Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Red Fox ❯ Forbidden Black Wind ( Chapter 7 )
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A Known Blood Red Fox
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By Vile Deadboss
Chapter VII: 'Forbidden Black Wind'
"What do you make of it?"
"Well as far as I could tell, this is really...Really deranged yet so impressive at the same time! This child you say...was able to increase the emotion chip withen you and made you feel Pain?"
The old man looked back to Shadow who was calmly lying back on a lab table and frowned slightly at what he said. "Not just pain! Whatever he did really fricken Hurted!"
"So you say.." The old man looked back to the small boy who was strapped down to another table. "I feel crude putting him on this."
"Well you saw what happened earlier clearly Dr. Cain. This kid moved awfully fast around the walls and he was up on the roof before I even noticed it." Zero informed the old man calmly, Dr. Cain only nodded slowly and studied the boy curiously.
"And you think he's connected to the fox creature who the mavericks hold right now?" Dr. Cain looked back to Zero. Zero took in a deep breath and nodded slowly.
"Right and as far we know, The mavericks plan to use him against us."
"hmm..." Dr. Cain then walked towards the counter which was full of certain items and a small glass box that held small round jars withen, picking up one of the jars which was full of a thick green liquid. "And this is the most impressive type of poisen that I have ever seen!"
"Dr. Cain..." X droned and shook his unhelmeted head slowly. "Please, this is a really serious matter, especially that we mistakenly let the mavericks go again!"
"Then go find them." Dr. Cain put the jar down calmly and turned his gaze to the confused X. "I'm not stopping you and Zero from a choice right now, you two go find them and I'll see what I can do about Shadow's condition along with this boy."
"Feh, after what I seen with what this kid can do, I'm not moving." Zero frowned as he stared down at the small boy. "Were not going to get anywhere if we just went ahead with our search Again."
"I have to agree with Zero, we should be prepared this time."
Dr. Cain only nodded slowly as he eyed the glass jar full of the paralyzing poisen. "hmm..hm, Alright then. I'll have Reyak and his hunters go on an all out search for them. You two may have your break." Dr. Cain smiled slightly and walked back to the lab table where the boy was. "I'll call you two up when he awakes."
"Sounds good to me." Zero turned and made his way out of the lab, waving to Shadow before he was out. X looked to Shadow and smiled. "We'll seeya later then."
"Hmph...yeah.." Shadow sighed heavily and closed his eyes. Deciding to rest a bit to ease the ache withen. "If you meet up with Richter tell the big guy that I apologize for the flying papers earlier."
"Will do." X said calmly, smiling still and then started to head out of the lab. "Later's Shadow!"
"Yeah yeah..."
X chuckled softly as he caught that, brushing his fingers through his hair gently and wondered if he should rest up as well? Take a quick shower maybe and then do that.
He then wondered where Zero has gone too?
"Knowing him, he's probably at the training facility." X sighed. "Ah well..."
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Zero sat down calmly and tapped at the controls once more, frustriated at trying to get the program working. "Damn thing! out of all times Not to work."
Tempted to punch the controls in for it to work yet last time he did that he was scolded for wrecking all the other programs and how the controls were so delicate that it would take a long time to be put togather again.
"Alright now...let's see, A-1 would be placed to C-3 and eh...."
"No actually the one your looking for has been set for you a long time ago." A reploid clad in a white and green armor and had long silver hair, stepped into the room and placed down a few plasma pistols down on a counter. Approaching up to Zero then and looked down to what Zero had on the screen so far. "Here..."
Punching in a few codes for the crimson hunter and soon the program he wanted came up. "Got it? All set and you don't have to memorize the number codes like we all usually do. Your not the only who kicked these old machines around and the crew got tired of fixing these things."
"I see...heh, they should of did that to begin with and Why wasn't I informed this?"
"Because they just started this morning and you weren't around then."
"Thanks Reyak." Zero grinned as he studied the program and looked through it quickly. The reploid known as Reyak nodded to Zero and went back to the counter where the pistols he was using sat. "Do you know how to add other mavericks to this program?"
"Yep." Reyak went back to Zero and sat down near him, punching in more codes and bringing up another program to the screen. "Who is it do you want added?"
Reyak blinked and turned his emerald gaze to the crimson hunter. "uh...you sure? That one has been upgraded recently."
