Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Red Fox ❯ The Fox Hunt II ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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A Known Blood Red Fox
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By Vile Deadboss
Chapter XI: 'The Fox Hunt II'
Why would he run away?
The first thought that crossed in Hiei's head ever since him and X stepped out of the Hunter Headqaurters and searched about in the secter for Kurama's ki, it was nowhere to be sensed unfortunately as it had taken hours now.
Didn't he say he wished to be dead then?
Resting near a park with reploids and humans passing by the bench him and X were on, taking a short break while X was talking to Zero through a com-link, asking if his search was in any progress. Hiei hid his blade under his cloak slightly, not wanting to grab any attention by the human and human-like creatures.
He has his chance here and with those human hater reploids, but why is he still alive?
Hiei looked up and watched the reploids and the humans that walked by, also staring at the odd stores which surprisingly didn't look much different from the city Yusuke and the others stayed in. Still...aside from the appearence they were different.
Did he run away from them or is he still with them waiting to ambush these hunters?
"Alright, we'll look around here a bit more then move on to your sector."
Kurama...what are you doing? what are you waiting for?
<"Right, Seeya in a few hours.."> Zero last said on the com-link then went offline, X sighed and shut his link down, looking up to Hiei who heard the conversation somewhat but still kept his eyes on the stores ahead.
"Well...whenever you think your rested enough, we'll check out the other half here and move on to where Zero is after." X said with a smile, going through a small boardpad that he always carried with him, a map was on the small thin screen on the board that showed that part of the sector they were in.
A handy little thing Hiei thought before getting up and stretching a bit.
"I think we should just go ahead to where Zero is, I still can't sense Kurama anywhere near here.."
X checked the time on the board he had. "Well...evening will hit in a few hours, I still think we should try one more place here before we do, one more then we'll head to where Zero is." X then walked over to his patrol cycle and placed the board on a pocket at the side of the cycle, Hiei silently got up and followed X not in the mood to really argue with the reploid as he felt already weary as it is.
Having his Jagan expanded now and then is taking alot of ki out of him, but if Kurama is anywhere near he would no need of the jagan but still...He couldn't help but feel as if Kurama was more near where Zero is.
And he hated that feeling.
Not to far off from the two a shadowy silhouette withen the tall park trees sits quietly in the shadows, unknown to the rest of the presence outside the park.
The shadow watches them finding it unfortunate that they knew Kurama had run away and they too search for him, if he followed X and the odd human with him, perhaps his chances of finding Kurama will be better. Who is that anyways with X? He would not dare to go any closer to listen to them to know who, keeping a distance from X would surely be very wise right now.
Especially when its bad enough that he now knows Storm's following him but not at the moment unfortunately for him. Disappearing from one branch and on to another, trying his best to be near X and the odd human but keeping a safe distance from them as well and anyone else out there who might notice him.
And to think it was but a few hours ago he followed Storm Eagle to the city before noticing X and deciding to follow him while Storm took off to another direction. bad part of this though was that he found himself hoping X and the odd human will find Kurama, good part is that he'd be saving himself alot of work.
Agile would be most pleased as Ragnarok and Vile would unfortunately be very angry, hoping deep in this that Agile wouldn't drag him into this like a coward but rather that if he killed Kurama and to have left it unknown.
If it can be left unknown that is...
As X hopped onto his cycle and with Hiei riding behind, they both took off to the last sector they wanted to check before leaving to the downtown part of the city, Magma leaped off the tree then and quickly used his teleportation ability to follow X and Hiei.
Using it to reapper during a vacant spot where no one would see him and then disappear to another, finding it to be the quickest way to follow X.
During the while to the trip to the sector X took a glimpse at the small monitor on his cycle, noting they were being followed but whoever it is would disappear and then reappear to another spot. X thought for a moment on who would be following them? a Maverick gone stupid? or maybe...
"Were being followed aren't we..." Hiei asked. Holding onto X as not to fall off the cycle at the same time his other hand gripped the handle of his blade. "He's close behind."
"I see this Hiei but we can't do anything about him until we get to the empty sector, we don't want any humans harmed." X finally responded, keeping his emerald eyes on the road. Hiei only snorted at what X said and abided to it, not seeing much of a choice in this.
When they finally reached the sector Hiei right away hopped off the cycle yet stopped himself from preparing to attack the one following them, he needed to know what X thought of the creature first before jumping to things.
X eyed the monitor for a moment watching where the blip would appear last before disappearing, and when it disappeared the monitor could not pinpoint it anymore.
"A maverick..." X said lowly, slipping off his cycle finally and grabbed the board from the pocket once more just in case. Hiei carefully looked around for the reploid at the same time trying to sense Kurama anywhere. "How can you tell?"
