Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hiei: Newfound Beliefs ❯ Chapter two: Human ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]


I must say I am very dissapointed in you all for not reviewing.....*Cries* And I can't update on ff.net untill the12th, which sucks because I have eight reviews there and only two here, but only one reviewer. Oh well, the one reviewer is getting special treatment!

Dear Akina: Being the only one to review so far i'll make sure to invole your charecter in the fic. You'll play the roll of Karen's........I mean Caren's best friend, you'll be added in the mail plot somehow. If you'd like I can send you a sneak preview of chapter three. But i'll need an email. I'm going to wait untill I get more reviewers before I update. Just TWO will be enoph. Me give you lots of good parts! ^^ Thank you for reviewing! It meants alot sense your the only one! Dedication Hiei?

Hiei: -_____- Bakarosedragon dedicates the chapter to Akina because she's the only one active enoph to review.

"Thank you Akina and Hiei! And Kohari from ff.net for reviewing so far!"


Brd: "Welcome back to my story!"

Hiei: "What the heck did you do to me?"

"No. No. No Hiei-kun. It's not what I done to you, It's what God has done to help you."


"^_^ Your probly right....And just to be on the safe side.....I'm gonna narrate from Hawaii."

"What?" *Dissapeers, then reapeers in Haiwaii*

Hiei: "Wha......"


Hawaiin person: ???????????? Dowhakay?

"Exactly! Hawaiin dude do the dissclaimer!"

"?????????????????? Owaka?"

"Yes! Now on with the fic!"

(I do not own yuyuhakusho)

Bar-Ohki- Amen. I don't think that people should do that either. We were givin free will right? So why not use it? It's only fair, I know people who are like that two. God understands if you to lazy to go to Church. I don't go to Church, I learn my info from the programs on T.V! Lol. Anyway thank you for the review! I thought that i'd wait untill I got more but I see someone actully liked it. I know, I guess the other part was a little cheesy...I personaly thought so myself but I was still expirementing with some ideas, Glad you liked it, The support of a non-Christan reading a Christan story makes me fell all warm and fuzzy on the inside! ^^ Thanks for the review!

I'm going to go ahead and post chappie two, because I have four chapters so far. But i'm not going to update again untill I get more reviews. Just a little word like "Cool" Or "Intersing and funny" Or Halarious counts! It gets better! And I NEED CHARECTERS IF YOU WANT TO BE IN HIEI'S MATH OR P.E CLASS!!!!!! I'm looking at, at leat four reviews, Maybe five! So review or face the wrath of my evil inard eating telletubies of choas! Muhahahhahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*~Chapter Two: "Human."~*

"Oooohh....." Hiei groaned as he woke up. He noticed quickly that he was lying down in a bed. A few sick, put quick thoughts ran through his head. Waking up in someone else's bed? Gee wiz! The sick thoughts quickly ran through his head as he shook it off. No one would dare do that that to him. Being a guy was reasuring enoph, girls don't usuely.....Err..Nermind. He sat up as he removed the frilly pink and purple covers from him. He looked down and noticed he had no shirt on (^_^ heheheheh no shirt! No shoes, no problem!) and a bandage vest across his chest. His black pants and two white belts were replaced with A pair of black jeans; and yes his headband was still in place. Then, the sick thoughts came back again and he wonder who dressed him. He hoped it wasn't a girl, but if it was he could'nt do anything about it now. He just sat there to think for a moment and he bite his tounge. The voice rung through his head, over and over again the conversation played.

'You find amusement in there fear and pain?'

'NANI? WHO'S THERE I swear, if this is one of your low level, low class pranks Yusuke i'm gonna-"

'NO! This is no prank,nor it this a threat. I would like to help you open those doors Hiei.'

"Doors? What doors?'

'The doors to Heaven. You are an intersting case young one.'

'YOUNG ONE? O_O What? For your information I happen to be-'

'It is unwise to interup me like that YOUNG ONE!!!'


'Uh huh. Six hundred ninty three*. I am SO impressed!'


'Who was that? What was that? Where am I and......hold on, I've...."

Hiei then snaped back into reality and looked around. There was three sepret Aaron Carter posters hanging on the wall at the end of the bed, Two dreamstreet posters on another wall, one inuyasha poster, Ruruoni Kenshin, Sailor moon poster on the closet door and on the other door there was an Invader Zim and Derwin Hinson* poster.

