Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Lust ❯ Chapter 8
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author's Notes: This is a long fic, ne? I'm actually surprised at myself. I'm expecting at *least* ten+ parts. And since I started babbling, would anyone be interested in a couple of short fics added to this one (as if it were an arc or series)? I was thinking of a few short ones that took place before this, (1: a scene during the dark martial arts tournament, 2: a PWP lemon-the last time Hiei 'apologized' to Kurama, 3: the first and only time Kurama turned Youko with Hiei [I really want to write this one], maybe more). I'll probably do it eventually, but if I know someone would be interested, I'm sure to write faster. ^__^
Category: Anime, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yaoi, TWT
Warnings: shonen ai, major angst, slight violence, assumed rape
Pairings: KuramaxHiei, BiulaxHiei
Author: Arigatomina
Email: arigatoumina@hotmail.com
Complete Archive: www.geocities.com/arigatomina
Blood Lust
Part 8
Kurama woke suddenly, as if an alarm had gone off. And in fact, one had. He'd told Hiei he would be on guard, and even in his light doze, he was watching for any sign of youki. It wasn't the shocking power he'd sensed before, but even with suppression, he recognized the dark power emanating near the house. Green eyes snapped open in the dark and he slid out of the bed, trying in vain not to wake Hiei. But his lover was nothing if not a light sleeper and he frowned when Hiei sat up, wide red eyes darting to him.
"What is it?" Hiei asked, his brows lowering when Kurama shook his head. He wasn't fooled. The fox was moving slowly, not seeming to be in any rush, but those bright eyes didn't meet his. Frown turning into a glare when he couldn't sense anything that might have set the youkai off, he jerked the kekkai off his jagan. A third, horribly distorted view of the room met him and he closed the eye immediately, not sensing anything. He couldn't even sense Kurama. But the kitsune sensed something, and he had an idea what it was. Getting off the bed, he froze for a second when Kurama shot him a dark glare, rapidly shifting forms.
It was one thing to agree to let Hiei fight when the youkai was at full power, but Kurama wasn't about to let him go now, with or without him. Red eyes widened and he turned from them, darting through the bedroom door slapping a hand over the doorframe. He didn't wait for Hiei to rush the kekkai, or the vines that suddenly covered the walls, blocking him in. His senses were locked on the retreating youki that he wasn't about to let escape.
Striking the invisible barrier, Hiei pressed against the kekkai, his eyes wide and furious. "Kurama!" The fox disappeared from his sight and there was no longer any doubt in his mind what had happened. The fool was giving Biula exactly what he wanted. Hiei struggled with the shield, energy crackling around him as the vines somehow spread the kekkai. He knew the window would be just as useless. But he wasn't going to be held back, wasn't going to sit and wait, hoping Kurama would make it back to free him. Biula thought he was dead. That was the only explanation; Biula thought he was dead so now he was going after Kurama. The stupid fox was running right into it and he was trapped behind a last-minute barrier. And without a hostage to ensure complacency, Biula would have no reason to keep the youko alive. "Kurama!!"
* * *
The youkai was faster than him, but Kurama managed to trail him through a portal into the Makai. The moment he set foot on Makai soil, however, the youki he'd been following disappeared. The youko froze, pale golden eyes darting over the dark forest. He knew the demon could have drawn him away, it would be simple for the youkai to use a different portal and go back. And he'd left Hiei locked in the bedroom, relatively helpless. But youki couldn't just disappear like that, it had to be suppressed. He caught a glimpse of something a second before a heavy limb struck his back, throwing him to the ground. The blow nearly rendered him senseless, but he was too angry to feel it, shoving to his feet and turning his eyes on Biula. The demon's arms were marred with dark scars, freshly healed, and glowing blue eyes seemed to match his glare.
"He's dead, then?" Biula murmured, his lips curving back to show a flash of long teeth. "And you followed me for revenge."