"Because when they are close enough as of now, they know how to block are sensors from finding them." X spoke lowly once more, knowing Hiei would catch what he said, the fire demon took in a sharp breath as he still could not sense Kurama....Meaning that it's possible he could be where Zero is, his feeling would be more correct then his senses.
"Let's deal with our little friend first before we move to the downtown sector." X said lowly still, having his arm cannon set ready.
"I say we deal with him Now!!!" Hiei growled and disappeared from his spot and on to another thirty feet away.
Startled by the sudden appearence from the odd human, Magma leaped out from the spot he ducked behind quickly as to avoid the sudden slash from the blade the odd human gripped, usure if it was harmful or not. Unfortunately he hoped to be close enough to listen to them from that spot but no such luck and a big mistake on his part.
X held his breath for a moment upon the appearence of Magma but swallowed his shock and pointed his arm cannon at him immediatly. "Don't Move!!"
And naturally Magma froze his eyes upon Hiei however and narrowed his gaze slightly, Hiei who stood still on his spot with his Katana out and in a prepared stance. "Where's Kurama?!" Hiei growled immediatly. Magma blinked.
"You bastards have Kurama don't you? Where is he!?" Hiei snarled again.
Magma calmed slightly finding no reason to fear the odd human now but X on the other hand, still how did this human know about Kurama? and weren't they just searching for him? "I thought you would know..." Magma answered.
"You mean...he really did run away from you guys?" X asked and raised a curious brow, his arm cannon charging slowly in case Magma attacked. Magma held his breath for a moment and realized what he was saying, he really shouldn't let them know Kurama ran away from them but then again it pretty well seemed pointless, they knew Kurama ran away and that's that.
"Search for him all you want am sure Vile and Storm have him by now!" Magma growled, quickly hopping away from his spot and when he did so X let the plasma charge shot trail after Magma with his aim accurate, unfortunately Magma had expected the shot and used his ability to disappear before the shot even touched him. The blast blindly headed for one of the evicted buildings and hit the side with a loud crash, the building now more scarred then before.
Reappearing to another spot Magma grinned amused that he had outwitted X for once, the grin didn't stay long however as Magma noticed a shimmer of Hiei's blade and quickly leaped out of the way before the blade could damage him, nipping his armor though.
Quickly gathering himself and checked the scratch that Hiei made but the scratch was bigger then he thought. Hiei's blade shouldn't even damage his armor like so, in fact the tip should be...
when Magma looked to the angry fire demon with his blade unharmed, the fire demon again leapt towards Magma with such speed that Magma almost had no time to react as he ducked away from the blade, it successfully slashed his shoulder armor.
Crashing to his side with a metallic clang while a huge chunk of his shoulder armor flew the other way, his own oil like blood dripped down his shoulder as he stared at Hiei somewhat horrified. Hiei's blade yet again unharmed dripped with Magma's reploid blood.
Even X was shocked, that blade everyone thought would be to weak of a weapon had turned out to be more powerfully dangerous enough to nip at Magma as though he was nothing but paper.
Hiei however had no other reaction past his anger, his red eyes glowing almost as he glared at Magma and approached him slowly this time. "Again I'll ask...Where's Kurama!!?"
Magma slowly backed away from Hiei, trying to gather his thoughts of what he should do? what could he tell him? "What the hell are you??" He screeched. Magma would smack himself if not for his shoulder right now...
"First tell me...Where Kurama is..." Hiei hissed, approaching the frightened reploid slowly still. Magma growled lowly, appearently this human is not going to answer him anytime soon and neither will he.
"Fine.." Magma hissed back and quickly activated his teleportation ability after that was said.
Understanding what Magma was doing Hiei quickly dashed forward to slash Magma from disappearing again unfortunately it was to late as he slashed at mid air, Magma disappeared from his spot and Hiei quickly looked around to see where he would disappear too.
While trying to sense Magma out and X did the same with the board in hand. It seemed once Magma ran he kept running....
"Hiei!" X shouted to the fire demon almost frantically. "He's heading for Downtown!"
Catching that Hiei cursed and disappeared from his spot and reappeared beside X's cycle while X quickly climbed on and started it, once it did he put the board away while Hiei climbed on and as soon as they were ready they took off at the highest speed the cycle could handle all the way to the sector where Zero is, following the wounded Magma....
Fox don't let them find you! Don't let them Catch you again! Please!!
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......Don't let them Catch you again! Please!!
Kurama mumbled sleepily.
