Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hiei: Newfound Beliefs ❯ Voice ( Chapter 1 )
Hiei: Newfound Beiliefs
Inspired by "Sail on, Sailor" By Kohari.
Thanks for the inspiration Kohari!
Dedicated by heart to: Yu Yu Hakusho Fans/ Christans everywhere!
Bakarosedragon: "I can tell! This is going to be fun!!!!"
Hiei: "Great......What are you going to make me do this time?"
"^_^_^_^ Just read the title!"
Hiei: (reads title) "O_O Oh my...."
"Yeah I know! You find Christanity!"
"-_-; I hope you get flamed......"
Kurama: "I think it's a wonderful idea!"
BRD: "Thank you Kurama! Thank you very much!!!"
Hiei: "Bakarosedragon, I hate you."
"^_^ Not for long you won't!!!"
"I think i'm going to kill you now. You'd better get running!!!"
"Try it! I dare you! I'll throw a bottle of Holy Water* in your Jagan Eye*!"
"Bakarosedragon does not own Me, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, Kayko, Yukina, Shizuru, or herself!"
"HEY! I DO OWN ME!!!!"
Dedicated by heart to: "Chrissy, Morgan, and all three Micheals on my street -_-;; Oh! And Hiei-kun* too!"
"Oh.....Hug me!!!!"
"-_-;;; Go, away, and don't call me Hiei-kun. I am not your lover!"
"Oh yeah? Holy Water+Jagan Eye=*....."
"O_O Whatever you say dear."
"-_-I hate my life......"
~Chapter One: "Voice"~
*VOOOOOOWWWWOOOOOOSSSHHHHHHH!!!!!!!*= Sound effect (Word with stars around it)
Jaganshi*=Higher lever word (Word with star after it. Mainly for newbies/idiots. I have non yyh fans who read my fanfics. A.K.A sisters, teachers, family. Will revel stared word after chapter)
(Stuff)= My helpful/foolish/somewhere in between author notes.
"HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU DOG??? MARK* YOUR TERRITORY SOMEWHERE OTHER THAN MY TREE!!!" Hiei yelled at the dog while holding it by the back of it's neck. The dog just tilted it's head in the way dogs do when there confused. Jojo was a male, Golden Retriver and you could tell it too. It had golden fur and was pretty smart, if you ignore the fact of it's.....seemingly endless acts of stupidity. This was the eight time this week the dog had tried to mark Hiei's tree. Hiei was just about to lose all of his pacience with the mutt and had consitered cutting off it's head multiple times now. Only Lord knows why he hasn't stuck his sword through the poor creatures heart and killed it by now.
The dog wined as it probly hurt to be heald in one of Hiei's tight as heck grips.
"THERE ARE OVER ONE HUNDRED TREES OVER THERE IN THAT FOREST, GO MARK ON ONE OF THEM!!! I SWEAR IF I SEE YOU OVER HERE ONE MORE TIME THEN I'M GOING TO CUT OFF YOUR HEAD, STUFF IT, AND HANG IT ON THAT LIMB!!!!" The dog just winded some more and licked Hiei in the face. "STUPID MUTT!!!" Hiei then, out of agrevation threw the mutt on the ground. The dog bounced once and then rolled over in pain. It wined hevaly and it send literel shivers of happness down Hiei's spine. Finaly, he got what he diserved for invaded his Hiei's territory! "Stupid mutt." Hiei spat.
The dog wimpered some more as it slowly got to it's feet and began limping away;Falling down occasinaly and getting back up. Hiei smiled and gave a few muffled chuckles/lauphs then walked back over to his tree. He dissapered for a second then reappeared immiditly after in his usuel branch. He then put his back to the tree and sprawed his legs out across the sides of the branch and closed his eyes.
'Finaly.....I can get some peace and.......*Yawn*"
Just then the wind picked up some, and Hiei's cloak flowed somberly with it. His chest moved up and down a little, following his small breating patterns.
Just as Hiei finaly dozed off an inanimate, unidenified flying object, came flying in and popped him upside the head. *Bonk*
"Hey guys! I found it! I found the frizzbie! The wind brought it all the way over here!!!" A small boy said as he bent over to pick up the frizzbie. The boy looked maybe 4 foot 10 and had short brown hair, green eyes, A red Tony Hawk shirt and blue jeans.
