Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Intentions ❯ Let the Fun Begin ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer- Nope, I still don't own Yu Yu Hakusho. I don't own anything except the student loans I was stupid enough to sign on the dotted line for. I do own my deluded little thoughts if the angry lawyers will let me. *Angry lawyer mob begins yelling*…Scratch that…dang.
“Normal Speech”
: Telepathic Speech:
Hidden Intentions
Recap from last chapter:
“Yes. I mean Hiei.” finished the girl.
“For one thing I don't trust him to perform a mission alone, let alone the fact he would probably sick the Dragon of Darkness Flame on me if I even tried to force him to go. There is no way that plan would work. My dad is going to be so mad…..”
“If you told Hiei that this was the final test that he needed to perform for him to become free of supervision, he might relent to your request. He would not have any proof that you have or have not been monitoring him all this time. If you are still concerned you could always send Botan to keep an eye on him.” countered Ayame.
“I suppose that might work. Hiei might believe that. Then again, he might be suspicious since he has helped save the world so many times, so we may need to come up with some sort of compensation anyways. I shall have to consider that. Where is this artifact located anyway?”
“The Makai.”
Chapter 2- Let the Fun Begin
Botan had been sitting at her desk in the spirit world when she got the call to come into Koenma's office. She hadn't thought anything of it at the time, she just figured it was your ever day ordinary soul retrieval, or maybe that it was some message that Koenma wanted given to Yusuke.
She had hoped it wasn't the last one, because Yusuke would be really pissed if Koenma was making him go on another mission. The fact that the poison demon had destroyed his new leather jacket on the last mission would not help manners any. Besides, he was probably still mad about her hitting him over the head with her oar, but she couldn't very well let him strangle her boss to death. That certainly wouldn't go over well with Koenma's father. Botan had no desire to lose her job due to Yusuke's lack of self-control. It was days like that that made her wonder how Keiko put up with being married to him. She was considering suggesting anger management classes for the detective to Keiko.
She went into the office like she had any other day, her pink kimono swishing as she walked. But what Koenma told her when she got there was not what she had expected.
“Koenma, sir? You wanted to see me,” said the amethyst-eyed girl as she walked into the room.
“Ah, Yes. Botan, I need you to go on a mission to retrieve a relic that would be very dangerous if it were to fall into the wrong hands.” explained the demi god ruler.
“Sir, surely you don't mean for me to go on this mission all on my own. Don't you want me to go tell Yusuke to assemble the team?”
“No and Yes. No, you wont be going alone, and yes I do need you to go the human world and talk to the team. But, I'm afraid that Yusuke wont be a part of this mission. He is on vacation after all.” clarified Koenma.
Botan looked at Koenma with a confused expression gracing her face. “Alright sir. But I am afraid I don't quite follow you. If I'm not going on this mission with Yusuke, who am I going with? Is it Kurama?”
“No, Kurama has to attend to his mother and Kuwabara is still injured. Neither of them will be accompanying you. You will go with Hiei.” declared Koenma.
“HIEI! You are making me go on a mission with HIEI! Are you crazy, he will kill me!” yelled Botan, as she imagined the many violent deaths that he would dish out if she dared cross him. As things tended to go when the two of them were in the same room, she always managed to cross him quite a few times.
“Are you trying to get a dead Grim Reaper here or something?”
“Calm down Botan. We have no other choice but to send Hiei, and we need you to go with him to keep an eye on things. This mission cant wait, lives could be in danger if we do.” said Koenma, all the while thinking of the danger that his precious bottom would be in if his dad found out.
Koenma explained the specifics of the Pendant of the Souls and its presumed location in a cave in the Makai. Along with some of the specifics of the mission that she was to tell Hiei, he told her to explain to him the `supposed' supervision that he is under and that this was the last test that he needed to prove to the Reikai of his loyalty.
“If Hiei kills me on this mission, you are gonna be to blame!”
“Yes, Yes. Now, please go inform Hiei of the mission, and I will arrange to have a portal opened for you in the park.” ordered Koenma.
Flashback ends:
“Great, I have to go on a mission with a cranky fire demon into a dangerous cave in the demon world. This day just keeps getting better and better.” mumbled Botan as she made her way to Hiei's tree in the park.
