Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Red Fox ❯ Beginning of the heat. ( Chapter 12 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
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A Known Blood Red Fox
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By Vile Deadboss
Chapter XII: 'Beginning of the heat.'
"Confirmed that the Mavericks have attacked that sector, the Questions as to why and what they were doing there has not. The hunters have warned any other occupants to stay clear for another day. Things shall calm down for around the sector to the following evening. Reports are not clear of why that sector was attacked or why the mavericks were brave enough to cross the border of the hunters and into our peaceful city."
"She's repeating herself again..."
"...The hunters do assure that the droids who attacked the sector will not Return, promised by the Chief of the RCP department. Scenes of the sector being attacked showed signs of class B reploids, one of the main hunters in patrol who have defeated the reploids was non other then the main commander of the 0 units himself, Commander Zero."
"Woohoo! Zero has saved the day again!"
"...So again that Sector will be occupied with the RCP and the Hunter units-"
A sudden click was heard as to turn the screen off, the one watching the news raised a brow and turned to look at the one who turned what he was viewing off. "I was Watching that Keith."
"Don't tell me your drooling over a Reploid, Rudy." Keith smirked as he picked up a glass and poured himself some liquer, settling the bottle down near the human man who was calmly sitting on a stool and slightly hunched over the bar counter his arms folded infront of him.
"Hey! she's hot looking for a reploid, why are you never interested?" the dark haired man grinned as he said that. Keith only raised a slight brow to the middle aged man before downing his drink with ease. "Your a reploid with upgrades...I thought you were capable of-"
"I am." Keith said immediatly before Rudy could finish his sentence. Rudy smirked at the sudden response, knowing someone else about was listening at the same time working on a list on their computer. "I'm just not interested in using it on Females." Keith stated clearly to Rudy before pouring himself another drink of the liquer.
"Promises were always meant to be broken...those mavericks are returning aren't they, Keith."
Pausing Rudy's and Keith's subject, they both looked to the owner of the dance club who sat elegantly on the stool while tapping a pen at the computer as she looked over the files upon it with little interest, turning her copper eyes to Keith then awaiting a reply.
Keith took in a slight sharp breath, this was something he had to tell them but at the same time he really did not want to let them know what exactly the mavericks were after.
"they are, Ash. Whatever their looking for is at my place now as we speak."
"Shiiit, your sister came back didn't she?" Rudy hissed slightly at that, picking up the bottle finally of the liquer Keith was drinking and poured himself a glass, holding it up as to shake the glass slightly the man's dark brown eyes on the reploid.
Keith only smirked at the reaction as he picked a glass of his own up and turned his gaze to the liquer withen the cup, a faint sweet smell emitting from it at the same time harsh.
"She's back alright...but with a friend who seems valuable to the Mavericks."
"Even worse..." Ash muttered as she set the pen down gently on the keyboard and reached to rub her forehead lightly. "What's so special about this friend of hers? I mean...for the mavericks to even Be here in the downtown at all, what does he/she do?"
"He has the ability to kill the hunters X and Zero..." Keith said calmly before downing his drink with ease once more. Ash's copper eyes widen at the response while Rudy spit out the liquer within his mouth.
"Geezus Rudy!" Ash scowled, eyeing the counter as she grabbed a towel and tossed it at the dark haired man who caught it and begin to wipe the counter but kept his surprised eyes on Keith. "Okay...if he has the ability to kill X and Zero and is working with the mavericks, what the hell is your Sister doing with him?"
"She wants to save him...he's not interested on killing X or Zero.." Keith answered dryly as he poured himself a third helping of the liquer. Ash shook her head slowly at that. "The mavericks are forcing him to do what they say, apparently he got tired of it for sometime and ran away, taking Flair with him unexpectedly."
"Unexpected turn of events and Oh! lucky us are now involved!" Rudy waved his hands as he said this, grabbing his cup after with a mumble that both Ash and Keith couldn't catch, downing the rest of the liquer within his cup easily. Ash raised a slight brow at Rudy.
