Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kin Kohana: Destiny and Deceit ❯ Kinana's Weakness 1 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

As much as I would love to own the Yu Yu Hakusho characters I don't. The Yu Yu Hakusho characters all belong to Yoshihiro Togashi and Shonen Jump. I am however only borrowing them. Poor me. Oh Well enjoy the story.
The Characters
Kin Kohana,
Lady Kiana,
Eijiro Orange bounty hunter,
Katsumi Yellow bounty hunter,
Miyoko Blue bounty hunter,
Mayoko Purple bounty hunter,
 Shiba Red bounty hunter,
and Yuri Pink bounty hunter
Are all the Property of Fox Forbidden Child and therefore should not be used without Fox Forbidden Child's permission.
This Story " Kin Kohana: Lost and Found " is a Property of Fox Forbidden Child and is totally fictional and written for the reading pleasures of others.
Kin Kohana: Destiny and Deceit
Chapter 3
Kinana could feel the warmth of the sun on her face. She had falling asleep on the floor. She tried to recall what happened last night. She remembered going to the Human World to be close to Hiei and Kurama. Then she remembered fighting along side them and running away from them cause of the wind exposing her. She remembered exchanging words with Karasu. Then she remembered saving an ice maiden from 6 dirty demons and... “Good Morning." She heard a soft gentle voice and the clattering of cups. Kinana faced the direction of the talking. She felt the ice maiden's aura and the coldness that her body gave off. The ice maiden sat a cup of tea in front of Kinana and sat back and looked at her. Kinana didn't say anything but rubbed her head. The ice maiden touched were she was wounded. “You were hurt pretty badly." She said. “Hn. I'll be fine." Kinana said to her though not looking at her. Kinana picked up the cup and began to drink the tea.
The ice maiden giggled and drank her tea. Kinana stopped drinking her tea. “You shouldn't be walking around the Makai late at night like that. Especially without a weapon. This isn't the Human World you know." Kinana said to her and grabbed her staff and got up. The ice maiden looked at her. “I thank you for saving me last night." She said. " Hn. Don't thank me. Just be lucky I happened to be passing by." Kinana said to her. The ice maiden got up and walked over to her. Once again Kinana felt the coldness from her body. “I'm Chika of the ice world." She said to her. Kinana shrugged her shoulders. “HN So." She said and turned around and faced her. Chika jumped back a little frighten.
“I know who you are?" Chika said her voice trembling. Kinana stood there and was quite amused so she laughed. “5 foot 9 fox with silver hair black tips silver eyes Walks with a staff and is blind who is a cold hearted killer. You're one with the shadows. Has the abilities of using plants, fire, very good swordsmanship, moves faster than a blink of an eye, sings and dances to attract prey and has the death touch." She said backing away from her until she backed up into her closet. Kinana stood there she tossed her hair. “You're Kinana daughter of Karasu." She said. “Does that frighten you?" Kinana asked her with her staff in hand. Chika looked at her. “Are you going to kill me?" She asked her. Kinana walked over to her. Chika began to whimper in fear. Kinana stopped in her tracks. “She sounded like Yukina." She thought. Kinana began to back away from her then turned around and began walking away. Chika looked at her. “Aren't you going to kill me?" She asked. Kinana stopped in her tracks. “HN If I was going to kill you. I would have done so last night." She said to her and walked out of the room.
Chika got off the floor. “She... She didn't kill me." She said to herself. She stumbled out of the room and fell onto the floor. She looked around and Kinana stood in front of her with her hand extended. Chika looked at it. Kinana waited for the little hand to take her much bigger hand but could smell the fear in Chika. “Oh come on Chika. Don't you trust me?" She said to her a little annoyed. Kinana had been living there alone and it flattered her that she was actually known and was feared. Chika grabbed her hand and Kinana pulled her up. She guided Chika down the stairs and into the kitchen.
Chika looked at her and Kinana stopped. Kinana sat down. “Sit." She said to Chika. Chika sat down. Kinana faced her. “You didn't fear me before but you fear me now." Kinana said to her. “I'm sorry. It's just I've heard of the way you slaughter people. I knew who you were last night and I fainted from fear." She told her. Kinana sat there. “Hn. I've brought you home cleaned you put you in my bed and allow you too live and still you fear me." Kinana said.
Chika looked at Kinana's arm. She was bleeding. “You're badly hurt." She said to her. Kinana flashed a smile at her. “HN So I am." She said to her. “Although I wouldn't have gotten hurt if I would have minded my own business." She said to her. Chika looked hurt. Kinana could smell that she was hurt. “So why then?" Chika asked her. Kinana shifted in her chair. “Hn I hate those who prey upon the weak and defenseless. They all knew you had no weapon and that made me angry.” She said to her. “So why don't you...." Chika was saying. “Kill you? As much as I would love too I just can't." Kinana said tossing her hair. Chika stared at her. Kinana sat back crossing her legs. "Someone like you should not be alone. What were you doing walking around the Makai at dark?" Kinana asked her.
