kuwabara asked looking over the boys' soiled school uniforms and messed up appearance. "No!" Jin cried rubbing his sore butt. "The old lady is mad! We had to sleep in a snake pit." Chaos cried. Yusuke snickered and urged them to continue. "Yeah, and then we had to get up at the freaking crack of dawn to work!" Jin said. "I guess I'm not the only one that hag like to torture." Yusuke commented with a laugh. "I knew I'd like Genkai." Matoko announced.

The last bell rang at the middle school and student streamed out heading for the bus stop. "God damn it! I can see why you guys complain about this school." Mei whined. "That's brutal." Yusuke nodded as if to say, "I told you so." "We live through it." The raven-haired boy said. "It isn't that easy…" Kuwabara was cut off as Matoko ran past the group. "Help me!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. The blond darted through the crowd only to be followed by a stream of people. "Guess she has a fan club now…" Mei said. "Reminds you of Kurama, huh?" Chaos starred as Matoko disappeared. "Man, I knew she was hot but this is crazy!" Chaos yelled sweat dropping.

Mei turned from the group upon hearing a voice. "Psst! Mei, help me!" Matoko stuck her head out of the bushes. "What, can't stand the attention?" Mei asked sarcastically. "Just get me out of here!" Matoko cried. "Hang on." Mei grabbed Matoko hand and jerked her forward. Mei caught up to the others on the sidewalk and stopped to release the exhausted Matoko. "What, can't handle a public life super star?" Yusuke retorted. The blond girl growled and shoved her face near to Yusuke's. "Those are fighting words you little momma's boy!" They looked as if any second they'd bite each other's faces off when Mei intervened. "Chill out! We have enough problems as it is! Where are we going anyway?" "To Genkai's temple." Kuwabara replied. His eyes turned into hearts as he stated, "Yukina's there…" Mei gagged and Matoko put her hands on her hips. "That's our job! To be worshiping you!" Kuwabara ignored the girls and practically skipped all the way to Genkai's.

When the group arrived, Kurama, Hiei, Yukina, Botan, and Genkai sat on the porch. "Oh great…" Mei whispered to Matoko who was standing next to her. "The shrimp and the girl…" Matoko choked back a laugh and looked straighten ahead. Kuwabara was talking with Yukina. "Idiots, what are they doing here? They don't belong." Matoko growled and turned bright red. "Don't call Kuwabara and Yusuke idiots and who says we don't belong! That's a lot coming from someone who's two feet tall!" Matoko shouted. Hiei reached for his katana but Genkai stopped him. "These are friends Hiei. They're here to help us with the demons. Relax and listen to what they have to say." Genkai exclaimed. "Hn, why should we trust them? They could be our enemies. Trust two dumb ningens to pull something like this." Kuwabara looked up and narrowed his eyes at Hiei. "Hey!" Kurama watched intently as Mei butted in. "Believe me, I can prove that we're what she says! I have some good stuff of you and the girl also." Mei commented while motioning to Kurama. Kurama just starred, keeping as calm and serine as possible.

Botan frowned. "C'mon lets all be friends!" Botan said cheerily. Mei crossed her arms and muttered, "Friends my ass…" so quietly that no one noticed. "How about we all go out to dinner and have some fun shopping tonight!" Keiko, who had been silently standing at Yusuke's side, smiled. "What a great idea! Yukina, Botan, Kitsune, Sari! You can get ready at my house! It'll be fun!" Yukina clapped her hands. "What a good idea!" "Uh, can call me Matoko and this is Mei. Kitsune and Sari are just cover up names." Botan nodded. "Oh and I'm Jin and this is Chaos!" Jin added. Keiko led the girls down the path and toward her house. "Then I guess we'll see you boys later!" Kuwabara waved goodbye to Yukina and turned around. Kurama stood up. "Trust Botan to make this sound like a group date!" Yusuke added with a scowl. Kurama watched as Matoko and Mei briefly turned around to look back at the boys. "Who know? This might be interesting…"

Mei rummaged through the bag of clothes that she had just bought and pulled out a long denim skirt. "This looks good, don't you think Matoko?" Matoko, who had just finished safety pinning her new overalls' pant legs back on at the knees, looked up and smiled. "That looks good." Yukina came out of the bathroom, her hair put up in hair chopsticks by Botan. "That looks lovely Yukina!" Botan said with a smile. Yukina blushed and buttoned up her short sleeve blouse. "Thank you." Botan was dressed in flares and a lacy gypsy style shirt with a black leather belt. Keiko immerged from her closet wearing a red skirt that reached her knees. She had on a tank top and a sweater on over it. Yukina had on jeans and a short sleeve blouse. Mei finished changing into her long denim skirt, platform sandals, and girl's muscle tee. Matoko was admiring her silver top, semi- cut up overalls, and fire sneakers in the mirror. "Wow, this is going to be so much fun!" Keiko commented. Matoko nodded. "I need a different shirt though." The girls nodded and went to work changing what they were wearing until it would suit their needs.