That wasn't the only reason she didn't want to go on the mission. The things her thoughts had been plaguing her with since the Dark Tournament weren't helping matters any. If they were ever found out, she was positive nothing good would come of it.
She was pretty sure Shizuru and Keiko had some idea about what some of her thoughts contained, but as far as she knew they were the only ones who knew anything. And she hoped that they didn't know very much. They were her friends, but some things were better left unknown.
As she neared the park, she began scanning the trees for his form. She spotted a black shape in one of the trees, and assuming it was Hiei (its not like many people sleep in trees) flew down to tell him the orders.
“Hiei?” Botan tentatively called out.
“Hn. What is it onna? Why must you disturb me?” grumbled the fire youkai.
“Spit it out onna. I do not wish to spend all day listening to you stutter,” he growled.
“YouandIhavetogoonamissiontotheMakaitoretrieveadangerousrel ic” she hurriedly spat out.
“You and I WHAT? What makes you think that I would go on a mission with a baka ferry onna? That would be a waste of my time, and your insipid chatter would drive me insane. Why don't you go find the fox and plague him with your `mission'? I care not, and I have no time to deal with you.”
“Hiei, you little jerk. For one thing you are the only one available for the mission. Number 2 what makes you think that I WANT to go to the Makai with YOU. Number 3 you have to go if you ever want Koenma to stop spying on you.” retorted Botan.
“What was that onna?” questioned Hiei as he glared at the fuming blue haired girl with one black eyebrow arched in questioning annoyance as if he were daring her to lie to him.
“Look, Koenma said that if you completed this mission to satisfaction with me supervising, all supervision of your activities would be completed.” enlightened Botan.
“Hn. Lets get this over with. I don't wish to be in your company any longer than is necessary.”
Its not like you are going to be a picnic to work with either. Thought Botan.
:I heard that onna. I would watch your words if I were you.:
Botan gasped at Hiei's telepathic transmission, complete with the painful death threat images. “The portals over this way Hiei.”
(In the Makai)
(In the Makai)
As Botan stepped out of the portal, she somehow managed to catch her foot on a rock, which caused her to end up slamming into Hiei's back.
Uggh….Ok, this is not good. Hehehee, maybe Hiei didn't notice.
“Onna. If you can not even walk, I may just leave you here and finish this pointless mission on my own.” growled Hiei.
“Well its not like I meant to bump into you. Excuse me if there happened to be a rock in my way. We cant all be perfect like you, O great and powerful one!” sarcastically replied the deity of death.
“Hn. Its about time you recognized my superiority.” he commented with a smirk turning up the corners of his lips, allowing one glistening fang to peek out.
“UGGH….Lets just go already.”
They set off in the direction where Koenma said the cave was to be located. Botan was almost glad that Hiei was with her. For one thing he knew almost every inch of the Makai, and she was pretty safe from the not so nice demons that lurked around being as he would happily slaughter anything that dared impede his path.
Sure, she was safe from the demons, but she wasn't so sure Hiei wouldn't kill her if things kept up the way they had so far. She had already managed to bump into, almost hit him with her Makai bug flyswatter(the little creepy crawlies were driving her crazy), and she had managed to twist her ankle on a fallen log. The day seemed like it couldn't get worse. Little did she know, the fun was just about to begin.
They had just reached the edge of a large tropical-like forest when Hiei halted. He seemed to be looking around for something that Botan had no clue as to what it was.
“Hiei, what are we stopping for?” questioned the girl.
Yep, that really answers my question. I swear, the day I get a straight answer out of that demon will be the day Kurama actually fails a test. In other words, Never.
Not pausing to see if Botan followed him, Hiei plunged into the dense forest chopping anything that managed to fall in his path to pieces. They continued on in silence for a good four hours more until they reached a clearing in the woods. Near the clearing sat a small pond, which brought a smile to Botan's face as she thought about the wonderful bath that she would have.
“Hn. We will stop here for the night onna.”
“Alright Hiei. After I start dinner, I'm going to go have a bath in that small pond over there.”
“What you do matters not to me. Just don't go getting yourself in trouble and make me save your weak human body.” replied the fire youkai with a blank look on his face.
“Whatever you say Hiei.”
