Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Backstage blues ❯ First day ( Chapter 2 )
Chapter 2: the rehearsal
I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho - _ -
`'Um dose he normally do that?'' asked Reureann. `'No, he's only doing that because he likes you'' replied Shizuru. ``Oh'' she said blushing. `'So Reureann, do you have any experience?'' asked Hiei. She nodded. Ever sense grade school I haven't had many friends because any one who picked a fight with me almost died'' she replied.
`'Well in that case, you wanna verse me?'' asked Kuwabara getting up. `'Um I don't think I should-`' started Reureann. `'Oh come on Reureann please'' pleaded Kieko. `'Yeah, unless you're chicken, or are you going to be a natural born bicth and make an excuse like I broke a nail?'' chuckled Kuwabara.
Reureann's eyes went narrow. `'Alright, if you want to insult me, you're going to have to show me your worthy'' she said handing her staff to Botan. `'Kuwabara, I don't think this is a very g-`' started Kurama but was stopped by Kuwabara. `'Come on Kurama chill the fuck out! As far as I'm concerned the only thing you need to worry about is getting blood on your cloths'' said Kuwabara.
`'Don't bother Kurama. You know Kuwabara, he always picks a fight with every body'' said Yusuke. `'He has a point Kurama. If the boy gets bicth slapped that's not our problem'' said Koenma. `'Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" yelled Kuwabara. `'Shut up and fight'' she yelled back.
`'Fine bicth! YAAAAAAAHHHHHHH''! Shouted Kuwabara as he began running towards her. But before he could punch her, she dodged it and disappeared. `'Hey, where'd she go?'' asked Kuwabara looking around dumbfounded. Then he looked up to see Reureann plunging down fast. `'AHH''! he screamed because he was to stunned to block. `'You'll regret addressing a woman as me as such''! She screamed as she kicked him in the back. He winced in pain as he was practically buried into the ground. She flipped gracefully as she hit the ground standing.
The girls were screaming. `'Oh my god Reureann! You were terrific!'' shouted Botan. `'Way ta show him''! Complemented Shizuru. `'Yeah that was cool''! Agreed Kieko. `'She's very good'' said Hiei. `'I agree, she almost killed him in one blow'' agreed Kurama. Yusuke was helping Kuwabara out of the ground. `'Uh hey buddy you ok?'' asked Yusuke. No response. Yusuke turned him over to revile a very bruised Kuwabara. `'Hey how many fingers am I holding up?'' asked Yusuke putting three fingers in Kuwabara's face.
`'79?'' he asked. Yusuke let out a long side. `'I hate to tell you this buddy but a GIRL beat you'' said Yusuke helping him back to his seat. `'Well it's only because she got a lucky kick'' said Kuwabara weakly. `'I've knocked him scencless'' Reureann said looking at the boy. `'Yeah but he deserved it'' said Koenma.
Just then a knock came at the lounge door. `'Urameshi, we need you, Botan, Kieko, and the other 4 fighters on the set'' said a voice from the other side. `'Can do'' he replied as he and the cast embers stood up.
`'Ok Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Keiko on the set now'' said the Director. Every one got in their places. `'Ok The 4 saint beast, Yusuke returns take 1''! shouted the director. crack*
``So how was Genkia's training''? asked Kuwabara. Yusuke and him were sitting down on a bench in a make believe park while Kieko was getting them milkshakes. `'Well lets just say I'm gonna have nightmares for the next 4 years!'' exclaimed Yusuke.
`'Oh come on it wasn't that bad'' sated Kuwabara. `'Ok'' said Yusuke as he began to say the torturous flash backs to Kuwabara. `'And I had to sleep with snakes for 3 nights'' continued Yusuke. `'Ok you can stop now''! shouted Kuwabara freaked out. `'Of coarse you have no idea what the hag put me through'' said Yusuke. `'Put you through what?'' asked Kieko as she came over top the boys. `'Uh nothing! I was just saying that we should go to a movie right Kuwabara?'' asked Yusuke nudging his friend.