In the presence of the sleeping fox, Keith blinked upon catching the mumbling from across his small bedroom. Having to read a magazine he picked up and decided to sit with the fox instead of Flair who took over his couch. Keith tilted his head slightly, waiting to listen to what else the fox would mumble, instead of the mumbling he heard whimpering from Kurama who shifted on the bed and clutched to the pillow tightly with his right hand, tears emitting from his face as he buried his face slightly on the pillow, surprisingly still dreaming.
"oh man.." Keith groaned and got up from his seat, reaching for a small tissue and carefully kneeled beside the bed of which Kurama was resting on, carefully wiping the tears from his face. Upon feeling the tissue Kurama twitched and lied very still as Keith wiped whatever tears were left, once finished he tossed the tissue away and checked on Kurama once more but found a pair of sad yet sleepy emerald eyes on him.
Keith froze for a moment surprised then cleared his throat.
"er...I thought you were still asleep.."
"I was..." Kurama answered wearily, moving slowly to sit up but Keith placed his hand on the fox's shoulder, Kurama froze and looked back to the reploid.
"Rest some more...you haven't slept long enough."
"I don't want to over stay my welcome.." Kurama sleepily said, but lied back when he felt
Keith's hand insisting.
"Trust me your not, second you need to rest long enough for that to heal." Keith slipped his hand from Kurama's shoulder and tapped very lightly on his freshly bandaged arm. Kurama almost forgot about the wound and much as he doesn't like the reploid, he's right.
"Relax and sleep, besides Flair explained everything to me about you and what's happened before she went to rest as well."
"she did..?" Kurama looked to Keith who nodded, pulling his hand away finally.
"So rest up while you can and once your healed we'll see what we can do to help you after, alright?" Keith almost smiled but bit his lip before he could and started to make his way out of the room. "Now sleep! I have work to do."
Kurama blinked at the odd reploid and watched him leave, shutting the bedroom door once he was out. Yawning softly, he did still feel sleepy and shifted to make himself comfortable unsure of what else to do.
He did however thought that he heard Hiei's voice, does he know he's gone? "why would he care.." Kurama mumbled to himself.
Closing his eyes then and cursed his nightmares for effecting his sleep yet again, trying to return to sleep he hoped slightly his dreams would at least offer him something peaceful, soothing perhaps for him to rest long enough to heal, to at least once for his heart to stop hurting...
Outside the bedroom and in the living room, Keith grabbed his coat and quietly got ready to leave for a few hours, making sure he didn't wake up Flair nor Kurama. Silently grabbing a few more things then stepped out as quiet as he could and once he was out he again silently walked through the hallway to the stairs, finding them more safer to use then the elevators in his opinion.
Since he was living in an evicted area, naturally the poor area of the city downtown it would be no surprise if the mavericks were about here and there, how else was Flair to get here without being spotted with her in her armor?
He'll need to find some more clothes for her in that matter and Kurama, once out of the building he made note to hit one of the clothing shops on his way back, for now he headed over to a club a couple of blocks down and every shop he passed by he made note of.
What caught his eye though at one of those shops made his heart almost jump to his throat.
Zero, maverick hunter Zero stood by one of the shops asking a few reploids and humans some questions. All of them shook their head while a few answered "no." Zero nodded a thanks to them after and walked away from them and over to his cycle.
What is an A class maverick hunter doing here? Keith wondered as he kept his distance from the maverick hunter.
Somewhat walking a bit faster in hopes that he would disappear out of view from the hunter and would be ignored by him, somehow though he felt that would never work as the hunter moved away from his cycle and begin walking over towards him, should he pretend he didn't see the hunter and keep walking? or stop to see what he will ask?
Neither came to an answer fortunately as the Hunter approached some people near him who stopped when Zero called for them to stop.
Keith kept walking on he had no time to stop for the hunter, but even so do they know about Kurama and Flair running away from the Maverick headquarters?
"Nah..." He said lowly to himself and shook his head, still heading towards his destination and ignoring the hunter who seemed to have called him as well with the group he stopped.
"Hey!" Zero shouted again to the blue haired reploid who surprisingly ignored him and frowned, turning his sapphire eyes back to the group he stopped then. "Thank you for your cooperation, now 'scuse me..." Zero politely said as he pulled away from the group and turned to follow the reploid who's ignoring him, sighing to himself.
"Hey you! the one with blueberry juice all over his hair!" Zero shouted once more in hopes it would grab the reploids attention, unfortunatly Keith was so deep in his thoughts he did not seem to pay attention to anything around him at all. Zero frowned and still followed the reploid curious as to where he was heading anyways something deep withen him says he should anyhow.
Something deep withen him?
Zero paused for a moment while the frown disappeared from his face as he watched the reploid's back, the same feeling he had in the Maverick Headquarters is with him now, why?
