Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Red Fox ❯ to Dream of a Hunter? ( Chapter 2 )
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A Known Blood Red Fox
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By Vile Deadboss
Chapter II: 'to Dream of a Hunter?'
Night has finally reached the alien area that Kurama somehow learned to cope with, as he sat beside his bed and curiously looked out to the inky black night. The stars shown brightly and the moon was hidden beneath some puffy black clouds. He eyed around the abandon city which a part of it was still running some electricity. Vile told him that it was a waste to allow some lights to show, and it might make them easier targets to the maverick hunters.
He seen enough...
Kurama lied back on his bed finally and allowed his head to rest on his palms as he looked up to the ceiling which was dark but you still could see a part of the boring grey paint that all the maverick's rooms were colored. The dormitory, he thought boredly it was strange how it felt like a part of him was home, but the other half was in so much pain.
Why did he hurt so much? He should be used to it by now. Maybe being part of their war would do him some good, he can die with at least a little bit of honor and his pain could end withen the next few days.
He closed his eyes and snuggled close to the thin cold sheets and shuddered mildly from a certain wave of pain. This was the third time and he's not over it yet, that he wasn't in the arms of the one he loves. Restraining a painful cry he couldn't sleep in his youko form but he can't sleep in his other form as well, couldn't he? He wondered for a moment about his other form but if he did change into it.
They would end up keeping him longer and he did not want to spend a long time with a bunch of reploids and their fake human-like forms. Artificial intelligence, he didn't think he would actually meet up with one sometime.
He sighed painfully to himself as his grip on the sheets tightened. Fastning the sheets to cover his cold broad body and sinking his face into the pillow to muffle his bitter sobs which thankfully, the sounds of his pain wasn't carried off for anyone to hear.
He has to stop crying, he has to stop his pain. Vile will only mock him for his pain anyways, He has to learn to swallow it further and get on with his new job.
His new job...what was his new job anyways? Vile wasn't going to tell him until he has fully rested of course.
Sleep...This would be the third time, that he would actually sleep fully without having his love there, to keep him awake til the sunrise. No soft whispers, no gentle touches, no warmth.
"Hiei..." Kurama whispered softly against the pillow, and hugged it in hopes that it will ease his pain. He also prayed silently in his thoughts that his friends wouldn't miss him and need him, for quite a long time...
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The azure hunter growled as he chased after a training droid which grabbed his white towel, an E-class droid that is regarded for maverick hunter use of training. The Azure hunter hated it when the droids were put to use when he comes down to train himself a bit more for his job's sake.
He soon stopped in his tracks and turned around knowing fully who turned that droid against him.
"Zero!! cut it out!!"
The crimson reploid chuckled mildly as he tossed the remote for the droid to his friend and partner, who laughed along with Zero and shut the droid down. The blue hunter stomped up to the droid and took his towel back and gave the droid a kick before returning back to the bench, where his other stuff awaited. Placing the towel down he muttered some curses under his breath as he gathered his stuff, deciding to quit for the day.
Zero who approached to the azure hunter's side and eyed the training facility which had a mixture of hunters training or testing their skills with one another. He then tilted his head slightly to see the grumbling hunter's face, his long gold hair cascaded to a side slightly as well.
"The bunny beat you again, X?"
"Shut up! What are you guys doing down here anyways?" X grabbed his bag as he finished and looked at Zero.
"I have new orders for the both of you. That's why were down here." A reploid with jet black hair, who tossed the remote back to Zero as he handed X some papers which listed down the latest report.
The different reploid was clad in Black and navy blue armor, and was known to be third in command compared to X and Zero.
X leaned against the wall as he read the papers, while Zero started the E-droid going again and made it chase after some human hunters who were practicing their skills one another, their battle paused when Zero made the E-droid pounce on one of the humans. Startling that guy and angering him.
The rookie human hunter then chased after the bunny droid and started to throw his shoes at the droid as well.
