Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Red Fox ❯ Escaping the Darkness and the Mind ( Chapter 9 )
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A Known Blood Red Fox
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By Vile Deadboss
Chapter IX: 'Escaping the Darkness and the Mind'
Take me away....Away from the liars...Away from the pain...
"If I only knew where you were...if I only knew who...if it were only possible..."
Take me away from him...That Liar...the one who plans to hurt me...
"Who? and why would he hurt you?"
Because...it's his nature, he wants me, he wants to hurt me...
"Don't be stupid, what idiot in the right mind would do that?"
Because...if you could do that to me, he can do that too...
"What in all's hell? what did I ever do to you??"
You hurt me...you abandoned me...you lied to me..Hiei...
"NO!! Kurama! it wasn't like that! Kurama!!!"
The Darkness around Hiei shattered as he snapped his crimson eyes open and gasped sharply, viewing only the ceiling above, everything was still and quiet. Where was he?
Sitting up slowly he looked around the room he was in, his own quarters for the time being. It was alot better then the table they had him strapped too.
"Kurama..." Hiei whispered and touched his cheek, he was dreaming of the fox's voice but he was nowhere to be seen, a cold touch however brushed his cheek and lips. "Damn it fox... How am I supposed to help you if you won't tell me where you are?"
He got up from his bed then and shivered slightly from the cold air that the room carried, if he raised his ki to even warm himself up he would only drain himself like he did before. Looking out the window, it seemed that the night roamed out now. He was so drained before he fell asleep but how long was he sleeping til?
Hiei grabbed his white scarf and wrapped it around his neck and shoulders, he then made sure if the white cloth bandanna was on securely around his jagan before he checked his cloth like bandages that wrapped around his whole arm, hiding his tattoed black dragon.
Hiei finally headed for the door and stepped out, the hallways were partly dark aside from the dim light and the moonlight shining past the windows. He stood silent for a moment as a lot went through his mind, mostly about a decision on leaving the place or not?
In his pockets he gently caressed a small gem that rested there for the whole time, a teargem necklace that was not his but Kurama's. A gift from him, the fox however ripped it from his pale neck when he told him that...
"Usually no one is supposed to be up at this time but your a different exception, especially when you slept all day and evening."
Hiei held his breath for a moment when he heard the unexpected voice, appearently the idea of leaving was out. He turned calmly to see who else was on watch over him now?
X smiled and waved slightly, his other arm was carrying folders. Hiei wondered how long he was standing there? he heard no sound of him approaching and while that Hunter was in his armor especially a sound should of been heard.
"Sorry, that sounded bad I know.."
"I slept all day and evening? this world is draining more you-ki out of me worse then Biyakko stealing Kuwabara's reikai energy..."Hiei said calmly yet held his grumpy tone to it. X only blinked.
"Biyakko? you-ki?"
"I've no time to explain that, when are we going to go find Kurama?" Hiei asked, turning his crimson gaze on X who shrugged slightly.
"That depends on if we ever find the mavericks, as long as he's with them we'd have to be extremely lucky if we ever find them Soon."
Hiei closed his eyes and frowned slightly at the idea. "How long does it usually take for you guys to find them?"
"Shortest time? and without puzzles here and there I'd say about a year."
"A Year!?"
"The mavericks are not all that easy to find Hiei. Especially when Ragnarok is leading them." X looked around the hallway. "Follow me I'll take you to the kitchen if your hungry."
Hiei shrugged, X smiled again and started to make his way for the kitchen, with nothing else better to do and needing to know more info about the mavericks Hiei followed wordlessly.
"Ragnarok and Vile both have Kurama, we found out about him when we got to their old HQ, but sacrficing that one to go to another we couldn't save Kurama in time nor had the chance too when Vile had him."
"So Kurama's at their hidden HQ?" Hiei asked to be sure. X nodded.
"Right, and we have other hunters out searching for them this time. Last time Shadow, Zero, Lerek and I had a good lead til they ran again. Reyak and his hunters are searching the other cities for any clues of them."
"Have they find anything of them yet?"
"It's been a whole day now Hiei, Reyak won't hand us a report of it til the end of the week, like I said if were lucky he'll have a lead of them soon."
Hiei frowned, he was starting to hate the idea of Waiting just to find Kurama, it'll be alot more quicker if he finds the fox alone, but with his Jagan losing you-ki suddenly there's no chance he can do that now.