Whatever it was Zero resumed to follow and waited to see how long the blue haired moron would take notice of him.
It seemed he didn't quite yet as they skipped a couple of blocks til the blue haired reploid stopped before a clothing shop and started talking to one of the woman who was outside folding clothes for sale on shelves as he pointed to a few clothes she gathered them up and nodded to him. Giving her some cash and nodded back to her after then once more resumed on his way again, not taking the clothes yet it seemed. Zero found that odd as he kept his distance now and resumed to follow.
The woman who took the clothes inside the shop blinked slightly upon noticing the crimson hunter walking by, and watched as he followed Keith, she frowned slightly and went over to her com-link, tapping at it and waited for someone to pick up.
Outside Keith went over his thoughts about what is he going to do with Flair and Kurama, remembering about what Flair explained to him of Kurama who wasn't part of this world muchless this time.
Wouldn't that screw up the time line and space alone? or was Kurama sent here for another reason? The best reason Flair came up with was that her Master Ragnarok wanted the fox here, along with someone else. Kurama was the best Ragnarok could grab so far which of course wasn't unfortunate, considering she said it was easily noticeble that he was attracted to the fox. Like the brilliant Maverick Master however he scared Kurama from the MHQ and now the fox is being hunted not only by the mavericks but possibly by the hunters too.
How is he going to help him?
Ahead of him was his destination finally and smiled somewhat as he noticed somebody waited at the door, but he found it rather odd that the bouncer of the dance club was out early, why's that?
The look in the bouncer's eyes noted he was watching somebody behind Keith, a sign also to tell him to walk faster thus he did, not daring to look behind himself to check who's following him. Once reaching the door he looked to the bouncer and smiled kindly. "Hey Bob h-"
"Ash's waiting for you inside, you have a hunter behind you.." The bouncer said quickly and fairly low. Taking the hint quickly, Keith still kept the smile on his face and waved before walking into the club.
As Keith disappeared into the club Zero made note of the gesture towards eachother and also noted the bouncer keeping his eye on him, Not stopping him from asking that reploid questions however as he approached the club calmly.
"Maverick Hunter on duty, I'd like to speak to that m-"
"If your on Duty, no Hunters allowed in here." The bouncer known as Bob said immediatly, Zero blinked at the response.
"Uhm...You know the rules re-"
"Listen I know who you are and what you are, Why don't you have one of your hunter buddies that aren't working ask the man questions? This club is sponsered by your HQ, you should know your own rules, No one is allowed unless for Emergencies." Bob then moved slightly to stand infront of the door, blocking the crimson hunter from stepping in. "I'm sorry Zero but you know Hunters and those alike are not allowed in here during duty, After duty would be appreciated."
"I see...well can you-"
The beeper on Zero's com-link suddenly awoken frantically on Zero's shoulder, causing the hunter to grab it and frown. "erm...'scuse me for a moment.."
Walking away from the man and the club entrance Zero flipped open the com-link as soon as he thought it was somewhat clear for him to talk. "Zero here."
<"Zero!! Hiei and I spotted Magma at the West sector, He's heading for your sector right now!">
<"He's right now heading for block 2675, were right behind him but I don't think he-"> The com-link ended with a loud hiss after, cutting off the middle of X's explaination.
"X? X!" Zero called but with no response, it did however give him a pretty good idea where they are and knew they would be really close. Closing the com-link Zero quickly made his way back to his attack cycle dashing through the few blocks as fast as he could, at the same time making note of the few blocks he walked to follow the reploid.
He wasn't finished with that one..
The Hunt was on....
The odd yet familiar feeling sinked withen Zero as he ran towards his cycle, trying to ignore it but it sinked in him heavily not stopping him to catch up with the chase along with Hiei and X however.
Deciding to take a shortcut Zero dashed into an alleyway and then leaped over to one side of the wall and kicked it to help boost himself to another side of the wall and did the same thing over til he climbed the top of the roof, reaching the roof he ran across the buildings rooftop til he reached the edge and hopped over the gap and reaching the other side with ease. It was then the tracking pocket board on his side begin to beep, noting an unidentified signal ahead of him.
He's there already? He's gotten a bit faster then usual hasn't he? Zero thought to himself as he rushed to where the tracer located the renegade reploid.
Storm calmly walked around in the alleys of Downtown as he covered himself with a large cloth he found, using it as a cloak but keeping his wings out from being hidden, he pulled out a small board console in wonder if the jeweled tracer they placed on Kurama's clothes would work.
Ragnarok expected this to happen somewhat surprisingly, but he did not expect Kurama to run off with Flair.
Activating the pocket board, he ran through a few schematics of the activation then waited as the board tried to locate where the fox is.