Boy: "Huh?" In an instant Hiei had to boy by his short color to his face.
"Urm. James...."
"SORRY! SORRY-SIR! Wewerejustplayingfrissbielikealwayswhenthewindpickedupandthefrissbieendedup here!"*
"Save it brat." Hiei insolted, then threw the boy on the ground. The boy cried and crawed a few feet then stood up and broke into a quick run.
"Stupid humans and there stupid toys. They all make me sick." Hiei said angerly then spit on the ground.
Well Hiei finaly got that nap he wanted to take so much.
Four hours later:
Hiei awoke to the alerting sound of smacking and moaning.
Hiei: "WHAT NOW??!?" Hiei looked down, he couldn't beilive what he saw! Two humans, and they were making out under his tree!!! What right have they? Anger raised quickly in the small, Jaganshi's* brain. Anger, rage, a mixture of emotions. He would have killed the humans if it wasn't against Spirit World Law. He'd been in Spirit Jain before and he admitted that he didn't like it. He didn't wanta go back, He liked his freedom. And here in America that's what he was intitled to have, freedom. He had this back in Japan as well and why he came to America no one is sure. Only he knows, Him and his Jagan Eye. (Well actully, me as the author knows...He came to America because of Caren. Although he didn't know it either. His job was to protect her from harm, teach her self defense along with the fox* Wait a second.....Darn, I didn't intend for this to have anything to do with "The Mystery Of Hanna And Tucker" gess. Just forget what I said! It didn't mean anything! -_-;;;)
"I know what to do. I'll scare there butts away, then they'll never come near this park again." Hiei said then dissapeared.
"Oh Jamie!"
The two "Make-outers"* turned around and instintly there faces burned with intense fright. Hiei was in his full Jaganshi* form. There eyes went all big, like this
They then screamed bloody murder.
Fred: "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! DEEEEEEEEEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
They left a dust trail behind them as they ran. Hiei then erupted hin lauphter.
"BWAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!! STUPID HUMANS! THAT WAS RICH!!!!!!! Bwwahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Hiei them smirked trumpintly and transformed back into his normal form. It always amazed us how Hiei acctully had friends. Plenty of them to be exact and yes, they were mostly human, Save one*. There was, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Caren, Kayko, Shizuru, Genkai, Micheal, Tyler, Gordon, Becky. They were human. Hiei treated them as friends, Sort of. He never treated any one other than Kurama, Yusuke or his siter Yukina with repect. He never had much to do with either Kayko, or Shizuru or Genkai, and he traded masses of insolts with Kuwabara almost everyday. Caren, Micheal and Tyler were his and Kurama's aprentises, Jared sometimes popped in for a leason or two, and Becky sometimes watched, dazelled by everyones mezzmorizing movements. Of course he wouldn't admitt it to anyone but he shared a special bond with all of these people. He just didn't know how to show it. He did infact have fellings for these people, sometimes he wonder how that happened. However he treated everyother human diffrently though, More insolts, yelling, ect. He disliked most every other human. (Sorry if he seems ooc a little, i'm doing the best I can. Beilive it or not though he will stay in charecter for the larger fraction of the fic. 7/8ths of the time probably, hopefully. Any suddestion on how to do it better, please tell!)
Hiei then took a deep breath and let it out.
"Well.....Let's see hear.....I ingered a mutt, scolded a boy, and scared the pudy out of two teenage humans......I'd call it a fairly succesful day." He congradulated himself, while using his fangers as numbers. "I guess i'll just head over to Kurama's for a bit and "Hang Out" I think that's what he calls it......."
Hiei turned around and walked a few steps and let a small brezze catch his spiky hair. Just before he was about to dash off, and dissapeer into no more than a mear shadow of black speed, a voice came to him in his head.
"You find amusement in there fear and pain?"
"NANI?* WHO'S THERE?" Hiei said in a panic, unsheating his katana*. I swear, if this is one of your low level, low class pranks Yusuke i'm gonna-"
"NO! This is no prank,nor it this a threat. I would like to help you open those doors Hiei."
"Doors? What doors?"
"The doors to Heaven. You are an intersting case young one."
