Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ It's my World , You're Just living In It ❯ We Are In, All Except For Kuwabara ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 3:
We Are In,
All Except For Kuwabara
Bob: Lacy, when are the characters going to get into the frickin party?
Bill: Yeah, the last two chapters have been just waiting in line.
Lacy: Well, I think I'll make most of the vic- I mean characters- be in the party now. I just wanted everyone to know that the lines in my stories are just like my school dances, either they're really fast or really, really slow.
Bill: I think that Lacy has a problem with lines.
Bob: So she's lineaphobic?
Bill: I guess so.
Bob: Does she now that there are lines on the paper?
Lacy: Those are the good lines. I'm afraid of the bad lines, like at theme park. They're evil I say EVIL!!!!!
Bill: I think someone forgot to take her meds. Today.
Bob: Should we call in backup?
Bill: Who in their right mind would want to back us up?!
Unison: GIGI!
Gigi: What is it now?
Bob and Bill: That! (points to Lacy)
Gigi: Oh great! (run out of the room as fast as possible.)
Bob and Bill: This is perfect, so perfect.
Gigi (caring a giant textbook):I'm back! Miss me
Bob: What is that for? (pointing to the textbook)
Bob; I don't think that will do any good.
Gigi: Watch and be amazed! Oh Lacy, can you help me, I need an expert of science.
Lacy (stop ranting about evil lines and gets a table, two chairs and pencils): So what chapter do you need help with?
Gigi: (points to section1 chapter 3) What's a Punnett Square?
Lacy (going into smart mode, whoa, does she even have a smart mode?): A punnett square is a tool, created by a monk. It's used to make a ratio of a possibly child's genes…
Bob: Whoa, I never thought that Lacy was this smart.
Bill: Yeah she always acts so dumb. I thought that she was dumb.
Gigi: Well, she is really smart but acts dumb outside of school. She came in second place of her school on a national test and first in her class.
Lacy (still in smart mode): So that explains the punnett square. Did you get all that Gigi?
Gigi: Yea, oh and one more question
Lacy: Sure, shoot
Gigi: Do you know who owns One Piece or Yu Yu Hakusho?
Lacy: Ummm… Nope, but it sure ain't me.
Gigi; O too bad.
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(A/N: I know that I changed the format around, But who frickin cares! Beside, I ran out words to replace said ~ >-< not enough words >-< ~)
Zolo: Hey Nami, doesn't it seem that all we've been doing is waiting in a line?
Nami: Yeah, we've been in this line for two chapters now.
Lacy (about 50 ft away): Hey move up slow pokes, you're holding back the line. EVIL LINE!!!!
Gigi: Oh crap, here we go again. Hey Lacy, what's the square root of 144 and 400?
Lacy: 12 and 20, wow gigi, where were you during math class?
Gigi: Ummm.. throwing around a paper football.
Yusuke: Finally, the beginning of the li…
Gigi: Don't say the l word around her, unless you want to ask her a math or science question.
Kuwabara: Oh I have a question for Lacy, How does my hair look? ^-^
Lacy (trying very hard not to laugh):Ummm… It look great, in fact it looks so great that you get to go into the special party, just go over to those two guys over there and say that you are a member of the M.L. club.
Kuwabara: Alright!!! In your face Urameshi, my hair is cooler than yours HAHA HAHAHA!
Kuwabara then walks proudly to the two big guys and gets let into the Special party.
Yusuke: It isn't a special party, now is it?
Gigi: Like that would ever happen!!!
Lacy: No, he's our entertainment. MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Gigi: You guys better go inside, I need to take care of O Crazy One
Lacy: I'm not crazy. I'm FLUFFY!!!
Gigi: Yes, you are very fluffy.
Lacy: I fluffy, fluffy, fluffy, fluffy! YEA
Bill: C'mon Lacy, do ya want to go to the sponge room? ^^ (A/N: sponge room means, those padded rooms that they put mental people in.)
Lacy: I a Sponge
Gigi: We lost her to the power of the sponge. AGAIN!!! ~shrugs~ oh well.
Bill and Lacy now go to the sponge room.
Gigi: < yes, now it is my time to take over the Lacyverse. I shall call it….. The GIGIVERSE MWHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!> Alright everyone, you can go home now. We are over the fire safety hazards. (like anyone ever pays attention to those stupid things.)
People in line: AWWWWWWW
With Lacy and Bill
Lacy: Sponge sponge sponge, YEA SPONGE
Bill: I'll leave you here with your sponges and make sure that Gigi isn't trying to take over the story… Again
Lacy: Sponge sponge sponge, my sponge HISSSSSS
Bill: (backing away slowly) I'll be going now. (once he reaches the door he runs away screaming)
In The `Special' Party
Kuwabara: < All of my favorite super stars are here, Over there is Barney, I love his lips, and the Teletubies. OMG It's Dora the Explorer. This is HEAVEN> (and I don't own any of those shows, THEY ARE EVIL!!!!!! EVIL I SAY) Yo Barney, my main man, wuts up Dog.
Barney: Get away you not nearly cool en- WHAT THE F***!!! Why did you die your hair GREEN?!?!?!?! You look like a f****** alien.
Kuwabara: I didn't know that Barney cusses like that?
Dora: Of course he does. What do you think that he's really saying in that costume?
Kuwabara: ( right know he is in a daze, because his hero CUSSES.) But.. Barney is suppose to be a good role model. I don't understand, all this time I was told a LIE!!!
Barney: Yep, do you have a joint on you?
Kuwabara: F*** YOU BARNEY!!!!
Dora: If you watch the teletubies, then you still have a good role model.
Teletubies: La La Bo Mo Poe! (we love our job)
Kuwabara: ~sniff, sniff~ Really?
Dora: all they say is `We love our job'.
Kuwabara: YES, LIFE HAS MEANING AGAIN, AND ITS NAME IS TELETUBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Barney: This Kid has issues, serious issues.
Dora: You can say that again.
Teletubies: La La Bo Mo Po? (we love our job?)
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Gigi: Hello, this is Gigi the new ruler, I used to be Lacy's Ping-pong advisor, but since we lost her to the power of the sponge, I shall take over the story. MWHA..
Bob and Bill: Go Gigi, Go Gigi! It's your birthday it's your birthday, we're gonna party like it's your birthday!
Bill: I thought that lacy was lost to the power of the sponge?
Lacy: Well, here's something you don't know, SPONGE HAVE LINES!
Bob: (looks confused) What O.o??
Bill: Oh that's right, you weren't in the story part, you were only in the intro. Well Lacy got freaked out by lines, called herself fluffy and then she called herself a sponge and went to the sponge room.
Bob: you mean the room that we put her in when she goes LOCO?
Gigi: Yep
Lacy: I loco, I review, YOU REVIEW, or no updates for YOU!!
Bill: She's gone poet on us
Gigi: Oh God No,. poet is worse than smart.
Bob: (running out the door to freedom) JA NE LATER SUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!