Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Forbidden Trials ❯ Unexpected Meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Forbidden Trials: Chapter One- Unexpected Meeting

A cold breeze swept by as the young boy embraced his mother. The world of ice apparitions was your basic `winter wonderland', and his mother being an ice maiden and all, made the surroundings even more chilly. Lucky for him, he was part ice apparition and fire demon, and could with stand hot and cold temperatures. Black gems caressed his face because this would be the last time he saw his mother; the little fire demon tightened his hug. In the instant he had done so, rough hands wrapped around his tiny waist, jerking him away from one of the only two people the child loved. A deep, hungering darkness surrounded him as he began to fall into an infinite whole.

Hiei woke with a jolt on top of one of the old maples in the forest. A sweat drop gleamed on his face and his breathing had become a little jagged, but it soon passed as it had done on other occasions when he'd awoken from his nightmare. The moon still hung high in the early morning with few clouds surrounding, and the stillness of the night air almost seemed menacing. Hiei dropped to the ground with ease and headed for the trickling sound of the river nearby. Coming into a little but secure clearing, he bent down and cupped the cool water, letting it seep through his hands before splashing it against his face. He hated these nights when he couldn't get a moments rest from his haunting past; He only wanted to forget and yet protect the ones he still loved. *Hehehe(giggle)*~ the sound nearly made Hiei jump out of his skin. He quickly blended in with the honey suckles further up the clearing as the owner of the voice emerged from a worn path, not alone. From what Hiei could tell it was a young girl(maybe 15 or 16), with a short stature, heck maybe even shorter than him! The other person was a guy, about the same age, but about six feet tall. He was built maybe one of those Ningen `football players', but looked like an idiot. Hiei smirked as he remembered one of his battle companions, Kuwabara, they were always arguing.

"Oh come on Jinu, not afraid of a little water are you?" , mocked the girl.

"No….it's just a little chilly that's all uhhummp."

"Well you can stay here all you want, but I'm not wasting a chance to swim at night", and with that she began to strip until she only had on under garments. Hiei looked away, a bit ashamed for watching. The girl walked into the water, then finally submerging. A moment later she resurfaced, "Jinu, come on. I bet it feels a whole lot better than it does out there", she cooed. "Lena I've got to get home; coach wants us all to actually get some sleep." She ignored him and continued to swim around making whirlpools. Jinu looked pretty annoyed, "Lena….", still getting the same response, getting ticked off, he turned to leave.

A low growling sound starting in the throat emitted into a roar shaking the ground. Hiei flicked his attention, Why didn't I already pick up it's ki? Jinu stood paralyzed as the ugly horned brute trampled into the clearing. Lena jumped up onto the bank and ran to Jinu, "Oh my……" The teenager completely urinated on himself in fear, backed up and raced through the old path, leaving Lena there by herself.That jerk! Uugggghh! Coward! Oh man, this is punishment isn't it because I wanted to go for a swim this late! Hiei watched as the girl( still in her underwear) took a fighting stance, and watched with a tinge of amusement. Baka girl, she thinks she can take on the brute. Lena made a swift movement to her clothes as the monster lunged forward with a clawed hand, digging into the dirt where she once stood. Pulling herself up, she had laced between her fingers hanging down, an unimaginable length of string silk. It was almost impossible to see there in the dark. Hiei watched even more interested than before. The sound of pounding feet raced toward the teenager, but as it neared her she vanished only to appear behind it, pulling her hands away from her like a bird flying. A gurgling sound came and went from the monster as it's head slowly slid off its body. The fire demon wide eyed, mouth slightly open, gazed in amazement. Who would've guessed? Where did she learn that and what is it? Lena now stood up straight and to Hiei's bewilderment, jerked her head in his direction, "Come out demon! Let's get this over with!" Hiei only smirked, and emerged from his hiding place, not because she said to, but in spite of her situation.

"You really think you can kill me. Baka Ningen, don't know what you're talking about and besides I have no use to waste my time on you." Lena stared not knowing to be offended or relieved.