`'Uh yeah movies I like them'' agreed Kuwabara. `'Ok well I know a perfect one we can see'' said Keiko walking down the path that led out of the park. The boys followed. ``Cut!'' shouted the director. `'Kieko baby, can you be a little bit more active on being cheerful because you know our seeing your best friend for the first time out of 2 weeks please be more lively'' said the director. ``Yes sir'' she sighed hard. `'Great now I'm gonna have to be miss nice goodie girl'' said Keiko sitting in her cast chair next to Yusuke.
`'Ah come on Keiko, lighten up, as long as were gettin yen were ok'' said Yusuke. `'Well not exactly Yusuke, if you enjoy it, it's better'' said Botan who was sitting next to Kieko. `'Yes I agree'' said Reureann.
`'You know that's the thing with you girls, you always have to be fucken right all the fucken time!'' shouted Yusuke. `'Bear with me Yusuke'' said Keiko. `'Well on the other hand Urameshi, at least we get free food'' said Kuwabara sitting down next to him in his lounge chair with a whole bunch of DOUGHNUTS in his hands. Every one was gawking. `'Dose he usually do this often?'' asked Reureann in Kurama's ear. `'You do not know the whole thing'' he replied.
`'Ok I need Keiko, Botan, Yusuke, and Kuwabara on the set now!'' shouted the director. ``That's us'' said Botan as she and Keiko stood up. `'Yeah Yeah I heard'' said Yusuke as he and Kuwabara followed. `'Mackiey Insects take one'' shouted the director. *crack
`'Ok guys here it is'' said Keiko with a big smile like the director said. `'Perfect'' whispered the director. Yusuke glanced at the blue extra guys with red eyes and then went back to his friends. `'Um Keiko, can me and Kuwabara have to do something can we meet you in there?'' asked Yusuke.
`'Um why?'' asked Keiko. `'Um because I need to get something from the store, and I'm sure Kuwabara needs to get something too'' said Yusuke nudging Kuwabara. `'Well if it's quick I can come with you'' she suggested. `'Um no it's kind of an embarrassing guy thing'' he said as he and Kuwabara walked off. `'Fine I'll be in the center row!'' she yelled after them.
`'So what'd ya need to buy some inching cream or somthin?'' teased Kuwabara. `'Shut up, were not buying stuff'' said Yusuke as he pointed to the people that were following him. `'I found them near the movie theatre'' exclaimed Yusuke. `'Oh so I guess were gonna have a little fun?'' asked Kuwabara as he and Yusuke turned around. `'Yeah'' he replied as his hand began to glow. The blue guys got out their pocketknives. `'SHOT GUN YYYYAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!'' shouted Yusuke as he knocked out every single on of them. `'Whoa was that one of your techniques Urameshi?'' asked Kuwabara. `'Yeah well after all it is a shot gun'' said Yusuke having his hand returned to normal. Little did they know who was watching them, a green demon with purple spots wearing a trench coat was about to choke Yusuke, but was stopped by a whack on the head by a metal bat.
Yusuke and Kuwabara turned around to see the hit came from Botan. `'Now that is team work'' she said resting the bat on her shoulder. `'Botan! What're you do'n here?'' Yusuke asked. `'Hey it's the pretty girl, have you thought about me lately?'' asked Kuwabara. `'Yusuke I came because you have a new case'' she exclaimed. `'Ok you can stop right there Botan! I got back from grandma's evil camp today so I at least deserve a vacation! Why don't you call back in another four years?'' asked Yusuke.
`'So I guess you like the idea of every one turning into a zombie?'' asked Botan. Yusuke stopped. `'Dose that question have a point?'' he asked. `'Speaking of with this guy looks like he was born to close to a nuclear plant'' said Yusuke. `'Koenma had gotten a message from an agent much like the one we just knocked out'' she exclaimed having flash backs on how the 4 saint beast wanted access into the living world.