Why was it losing you-ki now and wasn't earlier?
"Well here we are." X chirped as he pushed open the kitchen doors with his free hand smoothly and held it open for Hiei who calmly stepped in and walked past X. He paused then and his eyes widen.
The Kitchen was a huge area where there was a few reploids getting some stuff ready for tomorrow, and a few humans. Hiei looked around, the place was much bigger then the School Cafeterias or the Makai Inns that he's been taken too.
"Hey X, what brings you here at this hour?" One of the reploids asked as he placed some kitchen ware away which were nicely cleaned and stacked in some metal cabinet.
"Something to snack on, what's leftover on today's schedule?" X smiled as he walked past Hiei and sat on a kitchen stool, placing his folders down on the wooden counter. Hiei followed but kept a small distance away from X and the others, keeping a cautious eye on all of them.
"for you or the little guy?" one of the females asked as she went over to one of the fridges and started to rummage through it.
"Er..for Hiei."
"Hiei, huh?" She got up then with a plate in hand that was already set, heading over to a microwave and started to remove the plastic off it as she continued to talk. "Well for today's special we have Grammoth's slop s-"
"Hey!" another reploid snapped from the other side of the Kitchen. "I was slaving over that for a good 24 hours. It is Not slop!"
The human female chuckled as she placed the plate in the Microwave. "Alright, Alright...the special is nothing more then garlic and herb roasted chicken and mashedpotatoes. That sound alright to you Hiei?"
Hiei shifted a little in thought about that, looking to X then who blinked. "Hm? it won't kill you."
"hn...can I have something sweet to go with it?"
"Sure!" The woman chirped as she took the plate out of the microwave and set it down on the counter near X. "What would you like?" she asked, placing a napkin and a fork as well as a knife beside the plate.
Hiei calmly yet cautiously went over to X and looked to the food, turning his crimson gaze to the woman after who smiled gently. "Sweet snow."
The reploids and the humans that were busy cleaning and cooking all paused for the moment and looked to Hiei a slight bit confused. The woman blinked at the request. "Sweet snow?"
Hiei nodded. "or pudding."
"Oh! we have plenty of that." She smiled once more and went to get some pudding for the fire demon. Hiei rolled his eyes and sat down on another stool near X and picked up the fork, he is hungry and he's not gonna be one to complain about the free food for now. He poked the food thoughtfully before taking a bit of it to eat, X watched Hiei nibble the food for a moment before he grabbed his folders and start to rummage through them.
Things with Hiei here might be alot different, I have a bad feeling about all this though.. X turned his emerald gaze to Hiei who quietly ate his food. A very bad feeling....
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Flair panted as she fell to her knees, still trying to catch her breath from all the running they did. They safely made it to the City and since there's humans about in this one that should keep the mavericks back for awhile. She turned her gaze to Kurama who was resting back against the tree and he too was catching his breath, his head was lowered as his silver hair fell past his shoulders and darkened his pale face, his golden eyes were closed from the world around him.
"Kurama...why?" Flair asked finally, moving to sit on the ground and kept her confused gaze on him.
Kurama slowly sat down too, so low on energy that he is unable to stand, he has to turn human but with Flair there..?
"Flair..." he started, opening his eyes slowly and looked to Flair who waited for an answer to why he ran. "I am...what you all would want to kill.."
"But...it was arranged that you wouldn't be Kurama."
Kurama shook his head slowly and looked down to the clothing he picked, he really wished he had his white silk clothing. "Flair...does it still puzzle you..on why your sensors see me..as a human?"
He turned his gaze back to her.
Flair nodded slowly then held her breath for a long moment suddenly, slowly moving back as to see if the light nearby would help show her something that her own sight cannot understand.
Kurama watched and wondered for a moment on why she was moving back like that? he looked to his silver hair which had not yet changed but that wasn't the first sign of him changing..
He knew why now and slowly moved a bit more to the light, turning his gaze back to Flair.
Flair gasped and her eyes widen. "Kurama? your eyes their.."
"Green." he finished, smiling softly now as he noticed his youko form melting very slowly. He had to explain quickly as Kurama. "Flair, what your about to see you will not like, so bear with me on this or go back to Ragnarok and Vile.."
