Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Red Fox ❯ A past to Erase ( Chapter 6 )
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A Known Blood Red Fox
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By Vile Deadboss
Chapter VI: 'A past to Erase'
Everything was dark but the air was cold, very cold. He could feel and sense his own heated breath forming into a small fog that quickly froze into the air. His body was cold and in pain, his arm hurted the most and wondered why?
Where was he? why was he hurt?
He shuddered when his spine felt a chill that did not come from the cold, but a warm touch? something warm brushing lightly on his shoulder and slightly to his back. Fingers...small fingers that were pressing more gently on his skin to assure that it was there not to hurt him.
The voice was dark but soft, he gasped lightly at the sound of it then choked after from a slight fear that was slowly growing withen him. He knew who it was...and he was afraid...
He wanted to say something, opening his mouth slightly to let the words out but nothing would slip past his lips. Fear...he didn't want the fingers that were slightly caressing him to escape, he needed the touch, the warmth.
"Stupid fox...I warned you.."
Warned me? He wondered, what has happened that made him hurt and confused? What did he just return from? was there another mission from Koenma that he somehow fail to remember? a mission that brought him to this??
"You have to get out of there...."
He winced then, suddenly realizing what the voice was talking about, his chest began to hurt when the fingers moved to lightly stroke his silver hair, a sigh was heard from the shadow.
"...hiei...." he whispered.
"Kurama....you can't stay there..."
"...Hiei..." he whispered once more, forcing his sore throat to speak. "Hiei....why.."
"Why what?" Hiei asked, slipping his hand down to brush some of the silver hair away from Kurama's face. Kurama bit his lip as sharp as he could to avoid the small sting in his eyes, to avoid crying...
"I thought you didn't...."
"I don't fox....but it annoys me that your doing this." the small fingers then pulled away from Kurama and he winced when the warmth escaped him anyways. His heart began to hurt more, he was supposed to forget, the reason he was doing this was to forget...
"Don't be such an idiot....even if they want too they won't do it, no matter how many times you will beg it from them."
"..Hiei..." Kurama called out weakly, his ki was drained so much from him and why?? Why was this world draining him of his ki? his strength?? he had no problems in the Makai and Ningenkai and this place was very close to the Ningenkai. "Hiei....please..."
Before finishing of what he wanted to say, he felt the small fingers brush against his cheek gently and soon felt a soft brush of Hiei's lips against his own. Kurama held his breath for a moment then. "Itoshii....you know I can't either..." Hiei whispered gently, feeling the warm breath against his lips, Kurama wanted to reach out and hug Hiei but couldn't get his arms to move, his body refused to respond to his desire and whimpered from the frustriation that slowly builded up withen him.
"fox...don't bother..."
"Hiei...."Kurama called out softly.
"Don't bother....because this is where it ends.."
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"Whoo! Not a minute too soon, thought you weren't going to come out of there Alive!" Shadow folded his arms as he watched the crimson hunter approach the others with X following who was waiting below the hill for Zero.
Zero said nothing as he walked past Shadow and paused for a moment to observe the hunters around him. X looked back to the demolished building that they were in, the concrete dust still floated in the air like a dry fog.
Shadow turned to Zero and frowned. "Why did you go back there? you could of been squished!"
"Yeah, why did you go back Zero?" X turned to the two and looked to Zero questioningly. The crimson hunter said nothing for a moment and looked down to the white clothing in hand. Shadow blinked as he noticed it.
"You went back to get....Clothes?!" Shadow gapped. X blinked finally noticing it as well.
Zero shrugged. "I think these were Kurama's....I found his room before I found you two." He lifted the clothing in view for them and stared at it in thought to himself. X sighed then and shook his head slowly, eyeing the clothing on Zero's hand.
"Why were they using him against us?"
"Using who?" Lerek stepped up to the three commanders, looking to the three at a time curiously.
"Okay let me get this straight! That guy with the odd ears and a fluffy tail wasn't an android at All??" Shadow asked confused as he turned to X to answer his question. X nodded slowly. "There are no Humans like that!"
"Having a hard time believing something Shadow? and what guy??" Lerek blinked.