"Repeat that darling."
"I said...With the luck we have I take it's up to us to give this Friendover to the hunters."
"That's the only choice I can think of.." Keith answered rather sorely. "This club being a favorite of the hunters we can turn Kurama in to them easily and let them worry about it.."
"Kurama?" Ash asked rather inquisitively suddenly, slipping a hand under her chin as she noted the disappointment on Keith's features. "Is he cute?"
Keith froze at the question for a moment then wondered on that, remembering that most of the day of how he watched Kurama while he slept peacefully yet moaning and turning in his sleep once in awhile, it made him wonder how disturbing Kurama's dreams were to ruin the beautiful features upon him when he slept peacefully alone.
"He's beautiful..." Keith answered finally, taking the cup and eyed the liquer within it once more in deep thought.
Ash smiled slightly at the response. "Attracted so quickly? how unlike of someone who avoids woman and hardly sleeps with a man."
Keith glanced over to Ash before returning to eye the liquer in his cup thoughtfully, Rudy only stared at the two unsurely, not wanting to jump in the conversation but what Ash said was true. "now I have to ask...is it only the looks you go after?" Rudy asked curiously as he raised a brow to Keith. "Sure this guy looks..erm..Pretty, but you can always find those around."
"Not this one Rudy..." Keith replied once again sorely. "He's unique."
"And dangerous to boot, ya can't keep him Keith." Ash noted quickly. "The mavericks want him and I'll bet you that the hunters would want him too."
"According to Flair, their looking for him as we speak now." downing the third cup of liquer after he said this and set the glass down, making note to himself that would be enough for the evening. "Kurama refuses to be turned in to both the hunters and the mavericks. He thinks either one is going to keep him instead of letting him go home."
"hrm...never thought of that." Ash dully said as she folded her arms on the counter, gazing to the unfinished list on the small monitor beside her.
"if the hunters are still the same as they were five years ago, I bet ya they might keep Kurama too if he's just as powerful as X and Zero." Rudy dully said himself as he lightly tapped a finger at the empty glass before him. Keith's eyes sadden then. "that must be some power filled reploid you have staying with you Keith."
Keith suddenly smirked, forgetting to note one particular thing about Kurama. "He isn't a reploid." Ash and Rudy turned their gazes to Keith then. "Kurama is...Human."
"What?!" Rudy's mouth dropped at that while Ash almost fell out of her seat and her eyes widen twice as more then before.
"What the bloody hell are the mavericks doing with a Human??" Ash said very surprised and confused. "They are human haters."
"And the hunters save the Humans from the human haters." Keith noted, lifting his index finger as to point out that note to Ash. "Kurama is strong and fast yes, he has enough strength to kill X and Zero, to top it off he's human."
"I'll be damned.." Rudy said lowly as he calmed slightly, catching the idea quickly. "they are using the first and main rule against the hunters, those bastards aren't so stupid after all."
"If their not so stupid then why the hell is Kurama running from them?" Ash asked, raising a brow to Rudy who paused at the remark.
"Okay so I take that back."
"alright.. Keith.."Ash turned her copper gaze back to the blue haired reploid. "it seems like handing Kurama over to the hunters is the easy way out.."
"But not for him, you do realize he's going to resist our plan along with Flair."
"I figured as much. So what we can do is you bring him here along with Flair, keep them away from the sector where those reploid bastards were, no offense to you.."
"Non taken."
"..And what we can do during the opening hours of the club is that since this place will be half filled with hunters. With our luck we'll be fully protected and have the chance to have a meeting on what we can do for Kurama." Ash paused for a moment waiting for an affirmative response to the plan or a resist to it.
"Sounds good, I'll head back then and have Kurama along with Flair ready over here." Keith stood once said. letting the alcohol in his system calm slightly before grabbing his wallet and sticking it into his coat pocket. "I'm sure Kurama and Flair won't object to the plan. I'll see you guys in a few hours."