Chapter 2: Stupid trees! *-_- >­­_<"

"Haah! You're only saying that because you know you're weaker than me," retorted Lena. Stupid girl. This I will not tolerate, Hiei thought. "Fine you wish to die, sobeit!" The estranged girl took on a fighting stance as Hiei began to pounce. This boy will die, all of the youkai must die, was Lena's thoughts. Hiei began to bare down with his katana where she stood, but cut through an illusion led by her speed. His eyes widened in more than just shock, but amazement; this ningen girl had just dodged his attack! What!? She's even faster than before! Her ki's even risen! Hiei was momentarily lost in his thoughts, but that was plenty of enough time to attack. Her wiry strings performing an exotic dance grappled the demon, tearing his dark clothing now specked with blood. When she attacked, so did Hiei, turning around smoothly where only the flash of his katana could be seen. Letting out a shriek of shock Lena stepped backwards. Two shoulder wounds indicated where he had attacked, but the look on his face soon turned pale as he realized what he just did. Lena stood there wondering, what's wrong with him? Why hasn't he attacked, and why isn't he looking at me………….is he blushing?! =/ She soon got her answer. Realizing that her bosom had gotten a lot colder she looked down ……her bra was gone, tore to shreds!

"OMG! AaaaaAH! You perv!"

"Like I would want to see you!"

"You'd better keep lookin' the other way," she cried in frustration folding her arms over her chest, ran to her clothes and pulled them on. Lena was now blushing herself when she got back. She finally studied the demon looking at his exterior. He wore black clothing, a cape of some sort with a white scarf-like thingy around his neck. He had black spiky hair( like Vegeta's from DBZ) with a white bandana holding back his bangs covering most of his eyebrows, and by the looks of it he was taller than her. Is there anyone I'm actually taller than! Hey he's not too bad looking for a demon, huh, uh what am I thinking!? A sweat drop formed at the side of her head as a hint of confusion ran across Hiei's face before it quickly disappeared. What is she thinking, he wondered. Looking at her, it was his turn to actually see her. She was shorter than he[finally someone shorter than me!, he smirked], knee-length blonde hair played at her calves, her ningen attire was a periwinkle kimono with a sash in front to hold it together. Her eyes were……he gasped…..pink! She's beautiful, but she can't be human! Snapping back to reality they realized they had been staring at each other, and looked away blushing. It was way early in the morning, and Lena had no sleep, added to that she had just used up so much of her power(explain later).

"Well, it's been a blast, fight again later," she said turning to walk not wanting to be so weak in front of a demon that could kill her, but she only took a few wary steps when she passed out . But before she could hit the ground, strong arms caught her. Hiei lifted her up in his arms looking down at her, and scowling. Great…, he thought before jumping through the trees as dawn emerged from over the them.

Poke. Poke. Poke. The girl ningen stirred. Lena lifted her eyelids a little to see a dark form(not an evil form) standing over her body…poking her! What's his problem, oh right, he's a demon. Wait why am I still here, why haven't I been chopped to little iddy biddy pieces!? Lena's thoughts were anything but organized as she tried to stand up. She began to swing, then sway then finally realizing where they were…..looked down. The tree they were in was about fifteen feet from the ground.

~Hiei's thoughts~ Man, why is she sleeping so much, wake up! I should just throw her off of here and get her out of my hair…What would've been the point of carryin' me here, huh, ><+, and why would you even think of doing that! Hiei's eyes widened to the point of popping as he emerged from his thoughts wondering how in the seven(well…let's not go there) , did she talk to me in my own head, unconscience! Wait she's not unconscience…grrrr….now she's standing up! The baka she doesn't know where she's at, does she? Nope. Lena stood up and started leaning back and forth trying to balance herself. This is quite amusing, smirked Hiei.

~back to where we were and no more pov~ "Uuuuuhhhh, w-w-woooooh," Lena cried starting to fall over the edge, looking for something to grab on to she sees Hiei. She wraps her arms around the now wide-eyed demon's waist as gravity takes it toll; a few seconds later they hit the ground. Lena feels something soft and warm underneath her, and she lifts up her head to see the fire demon that's now unconscience. An anime sweat drop forms on the side of her head as she realizes what happened. `Shorty' here isn't gonna like this when he wakes up-­_-+.

Chapter 3: Awkward Moments :P >o<*U

Lena stayed their for a bit marveling over his porcelain features, and used her index finger to explore his face and hair. She saw the starburst and immediately ran her gentle hands through it; it was soft like a bunny rabbit. Lena traced the curve of his cheeks, then dotted to his nose, and then down to the lips. They were soft she realized, and alluring……… that's all she could think of as her head nodded forward almost grazing Hiei's lips, her head fell to the crook of his neck before she passed out.