"Didn't you see his arm Shadow? Did you take a good look at him? did your scanners Say that he was a reploid?" X bit his lip and took a step back. He didn't mean to raise his tone like that against Shadow but the navy hunter definiatly couldn't believe what he saw almost as much as he couldn't. "Shadow if you killed him the mavericks would be using that against us. You would be marked as a maverick for.."
"Alright already!" Shadow snapped. "Still...he would of killed you."
X stood quiet for a moment and looked down to the ground. Zero then turned his gaze away from the clothing and looked to X. "True he had the chance to do that but he didn't have much of a choice."
"Uhh...guys? Mind if I know what happened in there?"
"You'll get a report on it later Lerek.... how did you guys make it out with the D-class droids?" Zero turned to take a look at Lerek's group condition, the few reploids had minor damage.
"Oh great! I kinda expected to deal with a few B-class or maybe the C-class, the D-class are not what any of us expected." Lerek looked back to his men who were all resting up a bit before they head back to MHHQ. "As you see here gentleman, I present you the low funds that the mavericks had to throw at us. Honestly you would think they would try harder? it's like-"
"..Everything was too easy..." X murmured suddenly then looked to Zero a bit worried. "Zero...you don't think..?"
"X?" Zero blinked.
"It was all to easy..." X said again. "You don't think this was part of their plan? Kurama must've been a Diversion?"
"Kurama?" Lerek raised a brow at X. "Ain't that a tire?"
Shadow shook his head at Lerek. "Save those to yourself Lerek." he then looked back to X with a sigh. "As much as I know you two want to continue this we should head back and report this to Cain. He would want to know what you two had encountered with Today."
Zero nodded slowly agreeing with Shadow. "He's right X, we shouldn't be talking about this here."
X looked back to the fallen rubble what was once a building, shaking his head slowly. "I don't like this feeling at all now..."
Lerek shrugged and turned back to his men, gathering them up to head back to MHHQ, Shadow followed Lerek and the others back then. Zero stood quietly as he waited for X to finish gazing at the fallen building. It's like this everytime.... Zero thought to himself, sighing deeply after.
Catching the sigh, X forced himself to take a step back then turned around and walked up to Zero. "Let's go." he said calmly.
"Cain is going to love this one..." Zero mumbled lowly. X smirked slightly catching that.
"You think so? it's not everyday you see anything like Kurama."
"About the whole thing back there...I noticed he said something to you." Zero glanced at X curiously. The azure hunter's expression sadden, reminded of the moment where the fox had him pinned, whispering a weak nonsense that only the mavericks could give to him in exchange that he killed the hunters.
"I can't go back.....not to him....not as a failure.."
X shook his head slowly. "We need to do something about this Zero....and Fast."
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Vile yawned mildly and rested back on his seat. While waiting for Ragnarok to show up, the dark maverick had decided to occupy himself with one of the fiction books that was lying around. Usually he didn't give a damn about these odd human fictions yet if the story was based on a different creature Other then the humans then of course he would give these kinda books a glance. This one in particular had caught his interest...
Though it made him wonder, this is the first he had read a fantasy noval and for some odd reason a different race too had a thing against the humans....Elves. As much as they despised them, there was always an Elf that had looked at them differently and couldn't bring itself to hate them.
They had a tradition to take care of the humans by making them believe that they were great spirits watching over them, in a way they were but they had thier own weaknesses that they feared for the humans to find and when the humans did know of this they took it in for their advantage.
A broken tradition that went on for centuries til one Elf alone made a difference with the one human...
"Bleck!" Vile gagged and threw the book to a side. "Ick! ick! ick!!"
He cringed and couldn't believe what he just read, written by a human and this is their results?? He kicked the book far enough away from him, he would have the damned thing burned later. Some of his circuits still ache from his small battle with X and Zero, and he would wish nothing better to do right now then to relax. It would of been easier if Kurama just had killed them right there. Why has he hesitated to do so?
"I wonder..." Vile said lowly to himself. "...is he trying to bring defeat onto himself on purpose? or was there something else in there draining him of his ki very quickly?"
Vile pondered on that. He remembers having a conversation with the fox about this who said he had enough ki to bring them both down if he had too, but he wasn't sure how hard the effect would hit him after, and appearently after today's little experience for the fox. It hit him pretty damn hard. Vile growled lowly then.
"The low ki on him is what must've made him hesitate, we might have to take a different approach for the fox to use much less of it then...but how..."