Spotting the location, Storm grinned widely as he began to make his move towards the destination of the tracer, finding the fox was easier then he expected infact a little to easy maybe something's up?
Before he could look any further a dull thud was heard in the same alleyway with him and he turned to look to see who, recognizing immediatly who it is he quickly ducked into a dark corner glad that the hunter didn't see him right away.
He knew it wasn't going to be easy somewhere along this line...
Fortunately Zero was looking the other way when he landed, infact it seemed the hunter was looking for something as he was using some sort of contraption in hand to help with his search, setting it to a side once that odd contraption stopped beeping, Zero began to look around the alleyway.
Did the hunters have scanners for the mavericks now? Storm wondered, watching Zero carefully and prepared to make a run for it if needed. Curious however of why out of all Hunters was Zero there?
<"Zero!--Magm-left of--district--"> the comlink resumed to hiss with X still trying to contact Zero, Zero picked it up once more confused on why was the commuication down out of all places, was there something here blocking it?
Storm caught the contact trying to be made and resumed to his search, looking over the tracer of where it last located Kurama which still seemed to be in the same spot, he decided to move out of there quickly before Zero catches him.
Taking a few steps to the opposite direction Zero wondered where Magma was if the tracer he had with him was correct at all if he was in here, was he?
Storm took the chance to move away from his spot and run out of the alleyway, slowly heading to the exit then one of his wings twitched suddenly in a reaction to span out slightly, the tip bumping into one of the trash cans and suddenly a black cat screeched, hopping out of the trash can and away from it quickly. Storm screeched as loud as the cat did and ran away as well knowing full well that Zero saw him there.
Zero jumped at the sudden crash and screech, turning quickly to see a black cat running away from the trash while at the same time something in a cloak ran off the opposite direction. Zero immediatly dashed after the cloaked stranger while retracting his right hand and formed it into a plasma cannon, charging slowly in need to slow the maverick down.
Magma may have escaped X and Hiei but he's not escaping me... Zero thought as he chased the cloaked stranger into the not so busy downtown streets and grinned, enjoying the rush of the chase already.
It did not last as something else appeared on the streets and infront of the cloaked reploid who stopped abruptly but not enough as he crashed into the injured reploid. "Ack!" yelped the injured reploid upon the impact followed by a "Gah!!" from the cloaked reploid. Zero paused in time before he followed the two.
"What in..??" Zero blinked confused at the two and then realized the wings on the cloaked reploid's back, hissing suddenly on recognizing who it was. "Storm Eagle!?" He raised his charged arm cannon and growled, wondering why both of them were here?
"Storm??" Magma said surprised and eyed the cloaked bird ontop him while Storm blinked at the injured reploid beneath him.
"What are you doing here? and Get off me!!" Magma growled and swatted at the bird reploid who immediately slipped off the injured one then gulped after upon noticing Zero, the crimson hunter stood quietly and confused with his plasma cannon up and pointed at the two.
Magma froze upon noticing him.
"I was about to ask you the same thing but it seems we both won't have our answers now..."Storm hissed lowly.
"He's Nothing..." Magma hissed. Storm's eyes widen at the response and looked to Magma surprised, Zero turned his confused yet angry sapphire gaze at the injured reploid as well.
"Perhaps I should finish X's job now instead of waiting for him then, huh?" Zero smirked as he kept his eyes on the maverick, not moving his arm cannon however. Magma smirked back even though it couldn't be seen behind the mask he wore but his eyes and moved slowly to sit up, not caring if the crimson hunter wanted him to or not.
"X wasn't able to touch a piece from me...that friend he had with him however.." Magma's smirk disappeared to a slightly worried look, slipping a hand to his injured shoulder as he recalled Hiei's attacks from before. "That friend of his is like a human but he isn't...he's very powerful.."
Zero paused as the smirk disappeared from him as well and frowned slightly upon what he was hearing from Magma. Hiei? is he talking about Hiei?
Magma gave Storm a quick look as the bird reploid looked to him and blinked, nodding slightly after as he returned his gaze back to Zero.
"Needed someone to take Kurama down, hm?" Magma asked suddenly. Zero's frown turned to a glare once that was said.
"that reminds me...where is he?"
"Someplace where you will never find him!" Storm growled lowly, moving very slowly to prepare to attack. Magma quickly grabbed Storm's shoulder as for him not to move, keeping his eyes on Zero still.
"Hold it birdbrain...they know we lost Kurama..."
"What?!" Storm screeched and looked to Magma. "How-!?"
"That friend of theirs is from the same place Kurama was..."Magma kept his stern stare at the crimson hunter. "Isn't he, Zero..."