Kurama was stunned. Yes, Hiei's youki was low, but the demon *had* to be an S class to have defeated Hiei. Such a high level youkai would have felt the little demon's energy, no matter how low it was. But he wasn't about to tell the youkai that Hiei had lived. His hand rose to his hair and he plucked two seeds, one swirling into a blade. He didn't know why Biula hadn't felt Hiei, but he wasn't about to underestimate the demon. Those blue eyes flashed and Kurama jerked back, unable to follow the speed when the youkai lunged at him. An arm was curved over his shoulders suddenly, pulling him off his feet as a hand closed over his right wrist. But if Biula thought he was now immobilized, then he didn't know much about him at all. His left hand closed over the second seed but he paused, glaring when the demon's face pressed close to his neck.
"I lied," Biula said softly, teeth flashing again when pale slits of gold turned back to him. "I had no plans to kill you." The fox blinked, not quite losing that dark glare and Biula tightened his arm, smirking at the choked gasp. "You don't even interest me. I just used you. Everyone wants Youko Kurama, he never doubted you were my target." His claws closed tight over the slender wrist he held and he tossed the youko, snorting when the fox managed to stay on his feet. "There's no point in my killing you, there are so many who would enjoy it more. But..." With a blurred lunge, Biula crossed the distance between them, one hand circling Kurama's neck until his claws overlapped, not quite cutting the skin. "I hear you can be quite dangerous. You should have stayed in the Ningenkai."
He was so fast, easily faster than Hiei. And Kurama acknowledged the demon's strength as he held still in Biula's grasp. He wasn't biding his time, but his mind was twisting around the low words, disbelief surging at the conclusion he found. The seed had fallen when he was caught by that fast assault and he didn't risk getting another, very aware of the long claws pressing close to his skin. His right hand was gripping Biula's thick wrist and he glared, watching as claws moved close to his face, one brushing the silky hair away from his eyes.
"I didn't think you'd let him die," Biula admitted, staring at the youko's hard eyes. His gaze dropped briefly, taking in the youkai's left hand and he bared his teeth. "Planning to use your plants against me? What makes you think they'll be any more affective than the kokoryuuha?" Left hand curling around silky hair, he grinned, moving his face even closer to Kurama's. "You have the same glare. Maybe I'll enjoy killing you after all." Something shifted near his hand and he tightened his right hand, nearly snapping the youko's neck. "Are you hoping for a double death? The moment your plants touch me, you die." Those butter colored eyes widened suddenly and Biula blinked, jerking back a few inches. The fox looked shocked, even terrified, and it was the last expression he'd expected. Then those eyes darted to the side and he followed the gaze, his own eyes widening along with his grin. "Ah."
Kurama's eyes widened, stricken by the hateful glare sent, not to Biula, but to him. Hiei was glaring at him. And for the life of him, he couldn't see how the little youkai had the strength to be angry. The demon was wearing the black outfit he'd slept in, but his skin was dark, visibly burned and bruised. And his forehead was covered in blood. "Hiei..." Those red eyes flicked from him and Kurama's left hand flew to his hair, desperate to kill Biula *now*. The youkai had forced his way through the kekkai, he could die without the demon even laying a hand on him. He'd *never* survive an attack now. Blue eyes snapped back to him a second before his hair was released.
Hiei took a step forward, wavering when Kurama was dropped. He could barely follow the curled fist that struck the back of the youko's head and he jerked at the impact, eyes narrowing to slits. "Biula!"
Licking his lips, Biula's gaze moved from the limp fox, roving over the slender figure watching him. "I didn't kill him, don't worry. After all, we have a deal." He glanced once more at the silver-haired youko, taking in the small bit of blood mixing with that pale hair. The fox had tricked him, hidden the fact that Hiei lived, but obviously that had been his own plan. Red eyes glared at him when he looked back and he smirked. "You're alive." The little youkai seemed to shudder and Biula's eye twitched, noting how those legs shook. "Barely."