"Kurama..? wha-"
Before Flair could finish a bright light shone around Kurama, his body couldn't been seen past the light. Flair sat frozen for a moment and shielded her eyes from the odd light, noticing the light die down slowly to nothing, she adjusted her eyes then to handle the small unexpected attack. Kurama's body figure can be seen but was dark still to her sight, as soon as her eyes adjusted she blinked upon noticing his figure once more which seemed...Smaller...?
"What the..??"
Flair backed away a bit more, her eyes definiatly couldn't understand the sight before her, Where Kurama sat was somebody else who had his eyes closed.
He opened his eyes slowly then, the emerald color still there and glinted from the light nearby, his silver hair had melted to a deep rich red color. His skin was not as pale as his youko form yet a soft light ivory, not to mention he looked more younger in this form then he did in the other. Perhaps more angelic then his demon form.
Flair definiatly couldn't believe the sight before her, she then picked up a small metallic board she kept with her and tapped at the small keys on it, she sat frozen once more.
"The readings still say you're human.."She dropped the metallic board and turned her gaze up, shaking her head slowly.
"Flair...that thing or whatever you used before did not lie.."
"You're a Human!!" she screamed.
Kurama sat quietly and calmly, his gaze however frowned at her. "You should of let Vile kill me to begin with if you cannot handle what I am for now."
"Kurama what the hell are You!? why can't you tell me what you are??"
"Because when the day I got here and from watching Vile kill some other humans before gave me a pretty good idea what you all were already..." Kurama turned his emerald gaze down then. "Why should I tell you all that a part of me is human? come to think of it I should of and maybe then Vile could of killed me."
"Stop that Kurama! just...explain...please.."
Kurama turned his gaze back to Flair when he noticed the sorrow in her tone, her eyes were already filled with tears as she swallowed back her need to cry.
"Your voice...it's different too.."
"Yes..of course it would be..." He said calmly still. "Flair...if you want me to tell you anything or everything as you'd probably like then help me get out of here."
"What choice do I have? I left the HQ and I helped you, for sure Ragnarok will have me killed for this." Flair reached to wipe the tears from her face, embarressed for being like that in front of Kurama.
The fox however watched as she wiped her tears away, fascinated that reploids too can cry, reploids like her. How much different are these machines?
Kurama slowly got up yet still rested back against the tree for support, checking how his human form is before pulling away from the tree slightly, a bit of strength returned but his ki still remained low.
He turned his emerald gaze back to Flair then who lowered her head and had her own eyes closed. Taking in a deep breath, Kurama looked around the area they were in before speaking anything more.
"Flair, can I trust you to lead me around this world of yours?"
"It's all I can do for now for both of us, Ragnarok is gonna have my head for this.." Flair droned lowly. She slowly got up then and brushed the dirt off herself before looking to Kurama, scanning his condition. "So because of this human body of yours, is that why you ran?"
Kurama nodded slowly. "If I didn't Ragnarok would have strangled me during his little Game.." he growled slightly, moving to lean back against the tree once more. Flair blinked slightly.
"I overheard something was going on in the bunker but didn't really pay any much attention to it." Flair paused then and looked to Kurama a bit surprised. "Wait a second...How did you manage to get to the bunker with out any security keys with you??"
Kurama grinned slightly there. "It was simple, considering the condition you all seen me in I wasn't given much security." He pulled away from the tree once more. "I'll explain more later right now we can't stay in this area for long."
"Right, we need to head for a deeper part of the city, I know a place where we can hide in for the night." Flair then started to pick up the items she dropped and placed them away in a small bag that slung around her hip.
"Deeper part of the City?" Kurama asked a bit confused as he turned his gaze to the tall buildings nearby. "Downtown part of the city?"
"Something like that, it's a place where I used to hang out before I was moved to work under Ragnarok's command." Zipping the bag closed after, she went up to where Kurama was and eyed his new form again now that he stood out more to the streetlights.
"Tomorrow morning we are definiatly going to have to change our features."
Kurama blinked at the response and looked to Flair. "Features?" He looked down to his clothes then. "What's wrong with my clothes?"
"Nothing really but you can tell Ragnarok picked them out for you." She then started to make her way through the alleyway and Kurama followed.
"you can? how can you tell? does it say so anywhere?" Kurama checked around his sleeves then for Ragnarok's name anywhere.