"Put him in!" Zero demanded with a grin. "And I want to add someone else in too, but he might have to be made out of scratch."
"Eh? I would have to override Dayton's codes then if I did that."
"Then do it!"
"Oy, Zero.." Reyak shook his head slowly, but quickly went on with Zero's requests and added Vile to Zero's program and soon started to set up another to get Zero's new opponent ready. "Alrighty then, now tell me what kind of charming traits would your new opponent be? and the good looks?"
"Heh, allow me to take over here.." Zero then started to mess around with the codes and got to work on his new opponent. Rayek sat there watching and nodded his head slowly, observing silently til suddenly his eyes widen when the pieces began to come together. "Uh...Zero?"
"What the hell is That??" Reyak tilted his head to a side and tried to figure out this..new opponent of Zero's. "and why does it say Non reploid?? It better not be a human, cause that's Waaay beyond the rules you know!"
"I know and I assure you it's not Human either."
"how is that poss-..??"
"The rules didn't say anything about non human or non reploid now, did they?" Zero paused for a moment and looked to Reyak with a sly smile. Reyak raised a curious brow.
"No they haven't...but.."
"What your about to see here is the very first look that my memory can load so far the mavericks so called new weapon!" and with that Zero punched in the last of the details to the program and clicked it to be visually demostrated in the training arena. Where it can be viewed through fully.
Reyak got up then from his seat and peered down through the glass to see Zero's new opponent standing silently in the arena. "Unarmored fighter?"
Zero got up as well and peered through the glass, looking around the arena for a moment then turned his gaze to the program. "Hmm..." Unsure of how well he did, he grabbed the flat control board that was connected to the main console and decided to step into the arena to get a better look at his program. Reyak followed curious to see what Zero had created?
Zero ran up to the program and walked around it as he searched for any missing details to it, Reyak slowly eyed the back of the program and blinked as he noticed the silver ears and a silver tail which had a silky sheen to it. "Wow..."
"Ookay, now to set up the weapons strategy that it's always using." Zero looked down to the control board and started to tap in a few more codes to it. Reyak slowly moved to see the front of the Program and his eyes widen at it's feature.
"Zero....This looks like a Human!"
"I know, it bleeds like a human, it talks like a human, but it's objective is that of a maverick." Zero turned his gaze back to the program and sighed. "And X wants to see if we can try and save him.."
"Good god..." Reyak said lowly close to a murmer as he reached out with one hand to see if the program can be touched, wanting to touch the program's pale face but like a hologram his hand only slipped through the hologenic flesh. "It's...Beautiful.."
Zero blinked and looked to Reyak, raising one unsure brow. "Beautiful?"
"Yes, beautiful...How can it be that this is the mavericks new weapon?" Reyak continued to stare at the program with wide disabelifed eyes. "This is not a reploid, correct?"
"Nope, The sensors in our helmets indicated that Kurama was human."
"With a silver tail and ears?" Reyak said astonished, keeping his emerald eyes on the program. Zero nodded slowly and rested the board against his side.
"Well if the sensors said that, then it's clear that we make sure we get him out of there. I will agree with X on this one all the way."
"Ah...sure Reyak, now try saying that again without being killed by him."
"Killed?" Reyak turned his gaze to Zero and raised one confused brow. "How is that possible?"
"X had some kind of paralyzing poisen in him when he was fighting Kurama, not only that...Kurama is capable somehow of making his plants seem more stronger then our weapons in other words he managed to rip X's armor with just a plain thorn vine."
"You sure those plants weren't mechanical??"
"Positive, Cain wants to send your group out there to find the mavericks shortly so my guess is he might give you a report on Kurama as well." Zero lifted the board then and started to resume working on the program. Reyak looked back to the holographic image of Kurama and sighed.
"I hope he's as interesting as you make him sound."
Zero blinked at what Reyak said.
"Ah well...I'll let you be now, have fun with your program Zero...but I suggest that you practice saving it then killing it."
Zero nodded and returned back to the control board, preserving Reyak's steps as they made their way out, as soon as the door further away was shut, The crimson hunter turned his gaze up and stared at the program for awhile in thought.
"It's what I had planned to do to begin with...why else would I add Vile?" He took in a deep breath and decided to head back to the control room to finish the rest of the program up there. Playing the battle scene he had with Vile earlier over and over in his mind, determined to take that dark maverick down somehow.