“I was searching for a night flower." She replied. Kinana faced her. “For what?" She asked. “I've been terribly sick and needed the flower to eat so that I could get better." She replied. Kinana got up using her staff. Chika had clicked something in her head. Though Kinana wanted to ignore it. She had recently felt Kurama's aura become weak. Though Kinana was to kill him. The memory of Kurama caring for her as Kin Kohana before she knew who her real father was came to her. “I've gotta get to him." She thought. Chika had triggered Kin Kohana and she needed to get to her father Kurama urgently. “Where are you going?" Chika asked.
“HN does it matter." Kinana shot back, Chika got quiet. “I suppose you could stay here as long as you need and until you are strong again." Kinana finished. Chika looked at her. Kinana grabbed her cloak. “Thank... thank you." Chika managed to get out. “Consider yourself lucky Chika." She said. Chika looked at her. She turned around. “I don't let anyone live yet alone stay in my house. You're the only one I have not killed." She said and threw a dagger and something else to her. Chika looked at her. “Use those items wisely okay." She said and walked out the kitchen then out the house. Chika got up and went to the window and watched as Kinana began leaping from tree to tree. Chika looked in her hands a dagger and the night flower she was trying to retrieve.
Back in the Human World
Hiei was outside practicing with his all. Kurama hadn't really said anything since they had seen Kin Kohana. “Great sick all over again." Hiei said attacking the tree he and Kin Kohana used as their target. His memory coming up to haunt him. She sat there panting. “Your Tired let's call it a day." He said getting ready to walk away. “No." She said to him attacking the tree again. Hiei looked at her. “I can do it! I am strong! I'll stop when I want too." She said still hitting the tree. Hiei smiled at her. “I do what I want when I want. You don't control me." She said to him and finally she put a very large cut in the tree. She jumped up and cut off a tree branch. Hiei looked at her as she landed gracefully. She took a deep breath. Hiei approached her. “That's really good." He told her. “Not good enough." She said. “Kin Kohana its okay we should really head back home now." He said. She smiled at him and Hiei but his arms around her shoulders. She turned back to the tree. “Hiei." She said. “Hn." He replied to her. “One day I'm going to break that tree down." She said. Hiei smiled. “I hope to be there to see when you do." He said. “I love you Hiei." She said hugging him. “I love you too Kin Kohana." Hiei said hugging her back. He let go and began walking. Then called over his shoulder. “I'll race you." He said with a smile. She giggled as they ran home.
Hiei stopped hitting the tree. He went and felt the tree. “He's so confusing. He wanted to know if she was alive and now that he knows he wants her to be dead." Hiei said to himself. Hiei rubbed his chin when he felt Karasu's chi. He turned around quickly. “Yes he is very confusing." He said to him. “What the hell do you want?" Hiei asked him. “I know he grows weak." He said to him. Hiei turned to him. “YOU KNOW NOTHING!" Hiei yelled at him. Karasu laughed. “His fear of her makes him weak." Karasu said. Hiei looked at him. “How does it feel to be the one that will cause their deaths?" He asked him. Hiei began to get angry. He was about to charge at him when she jumped in front of him. Hiei stopped and looked at her. “Leave him alone Karasu." She said standing tall with her stick by her side. Karasu began to laugh.
“So you've found me. I was just having fun." He said. “They are not toys leave them be." She said. “I see that you have been injured little Kinana." He said pointing to her arm. “Hn. Damn my wound! Don't have me blow you up!" She said. Karasu looked at her. “Aren't we forgetting that your here to kill Kurama not me." He said. Hiei looked at her. She dropped her battle stance upon hearing Kurama's name. “I told you before. I do what I want when I want. You don't control me Karasu." She said taking her battle stance again. “Would it kill you to call me father?" Karasu said. Hiei looked at them in shock. “Leave Now Karasu. Leave them be and not bother them again." She said to him. “Fine have it your way." He said and left.
Hiei stared her in the back. “Kin Kohana?" He questioned. “Where's Kurama?" She asked him. “He's back at the house." Hiei told her. “Come follow me back there." She said as she took to the trees and Hiei followed. She stopped as she felt Kurama's aura. Hiei looked at her. “He's so weak now." She said. “He's been sick." Hiei responded. Kinana jumped into their room landing using her staff. She went over to the bed Kurama and Hiei shared. She felt his head. “How long has this been going on?" She asked. “Just since you left." Hiei replied. Kinana sat on the floor and produced a flower in her hand. “Get me a bowl and some water." She said to Hiei. Hiei looked at her. “JUST GET ME THE DAMN BOWL AND WATER!" She shouted at him. Hiei left the room to get a bowl.