"I've been around him long enough to know unfortunately..." Flair sighed and shook her head slowly as both made their made out of the alleyway and into the streets of the city...
That's where Kurama had to wonder....why would the maverick master pick out clothes for Him?
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Tapping the hard wood of the desk lightly with one finger alone, noting the impatience and annoyence within the room that all five reploids sat quietly in. Flustered, Angry, and very very disappointed with one reploid who stood in the middle of the room embarressed and ashamed for it seemed he to be the only one with a missing...keycard...
Vile stopped the tapping then leaned closer to his desk and placed his hands togather as he kept his deep ruby angry eyes on the worried reploid who knew he was in for the deepest trouble.
"#32 Unit Darius of Storm's Science department...What do you have to say for yourself for letting loose a very rare speciman and secret weapon?" Agile asked calmly yet the anger can faintly be noted within his tone, the usual mocking grin on his face was gone and a very stern expression had remained.
The reploid known as Darius turned his gaze down and tried to find the words quickly through his jumbled and feared mind. "I..I didn't know he was in the room with me, Sir. He attacked me with some kind of powder before I could realize...I.."
Vile brought his hand up as to silence the stuttering reploid, raising a curious brow within his mask then. "Kurama attacked you with some kind of powder you say?" He asked curiously. Darius nodded quickly, willing to explain something that might save him.
"Yes, Sir...a some kind of knock out powder that was effecient enough to freeze my systems to a total shut down."
"That would explain finding him knocked out in the lab area." Magma muttered lowly, enough for Vile and Agile to catch however. Agile nodded slowly upon agreeing with Magma.
"Yes...that fox has many tricks up his sleeves.."
"More like in his hair." Vile corrected, narrowing his gaze back to the reploid then. "If it weren't for the job you've been placed to do, I'd have your head off your shoulders now where you stand, Now get out of here and back to work before I Carry that sentence Out!!"
With that said the reploid Darius rushed out of Vile's office, not wanting to anger him anymore then he already was.
Vile took in a sharp breath and sat back on his chair, keeping his gaze down on the desk while listening to the other three reploids in the room, all wondering what to do now that both Flair and Kurama are missing?
Kurama who was needed to bring X and Zero's downfall, Flair because she too was working on the fuses for the Chimera. The Chimera now needs her expertise and she has ran off with the fox!
"I knew that Fox was gonna be trouble.." Agile growled lowly, his hands to fists as he continued to growl through clenched teeth. Storm stood silent as Magma nodded, agreeing with what Agile said. Before anymore could be said a loud slam made them pause and looked to Vile.
The dark purple and blue maverick now stood up and both his hands on the desk, his gaze down however. Agile raised a confused brow to the dark maverick, folding his arms as he kept a cautious gaze on Vile. "Well aren't I right?"
"Don't assume what you just see Agile, that fox has more potential then you think and even Ragnarok agrees with that." Turning his ruby eyes to Agile then, the tall light purple maverick sneered slightly upon what Vile said.
"Perhaps he is good as you say he is, but the point is getting him to do what we want him to do." Agile noted.
"And so far he was close enough to poisoning X but not enough! isn't that just a bit pathetic? were all probably a laughing stock to all the other maverick groups out there because were trusting a human like Creature to kill X and Zero which seems like it's not going to Happen soon enough!" Agile's voice raised slightly to a growl, both Magma and Storm stepped back out of his away as he approached Vile's desk slowly. His rage within him growing.
"Why do you and Ragnarok waste all our time on that Creature when we could be using the magnificence of the Chimera?" standing tall in front of Vile's desk then and staring down at the dark maverick who lowered his ruby gaze down at the desk once more, not saying a word to the reploid before him. "What is so special about Kurama? so special enough for you to even dare to Seduce hi-"
Another loud crash echoed the small office then, the other two reploids eyes widen as Agile stepped back surprised, the desk no longer stood as a crack was made in the middle. Vile very slowly pulled his hand back and glared angrily at Agile.
"Let's keep one thing Straight Agile, As long as Kurama's My responsability, what I do to him is non of your Business but my own and Ragnarok's, you stick to what you have to do and leave the disappearence of the fox and Flair to Me, Got that?"
Agile growled slightly. "Loud and Clear Vile, but what if Ragnarok leaves That to me?"
