Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Killing and Loving ❯ The bearer of bad news, Amaya ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: I do not own YuYu Hakusho, or any of its characters. I do not gain any monetary profit from writing this: all I gain is entertainment value.
Chapter 1: Amaya's point of view
I tried to run from those insane bastards but of course, I never could run fast enough. They caught me and from then on, I never could be the carefree yoko I once was. The worst part was when father found out. Inari, I'm glad my brother was there to save me from getting raped again. I didn't need that to happen twice in the course of three days! But that was a long time ago. I am thinking over the past again when I promised my brother, right before he went to avenge his dead lover, that I would put the past behind me. However, sometimes the past seeks you out and drags you out of your blissful forgetfulness to make you wallow in it once more. Now, I have to see my brother again, which I'm excited about because I thought he was dead, but the occasion for my visit is anything but joyous. I have to wallow in the pit of despair that is the past and drag my brother there with me.
I find a red-haired boy sitting with friends and talking. The orange haired boy was the only complete human of the four males there. The other three had at least some trace of demonic origin in them. The spiky haired one I instantly recognized as Mukuro's heir. It seems odd that he's in the Ninigenkai but it doesn't matter. I'll be happy if I live through this encounter: I should not be worrying about others now. I enter within smelling distance of my brother, which I have yet to see. I see the redhead's eyes bulge and he immediately looks at me.
He asks, “What brings you here?” in a venomous tone.
I ask, “Who are you? What makes you sound as if I'm a threat?”
He chuckles darkly and says, “Don't recognize your brother's ki, do you?” I glare at him. The ki is similar but I honestly do not know if he is my brother or not.
I sigh and say, “If you are my brother, you'll understand the statement: 'We failed to permanently kill the white one. We have to ensure he dies.' Do you know who the white one is?”
The red-haired half human says, “Then we must correct this mistake. We can't have him alive trying to re-enslave us now can we?” and looks at me coldly with a flash of gold in his eyes. It really is my brother!
I apologize, “I, I, I couldn't tell, if, if, if that is really you! I didn't mean to be disrespectful, it's just he has Nara now and I'm angry that he's alive again and I don't know what to do!” My voice has grown gradually quieter, and now is on the verge of cracking. I look down in acceptance that I will die without my mate in a different world.
Kurama says, “We'll get her back then. I won't let my sister die without her mate. You know me better than that.” I whimper and try not to cry. Seeing him and remembering all of the pain we went through together and seeing him die and wanting to save him, then seeing Nara and finding out that Korunue was her brother that she never knew until he was gone, and us both huddled together weeping and mourning our brothers. I am pulled out of my sad remembering by a gust of wind. Once the wind full of silvery shadows and ki dissipates, I see my brother standing there. I run to him and wrap my arms around him trying to conceal my tears.
I hear a voice ask, “Who's the girl and why is she all clingy?” I glare at the speaker. It is the boy with black slicked back hair and such a high ki signature that he can't be human.
Kurama tells the boy curtly, “She's my sister and a powerful yoko has just taken away her mate and sold her into slavery. She has a right to be clingy, especially since she thought I was dead and just had to sit there screaming while she saw the hunters try to skin my pelt from my lifeless form.”
The boy says, “Wow fox-boy, chill. I was just asking because it's kinda unusual to see a yoko in these parts and especially one that will come close to you in your demon form, that's all.”
I ask my brother quietly so no one, not even Mukuro's heir can hear, “Do they know yet?” He shakes his head no, knowing exactly what I was asking. I see him look at Mukuro's heir. He has his eyes fixed on Kurama in puzzlement.
I suddenly hear a voice break the quiet tension, yelling, “Yusuke, Yusuke, we have a major problem!!! Kurama's...” and then she stops when she sees Kurama and me. She has blue hair, a slim figure wrapped in a blue kimono, and an oar in her right hand. I am confused as to who she is.
The black haired boy says, “Go on Botan, Kurama's what...” She looks terrified at seeing my brother.
She stammers, “Umm, uhh, it's not, it's not really that important, we'll talk about it later, hehe...” and tries to run.
My brother growls, “What were you going to say Botan? If it's about my father, then no, they do not know anything and I'd suggest you watch your tongue.”
Botan stammers nervously, “Kurama's father is um opening portals into Ninigenkai and uh kidnapping humans and um enslaving them. We've umm got to stop him...”
I ask in a quiet tone, “Is there any more information or is that all?”
Botan says, “Umm, I don't know what else I can say that you two do not already know. He's alive and plans to capture and kill at least you but we don't know about Kurama since he hasn't tried to come after anyone close to him yet. Your brother Antaya is currently doing reconnaissance for Reikai to check where your father is and what he's doing now.” I feel my brother flinch at my other brother's name. They do not get along at all. Antaya was father's favorite and Kurama was like his slave, although if Antaya had not requested this, Kurama could have been even more mutilated than he was but it still is something that is hard to forgive.
Botan continues, “Antaya said that Nara is pregnant but it's quite recent...” I try not to think. I feel bile coming up in the back of my throat. I run outside and start heaving my guts out onto the ground. I feel the burning in my throat, mouth, and nose. I try not to cry. Gods, Inari! Why did you allow this to happen! WHY!!! DAMN YOU ALL!!!
Someone is cradling me and I feel much comfort from it. It's a young human girl with brown hair, big brown eyes, and such a nice energy around her that immediately soothes me. I sigh and curl up on the floor. Her brown hair reminds me of Nara's. She has almost the exact same hairstyle and color.
She asks, “What's wrong?”
My brother says, “She found out her mate has become pregnant while in captivity. Amaya, the one holding you is Keiko; she's the black-haired boy's girlfriend. Do you want her to stay with you while I talk to the others present?” I nod yes grateful that he understands. I just need someone who kind of looks like Nara and sort of feels like her to be around me right now.
A/N: The love story between Hiei and Kurama is a bit gradual and in the first three chapters takes a back seat as far as the story goes. However, in later chapters where you finally do see some more of the love story, you'll need the content in chapters 1 and 2 to understand it. Chapter 3 I really like but does not add a whole lot to the love story besides an added complication. If you write a review, then I will write faster. IF you enjoy this story, then you will want me to write faster. Therefore, if you enjoy this story, then write a review! (Sorry, Logic class, lol). Anyways, PLEASE REVIEW!