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Kurama sat quietly on Vile's bed and looked over the bandages that were on him, wondering how long would it take him to heal since he seemed to lose so much ki already from using his plants? It would help if he had that special salve Botan gave him.
He sighed deeply to himself and leaned back against the wall and stared at the other side of the room.
Oddly he didn't have any more dreams of the hunters and only once of Hiei, but then again...he had an even more odd dream. Reaching with his left hand slowly he touched his cheek where he swore that someone other then Hiei had touched him there and was telling him that...
"No...just an odd dream.." He whispered softly to himself. "Their to cruel to keep me alive.."
"Perhaps, or that somehow Ragnarok has softened up around you now."
Kurama held his breath for a moment and turned his surprised gaze to the Dark maverick who stood at the door way with his arms folded. "Vile.."
"You seemed very deep in your thoughts...you didn't even hear me come in." Vile shut the door behind him and stepped up to the table that sat beside the bed, tossing some folders on it and then turned his gaze to Kurama. "How do you feel?"
"A little weak still, but alright.." Kurama looked to the folders that rested on the table curiously. "Still want me to fight them, hm?"
"Well what happened before was totally unexpected for all of us, especially not knowing that you weakened more quickly with them around." Vile walked over then to a seat that rested beside a window and a desk with a laptop beside it. Kurama blinked at the corner.
"Is that a..?" he tilted his silver head to a side slightly and kept his golden eyes on the laptop beside Vile, Vile blinked and turned to see what Kurama was eyeing at.
"This? a laptop...it's something I need for the nights when I can't sleep, this one here is brand new I unfortunately left my other one back at our old hq."
Kurama's heart sanked once more, recalling the battle from before and bit his lip slightly. X didn't fight back when he found out what he was and Zero? Shadow on the other hand was close until X asked him not too. He growled lowly at that thought then, Vile who caught the growl looked to the fox and raised a confused brow withen his mask.
"X was being too soft..." Kurama muttered. "I shouldn't have hesitated and killed him when I had the chance. Forgive me for wasting it Vile.."
Vile waved his hand and shook his helm slowly. "Don't regret about that now when there's a second chance to come." He sat back on his seat comfortably and sighed. "This time though, you will not use your ki unless you have too."
Kurama blinked. "then what's the point of my being here?"
"Good question, but it seems Ragnarok has a better plan for this, he knows more about you then I...." Vile narrowed his red eyes at the fox then. "..you will use your ki for your plants but it might be a lot different now."
"I think I know where this is getting at..." Kurama turned his golden gaze down to his hands. "Use the plants as weapons alone, right?"
"I guess...I'm not quite clear at his idea though, for now he wants you to rest up." Vile looked back to the laptop on his desk then, wandering through his mind. For some reason he felt like something much bigger has been planned and Ragnarok is not letting him on it, yet he would let Agile?
Hearing the fox call his name softly, Vile turned his gaze back to him curiously. "Yes?"
"Tell me about them.."
Vile blinked at the question. "Them?"
Kurama turned his gaze up and stared directly to Vile's hidden ruby eyes withen the mask. "The maverick Hunters X and Zero....Tell me about them again..."
"Why are you so interested to know?"
Kurama smiled slightly and moved to rest his back against the wall, keeping his golden eyes on the dark maverick. "You all have an objective against them....I need mine. I need a reason other then the one which you had promised me."
Vile sighed. "Ah yes...the promise..." he looked down to the grey metallic floor, wandering back to his thoughts. He had wanted to talk to Kurama about that, he wanted to...
"Kurama...I want to change my promise.."
Kurama blinked."What?"
"I have decided that it's not fun killing anyone when they want to die." Vile got up from his seat and folded his armored arms, looking to the fox. "Come with me...there is something I need to know of you.."
Confused by Vile's words, Kurama got up slowly from the bed and stood frozen for a moment, waiting for his aching body to accomidate to his movements. He then finally returned his golden gaze back to Vile who waited for a mere moment and soon made his way out of the room, Kurama followed wordless and kept to himself.
"and if I decided that I don't want to die?" Kurama started then as they both made their way to Vile's destination. Vile chuckled mildly from the question.
"Deciding so soon? and do tell what made you decide that?"
"Why you of course...Do tell me what made you decide to back down on your promise?"