The boys stood down at the Yukimura's back door. "Hey, Chaos, Jin, why don't you go around to the front door and see if the girls are ready." Kurama suggested. Chaos nodded and pulled Jin around the other side of the house. Kuwabara sweat dropped. "Why do I have a feeling they're up to something?" Hiei grunted. "Idiots think alike." Kuwabara seized the demon but the collar of the shirt that he was borrowing from Kurama. "What was that shrimp?"

Chaos pulled Jin up into the tree next to him. "What the hell are you doing Chaos?" Jin asked while brushing the bark off of his jeans. Chaos smiled. "We're going to watch the girls dressing." Jin blushed. "What?" Chaos smiled and inched along the branch closer to the bedroom window. "You heard me." "Wait! I want to see too!" Jin said lunging at Chaos. The boys fought for a little while until the curtains opened. Botan had opened the curtains but turned around, not even noticing the two perverts in the tree. Jin still had Chaos's ponytail clutched in his hand as he watched. "So, how do this look?" The boys heard Yukina say. Both boys went red, Jin acting shyer than his partner. Chaos starred happily as the girls moved around inside the room, wearing nothing but their underwear and bras. Suddenly there was a scream that ended the boys' pleasure. "Damn! They saw us!" Jin cried. Mei ran to the window and opened just in time to fire a purple blast that sent Jin and Chaos flying out of the tree and onto the ground below. "Nice shot Mei." Keiko said. Mei blew the smoke away from her hand. "Thanks."

Mr. Yukimura looked up from his paper and Mrs. Yukimura looked up from her tea. "What was that crash dear?" Mrs. Yukimura asked nervously. Her husband rustled the paper. "I'm sure it's nothing."

Jin and Chaos lay on their backs looking up at Kuwabara and Yusuke who were standing over them. "You know, you shouldn't have been watching the girls dress." Kuwabara said. "Yeah!" Yusuke said angrily. "That's my job!" Kuwabara face faulted, landing next to Jin and Chaos on the ground. Kurama sweat dropped and Hiei shook his head. "What dumb ningens. I thought they learned their lesson when those girls blew them up before." Hiei said.

Jin and Chaos rubbed the huge red slap marks on their cheeks and followed as the group disappeared into a karaoke bar. Yusuke paid at the front desk and everyone filed into a huge booth complete with seats and a stage. Botan broke the silence. "Who wants to go first?" Mei and Matoko jumped up and down spastically. "We will!" Mei cried. They took the stage and chose a song from the menu. On the TV screen behind them, it projected the picture of them on stage, this time with a background.

After singing "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun", Mei and Matoko took their seats again. "Nice. But we can do better." Jin bragged. Chaos nodded and the two boys took the stage. The screen lit up adding a fire background to their picture. "It's getting hot in here!" Jin sung. "So take off all your…" Chaos continued but was knocked off the stage by a forceful kick from Matoko. "You sick perverts!" Jin and Chaos landed in a heap and stayed there as the others took their turns.

It was late when the group immerged from the booth and left. The full moon shone bright over them as everyone took a seat near the docks. Kurama and Botan sat on one bench, Kuwabara and Yukina on another, then Yusuke and Keiko, Jin and Mei, and Matoko and Chaos. Jin swallowed hard and tried not to blush. `Man! I should just kiss her already!' Jin thought. Mei starred out at the moon, blushing just as badly as Jin. `Maybe he won't yell at me if I kiss him…' Mei thought. Suddenly, they both turned to each other, their lips locking for just a moment. They broke away from each other, blushing even more furiously than before.

Chaos watched from the next bench. `Oh man! Jin you are a genius!' Chaos got that kind of glazed over romantic look again and grabbed Matoko. "What the hell…!" Chaos shut Matoko up my kissing her. Matoko moaned under the kiss and then, after a few second, pushed Chaos off of the bench. "You perv!" Chaos landed on his butt, blushing and smiling. "You have no shame!" Matoko cried kicking him hard in the side. "OW! DAMN YOU! THAT HURTS!" "DAMN RIGHT IT HURTS!" Botan looked over. "Aw, I think they're flirting!"

Matoko shut off the light in the bedroom and crawled under her futon. Mei sat up and looked at her with a smile. "So, how do you like you're new boyfriend?" she asked slyly. "I could ask the same from you!" Matoko retorted. Mei blushed. "Well, I think he's cool. It's amazing how your opinion of a guy can change in one day." Matoko grunted and rolled over as Mei lay back down again. Matoko blushed under her futon. "Well, he is a great kisser…" she muttered with a girlish smile.


Lol! That was fun and long. Anyways, flames and comments are accepted at either dbzgirl3@yahoo.com (Ash's s/n) or crazedpunkwashu@aol.com (Matoko's s/n).