Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hybrid's, Foxes, and Spirit Detectives ❯ Almost A Kiss ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Chapter Four: Almost A Kiss

"Let me get this straight," Kethrina began, "You're real name is Suuichi Minamino, but you have the spirit of Youko Kurama in you, and the other two are just regular teenage human boys with high spirit energy. Am I right?"

"Yes, you are correct," Kurama told her as he smiled.

Not too long ago, after Kethrina had relayed how she and Yususke were related, he and the orange-haired human had went to look around the castle, leaving her alone with Kurama, who had told her about the Spirit Detectives' history. While doing so, they had moved out to the gardens where, despite the lack of color, it was amazingly beautiful and breathtaking.

"Wow," Kethrina breathed, looking around. "Sai would love this place. She's always been interested in herbs and plants, especially ones used for healing and cooking. I guess it's her kitsune nature, although she never really tries to heal herself with them, or with anything else."

"She is a kitsune?" the redhead asked, shocked.

"Only half. The other half is vampire, which may be the reason she refuses to heal herself. I don't know much about vampires, though, so I really wouldn't know the answer to that."

"Perhaps you should ask her about it," he suggested, brushing his scarlet locks behind his ear, his green eyes smiling into bright blue ones.

"No." She shook her head, sending red-violet hair into her face. Kurama absently reached out a gentle hand to push the shining strands away before asking, "Why won't you ask?"

"Because," she began silently, "I have asked her before and she ignores the subject. She let's time heal her wounds. I don't understand always…"

Kethrina let her words trail as Kurama's face came closer. She could feel his breath on her lips, his fingers lingering on her cheek. A few inches more and…

Suddenly, Yususke laughed, a bellow that was so loud, Kethrina had to cover her fox ears. A moment later, two chuckling teenage, human boys walked into the garden, followed by a short fire apparition carrying a vampire kitsune of the same size.

Kurama and Kethrina, noticing how close they were to each other and how far apart their lips were, moved away from one another quickly, trying to make it look as if nothing had happened. Apparently, it worked too well, making themselves look far too innocent. Yususke looked at them suspiciously.

"Okay you two, what the hell is going on?"

"What do you mean?" Kethrina asked, acting confused. She glanced over to see a blushing Kurama.

"Ket and the fox were trying to kiss," mumbled Sai, who was sleeping in Hiei's arms, her own wrapped tightly around his neck. Kethrina noticed her friends unconscious state, but not before yelling, "Sai!"

"What is it with you demons and these girls?!" Yususke shouted, obviously frustrated.

"There is nothing going on between Kurama and myself. However, you two make a wonderful couple!" she exclaimed, pointing to Hiei and Sai.

The apparition growled, annoyance plastered upon his face, while Sai merely murmured, "Look who's talking," burying her head deeper into Hiei's chest and ending his growl.

"See what I mean," Kethrina prompted. "He comforts her and she keeps his temper in control."

Ignoring the comment, the fire demon simply stated, "She is injured. You should probably help her, seeing as how you're the only person she trusts."

"Sai must trust you, too, because she only sleeps with someone she trusts, likes, and knows. And I mean that strictly in a nonsexual way. So far."

Kethrina moved closer to the short couple, thinking. "Hmmm…" she mused aloud. "What was the name of that one thing?" She looked down at her friend, who was sleeping peacefully with a small smile gracing her face, one fang peeking from under her upper lip to hang casually over her bottom lip. "Oh! She's still in vampire state! Hiei, let her bite you!"

"I'm not that crazy, woman," he said, the growl returning. "I know what she is. She has already drank from a werewolf, I think that should be enough."

"No wonder she's so goddam tired," Kethrina grumbled.

"Why can't Kurama or I do it?" asked Kuwabara. "Or Yususke?"

"Because she can only have demon blood. And…" she cut off Yususke before he could say anything. "And I don't really think Kurama should take off his shirt. He's already as red as a tomato. If he blushes anymore, he'll be the same color as his hair; he'll be a walking pink man with green eyes. To me, that's not very attractive."