Groaning, Hiei slightly opened his eyes, but then felt the weight on top of him and fully opened them. What the…that's right that stupid onna! Hiei stopped abruptly feeling something tickle his neck and looked down. His face blushed furiously and a big anime sweat drop formed on his forehead. He tried to move away, but felt arms around his chest hugging him tighter, "hhhmmm…. Nice teddy, you're so soft like a kitten! Hhmmmm…." The girl's voice faded away into more deep sleep. Hiei was left there stricken like he was slapped in the face o.o. I got to move this girl…but she…won't budge!…OMG! Hiei's thoughts were once again interrupted except this time Lena had unconsciously brought her knee up to his thigh! Hiei looked like a ghost with his eyes like this @.@. His voice was a meer squeak, "omg omg omg I gotta get out of here! Ok stay calm just got to get a hold of Kurama he's the only I trust to help me with this, ok, Kurama wake you lazy youko now you've got to come here to my tree …arggghh…NOW!" Hiei's telepathic message was cut off by Lena snuggling her nose further into his neck making his body heat rise further than it already has! He started panicking," Geoff stupid Ningen Onna! Geoff!" His yelling had no impact because she didn't even stir. Great! I'm just glad that stupid Kuwabara's not going to see this…"Kuwabaka…hmmm." Hiei would have face faulted if he could because she had some how tapped into his mind while she was asleep and that wasn't good.

[author pov-kurama]

"Oooaaahh!," Kurama let out a loud yawn and began to get dressed pulling on beige cargos and a white t-shirt. Finally walking down the side walk towards the forest he decided to bring the rest of the gang along so they go get breakfast afterwards. A few minutes later a drowsy Kuwabara was carrying a sleeping Yusuke on his back as they trotted off to the forest. "So what does the shrimp want," piped in Kuwa. "I don't know, but he sounded anxious," replied Kurama suppressing yet another yawn. "Zzzzz….Keiko not there…over there…ahh…zzzzzz." Kurama and Kuwa cracked up holding there guts and eyes tearing. Another five minutes and they reached the forest.

[back to hiei]

What's taking him so long. She hasn't loosened her grip a bit and her leg is still in that same position! he thought. "hhmmm it's so cold…..mmmm." Lena brought her knee up even further bringing her other one up on the outside, "Mmmm…that's better…mmm…" Hiei was just like one of those squishy toys that you squeeze and their eyes pop out, he was about to have a heart attack! This couldn't get any worse than it already has. I just hope that fox shows up soon! Aagghh! Once again the girl had lived out her dream, "Mmmm….icecream …." Hiei mentally screamed Oh god no please don't! No stop! Aaaargh! She had started licking his neck tickling him furiously so that his face was blood red," St-sto-op! Stupid On-na!." At this two figures emerged from the bushes. Hiei felt his life slip away, "Oooh m-my g-g-god Shrimp so th-this is what yo-ou d-do out here b-by yourself!," Kuwa gasped between fits of laughter and dropping the still sleeping Yusuke on the ground waking him. "WHY'D YOU DROP ME LIKE THAT FOR !" Kuwa could only point and laugh and Yusuke started in as well, "Hiei oh my god I didn't know you had it in you! Hahaha..Oh Man..Woohoo." Kurama bit his thumb but couldn't stifle his chuckles. Hiei only stared in fear and anger.

Chapter 4: Weird Meetings

"SHUT UP YOU BAKAS!" "Why don't you wake up your GIRLFRIEND and make us! Hahahaah!" "You're gonna die when I get up Yusuke!" "Oh man this is priceless!" Shut up Kuwabaka!" Hiei was staring death glares at them the kind you could feel burn your insides, and it didn't help the girl was still on him. "Alright Hiei I'll help you," said Kurama before he started to pull on the girl, but to everyone's surprise she still held on….tightly! "Mmmmm….stupid brat….leave my teddy bear alone….mmmmm." Hiei blushed and had yet another sweat drop and the others howled in laughter.

"Hiei it seems your girlfriend's become attached to you," Kuwa had remarked the only thing that could wake her up.