"Maybe." Zero answered, raising his arm cannon to have it point at Magma's head. "Smart mavericks aren't we? appearently not smart enough to have lost Kurama."
"Yes...a mistake on Ragnarok's part..." Magma said lowly yet calm. "but it's a mistake that won't happen again once I catch him!!"
Magma hissed and quickly activated his teleport ability to disappear from his spot suddenly, to late for Zero to aim and shoot instead he twisted around and let the shot fly in the opposite direction where Magma appeared, catching the maverick by surprise as the shot hit him square and true at the stomache, causing the maverick to yelp once hit and slammed back against the concrete wall from the impact of the shot. Enough to stun the maverick as he quickly reached for his saber once he let the shot fly, activating it and twisted quickly once more to slash Storm. Expecting the attack the bird reploid leapt back and away from the attack of the saber as it cleanly sliced through the cloak he was wearing.
Throwing the cloak off and letting his wings span out for an attack he watched Zero carefully as the hunter stood for a moment watching him, a short moment of silence before Zero smirked and thrusted forward once again, attempting to slash Storm as the maverick once more side stepped the attack.
How long can he dodge the attacks from Zero though? Storm clearly knew he was to slow to fight Zero and thus will get killed if he dared too.
Avoiding another attack or rather two from Zero, not causing any damage to him yet as the eagle reploid tried to avoid any, trying to think of an strategy out of this if possible.
Fortunately he didn't have too as Zero once more thrusted to slash Storm again but ceased suddenly and dived away instead as Magma tossed a sticky bomb at the crimson hunter, causing him and Storm to dive away before the bomb exploded on contact. Throwing a few more at Zero and expected him to dive away and avoid the bombs, Storm took the chance to run back through the alleyway he came from then used his wings and agility to take off from the ground and to the roof top of the building.
Magma followed after throwing a few more bombs to cause debris and whatnot to explode and leave a huge grey dust cloud, disappearing from his spot once more by using his teleportation ability to catch up with Storm on the rooftop buildings, thankfully his ability not damaged considering the hits he had taken.
"X and their friend are going to show up soon, we have to get out of here fast!" Magma said as he ran up to Storm who seemed frantic as he searched himself for the pocket board tracer he had with him.
"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!"
"The tracer..I had Kurama's coordinates but the tracer..it's Gone!"
"Well you can go back and look for it all you want, am heading back to base immediatly!" and with that said Magma tapped at the transport console on his arm and disappeared from his spot. Storm cursed once more as he looked back to where Zero is, much as he hated he had to come back for it later, he tapped at the console on his arm and followed Magma, he was definiatly not going to stay there alone.
By the time the two were gone, Zero hopped on to the rooftop and looked around quickly, cursing after as he knew he lost them.
"damnit..." Zero knew he didn't need to search for them any further as he knew they took an emergency transport out of here and back to their headquarters, usually locating them that way took forever since they knew how to block their transportation as well.
At least he knew that Kurama was still missing and they had a good chance of finding him...
but how?
Hearing his name called he turned immediately to find Hiei and X on the roof already, Hiei looking around for Magma and trying to sense him out. X did as well but stopped as he took in a deep breath knowing they were gone. "Magma escaped didn't he..."
"Him and Storm Eagle..." Zero hissed lowly. X's emerald eyes widened slightly and looked to Zero upon hearing that. "Storm was here too?"
"So they really did lose Kurama." Zero said lowly, walking over to X and Hiei but paused as he looked to the still searching demon, Hiei was scanning the area with his third eye carefully for a moment then stopped.
"I can't sense them but I can sense Kurama...he's aroun-unh..!" Hiei slipped down to his knees immediatly and covered his jagan with one hand both his eyes closed as his body shuddered from the ever growing pain of his energy leaving him.
X quickly went to Hiei's side when the fire demon fell to his knees, about to help him but paused when Hiei was still able to hold himself up."urgh..can't use my Jagan anymore, but Kurama is here, he's definiatly around here."
"So that narrows down the section..." Zero said lowly as he looked around the city upon the roof their on. "But where exactly could he be?"
"He's sleeping..." Hiei said softly suddenly. Zero and X both looked to the fire demon. "He's around here and sleeping....and very low in energy, if...if I'm able to use my jagan once more I can pinpoint where exactly he is but..."
"But you need to hold back on that for a few hours Hiei..."X mentioned as he looked around the city. "if you say Kurama is asleep right now and low in energy we can hold back for a few hours long enough for you to regain enough energy so we can find him. The loss of energy is going to kill you."
"What about the mavericks though?" Hiei asked as he turned his crimson slightly narrowed almond gaze at X. "If we leave their going to return."
