Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hybrid's, Foxes, and Spirit Detectives ❯ The Nightmare ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

(Author's Note) Wow, I think this is as late as I've stayed up doing one of these fics, though it's not very late…only 10:21 at night. Last night though, I was caught up in one of Rozefire's stories, 28 days later, and I ended up staying up a little later than I should have. Of course, I told my mom that I was getting off the computer at midnight, but ended up instead, getting off near one o'clock. Oh, well, it was worth it. Sorry you had to wait so long, I've been a little side tracked with school and stories and stuff. But I'm back! Please Review, and I am sure that there is nothing in this fic that I own, unless it belongs to me.


CHAPTER SEVEN: The Nightmare

Ket had to figure out some way to get back at Sai. She did have to admit, however, that she wasn't exactly displeased that Kurama had walked into her bathroom, while she was in the bath no less, but that did not stop the fact that Sai had played a dirty rotten trick on her.

Maybe she could do it tonight, when she helped give Sai some of her memories back. It had been horrible that day Ket had found Sai alone in a heap on the ground, her stomach round to near bursting. Ket had never seen anyone in such a bad condition as the vampire hybrid had been in. Pregnant, neglected, starving, and beaten.

Looking into the shorter girls memories, however, she had seen Sai's past, the father of the child, the original gang she had been dragged along with, as well as the amnesia she seemed to be suffering from.

It helped though, having a friend like Ket, especially when one had forgotten their whole past and sense of self. She knew it was hard for Sai to accept the fact that she was lost, and she often had to keep the little Kitsune mix from depression; she had a bad habit of hurting herself and withdrawing from the outside world more than usual, more than Hiei even.

But tonight, Ket was going to help Sai, forgetting all about the revenge for the night. Sort of. What would be the use? She would have rather Kurama walk in on her every night instead of just that one. Besides, everyone had laughed, and it had been so long since she had heard a true laugh like that come from Sai.

Heading upstairs to get ready for bed, she stopped short at the door at the end of the hall, Sai's door. Inside she heard voices, but she didn't want to intrude upon Sai's personal space tonight. Tonight, she was going to be too tired to strain her ears to listen to see if Sai was still having the same reaction to the treatment to cure her amnesia.

Ket let a tooth slip over her bottom lip as she grinned, fully aware that Hiei sat in the only tree near the house, the one over looking Sai's bedroom window. Perhaps that was whom she was talking to?

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Sai glared at her window, knowing that Hiei was sitting in one of the branches just outside, watching her and Lexi as they slept. Unfortunately, it didn't unnerve her as much as she would have liked it to.

As she crawled into bed with her daughter, she made sure to give the sassy little fire demon a good view as she shed the large nightshirt she had been wearing and buried herself under the covers, curling around Lexi like a protective mother would to a pup.

Sai knew that as soon as she closed her eyes and fell asleep, the haunting dreams would take over her mind. It was something that had happened often in the part of her past that she could remember, ever since she had known Ket. They haunted her day and night, but no matter what she did, she never truly understood what they meant.

Hiei watched through the window, proving her suspicions correct. He kept a close eye on them, making sure everything was okay before settling down himself.

Barely halfway through the night, however, he was awakened by a prodding finger within the confines of his mind. Looking down, he realized it was only Lexi, but she was crying and trying to tell him something he couldn't quite understand. He could understand that she was part koorime, seeing the small tear gems fall soundlessly to the floor.

He picked her up lightly, unsure of what to do, but when she snuggled close, he decided he wouldn't ask her why she hadn't waken her mother up instead. He wasn't supposed to be soothing small children right now, wonder about their mother's and if they'd be all right in the morning.

In fact, he would have put Lexi back with her mother if it wasn't for her death grip upon his cape and her light snoring signaling she was asleep, and Sai's convulsive acts upon the bed. No wonder the child had been scared.

He didn't know why this all seemed so familiar to him, why the solitary life didn't feel right to him. He vaguely wondered if it had anything to do with his past before he pushed his thoughts towards other things, like how the hell he was going to sleep with some little kid clinging to him.

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In the morning, Sai awoke, half expecting Lexi to be somewhere in the room or sprawled out on the bed like she usually was, but her daughter was nowhere to be seen. She began to feel panic rise within her chest, noting the cold tear gems covering half the bed and most of the floor in a trail to the window. She saw them, a perfect photo op and grabbed the camera as she made her way over to them.

Hiei, the cold exterior gone, looked like a true father with his head laying upon Lexi's head, which was tucked under his chin. Her hand fisted in Hiei's clothing, and his arms were holding her close, almost afraid to let go. Together they lay there in the tree, looking as natural as father and daughter. If she hadn't known any better Sai would have sworn they were related.

She brought the camera into focus, pushing the button only to realize that Hiei's eyes were open-and glaring straight at her, though he seemed to falter a bit realizing her state of dress, or lack thereof. The flash cleared, Sai grinning and Hiei blinking, confused about his current situation. Suddenly, as if he wasn't normally a morning person, it dawned upon him that she had just taken a picture of him, with his guard down no less!

Hiei growled, ready to pounce, as he felt Lexi stir. Slowly, she let herself down from his lap, heading over to the bed. He tensed, she tensed. They were both glaring. Both about to make their first move, Lexi interrupted with a small gesture of clearing her throat.

"While you two are acting out your next foreplay method, I'm gonna go get breakfast okay? See ya' later!" She ran out the door, but returned momentarily to say something else, forgetting it however, so she continued to the dining room.

Sai's jaw had dropped, and it hadn't come up yet. Looking back at Lexi's retreating position, she shook her head, then said, mostly to herself, "I'm really going to have to have a talk with those kids."

Forgetting about the camera momentarily, Hiei and Sai began to head downstairs, but suddenly stopped when Hiei turned and told her, "You should really think about changing."

"What?" Sai asked innocently. "You no like what I wear?"

Looking down, she suddenly blushed and hurried back to her room to retrieve the clothes she had been wearing last night. She missed the strange quirk in Hiei's eyebrow and the smirk that slowly spread it's way across his face. He was really getting to like it here.