"I know this place......" Hiei stated then hoped out of the bed. He put his hands in his pockets and proseded to seek out some awnsers. He (((ODVEIOUSLY) walked out of the room and down the hall. The carpet had a nice soft and fluffy texture to it, It was purple as was the walls. (Yes Hiei had on no shoes! ^_^ I'm soooo lucky!) Hiei stoped for seconed to look at a cloak. It was one of those....err clock clocks.....The small hand was on six and the large one, twenty. Hiei knew how human cloaks worked so he knew it was 6:20. Rather early to be walking about.

"Huh?" Hiei heard some talking going on behind the door so he desided he'd easedrop. He'd always been a good easedropper no matter what the circumstances were.

"What the heck do you think could have happened to that man Bud? I mean, Gosh! Did you get a good look at his chest?"

"Yeah, he looked perdy dang banged up huh? Looked like someone or something had stuck a dagger in his chest."

"He looks just fine now though. The wound had completly healed by the next day. I mean Vooosh! It was gone!"

"Well according to Caren he heals pretty fast."

"But still....."

Hiei hned at the conversation and shook his head. "I should have known. Who else would have enoph sense not to take me to the Hospital? Besides Yusuke, Kurama, and them no one else knows....I just hope she wasn't the one who dressed me. *Shivers* IF I find out that she was i'll just ring her troat untill it breaks in two!"

Hiei continued his ultra short walk down the hallway where he soon entered the kitchen, where the sound of a t.v entered his ears.

"SUPER DEE DOOPER!!!! Now we have six apples! What if we were to take one away?"


"What was that you say?"

Baby bop: "Five right Barney?"

"Yes! Now we have a totle of FIVE APPLES!!!! Great counting kids! See? Math can be fun once you get into it!!! Right kids?"

"Yeah! Yeah!"

Hiei reached the bottem of the stairs and stoped a second to watch. There was a four year old kid sitting on the floor with her eyes glued to the tellevision. She had beautiful, long blond hair, blue eyes, A pink Barbie gown and no shoes.(JUST like Hiei-kun! ^_^)

Hiei: 'Uh....Wait a second...Why does she look so familar if i've never seen her before? And why arn't I picking up any scent? Surly if she's young i'd smell something but i'm not even picking up the slightest fraqence.....I dout i'ts just a stoped up nose. What the heck is going on?"

Hiei walked a few more paces then turned and steped down one small wooden step. (Don't ask)

The girl then turned around to looked at who had come down the hallway so stelthly. A huge smile crethp across her face as she shouted in glee.

"HEHEY'S* AWAKE! HEHEY'S AWAKE! YAY!!!" She screeched then went over and gave him a hug. She burried her face in his baggy black jeans then smiled and looked up.

"Uh...." Hiei's face was like O_O? and the girl was ^_^.

"Why you got a bandage on your chest Hehey?"

"Hn. Don't know, don't care."

"You gotta bobo?"

"I don't know, stop asking such meaningless questions girl, I don't have time to-"

"CUME WATCH BARNEY WITH ME!!!" She comanded then pulled Hiei over to the couch. Hiei was to confused to fight against her. Hiei blinked a couple times and turned his temporary gaze over to the t.v. It was something about a..Big Purple T-Rex and food...he wasn't quite sure what it was because he'd never really seen anything like that. He'd seen some t.v. But only those explorer shows and nature chanells, anime stuff, and human wreslting, Kurama, Yusuke, Kuwabara and Caren always made him watch. Of course he never paid any attention to it, just faked it and let his Jagan Eye take him elsewhere.

It was about a minute before Hiei desided to ask some questions.

"Tell me, what is your name?"


"Emily?" Hiei raised his eyebrow. (Which I never saw him do in the seiries but other fanfictions) "Okay then, Emily, Where is Caren?"

"Tawin*? She asleep, I get her for you."


"TTTTTAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!" Emily screamed; odveiously trying to wake up the whole neightboorhood, as she ran throughtout the house to some random room. There she found Caren sleeping on a matt in her playroom. Emily went over to Caren and began shaking her. "TAWIN! Hehey awake, Hehey awake and he wants you."

"That's nice Emily...."

"But Tawin....Heyhey wants u!"