"Simple, the fox can use his plants and ki as weapons. Perhaps Sting Chameleon and Wire Sponge could be of assistence to him." Ragnarok stepped in as he said this, slowly approaching the dark reploid who sat calmly and raised a curious brow withen his mask.
"What are you getting at there? and isn't Sting Chameleon dead?"
"He is easily repairable Or we could have one of our latest creations working along side with him..." Ragnarok smirked slightly, taking another seat down across from Vile. Storm Eagle stepped in then and looked to the two calmly for a moment before heading to the other side of the Library, retrieving a certain book that Ragnarok had asked him to get moments ago.
"You seen him create a vine blade with his ki, think of the other plant weapons he could create without having to use his ki to bring them Alive."
"I see....but even using a bit of his ki it still drains him."
"I seen the whole thing Vile, Magna was kind enough to record the whole incident in fact. Kurama has the ability to damage X...and even poisen him.." Ragnarok leaned back onto his seat, carefully watching Vile's every move and smirked more as he noticed the dark mavericks eyes widen.
"he Poisened X??"
Ragnarok nodded slowly, Storm approached up to them then and handed a thick black leather book to the leader of the mavericks. Ragnarok took it calmly and gestured Storm to sit to hear their conversation. "Didn't you see him stagger? did you see the damage done to him? not very much I know, but he was still staggering which makes you wonder why? I know Kurama can use different sort of plants that are poisenous and one of the poisened vines he used had effected the hunter rather well."
"hmm..." Vile sat back on his seat also, remembering of what had happen during the battle earlier, but for some reason he couldn't remember very much. All he could remember is how badly drained Kurama was and he was using the last of his strength to keep himself awake, failing to after and fainted. He nearly succeeded until that hunter Shadow had shown up."I think....it would of been a victory if that Navy Hunter had not shown up."
"That's right! the new hunter is still unknown to us, not even our best sources could even specify on what made him one of the most top commanders of MHHQ." Storm added for them, he gulped quietly after, he did not mean to cut in like that yet Ragnarok nodded slowly with what Storm had said. The Eagle reploid was relieved after.
"I think...we may have to watch that one closely, but for now...Vile, you've been wondering why I knew about Kurama so much and how I knew he was here, yes?"
Vile nodded slowly, turning his gaze down to the black book that rested in Ragnarok's hands. "You never quite explained to me fully, far as I know, you were messing around with the spirit void and it lured Kurama to this part of the city."
"That was no ordinary void, and you probably are aware of that.." Ragnarok looked down to the book in his hands as well. "...According to my own research...and Storm's...we both have found out ancient voids that have been closed off for a century now."
"Ancient voids?" Vile blinked.
"Yes, old teleportations to other worlds, you see in my hands here is an ancient chinese spirit guide that were aware of these voids. Believe it or not this book doesn't belong in this world at all." Ragnarok held the book up slightly and stared at the empty cover.
"Wait a minute...you said it was an ancient chinese guide, how can it Not be part of this world?" Vile raised a confused brow withen his mask.
"Because it keeps changing different human languages, when we first found it Here in this abandoned Library it was ancient chinese, day after it was ancient egyption, next it was old spanish."Storm noted.
"WHAT!??" Vile gapped. "Are you serious?!"
"What kind of human book changes languages in one day like that? it's now in another language that not even I can interpret. It has come across three different languages...symbols of something that I and Master Ragnarok could never recognize." Storm sighed.
"Did you both read the whole thing before it changed any further?" Vile asked inquisitivly, eyeing the book now curiously. Ragnarok nodded slowly.
"This book had explained of the so called famous spirit investigators, demons and humans that had taken care of renegade demons that took off to the Ningenkai, protecters of the Human world in other words." Ragnarok explained, taking in a deep sigh.
"So that means Kurama is a demon then, huh? is he anything special? like a descendant of those famous spirit investigators?" Vile cocked his to one side curiously. Ragnarok smirked once more and looked to Storm Eagle in a gesture that he explained to Vile what and who Kurama is. Storm smiled happily.
"Much better yet, Kurama Is one of the Reikai Tantai!"
Vile gapped again and almost fell off his seat. "Whaaat??" He paused for a moment. "Reikai Tantai?"
