Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Insert you with Kurama: Angel Kitsune ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 9

"People, dinnertime!" you call out as you set the table. Yusuke and

Kuwabara came in very suddenly while everyone came in calmly.

Everyone sat down and you brought out all the food and set it on

the table. "Now we will be using table manners." You said glaring

at Yusuke and Kuwabara. "WHAT??" Yusuke glared back at you.

I just think that you two probably don't have any so that's why I'm

glaring at you." You reply. "Well we do and we will use them

tonight happy?" Yusuke said. "Very." You replied and then started

to eat. Everyone else followed suit. After everyone finished eating,

(sorry I'm not very descriptive but I observe very well.) you took

them upstairs and showed them which rooms that they would be

sleeping in. You're mom always bought clothing for guests so if

they forgot to bring some, they could have the ones that she

bought. Then, when everyone was getting settled, you changed into

training clothing and went outside and into the dojo. You had taken

your katana with you and now started to practice your swinging

exercises with it. You steadily went faster until you were only a

blur. You continued until you heard a yell from the house. You ran

into the house to see what the commotion was all about and you
