Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hybrid's, Foxes, and Spirit Detectives ❯ Supermarket Adventure ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]



(AUTHOR'S NOTE)DISCLAIMER: I realize now that part of Hiei's history in the last chapter was based on a website that, I am sorry to say, I have long since forgotten. I would give it to you, but I'm not sure what it is. I am very sorry it has taken so long to update, but since it's Christmas break, I will hopefully have some time on my hands to write. Thank you for the reviews.

Witchcraft_winter, kasumi the vampire queen on MM.org

Birdy06 on ff.net

Kit Davidson on fosff.net




CHAPTER TEN: Supermarket Adventure


Ket flipped through the pictures carefully, looking at every single one. There were a lot of landscape pictures, several of Lexi and Lucifer, some of Ikki and Kyle, one of Ket herself, another of Sai, and one of Hiei…curled up in a tree with Lexi holding on to him.

`Hmmm…' she thought to herself. `This must be a blackmail picture…'

"Excuse me," Ket asked the lady behind the counter, and handing her Hiei's picture. "But we're going to need a few doubles for this one."

"Alright," she said. "It'll be about half an hour."

Ket turned back to the others…well, what was left of the others. Kuwabara and Yususke were taken away by Ikki and Kyle to go to the electronics - where all the video games were. That only left herself, Lexi, Lucifer, and Kurama. Putting her hands on her hips, she asked them, "Now what are we going to do?"

"We still have to go shopping," Lexi reminded her, tapping her foot irritably. "I have the list, too. So you can't complain that you don't know what we need."

Grabbing Lucifer's hand, who in turn grabbed Kurama's, she led the way to the grocery aisles, knowing and hoping that Ket would follow.

"I knew we should have left you two at home," Ket grumbled under her breath as she went after the two "rugrats."

"But then we'd be in the way of Auntie Sai and --" Lexi grinned at Lucifer, and motioned to silence him. "They don't need to know that," she warned, grabbing a few cans off the nearby shelf to throw them into the cart.

"They're up to something," Ket told Kurama as they walked behind, watching the children closely. "Especially with who her father is. I'm surprised she's as innocent as she is. And he's properly named. He behave's like he's the son of Satan himself. Probably is."

Kurama chuckled at her, then turned to ask, "While we're on the topic: Who is Lexi's father?"

Ket suddenly stood still, worried and wondering if she should tell Kurama or not. It wasn't really a matter of trust, but a matter of life and death. If Sai found out that she had told others before she'd told her first, Ket's head would be on a silver platter.

"I can't really tell you," she finally said. "I would, but I don't really wanna die yet."

"She doesn't know, does she?"


Kurama chuckled again. "Either of them. Mother and daughter. Neither of them know about Lexi's father, do they?"

"No, not that I'm aware of."

He thought a moment, still following after Lexi and Lucifer, who were now heading to the frozen section. "I think I know who it is. After all, it doesn't take a scientist to figure it out, now does it?" He smiled at her, causing her to blush.

"You really do know, don't you?" she asked, and his grin widened, mischeviously.

"Do you need any help?"

"Why not? Sure, you can help. But are you sure you wanna?"

He nodded, and they shook hands. Lexi looked at Lucifer, winking.

"It's working like a charm, and now they're on our side, too."


The next forty-five minutes passed quickly, and by the time they were done with shopping, they could hear the crowd gathered at the back of the store. Right next to the electronics. Ket stopped quickly to pick up the rest of the pictures, or more importantly, the blackmail pictures of Hiei. She grinned wickedly as soon as they touched her hand. Lexi and Lucifer pushed the cart back to get Ikki and Kyle, as well as Yususke and Kuwabara.

It was rather hard to get through all of the people gathered around them. Only when they forced their way through did they find out why. It seemed Yususke and Ikki had formed up some kind of duel. They were screaming and yelling at each other, even kicking and biting. While they both held controllers to a game: Ren and Stimpy. Ket nearly laughed out loud when she saw this, but she held it in. However, Lexi and Lucifer didn't.

"Hey, losers!" They yelled. "It's time to go!"

As they turned back to Kurama and Ket, Kyle and Kuwabara came up to stand beside them.

"Dang, I thought she was rough with me," Kyle exclaimed, noticing Ikki kick Yususke in the shin, who yelled out in pain.

"No," Lucifer began sarcastically, "You two just end up rolling around on the floor and somehow come out of it making out."

Finally, after much persuasion, they headed back home. It was a miracle, all-in-all, seeing as how they kept wanting to play game after game after game. When they arrived, they found it completely empty. Ket even made a quick run up to Sai's room, though knocking first, and entering cautiously.

"Ryuuuuuuuu," she called. "I have your pictures."

Suddenly a place came to her mind, as well as a little bit of pain. And she knew exactly where it was coming from. She ran back outside, sliding around the corner of the house, and over to a where a tree stood, not far from the lake. Looking into the long, twisting branches above her head, she noticed Sai...sitting in Hiei's lap. Only she was unconscious, and looked like she would win the grand prize for being the most pale and sick looking person in the nation.

As Hiei lept down to stand beside Ket, he kept Sai huddled against him and there was a firey glare in his eyes that had nothing to do with his power.