"Not yet...not here when Ragnarok likes to watch our every movement, yours especially." Vile lifted a hand and pointed to a nearby corner they were passing by, a small bubble sheild up on the corner was protecting a camera there. Kurama took in a deep breath when upon noticing it, if Ragnarok was watching him alone then would that mean he's..?
"There's something about him that scares me..." Kurama muttered lowly to himself, Vile caught what he said and nodded slightly, agreeing with the silver fox.
"He attends to do that to anyone maverick or not, Personally though I just don't trust him even if he is the latest maverick master, we all were assigned to work under his command wether most of us don't like it or not."
Kurama shook his head slowly not realizing that Vile would catch his words. Not disappointed though Vile was who he can trust in this entire world right now, he would rather follow Vile's commands then Ragnarok's at this point, it doesn't mean though that he could trust him with his reasons of why he's like this yet.
after a few moments of saying nothing to eachother as they headed for Vile's destination, now and then they would pause when one of the reploids would pause their commander to report to him and ask in for new orders. Kurama would listen carefully when the report is about the hunters non of them brought up X or Zero unfortunately...
Soon they both reached two large doors which seemed to have a beautiful gold designs to them, designs of a gold lion and gold unicorn on either side. Kurama blinked and tapped at the doors curious if the doors were decorated with real gold or not?
"This base is also a part of an abandoned opera house, I thought it would suitable and peaceful to be apart of it assuming the hunters don't know of it yet and hope not long enough." Vile sighed in deeply and stared at the beautiful gold doors as well. Kurama looked to him and tilted his silver head curiously.
"Do the hunters always find your hiding places?"
"Not all the time but with X and Zero, luck is always with them and if they searched surely they will find it in one way or another. The repliforce use to be a big help for them...that is til they were destroyed by the mistake of Sigma..."
"You weren't part of that war correct?"
Vile smirked secretly to himself withen his helm and looked to Kurama, his red eyes were calm yet they seemed amused. "I wish I were...."
Kurama blinked, with that said Vile pushed the doors open and stepped past them wordlessly Kurama followed and looked around the room surprised.
The room was slight empty except for a large sleek black piano that sat in the middle of the room and the very few furniture that rested here and there, two sides of the walls were covered in mirrors, the room light was dimmed slightly from a gold chandelier that hung above the piano.
The room didn't seem so old as he thought it would be perhaps it was the dust that seemed to lack in the room? the air though still a bit musky from the hidden dust. Vile shut the doors calmly then approached up to a table that sat near the piano, picking up a small strange cone which was no bigger then the tip of Vile's finger and grabbed one of the matches from an already opened box of them, lighting the tip as it were a candle, setting it down on a gold plate then and watched it for a moment to see if it would stay burning.
Kurama curiously looked around the room as he slowly approached up to the piano and pausing a few feet away from Vile, turning his golden gaze down and reaches to curiously brush his fingers over the sleek black surface of the piano, taking in a deep breath yet held it for a small moment when he recognized a certain scent that was slowly flowing about in the air and all over the room, the very scent that he grown to love and use...the sweet scent of...
"Yes...usually I never pay attention to things like these but.." Vile turned his gaze away from the small incense and to the fox. "Ever since your arrivel here it was the very scent I caught first from you."
Kurama raised a confused brow at Vile then. "I thought I smelled to human for you.."
"You do smell like a human." Vile slightly hissed at the thought and moved slowly to sit comfortably on the piano chair and made sure the old insturment was playable. "But the scent of plants are all over you it covers that human scent very well, the roses are what intrigued me more however."
"hm..." Kurama shrugged slightly at the whole thing, He knew that's not why Vile brought him here, there was something else to this but what? "So why have you brought me here? isn't there anything else I'm supposed to do?"
"Like what?" The grape colored maverick tapped lightly on each of the piano notes curiously, checking the tone on each one before he would play a certain little tune that he was playing long ago. "You're still to injured to fight right now and Ragnarok wants nothing more from you then to rest, and figure out how to finish off the mavericks with much less use of your ki."
"I figured.." Kurama sighed and looked to the wound on his arm. "With my ki so low however it may take me more then a few days to heal."
"few weeks maybe?"
"I'm guessing two."
"Fine with me and I'm sure it's fine with him." Vile began to play a soft song on the piano then as he finally remembered the notes. "So while were waiting, were going to add a little something to you once we are back on our feet."
