Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Fear ❯ Alone With Hiei ( Chapter 8 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Akia: Hey what's up. This is the third chapter I've written today.
Hiei: You to much time on your hands.
Akia: Ya whatever.
Hiei: I'll do the disclaimer.
DISCLAIMER: LunarAkia does not own Yu Yu Hakusho.
Akia: Now for Hidden Fear, chapter 8,“Alone With Hiei.”
She walked out the door and down the steps. She suspected he would be in the forest somewhere so she started walking towards it. This would take all night.
Several hours past by and she had yet to find Hiei. She had also gotten lost. She sighed and sat down on a rock to think. * Where could he be* Just as she thought that a wind blew by and her master was standing infront of her. She smiled at him. “Why did you follow me? Didn't I tell you that you could get hurt out here by yourself.” She looked by towards the ground. “I'm sorry Lord Hiei, I was just worried about you. You seemed so upset.” His eyes widened and he stared at her. `Why does she even care about him. Doesn't she like the fox.” He grasps her chin and makes her look at him. She looks upset. He sighs and releases her face. He then picks her up and the scene changes to a big blur. Suddenly they stopped. She looked at her surroundings. There was a beautiful lake with a large waterfall above it. He put her down and she gasped at the beautiful scene. “It is so beautiful, Lord Hiei.”
He smirks at her and pulls her to the side of the lake and sits her down again. She has a confused look on her face trying to figure out why he was smirking. She starts smiling at him. She leans up and kisses his cheek. His eyes widen and he shoves her away.
Before she has time to move she slips and falls into the lake, hitting her head. Before she looses consciousness she sees Hiei swimming toward her and grab her around the waist.
`This baka onna what was she thinking. And now she's gotten herself hurt. She could have died! What am I going to do with her, oh well maybe she doesn't like that fox. I'll have to talk to her about it later.' He thinks as he pulls her out of the water. He sits her in is lap and looks for any wounds she might have. He sees that she doesn't but her clothes are soaked so he takes her back to the temple.
He blushes when he realizes he will have to change her so she won't get sick. When he finishes changing her it has already started to rain. He takes off his cloak and shoes then lays next to her hoping she won't my the extra person.