Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Double Trouble ❯ Chapter 13

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho.
Chapter 13
Hikori opened his eyes. (Am I still alive?) He wondered. He sat up slowly; afraid that if he moved too quickly he would experience that same pain he had felt when the assassin had stabbed him.
He felt no pain, at least, not in his abdomen. His palms stung when he put pressure on them. He looked at them to see that they were bandaged. (How did this happen?) He thought for a moment, and then remembered in the haze of the painful memories that he had grabbed the blade to help him stay standing.
(Mom used to have scars on her palms from doing the same thing, he thought. I wonder if she'll heal them or have me keep them?) He put that thought aside for now. He looked around. He was in his room, the one he had at Naoru and Raimeihi's, which again proved that he was still alive.
He got slowly to his feet, feeling rather weak. His legs trembled as he took the few steps to the door. He leaned against the door for a moment; trying to make his legs stop shaking. (I must have been pretty bad if I'm still weak.) His legs continued to tremble. (Maybe I shouldn't be up yet.) He stumbled back to his bed and sat down.
He looked at his bandaged hand again. (I wonder how long I've been out?) He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. He could feel his whole body shaking from exertion. He started to feel nauseous. (Great, now I think I'm going to be sick.) He gagged, but managed to keep whatever was trying to come up down. He remembered from when he was much younger how he had called his mother in the middle of the night when he had the stomach flu. He didn't know what kind of condition she would be in, so he tried the next best person. -Dad… -he called, sending a hint of nausea with the thought.
He didn't wait long. He heard his door open a few seconds after he had called. He opened his eyes a crack to see a basin being held in front of him. He threw up in the basin.
“You moved, didn't you?” came his father's voice.
Hikori finished throwing up. “To the door and back,” he gasped. He wiped his mouth on an offered towel. “Thanks…” Using the other end of the towel, he wiped his face and eyes.
“Here,” came his mother's voice.
Hikori opened his eyes a crack again to see a glass of water. He took it and used some to rinse out his mouth, spitting it into the basin that now sat next to him on his left side. He drank the rest of the water down.
“Are you going to open your eyes?” Shiroi asked.
Hikori opened his eyes, blinking at the light that streamed into his room from the hallway. He could see both of his parents. Hiei was actually to the side of him, his arm around Hikori's shoulders. “Hi…” Hikori whispered.
“You've only been unconscious for a few hours,” Shiroi said. “I'm rather surprised you're awake already.”
“Is that why I feel so bad?” Hikori asked.
“If you mean weak,” Shiroi answered, “then yes. You will be for a while. You were nearly dead when we were finally able to start healing you.”
“Finally able?” Hikori asked.
“The poison on the assassin's blade made it impossible to heal you,” Shiroi answered. “It blocked all healing energies.”
“So how did you heal me?” Hikori asked, his shaking finally beginning to subside.
Shiroi smiled, “You can thank your little sister.”
“Kaika?” Hikori asked.
“She could see the poison,” Hiei explained. “Your mother showed Kaika how to extract it while she replaced the blood you had lost. Once the poison was gone Naoru and Kaika started healing you. Your breathing and pulse had stopped by the time your mother finished healing you. Raimeihi jump started your heart with a static pulse straight to your heart.”
“More people to thank the next time I see them,” Hikori sighed. His eyes had adjusted to the light and he was able to take a better look around. There was something different about his mother, but he couldn't place it. “Something's different about you,” he said bluntly to her.
Shiroi laughed, “Yes, there is.” She reached out and took her son's hand and pressed it to her now distended abdomen.
“When did that happen?” Hikori asked.
“Right after we got you inside,” Hiei answered.
“I scared Koenma,” Shiroi said. “It happened right after he set me down on the couch.”
“Well excuse me for thinking you were miscarrying,” Koenma said as he came through the doorway. “You looked like you were in pain.”
“She was until I cut her belt,” Raimeihi said. Naoru and Botan followed him in.
“Are you all going to fit in here?” Hikori asked.