"Run Usagi! Run!!" The new commander shouted as he laughed. Zero grinned at the sight and finally commanded the droid to return to the third commander returning with one of the humans shoes in it's mouth. "Hey! don't give it to me, man!"
The E-droid dropped the shoe and dashed off once more, X sighed as he grabbed his bag and started to head out. Zero and the third commander followed after their small fun. "So you gonna head for it?"
"It's not matter of choice, Shadow...."X droned as he looked down at the papers in his hands. Wondering why they were being sent to such a strange mission anyways? "To scan an abandon city..Isn't that usually the RCP's job?"
"Well They search for crime, we hunt for mavericks....So technically it is our job to search that city for mavericks." Zero corrected X, waving the same report in his hands. X frowned and looked at the papers in his hands once more.
"Isn't this the same city that asked us to search that area for the last three years?"
"Four actually...and yeah. Since they were so patient guess it's time for us to check it out." Shadow grinned, tossing the remote in his hands as if it were a toy, the robot bunny walking beside him obediantly. "I'm coming along for this one too."
"What about you're mission to help out Tokyo?" X paused and turned his confused gaze to Shadow. Shadow shrugged lightly and got down on one knee to pet the reploid bunny.
"My party was cancelled and Celes already left from Central City Island to cover for me."
"I see...." X continued to his destination, with Zero and Shadow following as usual. "I don't see why we have to check this one out though. Were following this by a rumor and not a fact!"
"So why should that bother you?" Zero raised a curious brow at the smaller reploid. X thought for a moment on that. Was he really bothered by all this? "I don't know..last time we followed something by a mere rumor....well..."
"It was a trap last time." Shadow finished brushing some of his hair away from his darkened face. X nodded, as he took one more glance at the papers and wondered for a long moment. He had a strange feeling about this mission, is it a bad feeling? It didn't seem like it....
"Hm...I never known you to be back down even though your a bit of a wimp, X. "Zero grinned as he said this, X turned and tossed the same white towel at Zero with a light smirk. Zero chuckled mildly and grabbed the towel and paused for a moment. The other two hunters stopped as well and looked at the crimson hunter curiously.
Zero stared at the towel for a moment before handing it back to X and passing by him. X blinked at him and watched Zero go by him oddly. "Zero??"
"Sorry guys but there was something I forgot to do back at the office. Meet up with you guys at the central command." Zero winked at the two as he made his way to his own destination. Shadow shrugged at the response and wondered that if he was forgetting anything also? X watched Zero disappear around the corner first before he continued his own way.
"So anything you have to do before heading to central command?" Shadow asked curiously.
"Aside from taking a shower from all the training this morning and...hmm....that's it I suppose."
"Okay, I'm gonna see if Cyrus could take care of Usagi for me. I'll meet up with ya later then."
Shadow smiled cheerfully as he picked up the small reploid bunny who hopped eagerly into his arms.
X smiled at the sight and waved as he made his way to the shower room.
"Alright, seeya shadow!"
What is this?
Zero sighed to himself as he leaned against the roof's fencing and looked around the skies and watched the birds fly over head and the clouds which brushed the morning sky perfectly. Taking a deep breath, the soft warm winds blew gently causing his long gold locks to dance among the breeze.
He took his helmet off and brushed a bit of his hair away from his face and fixed the bit of it on his own.
What the hell is this??
He then once again leaned against the fencing and started to hum something softly to himself for no appearent reason, gazing the city which the HQ stated nearby. K'so he didn't have much to do, but what's wrong with hanging out on the roof to watch the mornings skies sometimes?
"Idiot.." Zero murmured softly, a small frown growing on his face. A different glint was showing in his soft blue eyes, a certain pain?
Why am I? Where am I? What is this?
"He knows That I know why he refuses to go...That idiot.." Zero's tone changed to a low volume.
Angered in a bit but his gaze grew soft once more. His eyes looked saddened and hurt, but the expression in his face didn't change one bit. Afraid that someone might show up and see him.