He couldn't hold his balance. Pain radiated through his entire body and Hiei barely had the energy to stand. While it had been erected in seconds, the kekkai had nearly proved too much for him. To think, that he'd gotten so weak a single kekkai had almost killed him. His eyes fell to Kurama again and he managed to stiffen his legs, glaring at the pale youko. If he fell now, he wouldn't be able to get up again. And his sudden entrance must have distracted the fox enough for Biula to knock him out. Either that, or Biula was better than he'd thought. Even if the demon were stronger than him, no one bested Kurama so easily. A large shape moved suddenly and Hiei's head tilted back, eyes glaring up at bright blue orbs. He couldn't follow the fast movement, but it didn't matter.
"I didn't call you," Biula murmured, his eyes sweeping over the little demon's bloody forehead. He didn't remember having touched the youkai's jagan, not even once, but it was obviously the source of the injury. The bright blue eye was glazed, but it moved doggedly, turning up to focus on him along with the wider red eyes. Hiei's expression was angry, but visibly tired. That constant spark of resistance seemed to be gone. "Hiei, look at you." The demon blinked, frowning at him and Biula's hands moved to press on those narrow shoulders. Hiei fell to his knees immediately. "I didn't call on you," Biula said again, crouching in front of the youkai. "I was only checking to see if you'd lived. I had no plans to take your fox until I knew you were dead. He was the one who followed me. I would not bother to call on you when you're like this. You don't have either the blood or youki to satisfy me now."
"I'm alive," Hiei growled, glaring at the mocking blue eyes roving over his body. "That's all that matters."
"Ah, yes. I agree," Biula nodded, one hand brushing the demon's damp forehead. He brought the fingers to his mouth, tongue swiping out to taste the dark blood. Whether it came from the jagan or not, it tasted the same, that distinct flavor making him lick his lips. "As long as you're alive, I leave the fox alone. But I don't think you have enough left to live through this, do you?" Red eyes continued to glare tiredly at him and his hands moved, cupping the demon's face, claws deep in thick black hair. There was no reason to worry about the flaming sword now and he didn't bother to restrain the youkai, leaning close and running his tongue over the demon's forehead. A soft sound made his eyes widen and he pulled his head back, staring down at Hiei. Those red eyes were closed tight and he could see the demon's shoulders shake briefly. Obviously he'd lost the ability to hide his pain. Biula leaned forward again, lapping his tongue over the blood-covered forehead. That soft sound came again when he rubbed the open jagan and his eyes narrowed, recognizing it as a mournful whimper. It was a sound he had never even hoped to hear from the stubborn youkai. He'd known the last attack came close to killing the demon, but he must have done more damage than he'd thought.
When he'd gone to the Ninenkai, Biula had only meant to check the damage, to see if the youkai had lived or not. He'd had no intention of doing more right now and he knew he didn't dare hurt the youkai much. Whether Hiei admitted it or not, he was obviously on his last bit of strength. If the demon whimpered from such a small thing it had to be severe. "Killing you now would be a waste," Biula whispered, lapping up the last bit of blood that had trailed down the demon's cheek. "But you came all this way, there's no reason to simply let you go." Dull red eyes opened to focus on him, but that perpetual glare was slow to come, not holding the normal biting hate. Biula's eyes sparked at the thought and he smirked, leaning back. "Open your mouth." That got a reaction from the small demon and Biula gave a low laugh when the youkai's jaw tightened immediately. "Still planning to bite me? I suppose I can find someone with less fight," he said, his eyes trailing away and locking on the white-clothed figure lying a few yards away from them. "I doubt your fox would be able to argue much at the moment."
"Kisama..." They had a deal, he'd never agreed to obey *anything*. Hiei's eyes darted to Kurama and he felt a rush of cold pour through him. If Biula chose to break the pact now, there was nothing he could do about it. He didn't have the strength, and suddenly...he didn't have the will. His eyes burned and he closed them tightly, his stomach curling as he had a sensation of falling rapidly. His forehead felt as if it were split apart, his entire body hurt with a dull, throbbing pain, but he no longer cared. If he couldn't fight, what other options did he have? His teeth clenched painfully and he jerked his face away, ignoring the pain as claws tore through his hair. He couldn't do it and it hurt, so much. Kurama could have done it.