"Spirit investigator, get your japanese straight. Kurama is one of them as I said, buuut...I don't think he's quite as strong as Yusuke and Hiei." Storm shrugged after. Vile then frowned under his mask.
"Did you say Hiei?"
"Yeah according to the book Hiei is the owner of the Black fire Dragon K-something, okay so my japanese on this is screwed up too, but anyways his abilities are-"
Vile lifted a hand to pause Storm. "Hold it, I don't care what he does and how powerful he is, does the book indicate of who he's close too?"
Ragnarok chuckled. Vile turned his gaze to the laughing maverick master and wondered why he finds that funny..unless? "the book doesn't say very much, but it is said that he wasn't very close to the group other then Kurama, maybe it's because their both demons and had managed to cope with their job together or their reason could be different, it brought up many reasons mind you."
"Best part of the book was that it explained different races of demons, first off there's the Makai world, in human terms Demon world, that would be the place where Kurama used to live and as for Kurama he would be part of the race of Demons known as Youko's." Storm then got up and picked up a folder that rested on a desk and handed it to Vile. "I did an all night report on this before it changed languages on us."
"Youko's...hmm.." Vile looked through it quickly then closed it after. "I would like to read this later..."
"By all means go right ahead, it would be more helpful though if you talked to Kurama and try to pry more information out of him. Like I said, the book doesn't say very much." Ragnarok noted he then handed the book to Vile, allowing the dark maverick to see for himself. "What worries me though is that I'm afraid we can't go out against the hunters yet. Not until Storm and I had fully went through the secrets of these 'other worlds'."
"And this spirit void?" Vile took the book calmly into his hands and stared down at the empty cover, unsure if he should open it or not. "You told me once that if we cannot use the teleport on him and we should use the void, Flame Stag never used the void when we got here did he..."
"Nope, there is no problem to use the void on Kurama but since we noticed that he was in your arms, we couldn't risk using it. So we took the chance with the teleport in hopes that the human theories were right about it's use." Storm explained, the dark maverick blinked confused. "And damn they worked well as the schematics say! we don't have to use the void around Kurama now!"
"What do you mean 'couldn't risk using it'?"
"Ever wonder why we haven't thought of crossing to the Ningenkai of the past?" Ragnarok cocked his to one side slightly, waiting for Vile's reply.
"Yes I have wondered about that...." Vile said in a low tone.
"Kurama has no problem skipping worlds as of we....It's dangerous for a reploid to go through it. We sent a test once to head for the other world but disintegrated once he stepped through the void." Ragnarok sighed deeply after. "So if we used the void on you and him, he would of returned but you wouldn't have..."
"Whoa! Wait! Disintegrated??" Vile exclaimed, nearly dropping the book from his hands but held a firm grip on it after. "Why is it that the subject disintegrated??"
"Were still unsure of that, but I have a theory that it might be the fact that Kurama is a demon with a soul. Reploids as we, have non so the void probably see us as non existance." Storm explained briefly.
"That's some theory you have Storm, is there any more that follow?" Vile sat back on his seat and cocked his head to one side slightly, showing that his attention was there. Storm took a deep breath and thought for a moment on that.
"Aside that were known as the future and Kurama the past? But it would also mean that something would of happened to Kurama if he went through that void." Ragnarok said calmly. Storm nodded slowly agreeing with the reploid master.
"Like I said were still unsure of it, and it seems that your the only who can drive the information out of Kurama ...soo.."
"But what of the fox refuses to say anything about it?"
"Take advantage of his weakness Vile...it will get you somewhere..."
With that said, Ragnarok got up from his seat then. "And don't ask me what it is, I'm sure the book there will help you find out along with Storms folders. Take them with you as for now....Storm and I have a few things to finish, Kurama is now under your care..."
Ragnarok smirked slightly, making his way out of the Library then with the Eagle reploid following. Vile blinked unsure of how he was going to do this, staring down at the book in his hands and the folder for a moment.
"Learning a few things from him was what I had planned to do to begin with....but driving it out of him may take some time...."
Vile got up from his seat and held onto the items tightly for a moment, about to head out of the room he paused then and turned his red gaze down to the book that he was reading before. Suddenly he stomped on the worthless paperback out of disgust and uttered a low growl at the very thought of the story in it. An excuse! he thought to himself. It was then another book near the one he was crushing had caught his eye.....