Lena lifted her eyelids enough to see in front of her and gasped as she sat up on Hiei's stomache,"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I can explain just what happened just don't kill me first!" She said looking at Hiei's face. Then Lena reminded herself of where she was at and quickly got off of him making the bakas(kurama, yusuke, Kuwa) gasp for air as they laughed their lungs out. Seeing them blush wasn't just the cause, but seeing the way they were positioned nearly drove them mad!

"Listen I'm really sorry. Here I'll just explain what happened," she sighed and continued as the others sat down as well, " Anyways, you remember when I turned to leave after I got dressed?" "Woohoo-OW!," howled Yusuke as Hiei slammed his first in the back of his head and nodded. "Well, you see…um I …was out of energy. I'm only a beginner and I can't withstand more than, more than thirty minutes of it." "You didn't fight that long," retorted Hiei,"Yeah, I know, but do you remember that guy that was with me? ["Hehe…threesome Hiei? A little kinky don't yo-Ow!" Yusuke and now Kuwabara lay on the ground massaging their heads.] Well I used some of my energy to mask our presence so no one would interrupt." As she said this she looked down blushing, suddenly interested in a blade of grass.

"Where did you learn how to control or even use, heck even know about spirit energy!" Yusuke was now a bit curious.

"Ummmm….that's none of your business, so if you'll excuse me, I'll be leaving now." With that, Lena got up and started to walk off.

A very sharp blade appeared at her neck," But, we don't excuse you . " " I'm sorry youkai, but you won't be able to stop me." Lena smirked before she disappeared miles already between her and the strange group.

"Hey shrimp, your girlfriend's pretty weird even if she's kinda cute." Thus earning Kuwabaka another knot on the back of his head. "So Hiei, she still didn't answer why she was cuddling you," piped Yusuke. "No I believe she didn't," inquired Kurama. "It's not what it looked like you bakas [Hiei's blushing]. When she passed out I brought her to that tree[pointing at tree] so she wouldn't be unfairly attacked by another demon. When she woke she got up on the limb she lost her balanced and brought me down with her….knocking me out in the process.[yusuke and kuwa laughing] She must have passed out as well because she was when I woke up only she's weird about it. She talked in her sleep like she knew what was coming …..and by kami you won't believe what she did!" "What [yusuke and Kuwa snickering]?" "Hentai! No, you stupid bakas, she READ MY MIND! TWICE!" "Oh my that's something different, we're so used to you reading others' minds not the other way around," Kurama thought on it," This girl is special, we have to find her!" "How do expect to do that, when she's got speed that looks like it could even be faster than Hiei's!"[me: kuwa breathe take it easy you're not gonna die…yet! Kuwa: Huh?] "Don't be foolish Kuwabaka, her speed was only a spurt of energy she gained, nothing more. She could never be quicker than me!" Yusuke grinned and opened his mouth to say something, but Kurama elbowed him pretty hard.

Chapter 5: The Nightmare

Lena fell into deep sleep on a straw mat in the living room of her late sensei's temple. She dreamt of(me: Well what do you think!) the strange guys, especially the one they called Hiei. They were fighting together in some kind of stadium full of …youkai! That carrot-top was babbling about his love for this Yukina girl in the audience while Hiei twitched his eye. The black haired guy was asleep yet again, but it didn't seem normal, it was like a trance. Lena was up against some burly dude with a bad attitude. He was dead in less than five seconds. When she was up on the arena she noticed one of the other team's members was chanting. What the…? Then it hit her…they're controlling that sleeping guy! She ran to him and the others explaining what's happening, and Hiei tried to release the control over his mind with his own telepathic powers but they were no use. It was the black-haired guys turn to fight and he suddenly shot up, making everyone including Hiei jump away. His eyes were faded with no pupils. The boy leapt onto the platform along with the person that was chanting earlier and……….Lena woke sweating all over as she hugged her pillow and made her way to the kitchen for a glass of water (me: u know what I'm talking about, when ur throat's all dry in the middle of the night…yeh ..uh humm!) She didn't even notice the presence on the windowsill until, "Hn. So this is where you live." The girl jumped at the voice and stared at the owner of it. "You!" how did he find me?! Lena thought. Easy, you left a trail of blood and your strange energy was enough in itself. Lena shivered thinking she was hearing voices in her head. Hiei stared amused by her reaction, stupid onna, she doesn't realize that I can hear her thoughts. "What?! You jerk I'm not stupid and what do you mean hear my thoughts ?" Lena stood there getting angrier by the second, "Wellll…..?" "Oh my god, you are stupid…", Hiei jumped off the windowsill towards her raising his katana, but to his surprise she disappeared and reappeared behind him…what the… was what he thought before blacking out.