"Ah, Hiei..." Biula's lips curled into a slow smile and he ran a clawed finger over the youkai's soft cheek. For a second he'd thought the demon would do it, he was certain he would, but he almost felt relief that he hadn't. That unending spirit he was so attracted to hadn't been broken after all. His hand curved under the little demon's chin and he smirked when wide red eyes snapped open to him. "It's more fun if you fight back, anyway." Thin lines of blood rose as his claws pressed tight and he opened the youkai's mouth, his other hand buried in the demon's hair. Eyes closing, he kissed Hiei, horribly weak hands pushing against him as he lowered the demon onto his back.
* * *
Red coated his fingers and Hiei stared at them for a long moment before brushing silky silver hair again. The wound was small, so small to have disabled the youko. A raised bump met his palm and he shifted the limp head onto his lap, dull eyes trailing over Kurama's face. He couldn't find the dislike he had of the youko, only a vague wonder that the demon's features were so perfectly formed. Whether ningen or youkai, Kurama remained exactly that, perfection. It hurt, but then, everything hurt so it didn't matter. He didn't have the strength to carry Kurama back to the Ningenkai. The portal he'd come through had closed and the nearest one was too far away. But the fox was defenseless, perhaps even more defenseless with him there than he would have been alone. He should have left him. Kurama would be safer alone than he was with him, but he simply couldn't do it.
The youko was much too tall to be carried by him, but Hiei crouched anyway, pulling the youkai onto his back, one arm under the bent knees. A tiny tug pulled his lips when he nearly pitched onto his face and he sighed, his eyes falling to the silver hair pouring over his chest. He couldn't take the demon back to the Ningenkai, but there was somewhere closer, somewhere he wanted to be even less than in the human world. But that didn't matter either. His steps were painstakingly slow, heavy and cumbersome and he wished more than ever that he had some bit of youki left that he could use on the fox to at least wake him up. He was far too envious of the soft breaths that warmed him through his black shirt. Sleep was something he could have killed for.
* * *
Yare, Yare... I couldn't bring myself to go into detail with this one. But even if you're not sure what happened, you'll find out when Kurama wakes up in the next part, or the one after that. Gosh, this is getting to be sad...I think Hiei's about reached his limit.
Category: Anime, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yaoi, TWT
Warnings: shonen ai, major angst, slight violence, assumed rape
Pairings: KuramaxHiei, BiulaxHiei
Author: Arigatomina
Email: arigatoumina@hotmail.com
Complete Archive: www.geocities.com/arigatomina
Blood Lust
Part 8
Kurama woke suddenly, as if an alarm had gone off. And in fact, one had. He'd told Hiei he would be on guard, and even in his light doze, he was watching for any sign of youki. It wasn't the shocking power he'd sensed before, but even with suppression, he recognized the dark power emanating near the house. Green eyes snapped open in the dark and he slid out of the bed, trying in vain not to wake Hiei. But his lover was nothing if not a light sleeper and he frowned when Hiei sat up, wide red eyes darting to him.
"What is it?" Hiei asked, his brows lowering when Kurama shook his head. He wasn't fooled. The fox was moving slowly, not seeming to be in any rush, but those bright eyes didn't meet his. Frown turning into a glare when he couldn't sense anything that might have set the youkai off, he jerked the kekkai off his jagan. A third, horribly distorted view of the room met him and he closed the eye immediately, not sensing anything. He couldn't even sense Kurama. But the kitsune sensed something, and he had an idea what it was. Getting off the bed, he froze for a second when Kurama shot him a dark glare, rapidly shifting forms.
It was one thing to agree to let Hiei fight when the youkai was at full power, but Kurama wasn't about to let him go now, with or without him. Red eyes widened and he turned from them, darting through the bedroom door slapping a hand over the doorframe. He didn't wait for Hiei to rush the kekkai, or the vines that suddenly covered the walls, blocking him in. His senses were locked on the retreating youki that he wasn't about to let escape.