“I'm here now Kurama though I am Karasu's little Kinana. Though I am his daughter and despite of my destiny. I am here Kurama." She said to him. She had got no response. She grabbed his hand. “I may not be able to stay here but what you've taught me as Kin Kohana I can not forget. You're not easily forgotten. You Hiei and everyone else. I want to forget you but can't. You need me Kurama let me help you." She said channeling some of her life energy into him. Hiei came back with a bowl. Kinana stopped for the moment and she began to crush the flower into the water making some type of medicine. She open Kurama's mouth and poured it into his mouth. “Drink it Kurama." She said to him. She felt his face. She could feel his aura getting stronger again. He stirred in the bed. “Kin Kohana?" He said.
Kinana nodded. “Yes father I am here." She said to him. “Your hair it's silver with black tips. Your eyes are silver. Oh you're beautiful." He said to her. She wanted to cry but couldn't because her tears were still blood. She grabbed his hand and kissed it. “I felt your aura, and came as soon as possible. Your letting yourself becomes weak." She said. Kurama looked at her and brush her hair from in front of her face. “I love you Kurama and even though my name is now Kinana and Karasu is my father. I will always love you and you will always be my father and what you've taught me and the love you've giving me I can not forget. I will always be your Kin Kohana no matter what." She said to him.
Kurama sat up and hugged her. She hugged him back. “I will figure out a way to stop this disaster from happening. But I just need some more time. So don't keep getting sick on me." She said to him. She could feel his tears on her skin. She let go of him. She got up using her staff and walked to the window. “Where are you going?" Hiei and Kurama asked. “I must return back home to the Makai. Karasu calls for me. Take care of yourselves fathers" She said and vanished.
Hiei looked at Kurama. Kurama smiled at him. “What?" Hiei asked him. “She called us father." He said to him. Hiei walked over to him. “It feels weird to hear her again. She sounds so much more mature." Kurama said. “Well you know the Makai will do that to you." Hiei replied. “She said that Karasu was her father?" Kurama asked. “Yes and her name is Kinana." Hiei answered. “So, why would she help me when she's supposed to kill me?" Kurama asked him. “Maybe your love did affect her." Hiei said to him. Kurama looked at him. Then got out of the bed and stood by the window. Hiei followed him over there he sat on the window sill.
Kurama sat between his legs and they looked out into the moonlight. “She looks so much like him. Why didn't I recognize it before?" Kurama asked Hiei. “That's because when she was younger and here with us. She looked exactly like you but now being with him it's warped her personality and being around her own blood changed her." Hiei said. “She said though she was his Kinana she would always be my Kin Kohana. What did she mean?" Kurama asked him. “Maybe it meant that though she is Kinana Kin Kohana still lives." Hiei said. Kurama snuggled into his chest. “I sure hope so. Makes me feel good to know that she isn't truly dead." Kurama said.
Back at the Makai
She came back into the Makai again. It was mid day by time she had got there. There waiting for her as always was Karasu. This time he looked angry. Kinana had never seen him angry. “Father? You call him father before you call your own father, father." He said approaching her. “Why Not?" She said to him getting ready to walk away. He got in front of her and kicked her staff from out of her hand. She fell to the ground feeling for it. Karasu picked it up. “You don't need this." He said to her and broke her staff. “YOU BASTARD! YOU BROKE MY STAFF!" She yelled and threw some white roses in his direction. He dodged them without any problems. She stood up.
“Let me tell you this Kinana..." He said and walked behind her and pulled her hair. “I AM YOUR FATHER AND YOU WILL DO AS I SAY!! YOU WILL NOT RUN FROM YOUR DESTINY! HE KILLED YOUR MOTHER AND STILL YOU LET HIM RUN AROUND! DON'T YOU WANNA MAKE YOUR MOTHER PROUD?" He yelled yanking her head.
Kinana stuck her hand out and her staff went back together. She then pulled her hand towards her calling her staff back to her. She whacked Karasu with it. He let her hair go. “Don't you ever touch me." She said. He looked at her. “Don't you know a mind game when you see it? You should because you taught me." She said to him. Karasu looked at her. “This is my plan. I want him to be at his strongest when I kill him. That is why I heal him. You really think I would let the one who killed my mother run around free." She said to him. He smiled at her. “I'm sorry Kinana. It's just I want justice to be served for your mother." He said to her rubbing her shoulders. “I know you do Karasu.” She said and she faced him. “I will present you with his dead body. Kurama will pay for the crime he has committed. He will pay for destroying our family." She said to him. Karasu went over to the girl and put his hand on her shoulder. "I WILL AVENGE YOUR DEATH MOTHER! IN 1 MONTH KURAMA DIES!" She yelled Karasu standing behind her smiling.