"Only if he wants them dead..." Vile then pulled away from his destroyed desk and made his way out of his office then with Storm following. Agile hissed a curse lowly to himself and kicked the remains of Vile's desk, Magma stood silent watching Agile retorting his anger to a chunk of wood and stone. After a few kicks and curses Agile then took a deep breath and paused in his thoughts for a moment.
"Won't things get done much more easier and quicker if that Fox is out of the way?" he asked aloud. Magma blinked.
"It's a possibility it would be.." Magma answered calmly, wondering what was in Agile's mind.
"Flair is needed for the project Chimera however it's the fox that is stopping us from resuming to our original plan..."
"It does seem that way somewhat." Magma folded his two arms and placed his third on his metallic chin as the other rested against his hip. Agile then paced around Vile's office deep in thought about this, taking slow cautious steps and never changing his speed.
"on the other hand though, I agree with half of what Vile said."
"Of course you would, you probably seen more info about this fox then I." Agile said at the same time waving his hand in the air mockingly. Magma shrugged slightly.
"you did see the video yourself, with all the plants Kurama was able to use and had pinned X down within-"
Agile immediatly put his hand up to silence Magma. "Stop right there cause I do Not want to know how useful Kurama is nor how powerful! but then again....powerful as he is what if there's a flaw to him running away?"
"A flaw?" Magma blinked.
"Yes...what if he learned what the hunters do...is Kurama a good fox deep down that evil looking exterior of his?"
"He didn't look evil to me..."
Agile's grin appeared on his face once more as he looked to Magma who was now in thought about what was said. Very slowly he approached the four armed reploid while waving a finger back and forth. "That's it! That's it!!" He paused a foot away from the reploid who now blinked a bit confused.
"He left to go find the hunters!!" Agile announced almost happily. "I mean why else would he run away for?"
"To go back to his world? but...he would need Ragnarok to do that, then again-"
Magma frozed when Agile placed a hand on his armored shoulder and then looked to Agile himself who still kept his maniacal grin on his face. "I nominate you to go find him..."
Magma's eyes widen. "What?? No Sir! Master Ragnarok wou-!"
"Right now I don't think Ragnarok would care what were doing and expect the fox to be found instead...Sooo...I want You to go find him!" Agile then walked out of Vile's office with a confused reploid following behind him.
"Agile, Sir...I'm not one to question this but Why me??"
"Your the only one here to truly listen and understand me and my goals!" Agile paused and placed a hand on his chest, looking to the floor with a deep sigh. "It makes me feel so 'touched' everytime I think about it..."
Magma almost lost his balance from the words and gave Agile a very confused look. "I hope you don't think about That too often."
Agile snorted at the response and resumed his way with Magma following still. "Anyways... second reason to that, you were the best X hunter to me years ago and still is to me now, further of all with your skills and abilities, your perfect enough to catch and Kill Kurama for me!"
"Kill Kurama?!" Magma stopped shocked at the command. "But...I can't! Ragnarok and Vile will screw me over to scrap!!"
"You Dare to disobey That order, Magma?" Agile stopped and twisted around to face the confused and shocked reploid, his hands behind him and his expression stern in full seriousness. Magma gulped.
"Sir, please...I can catch him but I'm afraid an order from Ragnarok to Not kill him is something I can't disobey, Master Ragnarok already made himself clear on that!" Magma stood ready in place in case Agile decked him for such a disagreement. Agile did no such thing however and still stood firm and calm.
"Alright then...Go and retrieve him for me...I'll deal with him alone." Agile twisted around once more and resumed his way to the bunker then.
"Yes sir.." Magma breathed in a bit relieved when Agile was a little away and soon headed for his own destination. "so much for working on the Chimera.." Magma droned lowly.
"So I assume you'll be coming with us?"
The deep voice forced Magma to a full halt and uttered a short squeak. He quickly looked to where the voice was, taking in another short relieved breath after and held his armored stomach with one of his hands. "Damnit Storm! Don't scare me like that!"
Storm Eagle raised a brow and calmly walked over to Magma, with folders in one hand. "I heard everything that Agile wanted you to do, you do know it's against Ragnarok's orders to kill the fox."
"I thought you Heard everything or just what Agile said? Of course I know it's against Ragnarok's orders, he'd beat me to a metallic pulp if I killed the fox!" Magma growled lowly after and resumed his way through the hallway, Storm followed curiously.