This looks familiar....yet I can't seem to recognize this...what the hell?
"Last time it was a trap...But if we got out of it once, we can get out of it again." Zero sighed frustriadly after, brushing his golden hair away from his pale face. "Okay now it's bothering me too! Damn it..."
What happened?
Zero looked up to the morning sky and closed his eyes, the wind brushing against him like a warm soothing blanket. Enjoying the sensation his reploid form felt and tried to forget a certain pain that the reploid carried, hoping for the wind to carry a bit of it away anyways.
Why do I feel what you feel?
Zero turned quickly to see where the familiar tone came from and grinned. "I didn't think you'd take so long..." X grinned back as he carried a different towel with him and brushed his damp hair lightly heading up to his partner. "Well sorry, I didn't think you'd miss me."
"Nah..."Zero's grin soon died down and returned his gaze back to the Doppler city. X leaned against the fencing as well, staring out to the city curiously.
Who are they?
"I passed by Lerek earlier and he informed me that were taking his construction crew along." X reported suddenly, and turned his emerald stare down to the ground. Where each reploid and humans looked like ants to the reploid. "I think with them along we'll be able to finish scanning the city by this tuesday or shorter..."
"And if we do find some mavericks?"
"That a stupid question?"X raised a brow at his best friend. Who shook his head slowly, his eyes were closed to the world. Zero was in deep thought again.
"I mean the crew..."
Maverick Hunters...Those are maverick hunters?
"Lerek's men can easily fend for theirselves. Their not our problem as far as I'm concerned." X brushed his damp hair with the towel once more. Zero opened his eyes slowly and took a deep hesitant breath. "So what seems to be the matter? I thought you had things to do back at your office?"
"I finished whatever had to be done earlier, just wanted some thinking time to myself for a bit." Zero grabbed his helm and stared at it quietly. X blinked, the towel resting on his shoulders and he brushed his brown hair with his hand looking out to the city ahead.
"Well I guess I should let you be, if you want thinking time alone then..."
"Done." Zero smirked lightly.
I Don't get it....
"Shadow's waiting as we speak, you know." X smiled as he started to head for the central command. Zero followed him and placed his helmet on. Zero couldn't understand but he had a strange feeling about this mission, why was that?
You and X both have the same feeling? I can hear your thought's...why?
Zero then paused and looked back at the roof fencing, looking around it carefully. X paused as well and looked back to Zero. "Missing something?"
"No, Is it just me? I keep hearing some voices...Ah forget it!!" Zero blushed for telling his friend that! X chuckled softly, tempted to bother Zero about the little voice. In fact he bothered him about it anyways as they both made their way to the central command.
This is weird....Too weird
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Kurama woke up with a start and held his breath for a moment, looking up to the grey ceiling. Was he at home? The ceiling was different, the room was more bright because of the morning sun which shoned brightly in his room. Giving it a nice warm feature. He took a deep breath, inhaling the same alien scent which explained alot to where he was and what he has to do now.
He got up slowly and brushed his silver hair to remove it from any tangles. He then gazed about in the room til his eyes befallen on a table where a uniform sat and some other materials that laid there for his use.
Approaching the table he picked up the strange black and grey uniform which maybe will fit his youko form. Is that a hint for him to lose the white tunic? He frowned at the thought.
"Perhaps Shuuichi could take my place for now..."
A knock on his door caused Kurama to freeze for a moment before looking at the door. Okay, a deal is a deal. Their not gonna hurt him and he was surely not gonna back down from it. Approaching the door cautiously a familiar tone echoed in him, feeling rather quesy about that person...er...reploid.
"Hey, Foxy! Time to wake up. Vile wishes to see your presence Asap!" Flair shouted from the other side. Kurama blinked at the unexpected command. "Oh yeah! there is a unifrom that should suit you better then the...umm...Well wear it! before you see the commander!"