Lena looked over the body before hauling him over her shoulder and heading to the couch in the living room. She grabbed the katana away and securing it safely under the table next to the couch, in a secret compartment. Next, she tried to examine the place where she made contact but the scarf he wore was in the way so she removed it along with the cloak. He was wearing a light blue taint top. Lena had left a long dark welt across his back, she flinched as she looked at it before going to get medicine and some strong ropes. When she was finished with his wound she tied his hands behind his back and his feet together. Her curiosity beseeched her as she sat on his stomach and lifted the white bandana from his forehead. Oh my, so he's a jaganshi. Well that explains how he found me… and how he read my mind! Ugghh that jerk could've read something I didn't want him to! But, even though it's beautiful… Lena traced her finger around the now alerted third eye, and leaned her face down closer to it not realizing that Hiei had stirred awake and watching her curiously as her lips crept closer to his forehead and pressed against it. Hiei blushed vibrant red…she just..no.she couldn't have… why is she kissing my forehead! Unless oh no she saw the jaganshi, but why isn't she scared everyone else would have been freaking out by now, but she's kissing it! "What are you doing?" Hiei asked shyly(me:OMG!). Lena backed up cheeks scarlet," I…I uh nevermind forget it. Ohh I'm sorry I didn't realize where I was I'm so sorry!" Then she climbed off his abdomen.

"Why am I tied up!?" Hiei queried still scarlet.

"In case you don't remember, you attacked me so I knocked you out. Then I removed some of your clothes and bandaged your back, then I tied you up."

"Oops. Anyways I was supposed to bring you back with me whether you like it or not! Now untie me!"

"Uummm…no! I don't think so, not until you answer some questions first!" Lena demanded.

"Hn. Fine." Hiei snorted.

"To begin with who were those idiots you were with? Who sent you? What did you read in my mind?" Lena added suspiciously.

He chuckled a little," Those bakas were my battle companions. The one with the red hair was Kurama, the guy with black hair was Yusuke, and the carrot-top was Kuwabara better known as Kuwabaka to you[Lena looked at him questioningly," What do you mean?"]. Well when you were out of it in the tree you mentioned him like you were reading my thoughts. The person that sent me was none other than Koenma, Ruler of Spirit World. He has power over this world as well, and as for your last question…[Hiei smirked evilly] you'll never know!"

Chapter 6: Spirit World

"Ugghh! You're impossible!" Lena was really frustrated by now. She didn't know if she could trust him not to try and kill her again. Like before her energy only comes in a burst then its over. "I don't think I should untie you, you might come at me again." "What?! You lied to me! Fine if you won't untie me then I'll just get out myself!" Hiei cried in annoyance. Unfortunately for him, Lena was ready and waiting… with a bucket of ice water that is! She tossed the water on him and stuck a ward on him while muttering an incantation. "Da..! mmmfggkksj! Woman! Mmmmmhfjdhfj!" "Watch your language, man you're so rude!" Lena had covered his mouth to muffle the flowing profanity. The ward had made the water freeze into a capsule covering everything but his head, and it prevented any use of fire ki on it. It was perfect for Hiei. "I've decided to talk to your friends. It seems they are a bit more informative. You're coming with me…and don't bite me or you'll regret it," Lena gathered her backpack(along with his katana) and hoisted him over her shoulder[me: man hiei's like a tea kettle fuming right now!]. "Stupid baka onna!"

Lena was hopping through the trees and the sun was starting to come up.

"What's your name?" Asked a wary ice block of Hiei.

"Huh?" Lena stopped in her tracks missing a tree limb and falling.

"Aaaah Stupid ONNA! Huh?!" Hiei was white as a ghost and like this O,O. Lena had some how pulled out of it and landed gracefully on her feet.

"Ooops! Sorry if I scared you," said the girl rubbing the back of her head.

"What! Nevermind. Answer my question.'

"It's the Fuzzy Pink Pandas! [hiei narrows his eyes] No no no it's Lena, geesh what crawled up your…[a growling hiei sticks up his nose]." "I figured humans were stupid but I didn't think they were this stupid!" Hiei held a smug look on his face thinking I've won the battle, yes! [me: hehe but not the war!]

