Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Fate and Destiny's little trap ❯ Those oh so evil eyes, Your that Yusuke ( Chapter 14 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
AN/ I forgot to dedicate the last chapter, so kitkathere you go, enjoy, and thanks for all my reviews, the reason I keep going. It's time for Kagome to realize, that the Yusuke sitting in front of her is the Yusuke Urameshi. It's also time to reveal the last of the third parties that were watching. It is also time for Kuwabara to realize how beautiful Sango is. So without further ado here is chapter 14.
Chapter 14 Those oh so evil eyes, Your him that Yusuke
Sitting upon a hilltop a ghostly castle sat surrounded by a barrier, once inside the barrier any human would surely have died from the poisonous gas that permeated in the air. Strung through out the castle was that of body parts, and full skeletons, inside this castle you would find what kind of being that was deviant enough to do these reprehensible deeds. Sitting upon the lord's throne, was the most evil creature that one would not ever want to deal with in this era or any other. Dressed in a baboon pelt, draped across his body, with his head the only part showing, at first glance most human women would find this being attractive, coal black hair the hung to the middle of his back, and eyes that were red yet violet a mixture of the two, most would call the color burgundy. This repugnant being went by the name of Naraku, who was busy staring at one of the two of his incarnations, this one particular incarnation was almost ghostly like, standing three foot of nothing, with a child's appearance, dressed in a pure white kimono, and hair that truly matched it, with eyes that matched her maker, holding, and now gazing into a small mirror, Naraku finally addressed this creepy little being, “Kanna, tell me what disturbs you?” Kanna's dead eyes meet that of her maker's and with what she had just witnessed from the mirror, those who now had joined with Inuyasha and his group, she answered her maker, “We will not survive if he fights, with her.” Kanna left out the fact that there were four of them, but one of the four was special, even if she obeyed Naraku her desire to be free like her sister was strong, and that thought alone led her to answer. While looking in her mirror she also saw that Lord Sesshomaru had also been in the clearing at the well, so she chose her words wisely, looking at her maker, she spoke, “Lord Sesshomaru has been observing his brother's pack, as if he wants to help Inuyasha.” Naraku's gaze unfailing stated, “Lord Sesshomaru would never join his brother's group, he is to vain to do that Kanna.” Those dead unresponsive eyes finally gleamed with some emotion, with the thought she fooled him, looking at her maker she stated, “You are correct, I was just stating the fact that Lord Sesshomaru had finally shown a non-abrasive interest in Inuyasha.” Naraku watched his most faithful incarnation, “You will keep me informed, just incase Lord Sesshomaru decides to join his brother.” Kanna inwardly smirked, she had fooled him, and now she only hoped those she saw in the mirror was as strong as they appeared to be, “Yes.” With that one word Fate and Destiny smiled upon another alley, they had made, and with this little being known as Kanna not telling Naraku the truth she helped the chosen ones, and all of their protectors start their chosen path on the road to their destiny.
Meanwhile back in the hut, Kagome, Inuyasha, Yusuke, Sango, Kuwabara, and Kaede all watched as Miroku, Kurama, and Hiei exited the hut. Hearing Sango's last comment about the monk named Miroku, Kuwabara was extremely confused about the amount of sarcasm that came from her beautiful voice. Yes, Kuwabara once felt the untamable feeling of true love, his Yukina, the one and only love he had ever known, she was the only one to look at him not with fear, and repulsion, but with love, she was the one being that taught him that no matter how ugly he looked on the outside, he truly was a beautiful person inside, and no one has looked upon him that way until now, that one moment that Kagome had looked into his eyes, he saw and felt love rolling off her that moment they both had touched. No he was not in love with her, and she not with him, it was that feeling that when she looked at him, he was not Kuwabara the ugly, gangly creature that everyone was afraid to touch to talk to, it was of Kuwabara my friend I will I will stand with you and be there to the very end, sort of like the way Urameshi looked at him. Yukina and him had been a forbidden match, and the powers that be had sent her away from him, he had grieved for her for almost a year now, and no one had ever sparked his interest, not until her, Sango the demon slayer.
Kuwabara watched as Sango drew a note from within her kimono, unfolding and reading it he watched her eyes gaze over with love, and something almost labeled as sadness.
Sango watched as Miroku, and the ones named Hiei, and Kurama walk out of the hut, damn pervert he's now those two problem to deal with anyway, now would be a perfect time for to work on the letter she was writing for Souta, she thought. Reaching into her kimono and pulling out her letter to Souta, she reread all she had tried to write to him, to her that was not enough, she felt that anything she tried to write to him was not enough.
Kuwabara stood up still holding Kirara, walking over to the woman known as Sango, at the same time Sango stood up thinking she would go outside to try finish her letter to Souta, standing at the same time both Kuwabara, and Sango now stood face to face. Kuwabara chose to speak first, “What is that you hold in your hands?” Glancing first at Kuwabara, and to Inuyasha, and Kagome, she spoke, “It is no one business but my own!” Sango walked past Kuwabara, grabbing Kirara from his hands and exiting the hut.