"ditto.." Rudy said as he returned to his drink. Ash nodded as she returned to her list. Keith returned the nod to Ash before making his way out.
Hoping deep in his mind that Kurama and Flair wouldn't mind the least.
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You didn't catch me when I fell, you didn't come to me as I called for you, you refused to hold me as I cried for you...
I admit in all above three..I was being selfish... eyeing the bandages on his arm, brushing his fingers lightly over the wound which was supposed to be gone but again he shouldn't be so surprised it isn't yet considering his ki hasn't returned completely. Perhaps I deserve for what I did in our fights...I deserved whatever you had thrown at me but I'm sorry that I could not understand what I should have understood then.
Closing his emerald eyes with a deep sigh as he rested back against the pillow and headboard of the bed, not able to bring himself to sleep anymore, knowing Keith left to who knows where and Flair was resting in the other room. Kurama listened quietly for any other sounds about aside from the noise past the window.
Loud crashes from nearby had woken him and kept him awake since. Do the mavericks know where he is by now?
If I died for you, would you be happy? would you be glad that you won't see me again? That your pain of me just being there is gone? happy with the very thought of I left you?
"My pain no longer matters anymore...especially to you...I guess...that would make you happy."
Upon saying that outloud Kurama pulled his knees closer to his chest and slipped his arms around his knees to hug them close, knowing his voice wouldn't go anywhere or to anyone, knowing how pitful he sounds the fox couldn't bring himself to just care anymore.
His heart fluttered at the new surroundings at the same time drowned in the sadness knowing alone he can't hold the one who held his dreams, the one who drained whatever sadness that crept in him and made him see white in all the happiness he wanted to see. Who he desired to chase for many years...
all of that was gone...
He couldn't explain the shot of fresh familiar ki about that really woke him up. Does...Yusuke and the others know he's gone and could they be looking for him now?
The ki...was it Hiei? was Hiei really looking for him?
Would you be here cause it's your job or that...you're really here to help me..? Hiei?
Maybe it was all just a dream too, a worthless thought it would be then. No good either if he keeps bringing himself down but what good it would be for anyone if he became what he really is? and Why should he be what he really is and for who??
Kurama groaned as he moved to lie down once more, feeling a bit sleepy from all the thinking and decided to take the chance to rest up more since he couldn't figure what else to do.
He did need much of his ki back as possible and the best way right now was just to rest much to his dislike. Dislike because he was alone and didn't want to think, along with that fact that he felt the need to explore in order to keep his mind from thinking too...
That's when his mind paused on a certain thought.
What did Ragnarok really want him there for? It wasn't because he has the ability to kill X and Zero but having already met them and had already fought them they knew what they would be dealing with next time, was he really just a diversion for the mavericks?
Even so it doesn't explain that since he did Half of his job why did they still want to keep him? Remembering the reason why he ran was because he was tired of the odd abuse from Vile even though more oddly he felt comfortable with him then Ragnarok who chased him out of the HQ.
There was a pattern to this he had seen before but...it was just to weird, to impossible to see muchless assume on. After seeing Keith however and the way he's been fashioned to seem more human how does he know if the reploids actually have those feelings too?
To look more human and seem more human...
...ever since I was encased with these emotions I was also given the sense to smell and feel.
Kurama's breath froze for a moment on that. Vile can feel, if he can feel and smell what could Ragnarok himself be thinking?
If Vile was able to be "seductive"....Kurama shook his head. "No..don't even go there.." he murmerd silently to himself as he closes his emerald eyes, taking in soft breaths while trying to clear his mind, listening to the sounds of the city beyond the window.
...what do I do..?
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"Sure about that?"
