Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kin Kohana: Destiny and Deceit ❯ Kinana's Weakness 2 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

As much as I would love to own the Yu Yu Hakusho characters I don't. The Yu Yu Hakusho characters all belong to Yoshihiro Togashi and Shonen Jump. I am however only borrowing them. Poor me. Oh Well enjoy the story.
The Characters
Kin Kohana,
Lady Kiana,
Eijiro Orange bounty hunter,
Katsumi Yellow bounty hunter,
Miyoko Blue bounty hunter,
Mayoko Purple bounty hunter,
 Shiba Red bounty hunter,
and Yuri Pink bounty hunter
are all the Property of Fox Forbidden Child and therefore should not be used without Fox Forbidden Child's permission.
This Story " Kin Kohana: Lost and Found " is a Property of Fox Forbidden Child and is totally fictional and written for the reading pleasures of others.
Kin Kohana: Destiny and Deceit
Chapter 4
Chika had caught dinner using the dagger that Kinana left for her and was now making dinner. “It's the least I could do for her. She didn't kill me and she's allowing for me to stay in her home." Chika thought. She had managed to catch some type of rabbit and make a salad. Chika began looking for Kinana's dishes. She opened every cupboard. She came across a locked cabinet. Chika use the dagger to open the cupboard. She gasped when she had gotten it open. She looked at the little blue outfit and ran her fingers over the material. Little blue boots to match it, then a bigger blue outfit with bigger blue boots. She looked and saw a plant.
“A red rose. A black rose and a pink rose." Chika said. She wanted to touch but stopped herself. She continued to look through the stuff. She saw a little stuffed fox. It looked rather brand new. She then found a box. Chika opened the box. They were pictures and a necklace there with a sword going through a heart as its charm. Chika turned the necklace over. “Kurama?" She said then picked up a picture. Chika looked in shock. This guy in the picture beautiful red hair and radiant green eyes. She had heard of him. “This is Kurama. But who is he holding." She said looking at the little kit with silver hair golden eyes and a blue outfit they were both smiling.
She looked at another picture she looked at the guy with the white starburst. “Hiei and that little girl." She said looking at some more pictures. She looked as she saw Kurama holding the little kit pointing to the camera; Hiei and the young girl standing back to back with their swords drawn. Then she saw a picture of all three of them together. Then she saw a picture with her and an ice maiden with turquoise hair and red eyes like Hiei's. She turned the picture on the back. “Yukina and.... Kin...Kohana." She said. Chika was about to look at some more pictures when all of a sudden the one she was looking at was snatched out of her hand. Chika fall back landing on her butt.
“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" Kinana yelled furious. “I was. I was...." Chika was saying. “HOW DARE YOU GO THROUGH MY PERSONAL BELONGINGS!!?” Kinana yelled at her. “I'm sorry." She was saying frighten. “YOU'RE SORRY! HN! I SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU!" Kinana yelled at her. Kinana then faced her. “I was looking for dishes I'm really sorry." Chika was saying. Kinana got up. “GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!" She yelled. “I really am sorry." Chika was saying crying and grabbed her. Kinana slapped her hands away. “NOW! BEFORE I KILL YOU!" Kinana yelled. Chika got up crying and ran out of the house and slam the door.
Kinana sat breathing hard. She felt the picture. She closed her eyes and came face to face with herself. Only she wore a blue outfit blue boots and silver hair and golden eyes. “Kinana?" She called. “What do you want Kin Kohana? Why won't you leave me alone?" She said to her. “Kinana you know that in your heart what you just said to Chika was wrong." Kin Kohana said. “You're too soft Kin Kohana." Kinana said to her. “And you are too harsh." Kin Kohana said to her. Turning her back on her and going over to a rose. Kin Kohana turned to her. “Have you forgotten all of the stuff Kurama has taught you?" She said to her playing with the rose. “No he taught it to me when I was you. He killed my mother I have to kill him to avenge her death." Kinana said. “Is that so?" Kin Kohana asked her. Kinana looked at her.