After they had their dinner, Botan decided it was time for that `oh so delicious' bath. As she glanced back at the seemingly crankier than usual demon, she momentarily wondered what was annoying him. Not that he didn't usually seem annoyed, but his behavior since they had entered the forest wasn't normal for him. His breathing had become slightly more labored, and he beads of sweat could be seen dotting his tanned face. She figured it was probably nothing for her to concern herself with, and it wasn't going to be any use in asking him anyway. Not like he would actually tell her what was wrong.
“Well, I'm going to go take my bath now. Keep an eye out for demons and DON'T PEEK!” mentioned Botan as she glanced over her shoulder on her way to the pond.
“Hn. As if I would find you attractive onna. You are deluding yourself. And as far as the demons are concerned, you do not have to tell me what to do. I have lived in the Makai far longer than you.” snorted the raven-haired demon.
“Well no peeking anyway!”
“Just take your bath and leave me to my peace already.”
(At the pond)
As she stripped off her clothes and stepped into the lukewarm water, Botan sighed.
Ahh….This really is nice. I'm so glad that we found this clearing to stop in. I wouldn't have been able to stand myself much longer. This forest is so muggy that I feel absolutely filthy from all the sweat.
She leaned back and draped her arms over the rocks at the edge of the pool. Of course she trusted Hiei not to peek at her, he wasn't a big pervert like Yusuke. Even Kuwabara was a bit less perverted than Yusuke. She at times wondered how Keiko managed to put up with being married to the detective. Kurama was a perfect gentleman. Hiei had never seemed to care about humans in general, let alone showing any kind of attraction towards her. She knew she could take her time in the water and not worry about demons. Hiei would take care of that. She wasn't really worried about him peeking due to his general distaste for all that was human (except for his strange love for ice cream).
It would probably do him some good to blow of some steam by beating the tar out of some demon. He has been acting slightly unusual. I shouldn't concern myself with that though. He probably just has demon PMS or something. The last thought caused a slight snicker from the bathing girl as the image of Hiei racing to the store for `Extra Strength Midol' popped into her head.
Soon those thoughts that had been plaguing her since the Dark Tournament returned. The were unnerving all on their own, but with Hiei's close proximity, those thoughts were definitely not wanted. Having a telepathic demon accidentally drop in on your thoughts was not always a good thing. Well, with a notoriously cranky demon such as Hiei who tended to have a penchancy for dismemberment of all that displeased him, it was a REALLY bad thing.
She knew Shizuru had noticed something during the tournament, and she had meant to talk to her about the thoughts with someone sometime. But, quite frankly, it was kind of an embarrassing subject. Shizuru would understand, and she had wanted to tease the tall woman about the long looks that the girl had been casting in a certain good-looking redheaded spirit fox's direction as well. It was easy for Botan to see the obvious feelings that the girl held for Kurama. She just hoped they wouldn't wait around forever to admit their feelings to each other. She was fairly sure that Kurama felt the same way towards Shizuru and the idea of playing matchmaker made her eyes amethyst eyes sparkle.
It would be so much fun to get those two together. They are the perfect couple. I will set to work on that as soon as we get back.
Just as fast as the happy look crossed her face, a sad one took its place. With dimmed eyes she looked at the water. The thought of Kurama and Shizuru together should have made her happy, but it instead brought into sharp relief what was missing in her life. Keiko and Yusuke were married now, and Kuwabara and Yukina might as well be. But she had no one. Not that she begrudged any of her friend's happiness and love, she just wished that she could find someone to call her own.
I wish I had someone, but it's pretty hard to love the Grim Reaper I suppose. That may be the case, but I still have feelings like any other woman. Even when I was still alive and not a ferry girl of the Reikai it seemed like boys shied away from me. I wish I knew why though. Maybe Hiei is right, I'm not attractive. Ugggh, why am I worrying about Hiei's opinion of me. It's pretty obvious that a life with him would be impossible, not that I would want to be married to that moody little demon. He would drive me up the wall. Besides, he scares me half the time anyways. But, why do I feel some sort of connection to him. Maybe it is just because he seems so alone and unloved in the world and I feel the same way.
As she crossed her arms over her chest in resignation as her thoughts kept pouring over her in relentless waves. Ok, maybe it's not just that we both feel unloved. Who am I kidding? Of course I think Hiei is attractive, you would have to be blind not to see it. I mean, all the times that he had his shirt off during the tournament, I almost had to wipe the drool off my chin. That thought caused a giggle to escape from the girl.