"What in...??"
He quickly picked it up and took a good look at it. "It can't be...!" A hidden grin slowly crept up to his lips, hiding the book beneath the items he already had. "And to think our Master Ragnarok had missed this one...."
Vile chuckled lowly and finally headed out of the Library, deciding to see his new work area before he goes to check up on Kurama.....
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"Were back! Were back! Were Ba-ack!!!"
Shadow shouted outloud cheerfully as he hopped in, pouncing on one of the bigger reploids after. Scaring the reploid enough for him to drop a pile of papers that went flying from his hands and all over the corrider floor.
"Heeey, Richter! Cleaning up Mitsuki's desk again?" Shadow looked over the large reploids shoulder's and looked down to the papers curiously. "Wow! She's been busy again I See-aaahhh!!!!"
Flipping the navy hunter off his back and grabbing onto him in a headlock, Shadow gagged from the grip and struggled to break free from the heavy reploid's strong arms. "How many times do I have to tell you not to do that!" Richter said with a bit of snarl. Shadow smiled weakly at the reploid and patted his choker's arm lightly. "You either help me put these papers in order again or I'll keep you here til you pass out."
"That's...not...Possible big guy!" Shadow gagged. "Were going...to be...like this for...a while, considering...that I can hold off...without air for years!"
"Well I have the time...do you? I can work well enough with one arm." Richter grinned. "No maverick hunting for you today Shadowboy."
"Dun Call me that!"
"Ease off Richter we need him to see Dr. Cain today." Zero said, entering calmly with X following. Shadow let out a big grin then and looked up to the reploid. Richter frowned slightly and looked down to the mess of papers that was made. "Hrmm...alright then, but let me have him for a few minutes."
X smiled and nodded. "No problem Richter, Shadow would be glad to help you sort the papers out!"
Shadow frowned and turned his gaze to X. "Hey! who's side are you on?"
"Don't take to long Shadow, Cain would like to hear your half of the report soon." Zero smirked lightly. "Let's go X."
"Right! later's Shadow!" X chuckled and quickly followed Zero to Cain's office. Watching them both disappear, Shadow sighed finally when Richter let go and began to help him pick the papers up.
"So did you guys find anything at that Sector?" Richter asked curiously while looking through the papers carefully, making sure that he had them together in the right order.
Shadow shrugged slightly and handed the papers to Richter one by one.
"Pretty well, we found Ragnarok's hiding place again but I guess he was prepared for it and they all ran before we could completely wipe them out."
"He was prepared but you guys weren't again, am I correct?"
Shadow frowned and nodded slowly. "Yep, unprepared as always..."
"Oy, Cain is going to choke on this one."
"Not entirely, I think the matters just worst for X and Zero. I don't know the whole detail but..." Shadow paused there, Should he tell this one to Richter? Zero would smash him for it surely but....aside from that Shadow suddenly had a sinking feeling that he shouldn't tell Richter anything about the Fox.
"Uh....I better go, I have a bad feeling that Dr. Cain is going to wring my neck if I stay here any longer." Shadow smiled weakly again, handing the last few papers to the large reploid.
"No problem, get going then."
"Kay, seeya Richter!"Shadow said last and disappeared around the same corner that X and Zero went, keeping his pace up til he could see one of his hunter companions ahead. He would dash through the hallways if it were That important but the chief janitor would once again strangle his neck. Seeing X and Zero up ahead the thought of using his boosters were away from his mind instantly and grinned slightly when he watched X looking back curiously, noticing Shadow the azure hunter smiled and paused to wait for him to catch up, Zero did the same and looked back finally.
You were the one that did this!!!!
A loud yet angry scream rushed through his head suddenly, Shadow yelped and fell forward to the metallic floor, cringing from the sudden pain that was left after the scream.
You were the one who brought him there!!!!
"Shadow??" X called worried, he ran forward to see if his friend was alright and knelt down beside him. "Shadow? are you alright?"
You called it!!! You created it!!! AND LOOK WHAT YOU DONE TO HIM!!!!!!!!
"D-done to him..??" Shadow winced, taking in heavy breaths and tried to fight off a crushing pain that emitted withen his head. "W-who?? What did I do to who!?"