`'So why doesn't Koenma just turn down the request?'' Yusuke asked. `'Why don't you take a good look at the boys you knocked out'' said Botan leading them back to their earlier victims. Out came overly large mosquitoes. `'EWW, don't just tell me I saw an insect just crawl out from that guys mouth'' said Yusuke in discussed. `'Those are Mackiey insects. They were trapped in the city of gousht and apparitions, but they broke through the barrier by using the Makiey whistle, witch the enemy's posses. They are the four-saint beasts. They were given their name by their followers and are very powerful fighters that were named for the strongest. If they keep that whistle, they will summon all the Mackiey insects to earth and take over every ones body until all of the people of earth are extinct. But we only have the key to the barrier. `'Oh I see so they give you the whistle if you open the barrier'' stated Yusuke. `'Yes but we made a breach in the barrier so you can go and defeat the enemy and get the whistle'' exclaimed Botan. `'But what if I'm not enough to beat them?'' asked Yusuke. `'I don't think I have to tell you what would happen if all of those monsters were released on earth'' replied Botan. Yusuke then ha an image of his world around him being shadderd. `'Cut!'' shouted the director.
`'Ok Yusuke, way'd ta go with the bad guy thing, just remember, you still have to act like a spirit detective'' instructed the director. `'Yeah, yeah, I'll be walking on egg shells'' replied Yusuke walking to his seat. `'Make up''! Shouted Botan. At that moment three girls came over and started powdering her. `'Are you gonna give that up sometime Botan?'' asked Yusuke waving the powder out of his face. `'Yusuke when literally pigs fly''! She replied.
`'She's right Yusuke, if there's one thing I know about my fellow kind is that the one main thing that revolves around them is make up'' said Reureann. `'Well not all the time, only when the want to attract someone'' added Kurama. `'Humph, if you asked me it's just a waist of time'' said Hiei taking a sip of his anti water.
`'Well I don't know about Make up being my sport but I know that poker is'' said Keiko getting out her lucky deck of cards. `'Well I verse you after we finish this episode'' said Reureann. `'Really?'' she asked. She asked. `'Sure'' she replied. `'Ok I need Botan, Yusuke, and Kuwabara on the set now''! Announced the director. `'Come on Botan'' said Yusuke. ``Coming'' she replied getting out of her chair.
`'To maze castle take one'' shouted the director. *crack `'so what are we gonna do about this, don't they send teams to stuff like this''? asked Yusuke with a sour face. `'What about me Urameshi?'' asked Kuwabara. Botan was dumbfounded. `'Oh Kuwabara there's no such thing as ghost and demons I was just kidding''! Shouted Botan waving her hands in front of her face nervously. `'Look, I'm not dumb or blind'' said Kuwabara looking down at a Makiey insect coming near him. He caught it and squashed it.
`'We all know that I can see super natural stuff better then Urameshi, and I'm not gonna sit around my house while my city's being taken over, cuz I'm Kuwabara and incase you forgot, I got a sword!'' announced Kuwabara with a back round in the back of him that was blue and have confetti with his name in two big posters. The director started cracking up. `'Well Yusuke I suppose it's no use arguing with the eager'' said Botan with her back limping. `'Right where's that breach you we talking about?'' asked Yusuke changing the subject to more important matters. Botan then walked down the ally, leading them to an old abandoned warehouse.
She opened the door to have a whole bunch of dust invade the boy's nostrils. `'Watch out for dust'' she instructed. The boys were coughing. `'Gee thanks'' said Yusuke covering his mouth. When the went down stairs Botan began banging on the floor. `'Banging on the floor in an old ware house, now that's fun'' said Yusuke sarcastically. `'This is were they we're supposed to put the breech in the barrier'' she said ignoring him. She banged once again and the floor opened. `'Bingo'' she said. The floor opened to revile a dull green light glowing. `'You ARE going to give us a rope or latter or something?'' asked Yusuke. `'No jumping down should land you safely on the ground to maze castle'' she replied. She looked up at Kuwabara. `'You don't have to do this, you can stay here'' suggested Botan. `'oh ok'' said Yusuke walking away. `'Not you''! she said as she tripped him. `'Spirit detectives don't have a say in this Kuwabara does'' said Botan. ``That's all right lady I sort of feel like a spirit detective any way, and theres no turning back''! said Kuwabara as he jumped in the barrier.