<"Hiei's positive that Kurama is around that sector unless you two want to check it out before us and keep searching were going to return to it once Hiei has enough energy to do so.">
"It's gonna be awhile considering how long of a rest that little shrimp takes." Shadow smirked lightly as he rested back against the wall he was near, keeping his com-link open he glanced over to Reyak curiously who is resting on a landchaser listening from where he is. X on the other side of the com-link reporting on his half. "Right then, we'll probably head straight over and see what we can find, don't take to long changing now."
<"The club is ours for the searching, we'll leave you two with the rest."> if a smirk can be heard Shadow could hear it clearly as he rolled his eyes. "Right we got the outside work, easy on the Margaritas when you get to the club, X." Shadow grinned suddenly as a slight splutter of words were heard.
<"hey! this is a mission and drinking during a mission is totally out of the question!">
"Sure, Sure....that's what you said last time when we were looking for Zero."
<"You guys tricked me!">
"And you enjoyed yourself during that night..."
A light chuckle was heard from Reyak as he picked up the scanner board that rested in a metallic pouch beside his land chaser, skimming through it while the same time his attention to Shadow's and X's conversation was still there. The amused grin remained on Shadow's lips as he listened to X growl and curse most embarressed and then muttering a few words to someone there with him, Hiei probably. A thought came to mind suddenly...
"Okay so you guys are going to the club, why?"
<"Kurama was noted to be around that area and the club -is- the only place we can't get into during a mission soo...might as well walk in for a glance and find this one guy that Zero's looking for who Zero's says was avoiding him earlier.">
"Hrmm...guess it's worth the glance alright, Reyak and I are on our way over to that sector, see you guys at the evening."
With that said Shadow finally closed the connection and took in a deep diappointed sigh as he made his way back over to Reyak and his own Landchaser, climbing it and turning the ignition on as to allow it to charge up for a bit, while waiting he leans over his Landchaser in deep thought. Reyak followed suit to what Shadow did minus the deep thought rather turns slowly as to raise a brow at the navy hunter. "something the matter?"
"Yeah, by being the way hell over here we missed the good old action that Zero got to grab."
"Mm...I see why that would be disappointing.." Reyak notes as he turns his gaze over to a certain electronic store nearby, his stare upon a big screen at the store window which viewed the evening news already. "..What surprises me is how fast little things like that get on the news." Refering to what the news subject seemed to be on about the attack that happened in the downtown city, Reyak only shook his head slowly.
"I'm more surprised at the fact their even showing That on the news, I mean while doing That footage why not shoot the rest of the attacks that go on outside the city too?" Shadow muttered as he prepared to take off with the now well charged landchaser but only pauses for a moment. "than again...with this way we can avoid the Human casualties."
"Both Human and Reploid, Shadow." Reyak notes for the reploid once more before flicking a few switches on his landchaser. "I think that situation pretty well explains itself." after that was said Reyak takes off, Shadow only snorts lightly at the response before flicking a few switches on his own landchaser following the other with a shout. "Are you calling me an Idiot?"
A laugh was easily heard soft as it was while the two made their way towards their destination.
Shadow began to wonder about the program Zero had set up, he used it to fight against the fox but more to the point of what to avoid as not to hurt him and to be able to kill Vile in the process the problem with that however is that it was to easy with the fox.
Kurama seemed to easy to defeat and he seen the fox himself, how low on energy it was when he showed up, how feeble it's attacks are. Where is the "power" that's supposed to be able to kill both X and Zero? or is it just that point that the fox can control plants and it's human like to boot?
Come to think of it he didn't have a second thought when he was about to shoot Kurama til X told him not too. "Erg...Okay this is seriously frustriating me." Shadow mutters lowly followed by a low growl to himself. "I Need to know what is so darn special about him even if it means that I have to find him Or one of those maverick bastards myself, I Just have to know."
Shadow frowned slightly. "...Even if I have to ask Hiei..."
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Shouted the angry Agile as he entered, the door swung open and slammed against a metallic wall when he did. The sound of the slam could be echoed from within the somewhat bare office. Crimson eyes narrowing at the dark purple colored maverick who returned the narrowed gaze. Seeming not one bit pleased at what he recently heard.