Should he concede to that command? He looked back to the uniform and tilted his foxy head confusingly, should he? He stepped up to the uniform and unfolded it, the gauzy uniform was a bit similiar to his white silver attire. So they do actually consider some comforts, he placed the darker tunic down on his bed and removed his dirty white tunic. Unwrapping the tail piece, he wondered for a moment about his tail. Okay, so maybe he shouldn't worry about the clothes and should start thinking about what's ahead of him.
"So much for allowing Shuuichi to take over..Guess it's better that way." He muttered quietly to himself, putting the other uniform on. Strangely he felt a little better, but his heart was still heavy. He has to live with it.
Stepping out of his room, the same two reploid guards from his cell were standing to each side of his door and they turned their faceless gaze to him. "Vile's office?" one of them asked. Kurama nodded slowly and started making his way to see Vile, the two guards follow as if Kurama was still a threat. Perhaps he was? Though it did make him wonder about his Ki...he was strong...
but he wasn't strong enough to force the plants to rip metal. How was he able to do that?
Was his anger and hatred so strong it has effected his Ki?
That could be the answer and problem, he noted to himself that he has grown weak from the last few months. He hasn't fought much and spent most of his time with...
He stopped and turned to see who called him and the guards beside him just paused and kept their stare ahead of them. Vile appeared then, eyeing Kurama's different form as he approached. Kurama's expression was cold and silent, his golden eyes didn't have the soft gaze no more, and they no longer looked hurt but more determined. Vile smirked under his mask as his red optics looked into Kurama's expressionless gaze, it pleased the reploid in some way.
"You two are dismissed." Vile commanded as the two guards nodded to their commander and scattered off in different directions. "Well...shall we be off now?"
"Where too?"
Vile walked past Kurama as the fox followed the reploid curiously. Unsure of what it had planned for him. "It seems that the Maverick hunters are on their way here to scan this ctiy for us. So I might as well fill you in about them and what you only have to do for us."
"Alright?" Kurama thought for a moment, remembering a weird dream he had about the hunters. They were hunters, right? "Do you have any idea which hunters that are gonna scan this city, and when their coming?"
"They've started at the east coast of this city around this morning and who's leading them we are not sure of yet." Vile glanced at the fox. Is he ready and strong enough to kill at least some hunters?
"you know...you still haven't told me why you were part of this world and how you got here, where your from, etc, etc..."
"Hn..."Kurama smirked at his own response. "And I said before...I have my reasons."
"Of course...you still want to die, huh?" Vile stopped before a computer console which was embedded in the wall and started to punch in some codes on it. Kurama tilted his broad form to see what Vile was doing.
"I don't know..." He replied casually watching the reploid gathering some other info from the computer before continuing his destination with the fox following. "Depending what I'm needed for here, using other people and reploids for your own benefits?"
"While were on that subject, You won't be doing all this unrewarded you should know." Vile noted to Kurama as he handed him some profiles, without a word, Kurama started to look through them.
"Can you read?"
"What do you take me for?" Kurama muttered as he pulled out some papers about each human and reploid, looking through their stats and such other info on them. "Maverick Hunters?"
"Top class Maverick Hunters. Ragnarok seems to know alot about you...I don't know how... but he thinks your capable of defeating them better then...us."Vile's tone lowered when he finished. Kurama had to remember that now, Is the maverick leader telling Vile here that Kurama is stronger then most of the reploids here? He still can't even understand his own Ki which grew stronger somehow and killed an armored reploid.
"Ragnarok, huh?"
"Here we are.." Vile entered into another massive room which made Kurama pause and look around the room with inquisitive shocked eyes. The whole area was filled with the busy sounds of reploids which sat at each computer consoles, a huge screen was placed at the west side of the area and there stood a huge reploid who looked more different and bulkier then the other reploids. Vile turned to see if the fox was still following and realized that he wasn't, he folded his arms and waited for Kurama to approach while tapping his metal boot heavily to the metallic floor.