Both gasped. `'He really jumped'' said Botan. `'Maybe he'll be ok down there'' said Yusuke. Botan looked up at him with a sentimental glare. `'Alright I'll go'' said Yusuke. `'Wait, I'm supposed to give you communication mirror'' Botan said, as she got out two small compact looking things. Yusuke snatched it from her. `'Please! You nearly forgot to give me this thing?! Oh let me guess with out it I would be killed?'' asked Yusuke. `'No, it's only so I can keep contact with you while you're in maze castle'' exclaimed Botan.
`'Oh no!'' shouted Yusuke. `'What's the matter now Yusuke?'' asked Botan annoyed. `'Keiko, I told her I'd meet her at the movies''! shouted Yusuke as he had a vision of Keiko sitting out there saying *Yusuke you brat! Yusuke had a look of terror on his face. `'Um hey Botan, I'll go and you sort out every thing with her'' said Yusuke as he jumped down. `'Yusuke! I don't want to do that!'' she yelled down after him. `'Cut!'' shouted the director. `'Botan, great trip your getting a raise''! said the director. `'Thank you sir just doing my job'' said Botan. `'NO FAIR, I'M THE STAR OF THE SHOW AND SHE GETS A RAISE?!'' yelled Yusuke. `'Well Yusuke, your getting paid as much as her'' exclaimed the director.
They all went back into their cast seats while Yusuke was pouting. `'What seems to be his problem'' asked Reureann. `'Oh he's just mad because I'm getting a small raise and he isn't'' Botan exclaimed. `'Well congratulations Botan'' said Kurama. `'Yes, I congrate you two'' said Reureann. `'Thanks guys'' said Botan. `'I don't get what you all are so happy about, but when I got a raise, it was only because I killed more demons then I was supposed to'' said Hiei. `'Hiei do you always have to ruin the moment?'' asked Botan. ``That's his job Botan'' reminded Kurama. `'Ok I need the five fighters on set now!'' shouted the director. ``That's us'' said Reureann getting up and gripping her staff. `'Ok Reureann, when Yusuke and Kuwabara get attacked by the fugie's, you'll come in with you thunder chaos energy. Do you understand?'' asked the director. She nodded. `'Ok places every one''! The stage manager called out.
`'The gates of betrayal take one''! Shouted the director. *crack Yusuke and Kuwabara came out of the barrier and dropped in front of maze castle. When they got up Kuwabara said `'Creepy'' Just then they heard something coming out of the ground. Out came these zombies looking creatures with pale blue cloaks. On the inscription, the screen people put a sign in front of them that said Fugie.
One of the them began to talk. `'Your all dead'' it said as all of the others began to charge after the 2 boys. The boys began to kick and punch the fugie's until they crowded Kuwabara. ``Um Urameshi, I don't mean to interrupt but these things look like they wanna eat me!'' shouted Kuwabara covered with the little demons. `'Hang on''! Shouted back Yusuke who was also preoccupied.
Just then the boys saw a bright flash of light come from the sky. It was brilliant lightning that lit up the sky. Just then the sky opened a little to see three small lights drifting down. The lightning shocked all of the Fugie and they disintegrated. The lights were red, blue, and green. The lights landed in a tree. `'It seems you can use some help'' said a male voice. `'If that's the best you can do, then we're going to have a serious problem'' said another male voice. `'Did you miss us?'' asked a female voice. Just then lighting crashed to revile Kurama, Hiei, and Reureann.