"which is?"
"Armor." Vile's soft song had a darkened tone to it, Kurama shook his silver head slowly when upon realizing it. "Since you were hurt badly before and our sweet wonderful X is the cause of that. I would not like to see that again and wish to give you protection from it."
"I don't need it, the shield you have given me is enough."
"But you never used it, so I would like to use that sheild to connect through the armor incase of emergencies." Vile's song softened once more. "Storm Eagle and Magna Centipede are working on that right now as we speak."
Kurama sighed then disappointedly, it seemed they weren't listening to his wants anymore so it just proves on why should they want to grant his only wish?
but then again, ever since his few days here is that what he really wants now? "So what is it that you want to do?"
"I want to do?" Vile paused his song and looked to the fox, raising a questioning brow withen his helm. Kurama reached to brush a bit of his silver hair away from his face lightly before turning his gaze back to Vile. "You wanted to change your promise, so what is it that you want to do?"
"To do something entirely opposite instead of killing you."
"Oh so...then that means your going to protect me?" Kurama gave Vile a Sarcastic smile, the dark maverick only chuckled and shook his helm slowly.
"I am already doing that, aren't I? something much more bigger then that Kurama.."
"I'm Not going back to the Ningenkai if that's what you mean." Kurama looked away from Vile and then noticed a certain vase that he did not see there before, A vase full of roses and he could sense very well that the roses were real.
"How about the Makai?" Vile asked, returning back to the piano and his song.
Everything halted around Kurama then.
"I'm sure you would love to go back to a world flourished with the most extravagant plants and creatures so mystical and dangerous that no human dares to be part of.....The Demon world..." Vile's tone was low and seductive, Kurama swallowed hard at the mere thought that they knew about it..
The Makai...
....Kuronue's resting place...
"No.." Kurama answered lowly and calmly. "Not even to there."
Vile then slammed ten notes down all at once and a loud clang was heard from all the notes togather causing the piano to shake slightly and Kurama to wince from the loud noise, A screeched followed after from Vile's seat noting that he stood up.
Kurama didn't dare to turn nor move at all as he heard clearly Vile's audible footsteps that slowly approached behind him.
Kurama held his breath for a moment and waited for whatever Vile's wrath may be, and from knowing Vile so far it would likely to be death...
"If neither then I would have to find something to give to you that you will like..."
...or not...
Kurama sighed. "Why waste your time on me Vile? what happened before was totally.."
"Useless?" Vile finished, Kurama nodded slowly. About to turn to face the Maverick the fox froze in place as he felt Vile's cold hand resting against the side of his waist, caressing almost. "I wouldn't say nor think so. Poisening X was just the beginning..." Vile's tone held it's low seductiveness to it still, Kurama bit his lip when Vile's hand moved to his waist.
"Now poisening him is just the beginning to a wonder on how powerful you really are, remember that. And don't forget as well that we are only here to fully agree on a certain deal."
"If you hide a blade in your hand Vile, then I ask of you to use it....I wish nothing m-"
Vile wrapped his arms around Kurama quickly then, causing him to tense and wince more out of surprise. Clasping him in tight hug from behind. Kurama blinked confused and winced again. "V-Vile??"
"I know what you are...." Vile hissed lowly, his breath once again felt against Kurama's throat. Kurama swallowed hard. "Of course y-you would, I explained to you what I was."
"Youko....I know who and what exactly you are...."
Kurama gulped.
"It's hard to believe your The leader of the thieves though, your nothing more but a fox who is so soft hearted right now, you'd probably make Kuronue cringe if he saw what happened to his Beloved Youko Kurama..."
Kurama's eyes widen, he then struggled from Vile's grasp, but Vile only hugged him tighter and he knew he had Kurama's wounded arm withen the lock. Kurama bit his lip and winced again as his arm throbbed in pain when Vile hugged him tighter.
"Kind hearted in fact and losing energy so quickly, has old age crept up on you Kurama?"
"Impossible!!" Kurama growled slightly.
"Oh? and I must say again....your plants have grown stronger too."
"Vile what the hell are you getting at??" Kurama turned his head slightly in an effort to look to the dark maverick but froze when Vile brought his hand up that was resting against Kurama's waist and very gently brushed a finger over his cheek then.
"I'm just pointing a few things out my dear fox."