"if we leave a couple of hunters here to guard this sector that might hold the mavericks off and buy us sometime." Zero said while deactivating and putting away his sabre. "I have some unfinished business here too so I'll be one of the few to stay on gaurd and search as well."
"Unfinished business?" X blinked, turning to the crimson hunter who stared off at a certain direction.
"That new club sponsered by the HQ....There something about it that makes me suspicious.."
"I don't see how, but then again you never checked it out yet so I thought it was okay!" X shrugged as he said this then blushed suddenly while Zero slowly turned to the azure hunter with a raised brow.
"er..uh..not that I know anything really.." X turned away to hide his blushing face from Zero. Hiei blinked confused with the conversation going on but partly ignored it as he waited for a moment of his energy to return before standing fully.
"You went to that club already? without me?" Zero asked, a confused raised brow up still as he waited for X to answer, finding it rather odd for X to go out at all and especially without him.
"Ah hah..well...uhm..Shadow was so intent of wanting to see it when it first opened and well.."
"And you went with Shadow out of all People??" Zero asked again, his face slightly shocked now. "You probably went with Aiko too for all I know."
"Actually.." X smiled sheepishly suddenly. Zero only gawked then turned away shaking his head slowly. "It's a nice club really! the music was great too! and I never seen Aiko drunk and er...cheerful like that before as well...but.."
"I get the picture X..." Zero sighed but smiled slightly, nice to know X could go out of the HQ without him somewhat but still. "I'm gonna check it out tonight, only because I have someone in there to check up on."
X blinked slightly unsure if Zero heading over there was really business or not, he turned his emerald gaze to Hiei who was watching their conversation silently though Hiei turned his head away when X looked to him.
"er..sorry Hiei." X said apologetically. "Maybe we should head back to the HQ now to have you rest for a bit."
"I want to go too.." Hiei asked. X blinked once more. "I want to go to that club Zero speaks of."
"but why?" X asked. Zero turned to them both a blonde brow raised at the fire demon.
"Because I want to see it..." Hiei answered calmly, shrugging slightly. "and it's near where I sensed Kurama too, I wanna be there if he is."
"How do we know if Kurama is there first of all?" X asked. "Besides you need to rest up at least for awhile, once you gained enough energy we will join Zero."
Zero turned away muttering lowly about a spoiled kid, Hiei glared at Zero's direction catching it with a low hiss, but saying nothing to it and shrugged to X. "Fine, I'll hold your word to that X."
"Alright well let's go, I need to change back at the HQ first before going to that club." Zero said as he turned to head for his cycle by jumping off the roof. X smirked catching that. "Found out the new rules huh?"
Zero only snorted before hopping off the roof, X followed the crimson hunter while Hiei disappeared from his spot and beside X's cycle immediatly. Looking around the mess while waiting for X to get on his cycle and start it, picking up a com-link to have the construction worked on this site immediatly at the same time too. Zero started his cycle and left, Hiei watched him leave as he frowned slightly, there was something about that hunter he does not like but he won't argue with yet. Not til he knows fully why....
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Upon reaching the headquarters and within the emergency transport station room, Magma and Storm both immediatly hopped out of the transports and scrambled out of the room, leaving a confused rep who operated the console.
Running out in the hallway both cursing that they were Not supposed to return but did anyways.
"Agile is gonna kill me, he's soo gonna kill me!"
"Vile is gonna use my feathers to stuff pillows, I'm dead!"
"Who would ever use Your feathers for a Pillow??"
"They are Nice metal feathers and they would make a Fine pillow!"
"They'll be to hard to sleep on! they'd make good pens though..."
"Shaddup you shoulderless freak! they aren't useable as pens!"
Resuming to argue as they ran through the hallway more concerned of looking for the exit out of the building then seeing the repair station, knowing more damaged would be inflicted if they even Dare to go there and if Vile and Agile Knew they had both returned without Kurama nor Flair.
Unfortunately damaged as he may be the loss of fluid from his shoulder and had taken a heavy shot from Zero, Magma's vision blurred and caused the maverick to trip with a yelp and crash into Storm. "Wack!" Both crashing into the metallic ground with an audible thud and catching a few other reploids attention.
After the comical scene from the two one of the reploids walked over to help them up with his big hands. "You two okay?" he asked his voice low and audible as he picked Magma up and had the four armed reploid stand who was still trying to get his vision corrected. "Shit!"
"Ugh...thanks Spark." Storm groaned as he stood up with the help of the large reploid who nodded, looking to Magma with one large confused brow raised.
"You look like you ran into a fun hunter named Zero." Spark noted as he poked Magma's wounded shoulder who squeaked and hopped back from Spark, hissing at the large reploid for poking his wounded shoulder.