X blinked and wondered who was he talking too? Zero stood beside X quietly, about to kneel down and check Shadow's condition til something caught the corner of his eye. Turning his head to the large windows near them and he then spotted a faint black shadow crouched low and well hidden between the buildings inside corners, the shadow's almond shaped eyes were glowing a deep red, giving itself away with it's own anger, odd part of the shadow was it seemed to have a third eye that glowed a dark green and just like it's red eyes.
"We have more company..." Zero stepped back slightly, realizing that the shadow didn't see him yet and made sure that he didn't. Keeping out of it's sight, Zero very slowly continued to move back. "X don't move, don't look back to me..."
"I see the intruder messing with Shadow right now, Both of you don't move! I'll take care of him!"
"alright!" X acknowledged and soon heard Zero making his way out of the building to rid of the intruder, curious as he was. He couldn't leave Shadow like this, not yet, He can't give that Shadow's position away or Zero won't catch him.
You are the one who created it and you will be the one who will take him back for me...
"Who's...he?? Augh!!" Shadow groaned and doubled over, holding onto his head in hopes that the pain would go away soon. "What did I ...create???"
Don't ask Stupid questions you Ningen looking creature! He wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you!!!
"How can I do anything if your...Gah!!!" Shadow cried out as the pain withen him increased.
"Shadow hold on! the Medic droids are on their way!"
"X...!" Shadow winced, taking in more deep breaths and calmed slightly as he felt the azure hunter's hand on his shoulder. "A-alright...if the jerk would..Argh!!!"
Watch your mouth...You can't get away as long as I...What the-?!
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Zero hopped to one side of the wall and kicked it along with a short help of his boosters which given him the enough thrust power to dive upwards toward the Shadow with his Z-Saber all lit and ready, the Shadow finally noticing him and disappeared suddenly right at the moment the crimson hunter slashed at it. Clinging to the corner of the wall, Zero looked around and seen the shadow once more at the top of the building, glaring down at the attacker.
"Stay out of this! I have no business with you!" The shadow hissed.
"It's very well much of my business as it is Shadow's!" Zero snapped back and jumped to the other side of the wall, kicking it this time without his boosters and moves to the other wall and repeating it. Climbing his way up til he finally reached the other side of the building's roof gap, standing at the very edge and narrowing his sapphire eyes at the shadow.
"Hn...well if this is what I have to do to get him back. Fine!"
"Get who back?"
The shadow hissed once more and decided to step out of the building's darkness and stepped right into the evening light, standing on the edge calmly as Zero. Zero's eyes widen suddenly at the very sight of the Shadow who was no more then...a boy??
"Wha? a kid?" Zero blinked surprised. The shadow's eyes widen and growled heavily to what Zero said.
"I am not a Kid!"
"Well...you...certainly feature as one...er..." Zero tapped the side of his helmet unsure how he was going to take care of a ...kid. "Look Kid.."
"Shaddup! I suggest you go back to where you came from and let me finish what I came for!" The young boy growled.
"Whoa! Wait a minute, I am where I Belong, You're the one who's trepassing right now and what the hell were you doing to Shadow? Hurting hunters is something you've came for?" Zero frowned, deactivating his Z-saber and folded his arms, giving the boy a disappointed look.
"Listen Ningen...That friend of yours is nothing but a trouble maker!"
"He's always been a troublemaker! and I'm not a Ningen, I'm a reploid! R-E-P-L-O-I-D!" After spelling it out for him literally, the boy growled again and looked to seem more annoyed then before, pulling both his fists out of his black cloak pockets and raised one hand slowly. The boy raising his own ki suddenly and a small black fireball appeared at the palm of his hand. The boy's eyes growing a deep red once more with anger at the crimson hunter.
Zero blinked at the fire in the kid's palms. "Uh....?"
"Alright Reploid....Let us finish this now while you still have my attention..."
Zero smirked slightly and placed his saber handle away, thinking that he had no use for it. "Great, I'll take it easy on ya for your sake."
"You Just Created Your Own Grave!!!" The kid growled and prepared to leap towards the crimson hunter but suddenly a sharp pain smacked him upside the head and forced him to fall back. "Agh!"