"YOUNG ONE? O_O What? For your information I happen to be-"
"It is unwise to interup me like that YOUNG ONE!!!"
"Uh huh. Six hundred ninty three*. I am SO impressed!"
*Gasp* "Who the heck are you? How is you know both my name and my age?"
"I know much more about you than your age and name, YOUNG ONE!" (Yes, God has a sense of humor. I know that for a fact, as should every Christan. If God didn't have a sense of humor than........We wouldn't either. We are disendent from the Holy Spirit so we aqired at least some of his personality....I guess. NO FLAMING ME BECAUSE GOD HAS A SENSE OF HUMOR IN THIS FIC! IT WOULD BE UTTERLY POINTLESS FOR YOU TO DO SO DON'T!!! I ALREADY SAID I WAS ACCEPTING ABASALOTLY NNNNNNOOOOOOO FLAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Hiei: O.o "I AM NOT YOUNG!!!" Hiei yelled then began hitting his head on his tree.
*Couph*Couph* "Anyway like I said i'd like to help you open the doors of Heaven because-"
"Heaven? You mean Rekai right?"
*Couph*Couph*Clears troat* "Err....Whatever....Anyway i've been watching you closly Hiei and I am very intriqed at your behaver. And i've come to the conclustion that if we don't do something about you fast then you are going to turn to darkness again, and thou shall face worse consaqences than thou can imagen."
"Such as?"
"I beilive you've heard of it Hiei. It's called limbo*."
*Gasp* "L-l-l-limbo?" Hiei asked, rather befrazelled.
"Indeed. Limbo,the dimention of pain and darkness, There you will be striped of everything but your ability to fell pain, Your memories, your flesh, Everything but your ability to fell imense pain and sorrow. Many, many years from now you will fall victum to a dark curse that will drain you of all of your santidy and goodness, sending you stright to the uttermost depths of limbo. And there you will suffer in amense agany for 10,000 years, Which isn't even as long as such land exsisted. Becoming saved my help you to fight off this curse much easyer."
"Uhh.........uhuh....uhll......." Hiei shook in fear of the the discription and news. "Just....what are you?"
"............All will be revilved. Just relax young one, All will become clear in due time."
A huge flash of light flashed in Hiei's red eyes, blinding his vision. A flash of pain, entered his body as he suddenly felt his Dragon weaken. He felt everything weaking, he speed, his power, his Jagan eye, Everything was fading as was life it'self. He put his right hand on his tree and leaned on it to keep himself from falling. His body nozeated, and weak.
Hiei: "Arg....." Hiei then fell down on his knees as sweat fell rapidly from his burning red face. His breating, harder than steel, himself flustered and flored at the sudden drop in Spirit Energy. He groaned in pain. "Ack, urg! Can't...breath....uh......" He took his right hand and grasped his heart as hard as his weakened body could. His hardened breathing continued as a sudden pain peirced his heart. "AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!" He then shakingly removed his hand from his heart, it was covered in thick, choppy blood. *Ding*
Hiei: "O_O Oh.....Ahhhc."
A huge magnetic feild formed around Hiei and starey white lighting exploded in every which way. It went on this way for one minute, then it all quit. The pain was still there, as was......nothing else. He was a mass of confused flesh, just....standing. He walked a few steps, then fell on the ground. Into his own, puddle, of thick, red blood.
********End Chapter***********
Jap vocab:
kun: A cute way to adress a cute boy.
Holy Water: Blessed water with Holy attributes
Jagan: A third eye, Gifted with the power to control the minds of weaker beings, Telepathy, freakish preminition and alows the weilder to summon The dreaded, "Dragon Of The Darkness Flame"
Jaganshi: Hiei's (See pic above)Went from that to, green skin, no shirt with eyes all over his body, and yellow eyes with red pupils+poiny ears and sharp fangs. (Really scary if you see it up close *Shivers* Burrr!
Mark: Male dogs do this. By urinating of something it marks there territory so other dogs can't get near.
Fox: Kurama.
Save one: Kurama. Kurama isn't human either. (Explain in later chapter maybe)
Make-outers: Just a weird term I make up when I refer to two teens making out.
Making out: When two people kiss alot.
Limbo: O_O *Trimbles at name* Sort of another Heck, mainly a temporary one, 10,000. It's for people who are espasialy evil and sold there souls to the Devil for foolish reasons.