"I did run into a fun hunter named Zero." Magma uttered a low growl, his vision blurry but enough for him to see who's who. "Damnit...my vision is knocked."
Storm grinned upon hearing that. "Guess it means I have a chance to win our bet!" and with that said Storm resumed to dash through the hallway with Magma's attention perked and followed Storm determined to go yet. " What?? Wait you feather brained cheater!!"
"Your gonna get killed trying! better to leave it up to-Oof!" A loud metallic smack of surprise was enough to stop the reploid bird abruptly and glared at the one in his way but it disappeared quickly when he realized who it was. Magma froze just when Storm was rudely stopped.
"Back so soon?"
"Gah! Sir..er..uh.." Storm hopped back, keeping a distance between him and the dark reploid as he quickly tried to find the words from his sudden frantic mind. "We ran into some Maverick Hunters, Vile Sir."
"Ditto.." Magma replied, having no clue who it was but upon hearing Vile's name mentioned his own fear slightly died down. "I've taken some damage from them and Storm here claims he knows where the fox's Coordinates are!" A sly grin would of appeared and be seen if it weren't for the mask on his face.
Storm however twitched at that.
"Oh?" Vile looked over to the damaged rep and raised a slight brow within his helm, an odd answer from somebody who's working for Agile only. "you found Kurama?"
"Well...Not exactly.." Storm muttered slightly but audible enough for Vile to hear and understand. "I took the tracer Ragnarok had appointed me to use to find Kurama with and found the coordinates of where he is..."
"Exellant, hand over the tracer then we can begin our move to retrieve the fox back here and-"
"But Sir.." Storm winced slightly, not liking the idea of having to interrupt Vile like that. "As I said, Magma and I had ran into some maverick hunters...and..well.."
"You lost the tracer..didn't you.." Vile finished partly, disappointment dully noted in his low sullen tone. Storm winced again at the same time he nodded.
Vile sighed. That would explain them running through the halls frantically.. "How you managed to lose the tracer to the hunters is what I'd like to know now.."
"Well...the hunters being Zero, X and..a new friend of theirs, Magma and I engaged in combat with the hunter Zero...I lost the tracer during the attack and debris Magma had created." Storm explained. Magma stiffened slightly at the mention of him.
"I had to create that debris in order for us to get out of there Alive, Storm." Magma noted lowly, again audible enough for Vile to catch it as well as Storm eagle.
"Well..Magma.." Vile began as he folded his arms and turned his crimson eyes to the injured reploid, the eyes no longer seeming disappointed anymore oddly. "We'll begin our search once more this evening, get yourself repaired and you shall come along with Storm and I."
Magma paused at that, Vile? wanting him to go along with them? "Yes sir."
"Storm, take in a systems check with Magma and once through before him, report to my office later. I'd like to hear more about the whereabouts of the tracer."
Storm nodded with a low "yes sir." and begin his way to the repair station, Magma followed Storm wordlessly wondering what Agile is gonna say? if Agile knows within that time however. He hoped somewhat that Agile is to busy to pay any heed at this moment, somehow a doubt was there.
Vile watched the two disappear from the hall before turning to the other reploids about, unfolding his arms as he rests one hand above his hip. "Spark, Flame and Wheel....how are the training systems on the Chimera doing?"
"Alot better now that we found out what was having it steal so much energy." Flame Stag immediatly replied. "Morph moth is changing the shocks now as we speak. It shall be ready within the day for training and whatnot."
"Exellant. Ragnarok would be pleased to hear that but...what was it exactly draining the energy from it's system?" Vile asked, folding his arms once more as he glanced to the large rep and the short one before returning his crimson eyes on Flame.
"That black crystal Storm and Ragnarok had found seems to feed off energy hungrily...were not exactly sure why and how but...Snail found a way to keep it from stealing anymore at the same time sustaining it's own." Flame reported. Wheel who had the statistics for the Chimera walked over to Vile and handed one out of three folders to him.
"I had copies made for you, Agile and Master Ragnarok." Wheel gator slightly hissed as he took a step back, carrying the rest of the folders in hand while Vile began to look through the one given to him, his red eyes narrowing slightly at one particular paper.
"Good...keep us three up to date..."Vile said in a firm tone as he turned slowly, dismissing the three as he headed back to his new office, there was a pattern to this he was starting to see and needed to investigate alone on.
And he will find out more, once he has brought that fox back to the base....
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To Be Continued.....
Notes: Hello~ Somebody emailed me asking for this to be continued and well, I'm working on that. It's an old fic and one I would like to redo and may sometime but for now I shall finish what I started. Next Chapter is on the way. Enjoy~