Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Fall Warrior Reborn ❯ Epilogue:The Dream,and the Urameshi's viset. ( Epilogue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

/-/Fallen Warrior Reborn:an Inuyasha/Yuyu Hakusho Crossover/-/

-Pain lanced through Kagome as she dove to the side,the the tentacle hitting her sqaurely.The force of the blow sent the young woman flying to the left.A angry hiss is heard,and she feels strong arms envelope her.she layed her head gently on a red-cloth shoulder as they flew through the air.She felt he rlove land and smiled up at him.- "Arigatou Inuyasha." "Feh!Just watch out for those tendrils baka!" -Turning The half-demon drew his sword,Tetsusaiga.His golden eyes narrowed at Naraku,he saw Miroku and Sango fight Kagura and Kanna,Shippou provideing minor backup with his foxfire.Raiseing his hand he motioned forward,an arrow flew over his shoulder at Naraku Instantly.The glowing shaft struck where the hanyou had been.Waveing his Other hand,he saw a flash of Silver lance at Naraku,and saw a blue flash of Light.He saw Miasma lash out to counter the light and grined.Narrowing his amber eyes,he leapt up into the air,infront of the Miasma as the blue fell short.- "Bakuryuuha!" -The energy of the attack,coiled the Youki of the miasma,and sent it back at Naraku,Inuyasha's power added.As it ramed into him,Inuyasha turned away.He smiled at Kagome,who walked towards him.It was the last thing Inuyasha ever did.The silver Flash,that was Sesshomaru,ran forward,and swiped his sword now,blasting a powerfull attack from Toujkin.

Sango's boomerang soared through the air,a lance of fox-fire shot out,and Mirokus staff shot forward.Too late,the deed had been done,a a huge tentacle,had ramed through Inuyasha,takeing uo nearly his entire torso.His bodily organs had been removed from him.As the attacks,hit the last Kagutsu,Inuyasha fell forward,dead,lying in his own pool of blood.Everything faded black in Kagome's vision,and Inuyasha's body and the pool of blood,were all that remained,and the last words Inuyasha had mouth raced through her mind.- "Kagome...

-The young woman woke up screaming and crying,again,because it wasnt a nightmare,but a memory.

The young girls mother hurried into the room a few moments later,a young boy following closely.Sadness filled both of the eyes.- "Kagome,its ok Nii-chan." -Murmered her brother.She clutched at her mother,who merely held the crying girl.Asami Higurashi knew exactly what her daughter was going through,and felt her pain.She remembered the death of her late husband,Hishiro Kazaana Higurashi,vividly.He had been killed by the infection caused by a bullet wound through his palm.She had always fear hs job as a cop would get him hurt...but this was Kagome's pain.She cradled her daughter,fighting tears herself.She had been fond of the young Fiance' of her daughter.It was just bad luck a family Reunion was stationed at the shrine the next day.Today,thier First Cousins,The Urameshi's and one of her nephew's friends were comeing over.Gradually,Kagome cried herself to sleep.She had done little more than eat,sleep,and cry in the last month.Asami and her son left for the family room,walking gently away from the girls room.Her grandfather was near the base of the stairs,looking upwards with sadness.The Demon,Inuyasha,had truely held his grand-childs heart.He glanced at the Rusted Katana hanging over her room door.Kagome had brought it home,still stained with its owners blood.The only inheritance she recieved from Inuyasha at his death.That and the Sengoku-Jidai coins piled in her closet now.The old man suspected these days,museums would pay much for them,but Kagome refused to sell them.- "How is she?" -Souta looked at him sadly.- "not to well Ojii-san."

-A tapping,like someone rapping,came from the door,Asami shuffled over the floor,and opened the oaken barrier.As the Door slid open,she was greeted by the sight of Yusuke Urameshi,Atsuko Urameshi,and A handsome youth with red hair,almost as long as Inuyasha's had been,Asami noted sadly.- "Hello Nii-San,Yusuke-Chan,and....?" -She looked queastioningly at the red haired boy,he looked to be a bit older than Kagome.- "You may call me Kurama Higurashi-San." "Very well Kurama-kun."


Thats the Intro.BTW,i dont own either Inuyasha or yuyu.Dont you dare sue me.