They jumped down from the tree. `'Well if it isn't the thief's?'' asked Yusuke sarcastically. `'Hello'' greeted Kurama. ``So what are you doing here?'' asked Yusuke. `'The fool Koenma even knew that you wouldn't be able to do this alone'' said Hiei. `'So Koenma promised to clean our slates if we join you'' exclaimed Kurama. `'So we decided to help you out with the mission.'' Added Reureann.
Yusuke chuckled. `'So I guess Koenma heard me complaining. Hey Kuwabara let me introduce you to these guys. That's Hiei, His name is Kurama, and she's Reureann. `'A pleasure'' said Kurama. ``Charmed'' said Reureann. `'Great with all of us these saint beast don't have a chance!'' said Yusuke. `'Not exactly, Koenma may be saying that we're teammates but I think other wise. Once we're in there I suggest you let us to all of the work. As far as I'm concerned, we're just baby sitting'' proclaimed Hiei. `'Oh you wanna make something of it little punk?'' said Kuwabara as he was about to punch the fire demon, but Hiei was to fast for him. Kuwabara ended up falling to the floor.
`'But you detective are a different story, I plan to take my revenge on you so consider this fair warning';' said Hiei looking Yusuke straight in the eye. `'Oh so wanna ignore me now you little punk''? asked Kuwabara ready to punch him again, but just as the last time, Hiei dodged it and Kuwabara fell to the ground. `'Hiei we should start on further biseness'' said Kurama. `'Yes I agree. If we're going to kill the saint beast, we should start now'' said Reureann. ``Don't worry three eyes I'll be glad to take you on but we have to finish this. Now is this the perfect team or what?'' asked Yusuke.
With that the fighters began walking to maze castle. Meanwhile, back in the castle, the four saint beast wait in the shadows. `'What a very strange group of visitors'' said a deep voice. `'They're useless to stop us, they'll probably kill each other before they come in here'' said another deep voice. `'Master, what should we do?'' asked an emotionless one. `'Byakko is correct. Look at them fighting amongst them selves already, they probably wont even get passed the front gate'' said a calm one.
Meanwhile, back with the fighters, they we're in front of the gate to the castle. `'What a creepy door'' said Kuwabara. `'Well one who desires something must take risk's'' said Kurama. `'Well as long as we go in maybe one of us will come out'' said Hiei. `'Hey what's that supposed to mean''? asked Kuwabara. `'Would you guys quit it!'' asked Yusuke annoyingly. They began walking in a Kuwabara mumbled, `'Stupid door''
When they came inside a purple bat creature greeted them. `'Welcome to maze castle. Those who enter maze castle must be tried by the gate of betrayal'' it said. `'What?'' asked Yusuke. Just then the creature went to a small door and pulled a switch to make the whole place rumble. `'Urameshi, why did you have to ask?'' asked Kuwabara. ``We're's that noise coming from?'' asked Yusuke looking around. Kurama looked up shocked. `'The ceiling!'' he shouted Yusuke and Reureann gasped. The ceiling began crashing down on the team of fighters. When the ceiling was about to crush them, they used all of their might to keep it up temporally with their strength. The creature cackled. `'You might as well give up now. Not even the 5 of you combined have the strength to hold the gate forever. Only one of you can escape. That's why it's called the gate of betrayal you see.'' It cackled. `'What I would do to get my hands on that thing'' said Kuwabara shifting a bit witch made the weight heavier. `'Concentrate on the weight or you'll kill us all!'' growled Hiei. `'Shut up you little punk!'' shouted Kuwabara. ``Don't you have any digressions Hiei?'' asked Kurama weakly. `'I agree, it's no time to bear grudg's now!'' added Reureann. `'Man, I wish we could of took trust test'' said Yusuke.
Just then the narrators voice came on. `'The Urameshi team has finally made it to maze castle. But will they be destroyed before the could even try to kill the saint beast. Or will some one betray the others?'' asked the narrators voice. `'Cut! Ok Yusuke we'll do the next episode preview tomorrow. That's a wrap for today people! Same time, same place tomorrow!'' shouted the director.