Striking the invisible barrier, Hiei pressed against the kekkai, his eyes wide and furious. "Kurama!" The fox disappeared from his sight and there was no longer any doubt in his mind what had happened. The fool was giving Biula exactly what he wanted. Hiei struggled with the shield, energy crackling around him as the vines somehow spread the kekkai. He knew the window would be just as useless. But he wasn't going to be held back, wasn't going to sit and wait, hoping Kurama would make it back to free him. Biula thought he was dead. That was the only explanation; Biula thought he was dead so now he was going after Kurama. The stupid fox was running right into it and he was trapped behind a last-minute barrier. And without a hostage to ensure complacency, Biula would have no reason to keep the youko alive. "Kurama!!"
* * *
The youkai was faster than him, but Kurama managed to trail him through a portal into the Makai. The moment he set foot on Makai soil, however, the youki he'd been following disappeared. The youko froze, pale golden eyes darting over the dark forest. He knew the demon could have drawn him away, it would be simple for the youkai to use a different portal and go back. And he'd left Hiei locked in the bedroom, relatively helpless. But youki couldn't just disappear like that, it had to be suppressed. He caught a glimpse of something a second before a heavy limb struck his back, throwing him to the ground. The blow nearly rendered him senseless, but he was too angry to feel it, shoving to his feet and turning his eyes on Biula. The demon's arms were marred with dark scars, freshly healed, and glowing blue eyes seemed to match his glare.
"He's dead, then?" Biula murmured, his lips curving back to show a flash of long teeth. "And you followed me for revenge."
Kurama was stunned. Yes, Hiei's youki was low, but the demon *had* to be an S class to have defeated Hiei. Such a high level youkai would have felt the little demon's energy, no matter how low it was. But he wasn't about to tell the youkai that Hiei had lived. His hand rose to his hair and he plucked two seeds, one swirling into a blade. He didn't know why Biula hadn't felt Hiei, but he wasn't about to underestimate the demon. Those blue eyes flashed and Kurama jerked back, unable to follow the speed when the youkai lunged at him. An arm was curved over his shoulders suddenly, pulling him off his feet as a hand closed over his right wrist. But if Biula thought he was now immobilized, then he didn't know much about him at all. His left hand closed over the second seed but he paused, glaring when the demon's face pressed close to his neck.
"I lied," Biula said softly, teeth flashing again when pale slits of gold turned back to him. "I had no plans to kill you." The fox blinked, not quite losing that dark glare and Biula tightened his arm, smirking at the choked gasp. "You don't even interest me. I just used you. Everyone wants Youko Kurama, he never doubted you were my target." His claws closed tight over the slender wrist he held and he tossed the youko, snorting when the fox managed to stay on his feet. "There's no point in my killing you, there are so many who would enjoy it more. But..." With a blurred lunge, Biula crossed the distance between them, one hand circling Kurama's neck until his claws overlapped, not quite cutting the skin. "I hear you can be quite dangerous. You should have stayed in the Ningenkai."
He was so fast, easily faster than Hiei. And Kurama acknowledged the demon's strength as he held still in Biula's grasp. He wasn't biding his time, but his mind was twisting around the low words, disbelief surging at the conclusion he found. The seed had fallen when he was caught by that fast assault and he didn't risk getting another, very aware of the long claws pressing close to his skin. His right hand was gripping Biula's thick wrist and he glared, watching as claws moved close to his face, one brushing the silky hair away from his eyes.
"I didn't think you'd let him die," Biula admitted, staring at the youko's hard eyes. His gaze dropped briefly, taking in the youkai's left hand and he bared his teeth. "Planning to use your plants against me? What makes you think they'll be any more affective than the kokoryuuha?" Left hand curling around silky hair, he grinned, moving his face even closer to Kurama's. "You have the same glare. Maybe I'll enjoy killing you after all." Something shifted near his hand and he tightened his right hand, nearly snapping the youko's neck. "Are you hoping for a double death? The moment your plants touch me, you die." Those butter colored eyes widened suddenly and Biula blinked, jerking back a few inches. The fox looked shocked, even terrified, and it was the last expression he'd expected. Then those eyes darted to the side and he followed the gaze, his own eyes widening along with his grin. "Ah."