"So does that mean your coming with Vile and I?"
"I don't think so, Agile would refuse a spat with Vile so I'm on my own." Magma said, at the same time waving a hand back at Storm. "Say what you want to Vile, I have my own orders to follow."
"I see.." Storm tapped the bottem of his metallic chin as he thought over what was said. "Then that would mean this is a competition, hm?"
Halfway Magma paused, catching what Storm said and slowly turned to look back to the bird like reploid who now had a small grin on his beak. "It seems that way unfortunately, if I catch him..."
"Death..." Storm finished, taking a few steps towards Magma. "And when I catch him... Kurama's fate will be chosen between Ragnarok and Vile."
"The death sounds more rewarding for him.." Magma droned lowly, turning his gaze to the floor. "I actually feel sorry for the fox that he has to live to do the biddings of Ragnarok and Vile."
"Hrmph, like he's any better off with Agile." Storm spat slightly out of disgust and walked past Magma then who blinked at the remark, following Storm to the transport bunker, Magma was curious to hear any more remarks like that about Agile from Vile's chosen officer.
"And what's so bad about Agile, really?"
"Do you really want to continue this Magma?"
"No...but your heading to the same place I am so what other choice do I have?"
Storm sighed and shook his head slowly at the response. "I see your point but don't agree with it."
Magma rolled his eyes. "You never do Stormy.."
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"Sector 1 through 28 cleared already and now working on sector 29 to 35, any further instructions while at this sir?"
The young reploid asked as he handed the reports to the tall silver hunter who was still busy looking through some earlier reports, reaching for the other ones with his free hand and shook his head slowly.
"No, no...that should be fine for the time being, keep it up."
"Commander.." the reploid nodded and stepped out of the construction tent they were borrowing for the time being, the highway crew that were there before resumed their work while the hunters checked out the area they were in. The last maverick attack there torn the highway to pieces and needed to rebuild the area.
Sighing softly as he sat down calmly and placed the folders down on a table, trying to finish reading the report he was given earlier but they said all the same thing...
"No sign of maverick activity."
Dropping the rest on to the table, Reyak rested an elbow on the table and his head on his fist, thinking carefully of any clue of what they found so far? Sure there's little bits of clues here and there about the Last attack but not enough to even point where the mavericks ran too.
Reyak's thoughts ceased to a stop when he started to hear the first few signs of morning approaching, chirping birds and a loud whistle to note all the reploid construction workers and humans that are returning to work on the road again.
Which means him and his hunter group have to move out. "damnit.."
Getting up from his seat and grabbing the folders, he stepped out of the tent just when the manager of the construction group was coming towards the tent with a couple cups of coffee in hand.
"Morning, Reyak!" the man greeted cheerfully as he stepped up to the weary silver reploid and handed him one of the styrofoam cups, Reyak took it without complaint and nodded a thanks as he took a sip of the hot beverage. "I take it you guys Still haven't found anything?"
"Not one friggen clue..."Reyak muttered, taking another sip of the coffee, feeling it ease his aching systems already. "We might have to come back to look around here later again."
"But why here? if you know there's no clue it means you hop to the next! not that I want to kick you guys out of here already, love your company, Really!" The human man grinned slightly for a moment before taking a sip from his own cup. Reyak nodded slowly, agreeing with the man.
"If it were only that easy though Harry, but a job from the main commanders of HQ wants us to secure this area first before we move on. Until we do that, we can't move to the next spot."
"Those goddamned commanders then." the man named harry muttered as he took another sip of his coffee. Reyak chuckled.
"Those 'goddamned commanders' are non other then X and Zero, Harry." Reyak smirked lightly as he took another sip from his cup. Harry paused for a moment at that then shrugged after. "All that hunting messed them up then."
Reyak chuckled at the response and shook his head slowly. "Well why do you think they send others like us out so much? they too need a break from all the battling."
"Yeah I understand that, but to look at the same spot til you find something isn't really gonna get you anywhere." Harry then took another sip from his hot beverage before settling the cup down on a table nearby. "from what I see you guys aren't Archeologists."
"We have those too on our group." Reyak pointed to a couple of the hunters studying a certain spot with a few tools in hand. Harry shook his head and turned to step in the tent.