Slowly the fox followed, still eyeing the room curiously. The whole place looked like a bit out of a 'James bond' movie but far more advanced, very advanced. He wasn't able to grasp what type of computers or what weapons that have been used. Perhaps his other friend would have some idea?
"This is what we call the High Chambers, a place where most of our security and main systems are handled while others prepare for battle in other areas." Vile filled him in on their whereabouts, The fox didn't know what to say or how to react, considering he had many curious reploid eyes on him.
"I see..." Was all he could say as he eyed each reploid and what work they were doing. His gaze soon returned to Vile but he held his breath when he noticed the bulkier form beside the purple reploid.
Kurama sighed carefully not able to hear his own breath leave from all the other noise which was made.
"Looking much different then last time, Kitsune.." Ragnarok grinned as he eyed the fox's form, Kurama blinked at the response and raised a confused brow after. "You may not know me...but I have learned alot about you..."
"I am Ragnarok, Second Reploid Master and bringer of peace to all reploids." His voice dropped to a low pleasing tone, and turned his red gaze away from the fox to the bigger screen. "I take it you have been questioning yourself endlessly on why you were summoned here..."
Kurama frowned slightly and took a small quiet step towards the master as if to hear him better. "Summoned?"
"Well what did you think of the second portal? stepping into the wrong one...tsk tsk." Ragnarok chuckled lowly his deep tone making the fox wonder what the hell was he talking about?
"I expected the other little demon to enter our world, the little one who calls himself, Hiei."
Kurama took a step back and his stare widen at the reploid master who turned his gaze and grinned at the confused fox. "It was You that brought me here!?"
"Correct, to be honest Kurama...I never expected you to enter this world." Ragnarok walked up to his seat and sat down solemly placing the tips of his fingers together and his expression went serious. "But since your here...You might as well cooperate or I can't send you back to your original Ningenkai."
Kurama opened his mouth to protest but closed it and wondered why? Why bother sending him back? He made a deal with Vile and Vile alone..."I'm only taking orders from Vile..."
"Eh??" Vile looked at the fox a bit confused by the command. "But I'm not your provider, Kurama.."
"Now you are..Only you can give me what I want, This master of yours I will take nothing from him." Kurama frowned and crushed some of the folders in hand. Ragnarok's expression didn't change nor he didn't say anything but sat there quietly. Vile wasn't sure what to say, this was the first that someone was so willing to follow his orders alone. "Sir?"
"Like I said before, Vile....He's your problem..." was all Ragnarok could say as he sat back and watched the huge screen ahead of him, observing the hidden cameras that picked up some of the Hunters whereabouts. Vile was baffled by the idea for a moment but soon understood the situation.
"Yes sir..."
Vile then walked past the fox and motioned for him to follow. Kurama silently kicked himself for not saying anything much worse, could he? would he really get what he wants from any of them? Now he knows why that he was here, a small hurting smile crept up to his lips and eyed the back of Vile and analysed his strange rocket pack that helps him glide in the air or for his use of bigger jumps perhaps?
Least some of his questions were answered.
Once they entered in Vile's quiet office, Vile dropped the latest reports on his desk and sat down. Kurama sat down as well and looked to the floor suddenly unsure of what to say. A deep frustriated breath was heard from the reploid.
"Okay what is that you want me to do? Ragnarok knows the skill to take you back but you refused that and I want to know why, which hopefully your at least gonna answer that for me!"
"which do you want me to answer? What you can provide for me? or why I refuse to go back to the Ningenkai?"Kurama kept his gaze down and away from the reploid, his tone was low and hurt.
"Both! please....."
Kurama closed his eyes and thought for a moment on how and why should he answer the two questions. He could give him his reasons but is the reploid programmed enough to understand? it's emotions seem very well made enough to understand but can it even comprehend the answer?