"What's that icicle? I was under the impression youkai were [in a mocking voice] so strong and powerful and could take mere humans in a heart beat! Man you must be a reject then if a STUPID HUMAN CAUGHT YOU!" Lena smiled. She had won the war. "Why you! Just wait you'll see…just wait…iii'lll g-get out of here…." Hiei became blue and his breath became chilled[me: she donna know that he's half ice apparition and this is a trap! Ooops was not supposed to let that leak out! Sry!]. Any who, Lena freaks out and thinks she's given him frostbite or pneumonia or something and removes the ward. Bad move because as soon as the ice is melted away, Hiei jumps up and grabs her, whispering, "Sweet dreams…" Lena gets knocked out by a wicked karate chop to her neck and is slung over his shoulder. Hiei picks up her bag and sees his katana. There you are baby, I've missed you. He stares at it then latches it to his side and heads off to Spirit World.

~Spirit World~

"OH CRAP! Hiei why'dya go an knock her out for!" Yusuke and Hiei had started in on each other the moment Hiei came through Koenma's door ruck sacking Lena.

"She started it! The stupid baka froze me solid and was coming for YOU GUYS! And if you got a problem with how I deliver, you retrieve the brat next time! Hn." Hiei dropped Lena on the couch and stormed over to the windowsill scaring the others out of his way as he went. Over on the couch Lena woke up with a splitting headache and yelled, "Ow! You runt, come here, I've got to teach you a lesson! You'll think `stupid baka onna' when I'm done with you!" This seemed to release the tension in the room as everyone cracked up (except for hiei ) [hiei growled]. "Hey now, let's calm down Lena, we don't want anyone hurt," stated a baby sucking a pacifier behind a desk.

"Huh…hmmm…let me guess you're Koenma's son right? Oh you're so cute!" Lena picked him up and nuzzled him against her chest. A shocked and embarrassed Koenma blushed furiously and somehow managed to get away from Lena's grasp.

"I am Koenma, Lena."

Lena stared a little confused, then got that cat face Botan sometimes gets and replies, "Sorry."

Hiei hadn't liked the display of her and Koenma and spat, "Stupid onna if you would have waited until he was done speaking you would have found out."

Lena took on an expressionless look and walked over to Hiei, leaning close to his ear, very close [Hiei froze and blushed shivering a little]. Lena took a deep breath [yusuke and kuwabara already knew what was coming and snickered] before yelling, "I TOLD YOU TO STOP CALLING ME THAT!" And with lightning fast speed, she planted a paper ward over his mouth muttering, "momento silencio!" She placed a kiss over the ward and walked back to the couch. Everyone was popeyes now because of what she did. Hiei was crimson and in shock (me: looks like he needs mouth to mouth! =) ), but snapped out of it and tried to take the paper off. It didn't budge. Everyone noticed and laughed even harder than last time. He finally gave up and left the office mumbling something about being in his room.

"Ok now Lena now that that's settled let's get back to business. They tell me you have some powers that with some exceptions shouldn't have. Do you know why or how? It seems my records only have you as temple assistant and junior high student, and with that you are an orphan." Lena looked at the baby in surprise how did he know all this? Is he a stalker?

"What do you want from me? What ever it is I will not help demons!" Kurama twitched a bit because he himself was half demon, "Lena please try to be reasonable, we're not all bad." It seemed to upset her more and she got a cold stare and replied, "No."

Amidst the awkward silence that followed, a bouncy blue-haired girl pounced through the door(me: CATGIRL!). She appeared in front of Lena smiling broadly which made her eye twitch with annoyance. "Hi I'm Botan, his assistant[points to knoenma]. I take it that he's already told you what he needs["For now," koenma nods.], so come on you, I'll show you around and to your room!"

"My room? You guys think I'm just gonna stay here and let you do what you want?" Lena queried. "Well we need some questions asked and in your special circumstances I can't let you go. No matter what," Koenma made that clear. With a look around the room she silently agreed that she couldn't make her escape right now anyways. Lena nodded her head and was dragged off by Botan.

"Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama keep an eye on her she may try to escape during the night. Oh, and hehe, see if Hiei's had any luck with the ward." They snickered and agreed and went off to the kitchen for dinner.