Strong arms soon wrapped around him and held a tight grip against him, dizzy as he was he already forced himself to struggle. "Shimatta!!!"
"Hey! Hey! You won't get hurt if you-Ah!!" X cried out when he felt the kid jab him at the stomach, he paused his breath but still kept a firm grip on the kid. "Andrea!!!"
"Let go of me you Baka Ningen!! Let go of-!!" soon a sharp sting caught the kid's shoulder, causing him to choke back his words and his ruby eyes widened. "..Kurama!" He cried out and then fell limp against X, his eyes closing instantly and his body begin to fail. Not responding to his will no more. "...you don't know what you've..." the darkness soon hit him.
X soon let out a relieved breath and let the bigger reploids take the intruder from his arms, Zero used his boosters to dash across the gap of the building to reach X and the others who were now checking the boy's condition. X sighed and rubbed his arms lightly.
"You alright X?"
"I'm fine..."
"Your rubbing your arms..." Zero poked the azure hunter's shoulder, causing him to wince slightly. "I don't think the poisen has weared off yet."
"It hasn't...I'm going to ask Cain if he could check this out for me...after taking care of our small intruder here." X turned his emerald gaze back to the boy who was now being carried off to the inside of the building. "Zero...did you catch what he said?"
Zero took in a deep breath and nodded slightly. "I heard it from there surprisingly...I think we have one of the creatures that the mavericks seem to like keeping."
"Kurama...he knows Kurama." X said quietly. "I think with him here...we may know what's going on and maybe able to figure out the mavericks next objective."
"Right, but let's see if we can get the info out of him first." Zero begin to head for Cain's lab with X following. Leaving the roof as it is.
Before stepping in Zero paused for a moment and looked back to the roof. That feeling he had before they attacked the Maverick HQ was there again.
Zero frowned and shook his head slowly, making his way into the building finally, deciding to chew the feeling out and ignore it. There was no time for that....was there?
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Kurama sobbed against the pillows, clenching the soft fabric tightly as if to drain the pain that hurted him all over physically and emotionally. Physically due to the wound on his arm and the major drain of ki that escaped his body and emotionally for his heart on Hiei seemed to break more and more into the most painful burning cinder that rested withen his aching chest.
He deeply wished the mavericks would walk in there and end it....
He was tired of it....
Shiori is married and happy, she doesn't need him anymore...
The missions Koenma sends seem to die less and less.
Yusuke, Kuwabara, Botan, Genkai...they all can do fine without him..
Hiei especially after the night the youkai made himself clear that he didn't need the fox anymore.
Yet...in this strange world...
"No...I cannot be part of this...I am not apart of this..." Kurama said weakly, biting his lip in an effort to hold back more tears, failing though and broke out into more painful sobs.
With his ki still low it may take him time to regenerate again, healing slowly in other words. He closed his eyes slowly and took in a deep shuddering breath, forcing himself to calm again and rest, even with so many nightmares he still tried to rest.
"They'll go away....they'll all go away..."He whispered weakly and once again fell to the darkness.
In the midst of the shadows withen Vile's room, a dark presence stood quietly at the doorway. There to see if the wounds had lifted from the fox yet only to find the answer more different and listened to more proof that he had always thought.
"So....it is true...a forbidden fire child and a youko plant weaver...just as the book said. You have given me the answers before Vile has..."
The dark presence smirked slightly pleased and stepped in more to the room and knelt down beside Vile's bed slowly, reaching with one large hand to gently brush some of the silky silver hair away from Kurama's pale face, extending his index finger to brush the still wet tears from his cheek lightly.
"Remember this Kurama..." The presence whispered softly. "You'll be taken care of here..." soon the smirk deepened more to a twisted smile. "As long as you are of use to me...you'll stay here...and I'll make sure that X and Zero's demise will fall into your hands."
A low chuckle escaped the presence's lips as he heard the fox whimper quietly, as though as he was actually listening and if he was....that would please the dark presence furthermore. He got up slowly and grabbed a bit of his red cape as to make sure it had not caught onto anything. He made a small note to himself that he did not mind Kurama's slow healing. "Take your time silver fox....by the time we are finished...I know you will be ready by then."
And with that said, the presence left the room just as quietly as he entered. Leaving the youko alone with his nightmares, the only comfort he had for now....
To Be Continued.......