Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kin Kohana: Lost and Found ❯ The First Encounter ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kin Kohana: Lost and Found
Chapter 1
“ Ahhh nothing like a refreshing walk in the woods , to clear my mind.” Kurama said to himself walking through the woods. He'd been very busy with his schoolwork and fighting along side Yusuke, that he'd forgotten just how beautiful and refreshing the woods were. Coming across a stream he knelt to get a drink of water. “ Ahhh stream water very tasty.” He said and smiled. “ If Hiei were here he'd definitely ruin the moment.” He thought to himself. He chuckled at the thought. See Hiei wasn't exactly what you called romantic. But you couldn't get him wrong he wasn't trying to be, but at times Hiei was actually romantic even when he wasn't trying to be.
“ Hiei.” Kurama spoke softly as he sat under a big oak tree. Kurama felt it but was too stubborn to say so, maybe it was Yoko that kept him quiet. Certainly if he let his ningen form Suichi win, Hiei would no longer be his friend. So as long as his fox form could kept him quiet that's all that matter. “ Oh Hiei. I long to say how I feel about you but you wouldn't understand. Besides we aren't meant to be more than friends.” He said smelling the red rose he had in his hand. Kurama closed his eyes and picture Hiei the forbidden child.
The forbidden child he longed for, the very much shorter then him , spiked hair, three eye fire demon. “ Hiei.” Kurama spoke softly and rubbed his slender neck. He could feel himself becoming hard. Kurama stopped himself and sat up. He looked around as he felt a small trace of chi. “ It can not be Hiei for his chi is way much more powerful. This chi however isn't powerful but packs a little power.” He Thought. He then heard weeping. “Maybe an animal was hurt?” Curiosity getting the best of this red hair beauty he followed the sound of the weeping.
Peering through a bush he found the creature. Finally he had found who the crying had belong to. He walked over to the creature. He sat next to the creature and picked up the crying child. “ There There little one. Do not cry.” He said as he cradled the little one towards him. “ Where did you come from little one? huh? Where did you come from.” He said talking to the child , and at once he felt something rub his leg. He looked to notice the little one's tails and then back towards the little one's head. He notice to little ears that sat on top of the little creature's silver hair. Kurama stared at the creature. “ Oh my you aren't a normal ningen. Are you?” He said talking to the baby as it giggled. “ Your a fox. Just like me.” He said as the baby began to pee on him. The baby laughed.
“ Well I suppose we should get you cleaned up.” He said looking around. He took the baby fox with him as he went back to the stream. “You sit here little one as I get you some stream water.” As he managed to make a bowl out of a large leaf. He turned around and the baby was over near a rose bed. He sighed and went over to the baby. “ Thought I told you to stay put.” He said to the baby. The baby fox swatted at the rose. Kurama stared at the baby. “ It's a rose.” He said to the baby. The baby giggled again. “ Now let's get cleaned up.” He said picking the baby up.
Kurama slowly laid the baby on a moss covered rock not knowing what this fox's power was. The moss slowly creating a bed under the child. “ Well I see we have a plant manipulator here. Just like me.” He said and looked below the belt. Then looked back at the baby fox. “ Well almost like me. Your a girl fox.” He said in astonishment. The baby began to move her tail back in forth while Kurama washed her. After she was completelys wash and clean Kurama wrapped her in his shirt. He looked at her for awhile until the little fox opened her eyes. Her eyes as golden as his when he was Yoko Kurama and not this scrawny human. Kurama picked the baby up. He notice that once again the baby had a rose in her hand. “ I shall call you Kin Kohana.” He said to her. The baby smiled at the name. “ Well Kin Kohana let's go home.” He said taking the baby all the way back to his home which was a little further in the woods.