"Kurama I know you badly want to die! but I told you once before tha-"
"Vile.....I will do anything what you want me to do, as long as you could provide at least that for me.." Kurama looked up and matched his gaze to Vile's, the reploid was unsure now about what the fox wanted. If he killed Kurama, Ragnarok would not be pleased.
"Usually I don't refuse such a request..." Vile's tone trailed off as he noticed the folders in the fox's pale hands. Kurama's gaze fell back to the floor and closed his eyes to restrain a hurting emotion back. "In fact I don't think I ever refused one before..."
"I see....."
"Those hunters are high class and well trained to kill, Ragnarok thought that if you killed all of them it would give us a better chance to continue on with our own plans." Vile picked up two more folders and placed them on the end of the desk for Kurama to see. The fox still refused to even look up, he opened his eyes and stared at the crumpled folders in his hands. "I will give you what you want...but you will have to earn it first of all..."
Kurama looked up finally and placed the crumpled folders on Vile's desk, the reploid took them and placed them to a side. "I will give you what you want...but that's if your able to kill these five highly trained hunters. Their class is the highest and they are known to be far mor powerful then anything else in the world."
Vile pulled out three other folders and placed them with the other two folders. Kurama frowned slightly and grabbed the five folders and looked through one of them. "You want me to kill these five hunters?"
"That's it...if you killed all the five of them, you can have two choices. My choice....or Ragnarok's.." Vile sat back, keeping his eyes on the fox who looked through the folders carefully. Kurama then closed the folders and thought on why does he have to kill the most powerful hunters?
"You said the five here are the most powerful, correct?"
"Yes, I've seen what you can do, but in my honest opinion...I don't think you have the chance to beat them at all..." Vile couldn't help but grin slightly under his mask, while he was putting some other folders to a side. Kurama was a flesh like being, human almost. He would definiatly have no chance surviving against the hunters. Vile then paused to that thought. Flesh like being? Hunters were trained to kill reploids and it was against the reploid rules to kill a human. Vile then slapped the top of his helm startling the fox for such an unexpected reaction. "So that's why!!"
"You are able to kill them off!" Vile smiled happily under his mask now, Kurama couldn't really see the smile but from the way the reploid's reacting he could tell. "Why didn't I see this! Damn I'm such an idiot! Why couldn't our foolish leader just tell me though?"
"Um..." Kurama tilted his head slightly at Vile, confusion wrote on his face. Vile looked to the fox and chuckled amusingly at him. He placed his hands together in a michevious manner relaxing back on his seat and eyed the fox and wondered how they were going to do this? and when should the plan take place?
"Kurama, what you have to do is plain and simple. Just leave the hard part of the plans to me."
"alright? what is that you have in mind exactly?"
"Well basically all you have to do is kill five hunters and that's pretty well it. It's not gonna be tough as I thought before now that I realize how clear Ragnarok's orders are to me." At that Vile looked up to the ceiling, going through his mind for further planning. Kurama shrugged lightly and didn't really have much to say on it, but a question now rested on him and only the folders in his hands held the answer.
While Vile was busy going through the plans in his head. Kurama opened the folders hesitantly and quietly payed attention to each statistics of each hunter.
MH fifth commander Anthony, a human hunter?
MH fourth commander Aiko, another human hunter...
MH third commander Shadow, a reploid hunter.
He placed the three folders down on Vile's desk and was about to take a look at the two others til a knock echoed in Vile's office, grabbing both's attention to the doorway. Vile sighed knowing who it was, Kurama would follow but the reploid didn't bother him as much it bothered Vile.
"Vile, Kurama..." Flair smirked lightly as she kept her eyes on the fox. "Since you've been here awhile Kurama.... I thought that something as human-like yourself would get hungry."
Kurama was so busy with his thoughts, hunger had not once bothered him. Last he time he ate, it was dinner with his mother Shiori and ...."well..um...I'm not really that hungry..."
"Hungry or not you still need to contain more energy in yourself, Foxy. I don't think Vile would agree to send out a weak fox to attack the hunters." She giggled amusingly and Vile shrugged at the response, Kurama blinked and looked at Vile, wondering if he was needed for anything else?
