Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Book of Sands ❯ An Almost Fatal Mistake ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 4

An Almost Fatal Mistake




"So I'm the last to go, huh?" Yusuke said quietly.

"Yes." Kurama agreed. "Yours would be the final story of this evening."

"Alright." Yusuke folded his arms and closed his eyes, resting his head almost on his chest. The silence hug in the air, and the other three unconsciously leaned closer to the Spirit Detective. Eyes still closed he began to speak.

"It was dark, but my eyes were open. I could feel myself moving, but I was lying down. I had no idea where I was, or where I was going. Then I realized I couldn't move. I was aware of my hands, feet, arms, legs, but was unable to coax a single toe to move. Even my eyelids were frozen open. I could hear, feel, see, but not speak or move. 'What the hell is going on?'

"Then I realized I couldn't feel my lungs breathing, my heart beating. 'Am I dead? But the dead can't feel, see…Can they?' Now I was scared shitless. I became aware of a pain in my left calf, like a bee sting. Just as suddenly as I acknowledged this pain, I got a…memory, I guess, of myself, sitting in my back yard in the sun. Before I could…remember anything else, the picture faded.

"The whatever-it-was that I was lying on, A table, I suppose, stopped abruptly. I heard a voice above me, male, younger.

"Room 6 right?"

Another voice, still male, a bit older that the first. "Yeah, room 6."

"Gotcha." The younger voice again, and the table started rolling once more. I lay there, unable to do anything else. 'What in the seven layers of hell could be happening to me?'

"A few moments later I head the sounds of a door opening, and then the table stopped again. I heard footsteps on tile moving around me, and a "One, two, three, lift!" I was raised from the table and moved sideways when I felt myself begin to fall. One of the movers had slipped and I mentally braced myself for impact on the floor. Just before I fell I was caught, and placed upon another table.

"Alright, let's open him up." A female voice, older then the rest, a zipping noise, and the blinding glare of sudden light. I could not squint, and the bare bulb burned my retinas. Once I could somewhat see again, I studied what little I could see, and got a cold chill. I was in an autopsy room.

"A face covered the light, peering into my eyes. The face was young, with blue eyes and a calm demeanor. He spoke in a voice recorder.

"Subject is a young boy of about 14, black hair, black eyes, name…" He stood next to me, and I could see him consulting a clipboard. "Yusuke Urameshi. Cause of death…heart attack, we believe."

"Ok lets get started." The female voice again, and a woman came into my view range. She had red hair pulled back into a ponytail and bright green eyes. Probably about 30 or so.

"Can we get that cart over here Shane?" The assistant, obviously Shane, vanished for a moment and reappeared, pushing something. I had seen enough Discovery Channel shows to know what was on there. Giant silver knives, and a pair of stainless steel scissors, used for opening up the body. Snip, snip, snip through the skin of the stomach, then crunch, crunch, crunch through the sternum and rib cage. And I knew I would bleed. I knew that dead people wouldn't bleed, but I would. I was alive, I was sure. If I concentrated, I could here myself breathing in and out, oh so shallowly, but breathing nonetheless.

"Are there any post or pre modem markings?" The woman asked. 'My leg! My left leg!' I screamed in my head. 'There's something down there!'

"Not that I can see." Shane answered.

"Ok, lets flip him." The woman took hold of my shoulders, I could feel the cold latex gloves on my skin. Shane took my feet. "One, two, three." An I was lying face down on my stomach. Someone ran two fingers down my spine, and tapped swiftly, right above my ass. "No spinal damage." The woman reported. "And neck damage?" Someone lifted my head, and I prayed for them to drop in hard enough to smash my nose, make it bleed.

"No damage." Shane reported, and let my head down carefully. 'Damn you!' I screamed in my head. 'Fuck all of you! I'm alive you shitheads! Why can't you see that?!'

"Ok, Lets.." The woman was interrupted by the door swinging open. A new male voice sounded.

"Hey, Lindsay, I got the report you wanted."