"How do you know about the Makai? and Kuronue??" Kurama growled slightly, more angry that Vile knew so much and How?
"I know much more then just that, you think Yusuke is gonna find a way to help you? or maybe Hiei?"
Kurama winced.
"Kill the hunters...and maybe I'll help you kill a certain someone..?" Vile's tone lowered almost to a soft whisper as he lightly brushed his finger down Kurama's cheek who shuddered lightly.
"K-kill someone?"
"Yes...that someone who broke your heart?" Vile's finger drifted down Kurama's throat and lower. Kurama gulped slightly and closed his eyes, ignoring what Vile was doing and tried to concentrate on the needed pain on his arm.
"I..I'll help kill the hunters...but..can't kill him."
Vile frowned slightly withen his mask, appearently his approach to find what the fox wanted is not helping, what is it that the fox could possibly want? He definiatly finds killing no fun to someone who's wanting it this badly and will not soil his own hands doing so.
The fox will not return to his worlds, will not kill his former lover, will not accept anything simple maybe.
Kurama tried to move away from Vile's grasp again and he held tighter to the fox once more, his silence seems to make the fox seem more nervous.
But what in the four worlds could the fox possibly want??
"Let me go..."Kurama said lowly almost calm, but Vile could preserve the weakness in it easily.
Maybe he doesn't have to give Kurama anything if that's how he wants it, maybe his pushing for the answer is not helping...
Vile let go finally as Kurama pulled away and held his wounded arm, the dark maverick looked down to his right arm that was crushing Kurama's wounded arm and noticed blood on his arm and hand, he then looked to Kurama's wound. The bandages were covered in blood and it seems that he put to much pressure on the fox's arm causing the wound to reopen.
Kurama looked to Vile. Vile lifted his hand up and eyed the blood carefully, then slowly slipped his hand underneath his mask and licked the blood from his fingers, Kurama uttered a surprised breath and took a few steps back from Vile.
after cleaning the blood from his fingers he slipped his hand out and eyed the rest of the blood on his arm.
"Your blood even tastes much different from a human..." He turned his gaze to Kurama. "I like it..."
Kurama frowned slightly and turned his golden gaze away from Vile and to his arm, unsure of how to stop the bleeding as small droplets of it fell to the floor.
"Lovely even....I don't think I'll clean it off my armor....yet.."
"That wouldn't be wise...." Kurama said lowly, he couldn't bring himself to raise his anger. In fact his strength was leaving him now, was it the loss of blood or..? "If I left it..maybe.."
Vile picked up a cloth ontop a glass table and stepped up to Kurama, reaching to grab his arm, Kurama backed off then and growled at Vile for trying to stop the bleeding. "Leave it!"
"Don't be stupid, are you really going to go this low to avoid all the Pain? A little pathetic, don't you think so?"
"I..I don't care..." Kurama shook his head slowly. Vile rolled his eyes from withen his mask and quickly grabbed Kurama before he could move back once more, the fox didn't move however and looked to the floor, keeping his gaze off Vile.
Vile then wrapped the clothed around Kurama's wound to stop the bleeding for now, but the cloth won't hold for long.
"Let's go to the lab, we'll fix the bandages over there and please don't try anything stupid."
Before another word could be said Vile already made his way out of the room and without a choice Kurama followed.
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"Nngh.." The young boy groaned slightly, feeling very dazed from whatever hit him before, was he dead?
He opened his eyes slowly looking up to the ceiling with an odd lamp overhead, he squinted then from the lamps light and turned his gaze away, observing the rest of the area around him and wondered where he was?
"'bout time you woke up, shrimp."
Surprised and a slight startled by the voice, the boy looked to other side of him. Kuwabara??
The image he had thought quickly swept away from his mind and found only the reploid he wanted to kill. "You!!" He growled and moved to attack him but...
he was stopped quickly from the straps that held him down firmly on the lab table, growling more at the realization and tried to break free from the bonds.
"What the hell is this?! Get me OUT of this NOW!!"
"Whoa! calm down! that sort of attitude isn't gonna get you anywhere." Shadow sat up more from the table he was resting on and watched the kid fight the straps around him, a kid he didn't seem like one when he's mad but...
"You have no Fuckin' Idea what your all doing! let me out of here Now, damn it!!"
