Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Johnny Cash Tribute Album ❯ Tribute 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Johnny Cash Tribute Album

Tribute song 4

Kori walked on stage, smiling a little.

"Wow, and he said that he wouldn't like it," she said in the mike. "I'd say he did, wouldn't you?"

The crowd cheered loudly, yelling how cute Hiei looked and how he was a great singer.

"I DID NOT ENJOY IT!" yelled a voice behind the curtain, silencing the crowd. "AND I AM NOT A GOOD SINGER AND DON'T CALL ME `CUTE' UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE DRAGON FOOD!"

"You don't mean that, little Hiei," said Kori turning around to talk to the demon behind the curtain. "You liked that song."


"Okay," said Kori turning back to the crowd, "the last song is sung by our favorite redhead, Kurama! And he'll be singing `Highwayman'! And he's doing a solo!"

The crowd went into an uproar as the curtains were drawn. Girls shriek, sighed, or dead faint. On stage Kurama had the mike, he gave his guitar to Hiei, but instead of his human form he was in his youko form. The cheers became wilder when he winked at the crowd. Then he sang,

"I was a highwayman. Along the coach roads did I ride

With a sword and pistol by my side.

Many a young maid lost her bauble to my trade.

Many a soldier shed his lifeblood on my blade.

The bastards hung me in the spring of twenty-five

But I'm still alive."

He walked down the stage as he sang, the girls he pasted fainted when he flicked his tail their way. The guys on stage looked angrily at Kurama for getting more attention than they did.

"I was a sailor. I was born upon the tide

And with the sea I did abide."

"I sailed a schooner round the Horn of Mexico," sang Yusuke stealing the stage from the silver fox. Kurama looked angrily at him but Yusuke kept singing.

"I went aloft and furled the mainsail in a blow."

"And when the yards broke off they said I got killed," sang Kurama trying to take the stage again.

"But I am living still."

He started to sway his hips to the music then dance. The crowd went wild.

"I was a dam builder across the river deep and wide

Where steel and water collide."

"A place called Boulder on the wild Colorado," sang Hiei to annoy Kurama. The fox's fur bristled when he rounded on the fire Koorime.

"I slipped and fell into the wet concrete below.

They buried me in that great tomb that knows no sound."

"But I am still around," sang Kurama turning back to the crowd.

"I'll always be around…and around and around and around and around."

He created rose petals to fly harmlessly into the crowd. Girls stated grabbing them and stuffing them into hand bag, pockets, and other various places.

"I fly a starship across the Universe divide," sang Kurama.

"And when I reach the other side

I'll find a place to rest my spirit if I can."

"Perhaps I may become a highwayman again," sang Kuwabara. Kurama sighs and hung his head; a classic sweat drop appeared over him. Lifting his head he shrugs and gives defeated smile.

"Or I may simply be a drop of rain."

"Oh well," sighed Kurama under his breathe. Then he yelled to the guys, "Come on, guys! Lets do the ending together!"

"But I will remain," they sang together.

"And I'll be back again, and again and again and again and again…."

Kori walked on stage as the song faded and ended.

"Let's give a hand to the guys! WOO!" she said and clapped along with the crowd as the guys blushed and bowed. "So this ends our tribute to Johnny Cash. May his songs last through the years!"

Fireworks flew in the fly and exploded while the crowd cheered for the band. Hiei thought the fireworks were stupid so he decided to add a few fireballs. Kurama joined in making rose petals move through the crowd and in the air. Kuwabara created bombs to set of around the stage and Yusuke ended it with a Spirit Gun bullet in the air. The crowd cheered at the display.

~*~ End of Tribute~*~