"Ryan, can't you see I'm busy." The woman, Lindsay, moved from my view and I saw Shane roll his eyes. While Ryan and Lindsay conferred about something or other, I desperately weighed my options. There had to be some way to let them know I was alive. Besides letting them cut me open and bleeding every were, anyway. I tried moving again, and failed. So I tried my voice. After a few tries I found I was able to make a very small humming noise, somewhat like a far off bee. That's about as good as it got. And it was my only hope.

"Ok, yeah, thanks Ryan." Lindsay finished up her conversation and made her way back to where I was as I caught the sound of the door closing. She leaned over me and I desperately tried my noise, but Shane took this moment to open his mouth.

"Hey, do you want to listen to some music? I didn't bring anything, but there are some old-ish cd's over here…." 'Damn you!' I screamed. If they turned on music, there was no way they'd hear me. I really was going to die.

"What is there?" Lindsay glanced up from a form she was filling out.

"Hell if I know, nothing's labeled. Lets try this…" Shane pulled a cd from a case and put in a stainless steel looking player. A few moments later a somewhat fuzzy soft rock came from the speakers. He shrugged and made his way back to the table I was on. Lindsay joined him a few moments later.

"Ok, no spinal damage, no markings…" I felt her touch my arm suddenly. "There is a small bruise on the right arm, but doesn't look to have anything to do with the death." She spoke into a voice recorder, then shut it off with a small snapping noise.

"Hold on a moment…" Shane made his way beyond my vision, and I felt him touch the pain in my calf I had felt earlier. I got a slight shot of pain, and would have flinched if I could move.

"Where did this come from?" He pondered. "Looks like a snake bite…"

"Shane? What's the problem?" Lindsay looked at him, questioning his actions. 'Probably a rookie' I thought. 'Great, I'm going to be killed by a rookie. Good fucking god.'

"Nothing. Don't worry about it. What were you saying?" He made his way back to her, and stood with his hands behind his back.

'Snake bite, snake bite, why does that ring a bell?' Something clicked, and I got the same image of myself in the backyard, then a searing pain in my leg. Then all was black. A female voice called out of the dark. 'Yusuke?! Yusuke! What happened? Oh, we have to get him to a hospital! Hurry, get the phone!' Then the same voice; No! It can't be! He's, he's sleeping…' and the soft sound of weeping.

"The autopsy room bled back into focus, just in time for me to hear Lindsay. "Let's open him up, shall we?"
"Oh shit. I desperately tried my noise, despite the music and noise, but that one sentence and gripped me with fear. I couldn't get out a sound.

"Hand me those scissors would you?" Lindsay held out an expectant hand. Shane obligingly got the scissors and handed them to her. "Thanks. Switch me places and we can get started." She vanished from my view and I felt the cold edge of the metal against my stomach, below me belly button. They rotated to point toward my head, and I knew my time had come.

"Sound personified, and I herd the slide of metal on metal as the scissors slid open, ready to render my helpless body. My entire being was filled with ice water and adrenaline, and I would have closed my eyes had it been on option. I felt the slight pressure, getting ready for the ending thrust, when the door slammed open.

"A slice of pain tore my stomach, and blood began to trickle down my sides. I thought I was dieing, but the voice I heard was not the angels.

"That kid's alive! Stop the procedure! HE'S ALIVE!"



"Turn's out it was Ryan who saved my life. Apparently I had gotten bit by a snake who's venom paralyzes the body to such and extent that it seems all vital signs are gone. I guess I'm lucky he listens to the radio and can put two and two together. It seems that some crazy neighbor of ours was raising deadly snakes in his basement, and one got free. The police found a whole roomful of the creatures, some of which had never been identified, hybrids that this psycho created.

"I have the scar from the little cut the autopsy people gave me. I guess they 'grazed' me with there slicing scissors, but it was deep enough to sent me to ICU for three days and to give me this scar." Yusuke lifted the bottom of his shirt to show a delicate scar running about three inches through his belly button on both sides.

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Woo hoo. Gotta love Stephen King,

Dragon Warrioress