"Getting Magma to work for you? He is under my unit and not yours!"
"He had orders from you to go out to search for Kurama which is my first order from Ragnarok and not yours. If you were so concerned about the search for the fox also you might as well have him in my unit for the time being. Help in the search for the fox." Vile seemed calm yet stern. Making himself clear towards Agile who paused at that, frowning. "You know I'm right Agile. And don't you have your own orders to worry about?" Dropping some papers to a side upon a table that he was reviewing for a bit while waiting for the two mavericks to finish repairing themselves. He had expected to be bothered by Agile sooner or later anyhow. Agile only stood a few feet from Vile, fists clenched, his teeth gritting out of anger. Vile unamused by such a rude outburst managed to have a calm exterior, anger was noted but not by much could be detected from the darker helmeted maverick. "Well?"
Agile only snarled. Nothing could be said unless he pulled Magma out of the mission, but in order for things to get done his way he would need Magma to stick with Vile's unit temporarily. So for now, he let Vile have the last word on this and just turned around and made his leave out of the dark maverick's deskless office. Once out the door which was wide opened before and sticking somewhat to the wall, he ignored the tall form that stood outside the door and stepped out of the angry Agile's way. The light violet colored maverick swordsman was so wrapped up in his anger he paid no heed at all to anyone about not even the taller form was visible to him...
"hrm.." Vile smirked somewhat in his helm. He was rather surprised at how much control Agile had over that but amused at how easily it leaked out of him in the end. Turning his crimson gaze down to the papers he was reading through before which were nothing more but reports on the chimera mingled with the reports they had gathered on Kurama so far. With those and the book he was given he could pretty well understand who and what Kurama is. Now the question is still to why he was here? "What is the real reason for the silver fox to be here?"
"I figured you would know it sooner more then anyone else here. Infact had figured out by now."
Vile held his breath, his own body frozed upon the very second he heard the tone and made no move until it was done speaking. He looked up quickly to catch sight of the tall figure at the doorway then, whom stepped past and entered calmly. the other's own crimson eyes studied the somewhat mangled doorway curiously. "Tsk tsk...you make the budget so hard on me, Vile. First a desk and now the door?"
"Master Ragnarok..."
"It will come out of Agile's check." Ragnarok smirked. even though mangled some he pulled the door from sticking to the wall and made an attempt to close it, and so it did with a simple click shut but the knob still seemed out of place. Perhaps making an old fashioned opera theatre as part of their base was a bad idea after all, it did seemed nifty at first.
"Is there something else amiss?" Vile found it odd somewhat that Ragnarok would see him now of all times. He had things to do before heading out to find the fox and as important as it is so was the time they needed to finish the Chimera. The fox couldn't be more important suddenly could it?
"Don't like my company Vile?" Ragnarok smirked lightly. "I only wanted to see why you weren't out on your search for Kurama as of yet."
Vile returned his gaze down to the papers. He shouldn't be surprised by now of how concerned Ragnarok is for Kurama, worried? "I needed Storm eagle to go along with me. Not that I need help but he is useful to take along." He sets one page from the top and to the rest of the pile he had already looked through. "..especially when you want me to bring him back alive."
"Hrmph. Don't joke with me like that. I was sure enough you could do it alone and able to bring him back to me in fine condition." The maverick master slipped over to a wall and leaned against it casually, his arms folded before his chest and crimson eyes to the one who didn't seem to be doing his job yet.
"Such confidence in me...I am honored." Maybe a little, not enough to get his attention to get up and move out without Stormy and Magma. He wasn't interested as to head out quite yet, there was somethings of the chimera he wanted to look through first, things that had him curious sometime before...Ragnarok's patients unfortunately were running thin, and without a doubt Vile felt it and ignored it.
"Vile...there is a chance those Hunters may know he is out there and would retrieve him before we do."