Those demon girls obviously didn't have any taste. They should have been drooling over Hiei like I was instead of Shishiwakamora. At least Hiei can handle his weapon. Unfortunately with that last little tidbit of a thought, Botan's mind managed to slip into the gutter, causing a bright blush to grace her fair face.
A low growl escaped her chest and caught Botan by surprise. What was that? Why would I be jealous if the demon girls had cheered for Hiei? Its not like I have feelings for him. I just happen to find him very attractive. I am SOOO not jealous.
As she continued to deny her feelings towards the crimson eyed male, a slightly different situation was unfolding back in the clearing.
(In the clearing)
Hiei was still sitting on the log that he had taken residence on when Botan had headed to her bath. His face looked slightly pale compared to its normal tanned color and beads of sweat were running down into his eyes. He didn't know why he was feeling so crappy, but had already decided it wasn't worth his time to even consider it. It was probably just the heat and humidity of the forest. Its not like he could actually be sick. He did not get sick as far as he was concerned.
As he sat there, his previously emotionless face began to take on a twinge of annoyance as he began to feel an itching sensation coming from the back of his neck. He scratched it, but the damn thing would not quit itching. The creeping itchy feeling just would not go away and it was beginning to piss him off. Especially since he couldn't exactly cut of his neck to get rid of the infernal itching.
When he pulled his hand from his neck after scratching it for the umpteenth time, he brushed a small bump at the junction of his neck and shoulder. When he pulled his hand to up to his face to investigate the wetness that seemed to be on it, he found a small drop of blood. Eye twitching in annoyance, he realized that he must have either been bit by one of those infernal Makai insects or he had been scratched by one of those thorny bushes that they had passed through earlier in the day.
Hn. I could always blame it on the onna. Say that she had scratched me when she had smacked into me one of the five times today. Of course she would deny it, but it is always fun to annoy her. A smirk crossed his face as that last thought ran through his mind.
No, I think I shall save that particular type of annoyance for tomorrow. She is bound to do something that would warrant ridicule of some sort. The baka ferry onna always does. At least she will be good for amusement on this mission.
His eyes glazed over as a sharp blade of pain radiated outward from his lower abdomen. The throbbing caused the fire demon to double over and want to cry out. It was obvious that whatever was causing this pain was serious if it had the ability to bring a youkai of Hiei's strength to his knees.
As quickly as the pain came, it went away leaving the fire demon confused. Figuring it was just his imagination or pain from the onna's less than desirable cooking, he decided to close his eyes and go to sleep. He was sure he would feel better in the morning. He might as well sleep anyway, for they would be leaving early in the morning to go retrieve the relic for the Reikai brat.
The toddler better be done lording things over me after this, or I may have to follow through with my threat of chopping off his head with my katana. I could always sick my Dragon of the Darkness Flame on him, it is always hungry. Hn….Probably would give it indigestion though.
Soon after Hiei closed his eyes, Botan had returned to the clearing from her bath. Feeling slightly refreshed, albeit confused, she decided that she might as well head on to bed. Knowing that Hiei would be an early riser anyway, she might as well get as much sleep as she could before he, more than likely, would rudely awaken her.
As she laid her head down she gazed at the dark haired demon whose crimson eyes were closed in sleep, she marveled at how beautiful he really was.
Yep, definitely attractive.
With that final thought, she hoped that Hiei would be in a better mood than he was today and that they would reach the cave of the relic so that they could get back to the ningenkai as soon as possible.
Soon after, the quite sounds of the two sleeping figures could be heard throughout the clearing. The blue haired girl slept peacefully, knowing all the while that her companion would keep them safe even though he appeared to be fast asleep.
A/N- Well I hope all you enjoyed the second chapter of Hidden Intentions. Our two characters have begun their journey into the Makai wilderness and Hiei seems to be acting strangely. Kurama and Shizuru seem to have feelings for each other, and Botan is lost in her own bewildering thoughts and feelings. What will become of our characters as they get closer and closer to the Pendant of the Souls? Next time on Hidden Intentions!
Reviews are appreciated!!!
Much thanks to the wonderful Chapter 1 Review by MikaSamu. A big cookie to you for you lovely review!