Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hybrid's, Foxes, and Spirit Detectives ❯ Lakeside Morning ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


CHAPTER EIGHT: Lakeside Morning

Sai walked out of her room, heading down the stairs to greet everyone in the kitchen. As she exited, she had made sure to grab her camera, handing it to Ket, who sat at the kitchen table, drowning herself in coffee.

"What's this?" she asked, sounding half asleep.

"It's a camera," Sai told her as she grabbed her cranberry juice from the fridge, pouring herself a glassful.

"Well, I know that!" Ket spluttered, glaring at Sai as she downed the juice. "I mean what's on it?"

"Pictures." She glanced over to Hiei, wondering if he knew that she had just given the roll of film in which his picture was taken with was now lying in Ket's hands.

"What kind of pictures?"

Sai mulled it over for a few moments, deciding what her best answer should be. "Hmmm…Blackmail pictures. I have some for just about everyone in this house right now."

At this, Hiei gave her an ice-cold glare, to which she returned with a cheery smile. It didn't go unnoticed by Ket, however.

"Did something happen between you two last night? Something we should know about?" She asked in a calm voice.

"Did something happen between you and Kurama last night? After the lights went out?" Sai retorted.

"And you wonder why we're all warped," Kyle and Ikki murmured at the same time under their breath.

"Actually, we already knew that one," Lexi replied, standing next to Hiei, her arms wrapped around his leg.

"I think she likes you!" Yususke burst out, pointing at him while throwing his head back in laughter.

"Shut up, stupid!" she exclaimed, gaining a look of disbelief and shock from her family. "He's my daddy! I saw him playing with Mommy this morning while she was still in her undies!"

Sai's eyes widened and her face flushed red. The whole kitchen was bursting with laughter.

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Finally, breakfast was finished, and everyone was full of energy. Ket held up the camera. "Anyone wanna go with me to get these developed?"

Everyone raised their hands, except for Sai, who was working on the dishes, and Hiei, who had stormed out of the house the moment the laughter had died down and the jokes began, hiding himself in the tree.

"Let's go!" Ket exclaimed, grabbing the keys before turning around to look at the extensive group following her. Scratching her head, she added, "It's going to be a tight fit…"

Sai watched as they left, her hands scrubbing the dinner plate in the hot, soapy water. Soon after she finished, she began to make her way outside, over to the lake that was about a hundred meters away from the front door.

Sitting upon the edge, she wrapped a shawl around her shoulders, vaguely wondering what her dream had been about this time. It was strange, almost as if they were trying to tell her something. If only she knew what it was!

She laughed at her antics, shaking her head lightly as she gazed out over the horizon, the gray lake shining with the rising sun, mist still settling atop the surface. It was magical, majestic. She sighed, laying down against the rough bark of the nearby tree, relaxing in the shade and closing her eyes.

"Why am I dreaming these things?" she pitifully wondered aloud, unnoticing of the short fire apparition sitting on a limb above her. "Rape, murder, torture…love? I just don't understand! Why do I feel so lost…?" she whispered into the frosty air.

"Maybe it's because you have amnesia," a voice said from above her. Shocked, she jumped and looked up, only to see Hiei looking into the distance, just as she had been doing.

"Are you following me or something?" she asked angrily, hand on her hip, eyes narrowed to mere slits.

"No," he stated simply. "You followed me."

"Why are you so cold?" Sai asked suddenly, out of the blue, frown still marring her face.

"Because of what happened a long time ago. Something in my past that I have told no one about."

"Well, what happened?" She asked innocently, cocking her head to the side. He looked at her, seemingly annoyed for her asking, that said, "You think I'm gonna tell you?"

Sai grinned, her eyes pleading with him. Finally, totally against his will, he gave in, settling beside her to begin his story.