"Not til you tell me what your doing here first." Shadow folded his arms and tilted his head slightly. "oh and who you are, can't forget that now."
The boy narrowed his eyes at Shadow and uttered a deep snarl. "I should be asking you the same thing."
"Same thing?" Shadow blinked. "Well am here because I work here and everyone knows me here as Shadow."
"Hn.." The boy looked away and closed his eyes. "Where's Kurama?"
"So you Do know the silver tailed fox guy-human-thing!" Shadow hopped off the table then and rested against it slightly, a part of him was still achy from the earlier attack. "Zero was right about that one, Anyways your guess of where Kurama is as good as ours."
"He's not here..?" The boy looked back to Shadow who shook his head slowly. "Your Lying!"
"Hey! do I look like a liar to you?" Shadow brushed a bit of his dark hair away from his face. "And I need your name, kid or do you prefer me calling you that?"
The boy growled slightly and once more rested his head back on the table and closed his eyes, he was still to damned daze to get his evil eye in control. None the less at least Yusuke's idea of where Kurama was wrong and he's happy yet unhappy with that thought.
"Hiei.." He said with a low growl.
"Hiei? as in mount Hiei? or-"
Hiei growled angrily.
"Okay okay! Hiei!" Shadow said and let his sarcastment fall, appearently trying to cheer the kid up was failing, he was just to darn serious. Shadow sighed. "Alright...Hiei.."
"Much as I'd like to let you go and I really mean that! but I have to leave all that to Dr.Cain,
he's the big cheese here so.."Shadow placed a hand at the back of his head then and wondered what else could he inform Hiei without pissing him off? if he told him where Kurama really is Hiei's gonna be more moody then a pregnant human woman.
Hiei growled again.
or a cat trying to protect it's food.
Before anything more could be said the big cheese himself walked in with some folders in hand and stopped short after the doorway and looked to Shadow who waved a slight awkwardly then pointed a thumb to Hiei, Hiei seemed to be resting up more to rid of the dizziness that still swept him.
Dr.Cain headed over to his desk and placed the folders down then grabbed a small medical kit and placed it on Shadow's table.
"How are you feeling?"
"Alot better sir." Shadow looked to Hiei who twitched slightly upon noticing the second presence. "A slight achy but alot better, Hiei here is still in shock however."
"Don't speak for me baka." Hiei snarled.
Dr.Cain blinked and looked to Hiei. "Your awake?"
"Get me out of here now." Hiei opened his eyes then and looked to Dr.Cain. Shadow shook his head.
"Hiei! I told you, you can't get anything you want done with that type of attitude."
"To hell with that! I need to take Kurama back to the Ningenkai as soon as possible! then I'll kill your sorry ass after for bringing him here!!" Hiei snapped.
Shadow sighed. "this again?"
"Hiei was it? I don't think it's possible to get Kurama back with the evuasive actions your taking, if you kill Shadow here and now you'll never find Kurama not even with our help." Dr.Cain opened the medical kit he had and started to rummage through it. Hiei raised a confused brow.
"What's so important about Him?"
"He's one of the three hunters in this building that knows where Kurama is." Dr.Cain picked up one of the tools then and checked it.
"You lying son of a...." Hiei narrowed his gaze at Shadow.
"Wait wait wait!!! don't jump to conclusions here! what I said was true!"
"Now then before I let you go Hiei, I have to check if there was any damage done to you." Dr.Cain stepped up to the lab table where Hiei was strapped to and looked to a small monitor beside the table and checked Hiei's condition with it.
Hiei was to busy growling at Shadow to care at the moment...
"So where is Kurama you lying scumbag!!"
"I told you I don't know! and dun call me a bag, Kid!"
"I ain't a kid, Son of a bitch!"
"Get your eyes straight I'm not a goddamn fish, Jerk!"
"My eyes are more straight then yours, small fry!"
"Who are you calling a small fry, Jackass!?"
"I call them as I see them you corrupted little Brat!"
"Such a nice day today..." Dr.Cain said calmly, ignoring the arguement as his scans on Hiei's condition was almost complete. "...a drink of sake sounds nice to go with my lunch out there, I wonder what I should have today? perhaps spagetti...or maybe some nice crab salad or perhaps a turky roast sandwich..."
"Little Scorpian!"
"Old Ningen Man!"
To Be Continued....*sweatdrop*....