Kurama's eyes widened, stricken by the hateful glare sent, not to Biula, but to him. Hiei was glaring at him. And for the life of him, he couldn't see how the little youkai had the strength to be angry. The demon was wearing the black outfit he'd slept in, but his skin was dark, visibly burned and bruised. And his forehead was covered in blood. "Hiei..." Those red eyes flicked from him and Kurama's left hand flew to his hair, desperate to kill Biula *now*. The youkai had forced his way through the kekkai, he could die without the demon even laying a hand on him. He'd *never* survive an attack now. Blue eyes snapped back to him a second before his hair was released.
Hiei took a step forward, wavering when Kurama was dropped. He could barely follow the curled fist that struck the back of the youko's head and he jerked at the impact, eyes narrowing to slits. "Biula!"
Licking his lips, Biula's gaze moved from the limp fox, roving over the slender figure watching him. "I didn't kill him, don't worry. After all, we have a deal." He glanced once more at the silver-haired youko, taking in the small bit of blood mixing with that pale hair. The fox had tricked him, hidden the fact that Hiei lived, but obviously that had been his own plan. Red eyes glared at him when he looked back and he smirked. "You're alive." The little youkai seemed to shudder and Biula's eye twitched, noting how those legs shook. "Barely."
He couldn't hold his balance. Pain radiated through his entire body and Hiei barely had the energy to stand. While it had been erected in seconds, the kekkai had nearly proved too much for him. To think, that he'd gotten so weak a single kekkai had almost killed him. His eyes fell to Kurama again and he managed to stiffen his legs, glaring at the pale youko. If he fell now, he wouldn't be able to get up again. And his sudden entrance must have distracted the fox enough for Biula to knock him out. Either that, or Biula was better than he'd thought. Even if the demon were stronger than him, no one bested Kurama so easily. A large shape moved suddenly and Hiei's head tilted back, eyes glaring up at bright blue orbs. He couldn't follow the fast movement, but it didn't matter.
"I didn't call you," Biula murmured, his eyes sweeping over the little demon's bloody forehead. He didn't remember having touched the youkai's jagan, not even once, but it was obviously the source of the injury. The bright blue eye was glazed, but it moved doggedly, turning up to focus on him along with the wider red eyes. Hiei's expression was angry, but visibly tired. That constant spark of resistance seemed to be gone. "Hiei, look at you." The demon blinked, frowning at him and Biula's hands moved to press on those narrow shoulders. Hiei fell to his knees immediately. "I didn't call on you," Biula said again, crouching in front of the youkai. "I was only checking to see if you'd lived. I had no plans to take your fox until I knew you were dead. He was the one who followed me. I would not bother to call on you when you're like this. You don't have either the blood or youki to satisfy me now."
"I'm alive," Hiei growled, glaring at the mocking blue eyes roving over his body. "That's all that matters."
"Ah, yes. I agree," Biula nodded, one hand brushing the demon's damp forehead. He brought the fingers to his mouth, tongue swiping out to taste the dark blood. Whether it came from the jagan or not, it tasted the same, that distinct flavor making him lick his lips. "As long as you're alive, I leave the fox alone. But I don't think you have enough left to live through this, do you?" Red eyes continued to glare tiredly at him and his hands moved, cupping the demon's face, claws deep in thick black hair. There was no reason to worry about the flaming sword now and he didn't bother to restrain the youkai, leaning close and running his tongue over the demon's forehead. A soft sound made his eyes widen and he pulled his head back, staring down at Hiei. Those red eyes were closed tight and he could see the demon's shoulders shake briefly. Obviously he'd lost the ability to hide his pain. Biula leaned forward again, lapping his tongue over the blood-covered forehead. That soft sound came again when he rubbed the open jagan and his eyes narrowed, recognizing it as a mournful whimper. It was a sound he had never even hoped to hear from the stubborn youkai. He'd known the last attack came close to killing the demon, but he must have done more damage than he'd thought.