"Do wha?" Emily was begining to get a little adgatated. "HEHEY WANTS YOU!!!!"

"WHAT? HIEI'S AWAKE?!" She yelled.

"Un-huh. He in the livin' room watchin' Barney."

"O_O Braney? O_O_O *Blink*Blink* Ewkay."

"Come on!" She grabed Caren's arm and pulled her.

"Wait Emily! I gotta get dressed first!"

"But Hehey wanta you!"

"Tell him to wait a second!"

"Ewkay. Me tell Hehey to wait."

Emily left and Caren smiled. She always did love that girl. Emily was her first neice, she had two other and one nefew. Caren was only thirteen, and had medium lengh hair that went slightly past her shoulders. It was dark brown and had rosy blonde hightlight streaks in it. She changed into A yellow shirt with the word "Hottie" Written on the front and long blue jeans. She brushed her hair quickly then put it in a heigh ponytail.

Hiei: 'Why can I not pick up the scent of werewolf* or blood or meat or anything for that matter? I could'nt even pick up the scent of that four year old child. Not even an inclint of Spirit Energy* in this house either. I wonder if they have any talesmine scrolls* haning around to mask the energies and my abilities. What the heck is going on with me?' Hiei asked himself as he repetidly clenched his fist. 'No. Nothing. My spirit energy is completly dry.'

"Hehey! Tawin said to wait here why she gits on more confalable cloths."

"O_O? 'Mind outta the gutter. She's only four and Caren is far to stupid.'

"Are u hungwy Hehey? I can get you some fowad. There are some weeners (HOTDOGS PEOPLE!!!) In the fawage."

"No thanks."

"I knew! Wanta watch Tewetobies?"

"Absalotly not." (Even Hiei knew of the dreaded Telletubies).

":( How about Bawues Clues?"

"Blues clues? No thanks."

"How bout Dowa*?"


"Dawagon tales?" Hiei flinched at the word Dragon. 'Dragon??? What if....' Hiei then consentrated all of his mind to detect any trace of his beloved Dragon Of The Darkness Flame he worked so hard to master in his life. That tecnique took more work and pain then any sane person could ever do, but could find nothing.



Hiei was instantly cut of as Caren tackled Hiei on the couch.

"Yay! Your awake! Yayayaya!!!!" Hiei rolled his eyes.

"Caren, get off of me, Get off of me...." Caren ignored him as she flung her arms around his neck, almost gagging him. Hiei blushed and proceded to think of terrible things he would do to her if she did'nt get off him NOW!

Emily: "Hey! Get a woom!"

Caren and Hiei: O_O "WHAT???"

"You howad me!"


Caren: "Uhh....Sorry?"

Hiei: *Twitch*Twitch*

"Aheh heh heh heh......Ew boy."

Hiei: *Steam blowing out of ears* And with all of his might Hiei pushed Caren off.

Caren: "Dah!! @_@ Ewahahoooowowowo......" *Swirly eyes*


Caren: @_@ "Dahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

"What's with all the rucus?" Hiei and Karen turned around to see two adults standing in the doorway. They were both tall. One a male, the other female. Hiei easly reconized them as the same two he listened in on earlyer. (Not even gonna mess with a discription. There Caren's parents, what's to know?)


Mom: "About time! You've been asleep for nearly and intire day!"

Dad nodded his head.

Emily: "Grandma, Grandpa! Tawin and Hehey were doing weird things and I told them to get a woom!"

Caren and Hiei: -_-' ' ' They hit there heads ith the palm of there hand.

Both: "I'm never having kids....."

Mom: "AMY! Just what are you letting your child watch?"

Amy: "Heh heh. Nothing at all. She must have picked it up sense she was here...."

Amanda: "Yeah right Amy."

Hiei: O_O Wha........'Something really is wrong.....I couldn't even tell they were here. I didn't even hear the, more or less sense them....'

Caren: "How long have you to been there?"

Amy: "Long enoph to catch the action!"

Amanda: "Nicly put."

Hiei: "GRRR....." *Vein pops out of head* 'Wait a minute....* Hiei gasped. 'No it can't.....' Hiei then got up with a look of both disscusted and confustion on his face. He quickly broke into a ran and zoomed out the door and into the backyard.