“Killing Kurama will not bring your mother back. You killing Kurama will only cause more death and pain onto yourself." Kin Kohana said to her tears in her eyes. Kinana went over to herself and hugged her." Kurama and Hiei were our only fathers." Kin Kohana said. “Kurama and Hiei were your only fathers." Kinana said to her. Kin Kohana shook her head. “No that's not true. Before Karasu came along they were our only fathers and Yukina she played the role of mom. They love me and you. We both know those bad attitudes and tempers were you and still they showed and gave you love and you locked it away." Kin Kohana said getting up. Kinana looked at her. Kin Kohana turned to her.
“Kinana you've locked those memories away in that cupboard. You've locked up all of the things you once were and because of that you've locked me away inside of yourself over some stupid destiny." She said. Kinana stared at her. Kin Kohana was right. Kinana had locked her away. “It was to forget." Kinana said to her. “Even locking away a part of you that still lives has not help you forget about Hiei and Kurama's love." She said to her. Kin Kohana came over to her and touched her face. “Chika is a very fragile girl. You saved her before did you not?" Kin Kohana asked her.
“That's because you made me stop." Kinana said. Kin Kohana shook her head. “You stopped on your own. She reminded you of Yukina and that's why you saved her. “She said. Kinana looked at her. “Have you really let what is said by Karasu go to your heart." She asked her sitting on the rock. “She is all alone Kinana. Just as you are. She needs your protection and strength. You need her gentleness and friendship." Kin Kohana said to her. Kinana looked at her and blinked. Kin Kohana grabbed Kinana's Hand. “Go find Chika now before she is harmed." Kin Kohana said and disappeared.
Kinana sat with her back against the wall. She was sweating really badly. That had always occurred when she had connected with Kin Kohana then and only then could she actually see again. Only when she and Kin Kohana were talking. “She's just a silly fantasy." Kinana said to herself. “What does she know? Nothing she only knows what Kurama has taught. She doesn't know of how he killed my mother. “Kinana said. She felt the plant she had created when she was Kin Kohana. She felt each of the flowers. Then she heard screaming. Kinana sprung to her feet and balanced herself with the staff. “Chika's in trouble." She said dashing out of the door.
Chika sat there screaming as the beast showed its teeth to her. “Somebody please help me!" She screamed. The beast jumped at her and Chika screamed and the beast was pushed to the side. Chika looked and there in front of her stood Kinana. “Kinana?" She questioned. Kinana snapped her fingers and the side of the beast fell off. The beast howled. “Quickly onto my back." She told Chika. “But... But..." Chika was saying. Kinana grabbed her and threw her up in the air onto the tree branch. Chika landed on the tree. The beast charged at Kinana.
“ROSE BLADE SWORD!" Kinana called out her sword and began to play with the beast. As soon as they beast began to charge at her she would move out of his way. “Over here." She said. He charged again. “Nope right here now." She said. He charged at her again. “Damn you still miss." She said and raised her sword. “Too bad I won't." She said and cut the beast straight down the middle. Chika gasped. Did she always have to be so messy when killing something?" She thought. Kinana faced the direction she had last thrown Chika. She jumped up onto the tree branch. Chika looked at Kinana. “Are you all right?" She asked her. Kinana faced her. She could feel the beast's blood dripping on her face. She grabbed Chika and put her own her back. “Hold on tight." She said to her. She felt some little arms go around her neck and a head nuzzle into her back. Kinana smirked at the feeling. Then begin to leap away into the night.
They had reached her house. She kneeled and Chika got off of her. Kinana walked over to the river and washed her face. Chika went over to Kinana. Kinana could hear her footsteps and stopped cleaning her face. Chika stood up against the tree. “Where do I start?" Chika thought looking at Kinana. “You could start were you feel comfortable." Kinana told her. Chika looked startled. Kinana laughed. “Yeah I read minds didn't you know?" Kinana said to her getting up. “No I didn't know." Chika said to her. “Hn. Too Bad." She said walking towards her house. Chika looked at her. “Are you coming or not?" She asked her. Chika giggled and smiled and followed her into the house. Once inside the house. Kinana closed the door.
Chika stared at her rubbing her elbow. “You know you're a lot of trouble and a pain in the ass." Kinana told her leaning on her staff for support. “I'm sorry." Chika said to her. “So far you've went and got yourself in trouble twice." Kinana said. “And you've saved me twice and I went through your things and you said you should have killed me." Chika said to her. Kinana tossed her hair. “Yeah so?" Kinana said. “So why didn't you let that beast kill me?" She asked her. Kinana shifted her weight using her staff. “Who knows maybe I enjoy your company." She said and then touched her face. “Maybe I just need someone to talk too." Kinana said walking towards the kitchen and stopped. “You remind me of an ice maiden I once knew name Yukina." She said. Chika looked at her." I don't understand." She said. “Come Chika. Come and sit with me." Kinana said to her and went into the kitchen.