"Alright you win that one, Reyak, you guys better get going now my men need to work here sometime too you know."
"Yes...I know.."
Reyak sighed in a bit and stood watching his group observing and studying the area for a certain maverick trail left behind. All this isn't really necessary but sometimes helps and maybe efficiant in the future battles..
"Yeah right..." Reyak then walked over to the couple who he pointed earlier to Harry and watched for a moment at what they were studying, as they wrote some info down on some boardpads they had with them, he then thought asking what they had so far was the time. "Find anything guys?"
"I think you should look at this, sir.." One of them tapped at the few buttens quickly then handed the small board to Reyak, taking the board in his hands he eyed what the trail signatures had found and frowned slightly at what he was seeing.
"Space disorientation?"
"check the heat trail readings as well."
"The same readings that Shadow brought back a few months ago.." Reyak lightly tapped his chin as he looked over at what else they found. "Along with the same blood signature that X and Zero had from what they brought back from Kurama."
"It looks like a transport rip was made..." One of the reploids said as he closed a small box they had with them with all the samples they picked up, getting to his feet slowly and turned to their group leader who was still looking over the readings. "Rips are rare and hard to make but never wise to make one."
"I know...it looks as though this rip has a purpose here..."Reyak handed the board back then. "Laren, you think this rip will cause any danger to the workers here?"
"As far as they readings say, No, it doesn't seem like a threat right now."
"I want you and Andrea to stay here and keep a close eye on the site here just in case, the rest of us will head back to HQ and report." Reyak looked to the other reploid. "Get the rest of the group togather, Jason."
"Yes sir." the reploid known as Jason went off to get the rest of the hunters then.
Turning back to look at the spot they were studying, the signs of the rip couldn't be seen but it was there, bright and clear to the readings they were given. Reyak took in a deep breath and wondered how badly is this rip?
"This rip better be damn tame and stay that way..."
"I think it's more of a transport then it is a threat, sir." Laren said assuringly, tapping at the board for further studying.
"A transport to where though?" Reyak said before taking a sip from the coffee he was given earlier. Laren looked up from the board and to his group leader then.
"A transport indictating of where Kurama may had come from.."
Reyak gulped. Spitting out the coffee immediatly and coughing after almost uncontrollably, Laren quickly reached to slap his leader's back. Catching control of his breath then, Reyak dropped the coffee and covered his mouth embarressed by the sudden inhaling the coffee in.
"Are you alright, Reyak?"
"Fine, fine!" wiping the coffee remains off his chin and clearing his throat, Reyak fixed his posture and looked around to see who had caught sight of that?
Harry grinned, and shook his head slowly. Reyak froze slightly to see that the human noticed the attraction he started. "I hear you actually found something, hm?"
"er..yeah, am leaving two of my hunters here to stand guard in case anything somehow goes wrong." Reyak said a bit calmly, still embarressed. Harry nodded and looked at the spot they were staring at earlier.
"Nothing dangerous is it?"
"from what we know so far it shouldn't be." Laren answered to Harry.
"Well..if you say it isn't I think you should all go and rest up if your gonna do any watches here."
"It's not like I'm gonna make them stay here and watch it for days, Harry." Reyak noted to the human man who shrugged his shoulders.
"Just considering on your health here."
"Understandable and greatful sir, but really not efficiant." Laren smiled and returned back to studying the spot. Reyak nodded.
"Alright that settles it then, after reporting we'll see what we can do and then call you two back."
"Yes sir."Laren answered.
With that said Reyak looked to the other hunters gathering and getting ready to head back to the HQ. One of the female hunters walked away from the group and over to where Laren was, helping him with his study
"Well you proved me wrong his time, Reyak. Doesn't mean this is gonna happen all the time though." Harry said and started to make his way back to the tent, stopping halfway and turned to Reyak. "Another thing.."
"Learn how to drink your coffee you. Don't want you to choke on me the next time I give you one." Harry grinned, Reyak grinned back sheepishly.
"I'll work on that."
"You do that." Harry said last and went back to his tent finally.
Reyak shook his head slowly, heading over to his group then finally as well with the folders in hand and new reports for Cain to mess around with maybe. Reyak couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed at not yet having to meet the beautiful stranger that Zero ran into a few a days ago.
Perhap his patience will honor him the visit soon...
To Be Continued....