Caren: "Hey! Wait!" She yelled then followed them. Everyone else just stood there and sruged there shoulders. Hiei went up to our pool and started to remove his headband. She eyed him suspisiously.

Caren: "Hiei! What on Earth are you doing? You know that your not suppose to..........." The headband came off and floowed away with a quick gust of wind. He stared into the chrystal blue water with his mouth open.

Hiei: "It. It can't be....."

"What is it? What's wrong?" Hiei balled up his fist and punched the ground as hard as he could, but only a small hole appereed.


"Okay, now i'm worried." Caren went up to him and bent down as well. What she saw shocked her, and shocked her stone. "Your....Your Jagan Eye It's......It's gone. What happened Hiei? Did you get it removed or something? Come on. You can tell me. PLease, i'm your friend, you can tell me anything....."

"I.....I don't."

"Come on, Let's dicuss it with the rest of the family." She put her arm around his neck and helped him inside. And so he told the story.


Everyone erupted in imense laupher.


Everyone ignored Hiei's question and continued to despretly find there breath.

Emily: "*Gasp* You better not waff at Hehey!"

Hiei: *Eyebrow twitching* (Growls) "WHAT THE HECK IS SOOO FUNNY?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Caren: "Okay okay! You really don't know?"

"Nuh-o. As a matter of face, I don't."

"Take three guesses."





"King Enma?"

"Hot, but no."


"I think God sent a messege to you." Hiei raised his eyebrow.

"????????? What? Who's God? Is he some kinda warrior or somethin'?"

Everyone: O_O_O_O

Amy: "It's going to be along day of questions an anwsers...."

Caren: "Ahmen."


Words to know:

Derwin Hinson: He is a "Blue Grass Gosble Singer" I actully do have an autograph!

Dowa: Dora The Explorer

Tawin: Karen

Hehey: Hiei

Werewolf: You know what a werewolf is! But Caren is a half werewolf half human.

Spirit Energy: Energy From The Spirit, Duh!

Talismine Scrolls: Long, white, and supposingly blessed scrolls. They contain Holy Text and supposingly keep demons, and evil spirits at bay. They are made by mostly Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Koren, ect, Scribes. (Scribes: Scribe, or scroll writers)

Words you may need to know in advance

Chan- Japanese for girl

Ningen- Japanaese for human

Kitsune- Japanese for Spirit Fox (Like Kurama)


Bakarosedragon: "And there goes the first chapter of my best story yet! Right Tiki Guy?"

Tiki: "OOOOOOOoohhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaallllllllaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllaaaaaaallllllllaaaaaaaallalalllalalla."

"O_O? Err...Ewkay."

Otto: (From Rocket Power) "Alright Reggie! Let's tear up the Bunzai Pipeline!"

Reggie: (Also From Rocket Power) "You got it Rocket Boy!"


Reggie: "Don't tell me your with Moalame-o too!" (See Rocket Power: Island Of the Minihone. I can't spell it right, just sound it out.)

"O_O? No! No! Look just trust me on this, you need parentel guidence and a helment first!"

Reggie: "Riiiight."

Otto: "And where are we suppose to get those in Hawaii?"

"Uh, don't know."

Hiei: "THERE YOU ARE!!!!!"

"O_O Oh no......"


"Uh.......Sorry, gotta borrow, bye!" *Takes Reggies surf board*Hurries out into the Bunzai piple line*

"HEY! That was mine!"

"HAH! HAH! Reggie dosn't have a board!"



Otto: "What'd he say?"

Reggie: "I don't know, I don't speak totem pole!"

Tito: "I do!"

Both: "Blah! Where did you come from."

"Oh i've been around little cuzes."


"Anyway the moral of this chapter is.......uh.....What was the moral again?"


Hiei: "16 SLASH JAGAN!!!"


Tiki: *In exsactly thirty two peices*

Tito: "DOH??"

Hiei: *Panting* "WHERE - IS - BAKA - ROSE - DRAGON- ."

Everyone: O_O Err... *Points* That way < - - - - "

"I GOT YOU KNOW!!!" *Steals Otto's Surf Board*Heads out into the Bunzi Pipeline*

Otto: "HEY!!!! GET BACK HERE THAT WAS MINE!!! -_-; Oh well."

Reggie: "Read and review."

((((((I DO NOT OWN ROCKET POWER!!!!!!)))))))