Chika sat on the kitchen floor next to Kinana. Chika looked at her. Kinana picked up a picture of her and Kurama. She rubbed the picture then showed the picture to her. “The little girl is me. Sort of...” She told her. Chika looked at her. “But the little girl's name is Kin Kohana." She said to her. “I was abandoned as a kit and Kurama he found me. He named me Kin Kohana. I stayed with him and Hiei for 13 years of my life and Hiei sent me away just last year. “She said to her. Chika looked at her. “Karasu my father he found me and gave me the necklace and said it was my destiny." Kinana said. “Which is?" Chika said. “Kill Kurama." She said. Chika gasped. “I couldn't believe it and wouldn't believe it. So Hiei sent me away to save him. When I arrived here Karasu he told me that Kurama killed my mother. So I began to go by my birth name Kinana as he trained me and then he left me all alone when he thought I was ready." She said to her. Chika looked at her. “See I am Kinana and I put all of these things away to forget my life as Kin Kohana. But there's one big problem." Kinana said to her. “What is that?" Chika said concerned. Kinana smiled and felt Chika's face.
Then she grabbed her hand and placed it to her heart. “Do you feel it?" She asked. Chika looked into Kinana's silver eyes. She saw them flash gold then silver. Chika jumped back. “You felt it didn't you?" Kinana said. “Yes. What was that?” She said. “It's Kin Kohana. She's her own person and I am my own person though I'm in this body." Kinana said getting up. Chika looked at her like she was crazy. “I've locked the part of Kin Kohana within my body." She said. “Why?" Chika asked her. "When I kill Kurama I didn't want my feelings as Kin Kohana to be in my way. And I didn't wanna exactly forget her.” She said to her. “How could you lock her away?" Chika asked. “Well I haven't exactly locked her away. She's my inner voice and at times when we connect I see her. Were almost like twins. Except I'm the bad..." Kinana told her. “And she's the good?" Chika finished. Kinana nodded.
“I'm not a blood thirsty killer. That's only part of who I am. Karasu just brought Kinana out and force me to lock Kin Kohana away. But she's still her in my heart and as cold hearted people think I am. I really am not." Kinana said. Chika felt her hand.
“Though Kurama loved Kin Kohana I shared that love as well. He didn't just love Kin Kohana. He loved Kinana as well. Kin Kohana is deep within my heart just like I was deep within her heart and one day I'm going to release her just like she released me just as soon as I figure out how. Chika kept staring at her. “Release her?" She questioned. “I'm going to set Kin Kohana free so that she can go back to them.” Kinana said. Chika looked at her. “That is why performing this task of killing Kurama is so hard for me to complete." She told her. “Well don't do it. Why must you do it?" Chika asked her. “For my mother and for Karasu." Kinana said. Chika shook her head. “No it doesn't have to be this way." Chika said to her. Kinana faced her.
“Before my mother died she told me that you and only you can set your destiny." Chika said. Kinana just sat there quiet. “Say if you kill Kurama...." Chika said brushing Kinana's hair out of her face. "Sure you'll feel good but it won't bring your mother back..." Chika said standing up. Kinana sat there. “She's right it wouldn't bring my mother back." Kinana thought. “With death comes more pain and suffering. When you kill someone you take away another person's happiness and sooner or later that person dies from grief. Then someone else's dies because of the loss of that person." Chika said her voice trembling.
Kinana stood up using her staff and followed Chika's voice. She stood behind her and put her hand on her shoulders. “Killing someone so close to your heart will only bring pain and death upon yourself because once you've killed them. You will never forget them. Let alone forgive yourself." Chika said to her. Kinana felt her face and felt Chika's tears. She began to rub at them. “You can get out of killing him." Chika said. “How?" Kinana asked her. Chika turned to her and felt her face. “Write your own Destiny." Chika said. Kinana nodded as she felt Chika's presence leave the kitchen. “But this is the destiny I choose Kinana. The destiny my mother set for me and that is to kill Kurama." She said to no one.