Kuwabara glanced first at the empty door way and then to Urameshi, and finally to Kagome, “Uh- what did I do?”
Kagome watched as Sango took the letter that she was writing for Souta she watched as Sango gaze turned from loving to disappointment in a heartbeat. Hearing somebody getting up her head turned to Kuwabara and noticed him rising up, glancing back at Sango she noticed her getting up from her spot also, she watched the enter play between both Kuwabara and Sango. Hearing Kuwabara question she chose to answer him, “It's not you, remember her story, about her brother, well my little brother wrote her, and said that he thought of her as sister and she is trying to write an appropriate response, so disregard her tantrum, she is hurting.”
Kuwabara upon hearing Kagome, glanced at the now vacant door way, first looking at Kagome and then torwards her companion Inuyasha, and finally at Urameshi, feeling like he did something wrong in that moment Kuwabara chose to follow Sango, at least to apologize to her.
“Urameshi, I will be back.” Yusuke who had watched this whole charade play, spoke out knowing that there would be no one there to protect Kuwabara, for what ever demon was out there, “Kuwabara it is not safe for you to go out there by yourself, we don't know what kind of demons are lurking out there.”
Inuyasha finally chose to speak after watching all of this, “Keh, it's not like he would be defenseless Sango is a demon slayer let him go after her one less worry me and Kagome have to deal with.”
Kagome gasped and then answered Inuyasha, “ I can not believe you she is our friend how could you say that.” Kagome felt her anger rising to the point of know concern, her once beautiful face turned to anger and Inuyasha felt his fear.
“Inuyasha!” “Kagome I did not mean it-!” “Inuyasha, SIT!”
Kuwabara, and Yusuke noticed at that one word the half demon fell to the ground, “Kuwabara if you are going then go to Sango.”
Kuwabara looked at Kagome, and then to Urameshi, looking Urameshi in the eyes Kuwabara spoke, “Urameshi, I will be ok, but something is telling me to follow her.”
Yusuke felt his discomfort at the thought of Kuwabara following the demon slayer, but something in his told him not to interfere in what was going on right now, not that he would want to leave his Kagome's side anyway. “Then follow her Kuwabara.”
Kagome, Inuyasha, and Yusuke watched as Kuwabara begin to follow her he looked Urameshi in the eyes, and now understood, “I will be alright Urameshi, see you in a few.” And like that Kuwabara was gone.
Kagome watched as Kuwabara left, and then something hit her like a ton of bricks, Urameshi, that's what Kuwabara had called him, and then it finally clicked Yusuke Urameshi, he was the one, the one that been that girl Kieko's boyfriend, that she dumped for Hojo. He was the one, he was that Yusuke Urameshi, the only one who had lost anything, the one Souta thought other than Inuyasha was god, and here he sat before her, and she knew she had to tell him the truth that Hojo had never been her boyfriend.
That's when she felt an overwhelming guilt, at the thought of his pain, maybe she should have gone out with Hojo, and then he would not have taken this boy's girlfriend.
Inuyasha felt Kagome tense, and then he looked at her, her eyes held guilt, and sympathy, he moved his eyes to where she was looking, that damn boy, why did his Kagome look at that boy with that much emotion showing, and then at that moment Inuyasha realized that this boy was a danger, in the most predatorily way he could Inuyasha, moved closer to his Kagome, and let forth a feral growl that would make, Sesshomaru proud.
Yusuke watched as Kuwabara left to follow the girl named Sango, he then turned to look at the remaining beings left in the hut, number one grandma, number two the half-demon known as Inuyasha, and number three his angel Kagome. His eyes land on his angel, only to see sympathy, and guilt radiating from her eyes, and that's when he felt it, Inuyasha flared up, and then he heard a growl that made his heartbeat stop for just a second, the great Yusuke Urameshi felt fear for the first time, because this being was not here to take his life, no he realized as he watched his angel touch Inuyasha's arm, and ask him what was wrong, no this being was here to take his heart away from him. Yusuke felt the challenge and lifted his gaze to Inuyasha's, Yusuke eyes turned from fear to determination, and with one last look he met Inuyasha's gaze, and leveled him one with that said she may love you now but she is destined to be with me, and with that look he directed at Inuyasha he let him know that, this battle was not over for he may have won the war this time, by taking his Kagome in his arms and telling her that she need her rest for the day ahead of them, it did not help that grandma second his suggestion. With one last smile with confidence shining in his eyes he let Inuyasha know that tomorrow was a new day.
Kagome heard Inuyasha growl and tensed with it, the only time he sound like this was when, one of there group was in mortal danger, instinctively she raised her hand to his arm, “Inuyasha?” “You need your rest, for a lot has happened in this one day.” With that being said, Kagome felt for the first time Inuyasha's arms wrap around her and pulling her into his strong embrace, in the first time in these past years she finally felt his love, but yet there still was something missing, as she feel into the oblivion of sleep she could still see the imagine of that raven haired boy.
AN/ No one said this pairing would be easy, so hang on and enjoy the ride. One more thing sorry this is chapter is so short.