Chapter 7: First Night

Hiei burnt the little plants at his door before walking in and slamming it shut. He made his way to the bathroom to take a look at the ward. That stupid girl…why did she do that errggghhh! It won't come off and it's humiliating! Fine if that's the way she wants it then this means war! Hiei finally gave up and undressed to take a long bath. The bath tub was huge and big enough to swim in! He layed in it and sort of dozed off into his little world and went under water.

Lena had just broke free of Botan and went into her room. She laid on her bed stretching a few muscles. Her room was a night blue with swirls on the ceiling like a galaxy. Her bed was a light pink color with the same design as the ceiling. She had a black-stained dresser and a door possibly leading to a bathroom. The room was spacious indeed but she didn't like the thought of being confined to unfamiliar quarters. Lena looked over at the window and thought this is promising. I'll just have to explore this place myself! She got off the bed and climbed out the window onto a balcony that grazed the side of the huge castle among others. She jumped over a balcony to her left and landed on another peering in through the window at a pitch black room where even the moonlight didn't let any hints. Hey wait a minute I bet…[oh gees I'm and idiot!] it's a curtain dummy! She pulled open the surprisingly unlocked window and went into the room. It wasn't much different than she first thought. The walls were black along with the furniture and the bed was a deep blood red. Geesh! This place reminds me of a funeral! Lena moved around the room examining this and that before going through a door to the right of the bed. It was a bathroom and it was black and white tiled. She noticed the pile of clothes on the floor and recognized them at once. Feeling evil at the time she pushed the drain button and awaited a confused, fiery koorime to come at her.

Hiei was under the water relaxing in its warmth and relishing every minute. Then he felt the water being sucked to the bottom. He immediately swam to the top just as the water completely drained away. There was nobody there [that he sensed anyway] and Where are my clothes?! I know I left them here. He got out and started searching for his garments and after about a minute or so suppressed giggling could be heard at the bathroom door. Hiei snapped his head about when Lena stepped into the bathroom shutting the door. I should have known it would be her! She'll die for this! An angry Hiei snarled dangerously at the now laughing girl, "What are you laughing at?!" "Uh -hem um Hiei look down," Lena instructed. He become flushed and ran to grab a towel in the closet, emerging seconds later with a towel around his waist.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm just exploring and I found your room and thought I'd pay a visit."

"Well visiting hours are over now get out!" Hiei ushered her out of the bathroom into his room where his missing clothes lay on his bed.

"Fine I'll just leave you here with that ward stuck to you where I can make you shut up when ever I want!" Lena smiled and headed for the door to leave.

"Uuugh!… Wait!" Hiei stopped her in the hallway, "Take it off of me." Lena's smile grew even wider as she moved closer to him backing him to the wall and kissing the ward and making it disappear between them leaving their lips touching gently. They pulled away blushing like mad. Hiei stared at her trying to figure something out, but was interrupted by incessant yelling coming from down the hall.

"I KNEW IT SHE IS SHORTY'S GIRLFRIEND! HEY URAMESHI I THINK THEY DID IT LOOK HE'S IN A TOWEL! OOOH IN THE TUB! I BET THAT WAS FUN!" Kuwabara and Yusuke cackled while Kurama who had obviously heard appeared around the corner giggling. Hiei, infuriated, was already over there beating the crap out of all of them yelling, "YOU STUPID BAKAS SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND FOR THE LAST TIME!" Kuwabara mumbled something like `denial' and was pummeled once again. While their beating was taking place, Lena grabbed Hiei's towel and whipped his butt before running off at top speed. Hiei had frozen wide-eyed while the others lay gasping from air from laughing so hard. He finally snapped out of it and kicked them and ran in his room. Why must she continually ridicule me in front of them! Ugggh! I don't understand her! He got into some boxers and climbed into bed.

Lena leaned against a wall breathing hard with towel in hand. All this has gotten me hungry! I need something to eat! She walked on until she found a huge kitchen with…u guessed it, a huge refrigerator! The hungry girl grabbed some leftovers of terryaki chicked, rice and noodles and sat on the cabinet munching down. It's not too bad. I might start to like it here, besides those guys are funny even if half of them are demons. Hiei is really feisty and defensive. I'll just have to loosen him up…Lena finished up her meal and dozed off right there on the counter.