“Just barely,” Botan answered. “It's a good thing your sister is asleep, or we wouldn't all fit.”
Hikori looked at Koenma. “So when did you and Botan show up?”
“I came with your mother after we were able to convince my father not to have you killed,” Koenma answered. “As you can see, those efforts were in vain. The assassin didn't stand down after he had been told to. I revoked his word of protection and Shiroi and Hiei killed him. Botan showed up as Shiroi was trying to heal you.”
“You won't get in trouble for that?” Hikori asked his parents, “For killing the assassin?”
“If Emperor Enma has something to say about it,” Shiroi said. “I'll fix it.”
Hikori nodded. He tried to sit up, but he could barely move. “I don't like this,” he grumbled.
“Get used to it,” Shiroi said. “You'll be in this condition for a while. You have a lot of recovering to do, even if your major injury is healed. You nearly lost all of your blood, and even though I put it back in you, you're still at a high risk of sickness and the like.”
“It sounds like I won't be leaving my room for a while,” Hikori said. He sighed and rested his head on his father's shoulder.
“You should rest now,” Shiroi said as she got to her feet. “Sleep is the best thing for you right now.” She reached for the basin and glass, but Raimeihi beat her to it. She eyed the man, but she really couldn't say anything to him since he had jumped started her son's heart. “Are you coming?” she asked Hiei.
“I'll be out in a few minutes,” Hiei answered.
“Sleep well Hikori,” Naoru said as she and everyone else left the room. Hikori would have replied, but he was already fast asleep.
Hikori woke again some time later. He was shaking and dripping sweat.
“Shh…” came Shiroi's soothing voice.
“Why do I feel this way?” Hikori gasped. He was freezing cold.
“You have a very high fever,” Shiroi answered. “Just relax and try to go back to sleep.”
Hikori's eyes adjusted to the light in the room. There was a lamp somewhere, but he couldn't see it. He knew his mother was there, but he couldn't tell if there was anyone else in the room. He was too weak to even use his sensory to check for energy levels.
“Just rest Hikori,” Shiroi said as she wiped her son's forehead with a cloth.
Hikori felt like a helpless five-year-old. He couldn't move even if his life depended on it. “I think I felt better in Chimera's castle.”
“You probably did,” Shiroi said.
Hikori heard the door open and someone walk in. He turned his head to see who it was, and instantly regretted it. His vision spun, and he felt sick. He groaned and shut his eyes.
-Going to be sick? - Came his father's voice.
All Hikori could do in reply was send how he felt. He felt himself being lifted up, but was surprised as a strong smell of mint came to his senses. He felt the nausea ebb.
“Just keep your eyes closed and don't move,” Shiroi said. “You're body is too weak to handle any kind of movement right now.”
Hikori didn't reply. He didn't want to even open his eyes. He had a feeling that he was being supported by his father, since he was the one that had spoken to him just before.
“Open your eyes,” came Hiei's voice.
Hikori did as he was told, and his vision was caught on the Jagan exposed on his father's forehead.
“This is easier then waiting for you to fall asleep,” Hiei said as the Jagan began to glow. “Sleep well.” The Jagan gave a small flash, and Hikori's eyes fell shut as he was put to sleep. “That should keep him asleep for a while.”
“That's what his body needs the most right now,” Shiroi said. “It's bad enough that this fever set in.”
“It was inevitable,” Hiei said. “You know that.” Shiroi sighed and rubbed tired eyes. “You should rest, I'll keep an eye on him for now.”
“I'm fine,” Shiroi argued stubbornly.
Hiei's Jagan began to glow again. “Don't make me,” he warned.
Shiroi sighed and gave in, crawling over to a second bed a few feet away. “Wake me if anything happens.”
“I will,” Hiei said as he watched her close her eyes. She was asleep within five minutes.
Author's Note: This was kind of short. On a higher note, I have deviantart account. For those of you that want to look since I do have two drawings of Shiroi there, here's the link the link to my page: http://lavanah.deviantart.com/ Enjoy! Review me and tell me what you think.