"And so what if they did?" Vile looked up from the papers and to the maverick master who's calmed exterior seemed to drop to a displeased one. "Originally our plan for him was nothing more but an distraction was it not?"
"Without him the Chimera will not work." Ragnarok's tone dropped. "Yes, he is nothing more but an distraction but we still need him before we put use of our weapon."
Vile raised a slight brow to that. "And what use? have him entertain the hunters? Why not finish up the chimera and throw it in the hunters way?"
"Were you not aware of what has happened before? What the hunters Realized? We need Kurama here." Ragnarok's ruby eyes narrowed at the dark purple maverick then. his form remaining the same against the wall but eyes fixed on Vile who blinked once behind his helm, not quite expecting such insistence from his maverick master. "your loyality to me is on the line here Vile, I suggest you do something about it."
Since such words were put that way.."You revived me like you did with everyone else, put us together like we were nothing more then lego pieces and that alone I serve you. Retrieving something to satisfy your lust and not for the sake of this small army however has me question you, Ragnarok."
Ragnarok only laughed softly within the tiny office, soft as it were and a little bare his office was the sound of his laughter still bounced off the walls. Vile could feel it and nearly crushed the papers in his hand. "And what is so amusing, my lord?" sarcasm nearly melted to the last two words he spoke, he very much dared too but bit his tongue back before doing so. An amused grin crossed the master's lips the glare he had for Vile gone from his features.
"You all only call me that because you serve under my company which I built with my own two hands and you along with Sigma's followers whom I rebuilt with my own two hands. A few of you who lost most of their memory but still serve. simply amazing."
"Not answering my question." Vile now narrowed his gaze at Ragnarok.
"Because Vile you contradict yourself. you tell me I shouldn't seek pleasure among work when you do the very same thing all the time?" Ragnarok pulled away from the wall and his arms slide from his chest and to his sides. ruby eyes remaining on the dark maverick. "You are my favorite among all of whom I rebuilt. Now please stop wasting time on the chimera when I already handed a job to you."
"A job that will be done soon."
"A job I demand to be done now." Ragnarok spoke in a low and firm tone, even had his sight narrowed to the purple maverick whom ceased what he was doing. A moment of silence skipped by before Vile tossed the papers ontop the cabinet where his folders set.
"Very well."
"Very well."
"Good, if you wish to know anymore of this plan. Bring Kurama to me alive and you will get whatever answer you need to satisfy that curiousity of yours." With that said Ragnarok turned his form away some to take hold of the knob, and with a simple turn it clicked and opened for the tall maverick.Stepping out soon after but leaving the door open for Vile.
Vile watched the other leave and stared out to the empty hall in further thought about this, something wasn't adding up. Something that the folders and Ragnarok were keeping from him and the rest of the reploid army. He cannot further investigate unfortunately until Kurama was here. After that moment, Vile finally made his way out of the office and gave the hall a brief glance for the master whom was already gone. Relieved of knowing that, Vile resumed his way to the parking lot they had, his hand lifts to tap at his helm and activating a com-link.
"Storm. Give me a status on You and Magma's repairs."
<"Were just about ready, well I am. but Magma's vision is still knocked and working on it now."> the bird reploid answered immediately.
"Ragnarok is getting impatient, send me the Coordinates for where the scanner was dropped last. The sector you and Magma were."
<"Yes sir.">
Vile paused a moment within the halls as the information was sent, via through the personal net system. Recieving the information, he resumed onwards to his destination. Storm kept his com-link open after sending.
<"You're not going ahead without us, are you commander?">
"I am going to retrieve the scanner, yes. I want you two to catch up with me as soon as the repairs are done." Vile gave the order as he stopped before one of the seven elevators and tapped at the button to get the attention of one. Storm's tense tone was noted when he resumed to speak. <"Vile, sir. that place will be heavily gaurded with Hunters, you shouldn't go alone.">
"T'ch, Ragnarok is not giving me much of a choice." Vile's own tone hissed at the end, hearing a bell chime of an elevator available thus went up to it, the doors open wide to welcome the reploid and he enters, tapping at another button to the sub level where their vehicles reside. "I am going by a vehicle, I don't want to take the chance with teleporting."
