Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kin Kohana: Lost and Found ❯ The Curiousity of A Fox ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kin Kohana: Lost and Found
Chapter 2
“ Welcome home baby Kin Kohana.” He said to her upon entering the house. It was a good thing he lived in the forest that way no one would question him about the fox human that he was going to raise. “ You must be hungry.” He said and the fox wagged her little tail. Let's get you some milk.” He said as he put her down and she got into a crawling position. Kurama smiled at her. He began to get her some milk that the ningen's drink and gave it to her in a bowl. The little one sniffed it and growled at it. Kurama looked at her. Then bent next to her. “ You don't like this drink do you?” He asked smiling at the little one and presented the kit with 2 milkpods. She excepted them almost immediately. “ Hmmm your just like Hiei.” He said smiling at her. “ Bab Boo.” She said and turned her back.
Kurama giggled at the fact of how the child turned her back upon hearing Hiei's name. “ You don't like Hiei?” He asked her taking her into his arms. “ Bab Boo.” She said. “ Oh great I hope she doesn't use that when she gets older or else it will be like having a little Hiei here.” He thought. He put the kit down again and then began to do his homework that he had put off. Kin Kohana being the fox she was began exploring. “ Bab boo. Bab boo.” She sung happily. “ Bab Boo.” She said happily and went over to Kurama's rose. She picked it up. “ Bab Boo!” She yelled. “ Oaiii!” The kit turned her head to Kurama's scream.
Kurama turned around. Never in his life had he been hit with his own rose whip attack, and certainly never in his rear end. He got up to go to the kit and she turned the whip back into the rose and hid it behind her back. Kurama got down to the kit's level.
“ Kin Kohana?” Kurama asked lovingly. “ Bab Boo?” She spoke back. “ You know Kin Kohana I was working on some work when suddenly a thorn bite into my butt.” He said. “ Bab Boo.” She said. “Now my dear sweet Kin Kohana you didn't by chance happen to cause the pain in my rear did you? You didn't by chance use a rose whip.” He asked. “ Bab Boo.” She said shaking her head no. He smiled at the little fox. “ Kin Kohana....” He said. “ Bab Boo Bab Boo Bab Boo.” She said. “ Give me the rose.” He said to her. “ Bab Boo?” She said questioning. He looked at her. She gave him the rose. He laughed at her. “ You mustn't play with weapons it's not very nice. You could really hurt someone.” He said picking the kit up as she licked his face thrilled that she wasn't in trouble.
“ Come on and see what I'm doing.” He said to her as they went to sit down. “ Bab Boo.” She said puzzled. “ It's ningen language.” He said to her. “ Bab Boo.” She said and started squirming. He looked at her. “ Bab Boooo.” She said frighten. “ What's wrong?” He said and froze. “ Hiei's coming.” He thought. “ Come on Kin Kohana I've got to hide you.” He said to the little kit. The kit still making her frighten noises and squirming. She was so frighten she leaped right out of Kurama's arms. “ KIN KOHANA!” Kurama yelled at the little kit ran upstairs. Kurama chased after her.
Kurama sense the little kit in his room. Just as Hiei was starting to get closer the kit was whimpering in fear. Kurama went over to the little kit. Picked her up and took her to his bathroom. “ Kin Kohana stay here and stay quiet.” He said to her. He could feel Hiei's chi getting stronger as he was getting closer and the closer he got the more Kin Kohana acted out of fear. Kurama made several milk pods for the little kit to help her calm down. “ Stay put.” He said to her and closed her up in the bathroom. He turned his back against the door. Just in the nick of time. He truly was lucky. Just as he had closed the door Hiei's chi was strongly coming from his room.