Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hiei's death...and rebirth ❯ Yukina's Respose to the death of....a Brother? ( Chapter 1 )
Neptunes Daughter: Ok then yeah this is chapter one and if I don't find the rest of the story it may be the last chapter for awhile. kk. Read and review please. The characters don't belong to me as you already know so why do I have to write it. So that is that. Oh and by the way, I'm not really sure if Hiei and Yukina are twins or not but since most sites say Hina(their mother) was killed shortly after giving birth to Hiei, when else would Yukina have been born, so I wrote it as if they were twins.
Nemarske: You are really weird and your story was on your bookshelf but you HAD to knock it down and now your story is lost in that black hole known as your room.
Neptunes Daughter: Whatever. Isn't that part of Sarah's list of Wisdoms? That my room is a black hole and things go in and never come out.
Nemarske: Yup.
Neptunes Daughter: Along with these.
Throwing things back and forth across the room does not clean the room. (Don't ask you had to be there.)
No matter what people say, parked cars do NOT move.
I might share a few more with you later, just so you know k? I can't think of anymore right now though.
Nemarske: Are you ever going to start writing the fic.
Neptunes Daughter: Yes, I was about to, you didn't need to remind me, I did take my medicine.
Nemarske: I know that. Now on to the fic.
Yukina's Response to The Death of a….. Brother?
In the Nigenkai three days after the prologue
Yukina is sitting in a room all by herself, her tears falling as they had been for the last few days, ever since Hiei had died. No one had told her who he was. None of them even knew he was dead… and yet she cried. She had lost the nearly unbreakable connection with her twin and it had broken her. They tried to comfort her but they couldn't. It was like the part of her that could overcome emotion was gone. I guess in a way it was. Her twin was that part of her like she was the love and innocence in Hiei; they were both part of the other… And now he was gone.
"Why are you like this, Yukina, what's wrong," asked Kurama. He knew she had a link with her twin and is starting to worry about Hiei,
"He's gone. He's gone completely, not just away but gone," she sobbed. At this Kurama started to breathe faster, and then consciously slows down. If he didn't show his emotion maybe he could calm her down.
"I'm almost sure he's still alive," Kurama said, trying to be hopeful.
"No, he's not. I've never lost contact with him before."
Kurama didn't know what to say. He was worried about his best friend but he couldn't really do anything, Hiei had demanded to do this alone. He tried to calm Yukina for a while longer but eventually she told him to leave. So of course he left.
"Yusuke, it appears we have a problem," Kurama said, apparently calm.
"What's the problem?" asked Yusuke.
"It's Hiei, I think he's dead."
"Yukina says her twin is gone and she has never lost contact with him before. Trust me, their hearts beat as one, they would know if the other was dead," stated Kurama, now sounding a little upset.
"What are we supposed to do about it? Yukina has been crying for days and youkai keep attacking."
"I don't know," said Kurama.
"What's going on here?" asked Kuwabara, acting like an idiot as always.
"Hiei is dead and we don't know what to do about it," answered Kurama, as calmly as possible. Just then Yukina walks out, tears still streaming from her eyes.
"Hi everyone, what are you talking about?"
"Nothing much, just what has been going on lately," says Kurama, not wanting to upset Yukina more. He knew she loved Hiei as a brother and knowing who he was would be too much for her to bear now.
Again, Kuwabara acted like an idiot, "They think Hiei is dead."
"Hiei-san," whispered Yukina, her voice catching.
"Kuwabara, you're an idiot. You weren't supposed to say that," said Yusuke so only he could hear.
"How could Hiei-san be dead? Wait then that would mean he was my brother. That's the only way you would know," Yukina cried out and ran back into her room.
"Now you've done it, she will never stop crying now. She finds out who her brother was three days after he dies," said Yusuke.
"Then why didn't he tell her who he was earlier?"
"He felt it would ruin her innocence," said Kurama.
"Well guys, what are we supposed to do?" asked Yusuke.
A few Hours Later
"I'm going to find my brother's body," Yukina proclaimed, as she wiped all her tears away, "I feel there is something I can do but it must be done quickly."
"All right but you can't go alone; we'll have to come with you."
"I suppose that would make it more safe."
They decide to leave as soon as they talk to Koenma and Keiko so Yusuke doesn't get in trouble. Then, they hurry off to see if they can find Hiei.
In the koorime village, things are beginning to get desperate.
"How much longer can we do this?" asked one koorime, already exhausted.
"Probably about eight hours more," answered an elder.