<"Alright, Magma and I will meet you at the downtown sector as soon as possible when repairs are through.">
"See that you do, I will need help once I have found Kurama." Vile sighed and leaned against the elevator wall for the moment, watching the numbers move to the lower number he desired to reach.
<"Help to bring him in?"> Storm asked, caution was noted in the tone.
"Help to get the hunters off my back." the dark maverick smirked. The elevator ceased movement with the same familiar bell chime and the doors open to reveal the very place he wanted to be in. The Parkade.
<"Yes, sir."> Storm said last before the com-link was cut off. Vile pushed away from the wall and through the doors as he looked around for the particular vehicle he wanted. Walking past other vehicles and a couple of the soldiers approached in wonder why he was there, answering their questions and informing them of what he needed, they showed him to the attack and land cycles which Vile figured was perfect for the travel to the city and to bring back Kurama in. However his crimson optics widen surprised to another vehicle that he found more perfect than the landcycles.
"..A 2098 Intrigue classic?"
Vile stepped away from the landcycles and towards a sleek black vehicle. A car one would put it simply, quite fast, a true classic for casual driving. The reploids grinned when they noticed how fascinated their commander was with the car, they way he walked around it, opened a door and looked within it too. "Four door, too. Mm, might fit all four of us in here if Storm clipped his wings."
"Are you interested on taking this vehicle, sir?" One of the reploids asked curious.
"Are you kidding?" Vile looked up from staring at the driving exterior. "Where did this come from and how many do we have?"
"Three of them, they were here when the place was found and Ragnarok told us to fix them up for battle or Investigating use." The reploid answered simply, waving a hand to the second reploid to go and get a set of keys for the car. The second reploid went upon understanding that. "Two black ones and a silver one."
"I'll take this one. Safe for a human to travel in?"
The reploid was silent for a moment til he realized the commander's mission had to be on retrieving the fox. "Yes sir, it is. Would you like the schematics on the vehicle for the weapons and defense system it has?"
"Give me all the information available. I will look them over while traveling." Vile ordered as he gave the car one more look before he stood up and took the keys from the second reploid who returned with them.
"That's dangerous though." The reploid noted however paused when the purple maverick gave him a glare through his helm, it was seen clear enough that the reploid nodded and went to get the needed Information. "Right away!"
"Good. Because I need to leave now." Vile stepped into the car and got himself comfortable in the drivers seat, it looked a touch small outside but large enough within and perfect for the city driving, with this he can get past the hunters! helps to have windows that were tinted dark out but not so in. Make it difficult to see in, he loved the car already. Once the two reploids gave him the schematics for the vehicle, he gave the driving info a brief look through before he shut the door and started it up. A smooth rumble heard from the car and made the maverick grinned as he felt it too. Though one thing did make him wonder on it.
Did this old thing use gas like those old old vehicles or normal oil? or the same stuff the modern vehicles used today? giving the information another look, it soon answered his question. Once satisfied with that, Vile buckled up, took the steering wheel and a touch to the pedal, he drove the thing out of the garage but gave a bit of the screech upon a turned and almost hit a couple of reploids in the process. Soon the sound of the purring vehicle was off towards a highway and made it's way to the city.
Leaving behind the two reploids who watched in astonishment at how quickly Vile left. "...He never drove that thing before."
"I know."
"It took me three days to learn how to control it!"
"It took me five days."
Both were quiet as they still stared at the parkade door, not quite sure how to comprehand their shock. "...I hit harry."
"And I hit John. so your point?"
"Want to get coffee?"
Shocked dealt with, they both left their spots and made their way towards the room rambling to eachother then of how they hit the poor reploids and what damaged were done to them, of course it soon lead to a competition of who was the most reckless driver.
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To Be Continued.