Katana-Sword (Japanese word)
Nani- What (Japanese word)
Holy Water + Jagan= Lots of pain
Bakarosedragon: "You have no idea how much fun that was to write!"
Kurama: "Yes, It seemed like you had fun writing it."
"No dip sherlock! Wonder what's wrong with Hiei-kun....."
"I don't know...."
Hiei: *Has both knees tucked in, suckinig thumb* "I don't wanta go to limbo mommy, don't wanta go to limbo, don't wanta don't wanta don't wwanana."
Brd And Kurama: O_O_O???;;;
Kurama: "I think chapter one might have scared Hiei....."
"Eyeah.....Umm.......Hiei-kun........Are you okay? Hiei-kun?" *Pokes Hiei with stick*
Hiei: *Uneffected by stick*
Kurama: ^_^'
"I think Hiei-kun needs a hug!"
Hiei: O_O *ZIP* "STAY THE HECK AWAY FROM ME ONNA!!!!!" (Onna: Japanese for woman).
"I knew that would work!! Anyways I think I may need a few extra charecters for the next few chapters. They may not have a big roll but we need some extra people to help Hiei through his umm.....touph trials... and i'm also thinking of putting him in school for a while.
*Sighs* "Anyway, I need extra people! Fill in this little info below (Stars are not mandatory)
*Fake middle name
*Fake Last name (yeah. We don't need to be giving out any personal info. I won't accept actull names so please don't send me any. Of course not that i'm going toknow if there fake or not...-_-')
Discription: (Don't need a real indeph discription.)
Anything else you would like to include?
who wants to do the moral of the Chapter?"
Kuwabara: "EW! ME! ME! ME!!!!"
"Oh okay. I'll do it then."
"O_O What?"
"You said me!"
"Anyway here's the chapter moral. Notice how the chapter starts out. Hiei is yelling his lungs out at a dog, He hurts the dog, and the dog limps away. Later, he is faced with a simalar problem. Notice how I said "The wind suddenly picks up". A frissbie comes out of no where and hits Hiei upside the head. Hiei screams and scolds at James, the child who went to retrive it. And James wasn't doing anything wrong, He was just helping out his friends because he was such a nice id. The boy ran away, and fell a couple times but got back up. Later, after Hiei had his nap something else went wrong. Two teenagers were found making out under Hiei's tree! Hiei quickly angered by this, BUT! This time he didn't yell at the victums, He transformed into his other form, much more frightning form, and scared the victums away. All three of those happenings weren't normal. They were called "Trials". Trials are obsticals, tasks, and tests God sends you. Beilive or not God test you with problems everyday. You either pass, or fail. I'm failing a trial right now because i'm on the computer typing instead of cleaning my room! ^_^ Oops that sliped out didn't it? Oh well......Anyway God tested Hiei three times in the day and Hiei failed mistrably each time. Still confused? The moral of the chapter is that: God is a God of second chances, and sends trials after trial after trial. No matter how many trials you fail, God will always send another one, and another, and another, untill you get it right! God will never give up on you because he loves yo soooooooo much! He wants to help in every way he can and he does it through the method called trials. God knows our week spots, and for Hiei it was his territoralness. (Is that even a word??? It's not? -_-' Oh well, I tried). God wants to help rid us of our weaker points so we don't fall victum to something called "Temtation" But i'll get into that some more later, Save it for another lesson."
Kurama: "Well put bakarosedragon."
Kuwabara: "I-I actully understood that!!!" *Mouth drops to floor, and eyes pop out*
BRD: "Yeah well I try. What about you Yusuke? Yusuke?"
Yusuke: *Blows nose* "That was....That was.....THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING I EVER HEARD!! WWWWHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!"
BRD: "There, There." *Pat Yusuke on back* "What about you Hiei-kun?"
Hiei: "Hn."
"I'll take that as a yes?"
"Hn. Baka." (Baka: Japanese for idiot).
"^_^ I luv you Hiei-kun!"
"O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O *Runs away*"
"WAIT! COME BACK!!!!!!" *Chases*
Everyone eles: @_@?
Yusuke: "Err, Read."
Kuwabara: "And."
Kurama: "Review."