Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ killing random anime characters ❯ the fun begins new co-hosts too ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/n hi again peoples well lots of reviews where to start…*thinks real hard* ouch that hurts!!! Oh well we have a new co-host karasu will also be cohosting for reasons *sees kuramaandkarasu hold up a big shiny bomb* and the fact I don't wanna blow up…..heh! you would do the same thing!! Okay welcome karasu!! * kuramanadkarasu claps the crickets chirp the K&K (that's how I am putting kuramaandkarasu's name from now on it is to long and I am very lazy) holds up shiny bomb again loud applause* *karasu walks on stage so since karasu is co-hosting *sees karasu take a seat and open a magazine titled 'how to kill a rose'* well since karasu isn't doing anything but is still co-hosting he still won't be killed *hoping K&K will put the shiny bomb down*

Okay peeps lets get started this time karusu can do the disclaimer cause I am lazy and he will have something to do other than reading magazines.

Karasu: *looks up from magazine* Kasia owns nothing really if she did own us do you think she would be writing this story? *goes back to magazine*

That's nice karasu anyway just wanna explain a few more things you can torture before you kill and I have everything at my control MWHAHAHAHAHA *cough* damn lungs. Anyway no one is aloud to kill naraku either sorry Zarreen but I need another evil co-host so again bring a loud round of applause for naraku!! *naraku walks in no baboon pelt (I never liked that thing)* more bishi!! *huggles naraku* yes peeps I am a naraku fan make fun of me and feel my almighty authoress wrath MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *cough* damn everytime that happens!! DAMN LUNGS!! Okay lets get started our special guests Zarreen, kirara girl, and K&K *loud applause* now the idiots *kikyou, kuwabara, jaken, and ash appear*

Ash: where am I? I thought I was in a battle with Richie

Pikachu: pika


Naraku: I wall kill the ugly rodent if only to stop your constant screaming kami my ears hurt!! *kill pikachu*

Me: my hero *huggles naraku Touya feeling left out* oh Touya you're my hero too *huggles Touya*

Touya: *wide grin*

Well lets get started shall we? Okay our first guest is Zarreen *a full-blooded fox. short and average weight. jade green eyes w/ bits of black. black hair w/ silver and purple streaks appears out of no where.*

Hi Zarreen okay you can kill everyone you mentioned except naraku cause he is my bishi *huggles naraku and Touya at the same time* have fun ^-^

Zarreen: *smiles evilly gets out finger knives looks at ash*

Ash: ummm what are you going to do with those? *backs away slowly*

Zarreen: that's for me to know and you to find out *starts throwing knives they hit ash in then stomach and various other places* now just one more thing *says this when she sees ash still alive* *takes out a picture of jaken kikyou and kuwabara in a group pic*

Ash: noooooooooooooooooo!!!! The ugliness!!!!!! *dies*

Kukukuku that was funny fluffy there is no reason to revive him he is almost as bad as hojo yes I do hate hojo the homo

Next up for Zarreen to kill is kuwabaka

Kuwabaka: huh me? Yay!! I get to be kil- wait killed? Doesn't that mean you die?

Yes kuwabaka it does be happy your idiotic existence is not needed in this world the world will be a happier place

Kuwabaka: yay!! I make the world a happier place *jumping up and down*

This is getting annoying just kill him Zarreen

Zarreen: my pleasure *evil smile again revs up chain saw*

Kuwabaka: *still jumping like an idiot*

Zarreen: *slashes off his head and he is still jumping she cuts him into little pieces* hmm that was boring Sesshoumaru revive him real quick

Sesshoumaru: *doesn't want to be 'shaked' by Kasia so revives the idiot*

Zarreen: *holds up a mirror to kuwabaka*

Kuwabaka: who is the ugly guy *looks in the mirror*

Zarreen: it is you

Kuwabaka: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! *dies from own reflection*

Zarreen: my work here is done

Oh why don't you stay Zarreen you can be a co-host we got so many whats having one more?

Zarreen: sure *takes a seat next to Kurama who is reading a magazine titled 'how to let people know you are not gay'*

Okay next up is K&K *applause*

Okay who was it you were supposed to kill? Umm oh yeah kuwabara , kikyou, oh and here is a new one bulma *bulma appears*

Bulma: where am I? Did I win something? Whoa am I on tv!? *jumping up and down*

*snorts in disgust* she is to happy go ahead K&K

K&K: with pleasure *takes out big rusty knife shoves it through bulma's mouth so she can't talk anymore*

Much better no more noise it was killing me!!

Bulma: mun mumph mum mwahhhh *runs off a cliff crying*

That was uhhhh interesting………..onto kikyou and kuwabaka!! Next is kikyou

Kikyou: I shall take Inuyasha to hell with me!!

God she is annoying go ahead K&K

K&K : *smiles very evilly* *kuwabaka's stinky gym sock appears in tongs as the tongs melt she puts the stinky gym socks near kikyou's face*

Kikyou: *screams in utter pain tries backing away but falls of a cliff*

Also interesting ummm sess revive kuwabaka so she can kill him

Sessy: I feel so used *revives kuwabaka*

K&K: *slashes him in half with big ól rusty knife*

A/n: god that was long and only for 2 guests too oh and peeps please leave a descrip of yourself and how you want to kill the person you want to kill sorry if I didn't get some of you in I'll get you in the next chap

Just so ya know I am going to have a new co-host thanks for listening

-Kasia matsubishi