When he'd gone to the Ninenkai, Biula had only meant to check the damage, to see if the youkai had lived or not. He'd had no intention of doing more right now and he knew he didn't dare hurt the youkai much. Whether Hiei admitted it or not, he was obviously on his last bit of strength. If the demon whimpered from such a small thing it had to be severe. "Killing you now would be a waste," Biula whispered, lapping up the last bit of blood that had trailed down the demon's cheek. "But you came all this way, there's no reason to simply let you go." Dull red eyes opened to focus on him, but that perpetual glare was slow to come, not holding the normal biting hate. Biula's eyes sparked at the thought and he smirked, leaning back. "Open your mouth." That got a reaction from the small demon and Biula gave a low laugh when the youkai's jaw tightened immediately. "Still planning to bite me? I suppose I can find someone with less fight," he said, his eyes trailing away and locking on the white-clothed figure lying a few yards away from them. "I doubt your fox would be able to argue much at the moment."
"Kisama..." They had a deal, he'd never agreed to obey *anything*. Hiei's eyes darted to Kurama and he felt a rush of cold pour through him. If Biula chose to break the pact now, there was nothing he could do about it. He didn't have the strength, and suddenly...he didn't have the will. His eyes burned and he closed them tightly, his stomach curling as he had a sensation of falling rapidly. His forehead felt as if it were split apart, his entire body hurt with a dull, throbbing pain, but he no longer cared. If he couldn't fight, what other options did he have? His teeth clenched painfully and he jerked his face away, ignoring the pain as claws tore through his hair. He couldn't do it and it hurt, so much. Kurama could have done it.
"Ah, Hiei..." Biula's lips curled into a slow smile and he ran a clawed finger over the youkai's soft cheek. For a second he'd thought the demon would do it, he was certain he would, but he almost felt relief that he hadn't. That unending spirit he was so attracted to hadn't been broken after all. His hand curved under the little demon's chin and he smirked when wide red eyes snapped open to him. "It's more fun if you fight back, anyway." Thin lines of blood rose as his claws pressed tight and he opened the youkai's mouth, his other hand buried in the demon's hair. Eyes closing, he kissed Hiei, horribly weak hands pushing against him as he lowered the demon onto his back.
* * *
Red coated his fingers and Hiei stared at them for a long moment before brushing silky silver hair again. The wound was small, so small to have disabled the youko. A raised bump met his palm and he shifted the limp head onto his lap, dull eyes trailing over Kurama's face. He couldn't find the dislike he had of the youko, only a vague wonder that the demon's features were so perfectly formed. Whether ningen or youkai, Kurama remained exactly that, perfection. It hurt, but then, everything hurt so it didn't matter. He didn't have the strength to carry Kurama back to the Ningenkai. The portal he'd come through had closed and the nearest one was too far away. But the fox was defenseless, perhaps even more defenseless with him there than he would have been alone. He should have left him. Kurama would be safer alone than he was with him, but he simply couldn't do it.
The youko was much too tall to be carried by him, but Hiei crouched anyway, pulling the youkai onto his back, one arm under the bent knees. A tiny tug pulled his lips when he nearly pitched onto his face and he sighed, his eyes falling to the silver hair pouring over his chest. He couldn't take the demon back to the Ningenkai, but there was somewhere closer, somewhere he wanted to be even less than in the human world. But that didn't matter either. His steps were painstakingly slow, heavy and cumbersome and he wished more than ever that he had some bit of youki left that he could use on the fox to at least wake him up. He was far too envious of the soft breaths that warmed him through his black shirt. Sleep was something he could have killed for.
* * *
Yare, Yare... I couldn't bring myself to go into detail with this one. But even if you're not sure what happened, you'll find out when Kurama wakes up in the next part, or the one after that. Gosh, this is getting to be sad...I think Hiei's about reached his limit.