"She's right unfortunately Kurama....Your dismissed for today. I'll keep you up to date later on though. your in Flair's care from here on." Vile waved for him to go as he said this. Kurama lifted the folders for Vile to see. "Take them, Those two hunters you will need to prepare for especially. Those two are the biggest threat to our race."
"Are they now.." Kurama looked at the folders in his hands for a moment before following Flair out of Vile's office and headed for a new destination that Kurama has not yet familiarized himself with. His fox ears would pay attention to the sounds in his new world as they walked on. The conversation from the different reploids, they tinkling noises of metal against metal, the heavy sounds that echoed in his mind especially of reploid footsteps, so unlike a human and he knew very well that he was the most silent creature of them all. This somehow gave him some advantage point considering that he was a youko. A very stealth creature and more sneakier then anyone so far.
The greatest thief of all Makai he was known as back in his world. The Ningenkai and the Makai are both of his home worlds, which Ragnarok knew about very well. How?
He created that second portal that he mistakenly stepped through without thinking clearly, how was that possible? In any case this was bad news for both of his worlds. If Kurama did anything wrong or perhaps refused to kill the hunters. Somehow he feels that Ragnarok would force Vile to go to his world and Destroy everyone in it.
Would Vile do such a thing? especially in a low grade Time?
Kurama turned his gaze down to the two last folders in his hands. Rubbing his thumb against them thoughtfully, wondering how were they such a big threat? Vile seemed angered in one point when he warned Kurama about the forms. "The biggest threat to the reploid race, huh?"
"What was that?" Flair looked to the mumbling fox.
"Vile didn't seem so pleased when he was informing me about these last two hunters here." He lifted the folders for Flair to see as she smiled and gently grabbed the folders from him and took a quick glance in them. Nodding thoughtfully and handing them back.
"I don't blame him...Those two are the strongest hunters that anyone has ever encountered battle with. The Blue cutie there defeated our first reploid master four times or so I heard. Never met our first master though." Flair smiled amusingly. "Ragnarok is the one and only reploid master that I serve..."
"Serve? Who was the first?" Kurama asked inquisitively as he looked through one folder to see who was this 'Blue cutie' she mentioned. Finding the picture of one familiar reploid his breath stopped short in his throat. MH First commander Mega Man X. The same reploid in his dreams! Why was he dreaming about that reploid anyways??
"Sigma, our one true master that Ragnarok keeps on babbling about now and then. Saying that 'when our Master Sigma returns to give us reploids independence, He will step down for his Lord Sigma's sake, and Sigma will relieve us of our pain and suffering' ...Blah blah blah!! I think Ragnarok is the only one who still believes in Sigma's words." Flair shrugged and sighed disappointedly at the memory.
"Vile was one of the few reploids that worked under Sigma's name for years, longer then Ragnarok. I never quite understood on why he couldn't be our leader since he was the most experienced."
"I don't understand either, not my problem though..." Kurama mumbled as he read the statistics on the reploid Mega Man X, fear has crossed the fox's mind but his facial expressions never showed it since confusion has taken it's place. "Mega Man X defeated Sigma four times, you say?"
"Yep, Vile doesn't think he would come back again, not for a loooonnnggg time anyways. X scared our master shitless and refuses to return." Flair giggled remembering Vile's rude prediction. Kurama smirked lightly, understanding the situation finally but he never quite understood the war with the entire human race. An understanding beyond his comprehension. He sighed, arguing logically with his mind really meant that he was slowly losing himself.
"Here we are....Reploids and humans pretty well eat the same things, so don't worry about to much about the chemicals and such.." Flair smiled softly as she walked in the cafeteria making the fox wonder about the chemicals? He shrugged solemly and followed her inside once again feeling a number of different reploid optics on him alone. He had a feeling that he was gonna feel so much different from them for a long time....
To Be Continued..........