Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Johnny Cash Tribute Album ❯ Tribute 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Johnny Cash Tribute Album

Tribute song 3

Kori is back on stage to a closed curtain.

"Now we have Hiei singing "Ring of Fire.'" And she walked off as the curtain was drawn. Hiei now held the microphone and Yusuke switched Kuwabara's drums for Hiei's guitar. Kurama still had his.

"Love is burning thing," he sang, shyly at first but started to get the rhythm,

"And it makes a fiery ring.

Bound by wild desire

I fell into a ring of fire.

I fell into a burning ring of fire.

I went down, down, down,

And the flames went higher."

"And it burns, burns, burns" sang Yusuke, Kurama, and Kuwabara,

"The ring of fire,

The ring of fire."

"I fell into a burning ring of fire," sang Hiei getting excited when he said `fire'.

"I went down, down, down

And the flames went higher."

"And it burns, burns, burns," sang the others,

"The ring fire,

The ring of fire."

"The taste of love is sweet," sang Hiei really into the song now,

"When hearts like ours meet.

I fell for you like a child.

Oh, but the fire went wild.

I fell into a burning ring of fire.

I went down, down, down,

And the flames went higher."

"And it burns, burns, burns," sang the others,

"The ring of fire,

The ring fire."

"I fell into a ring of fire," sang Hiei.

"I went down, down, down,

And the flames went higher."

"And it burns, burns, burns," sang the others,

"The ring of fire,

The ring of fire."

"I fell into a burning ring of fire." sang Hiei creating a pillar of black flames around him.

"I went down, down, down,

And the flames went higher."

"And it burn, burns, burns," sang the others glad that Hiei got into the tribute concert,

"The ring of fire,

The ring of fire."

"And it burns, burns, burns," they all sang together,

"The ring of fire,

The ring of fire."

As the audience clapped Hiei extinguished his flames, mad that the song was over. The curtain closed.

~*~End Tribute 3 ~*~