Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ King of Hearts ❯ A Demon's Reckoning ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hiei grinned now as he watched the woman next to him. Her skin had a bright blush, and he knew that she was remembering the last night that he had stayed with her.
-What are you thinking love?- Youko asked her.
Hiei's grin widened.
~Wouldn't you like to know fox?~
His smile never faltered as he watched her blush deepen.
~What? Afraid he'll try and surpass me?~
Her gasp earned a smirk from the apparition, but the resounding smack of her hand to the back of his head, followed by Saori shouting: "Hentai!" gained the attention of all in the room. Yusuke laughed, as Kuwabara pointed,
"Yo. The shrimp is getting beat by a girl!"
Saori held the small demon back from attempting to kill the human and just rolled her eyes as Youko growled and jerked her away from Hiei.
*Youko please!*
His eyes narrowed,
-What went on between you and the little one?-
She turned red again and turned away. Youko turned her back to face him.
"Tell this Youko."
Yusuke and Kuwabara looked between the two, unable to overhear the previous conversation between Youko, Saori, and Hiei.
"Tell him what?" Yusuke asked
Hiei smirked,
"He wants to know how much of her flesh I touched, tasted."
Saori gasped and, if possible, turned even redder, making her black fur stand out even more. She glanced over to Botan and three other males. All had their jaws on the floor. She sighed.
*Thank you so much Kage*
She could feel his silent laughter.
~Anytime my Hikari. I enjoy shocking these fools~
Saori turned to Youko, her eyes widening as she watched his bleed red. She placed a hand over his heart, taking one of his hands to place over her own rapidly beating heart. She hoped that he would know that it only beat for him.
*Youko stop this*
-That hybrid touched what belongs to this Youko!-
Saori began to grow angry, her tail and ears twitching in annoyance.
*That was before we wven net*
-That matters not!-
His eyes narrowed on her.
"What did he do?"
+Youko!+ Kurama exclaimed.
He had remained silent until now, wanting to observe everyone. Now he felt he had better stop the arrogant thief from saying something stupid.
-Not now Shuuichi. I need to know how far this went-
"Youko, you have to understand that we…"
"What…did….he…do?" He growled out between clenched teeth.
Saori glanced to the apparition in question and he nodded, signaling her to answer the kitsune.
"Well, we had grown close while I helped him. I told him of my upcoming betrothal to Kagetora."
She smiled at the youkai.
"He was appalled that I would have to mate with someone that I did not love. He knew that I would not be happy," she blushed and lowered her eyes.
"He knew that I would not enjoy, or even desire the marriage bed. I had never known desire or pleasure. After I married Kagetora, it was sure that I would never know either."
Hiei came to stand next to her, and take her hand, comforting her in the same way he had all those years ago. He ignored the kitune's growl.
~Listen fox. It is only you she now wants~
"Hiei…he, he showed me what it was to desire a man's touch. To want what his hands and tongue could do to my body." She froze, eyes wide as she realized what she'd said. It was not lost on Youko however. Before he could do more than glare though, he heard her continue.
"You should really be thanking him instead of growling at him you know."
He was shocked speechless. Thank the dark youkai for touching his mate?! The very idea was absurd.
"Why should this Youko thank the hybrid for touching you where only I am allowed?" he growled.
+Youko calm down. Actually pay attention. She only wants your touch now+
He looked down at Saori, and sighed. Kurama was right. There was no mistaking the expression on her face as anything but a genuine fondness for Hiei.
"Why should this Youko thank Hiei?" he asked softly
Saori smiled, and Youko knew everything was alright.
"We never would have met if it were not for Hiei."
Youko ran both sets of claws through his hair in frustration. Now he was confused, his usually agile mind seemed to be slow today.
"What are you talking about?"
"Did Hiei know that Youko was coming?" Yusuke asked.
She shook her head as she and Hiei grinned at each other.
"If Hiei and I had never…grown close, I would never have known what I would miss by marrying Kagetora, or any other man of my father's choosing. So, I was already planning to escape my marriage when Kagetora approached me."
"What did he want?" Botan asked.
"To be released from our betrothal."
Kuwabara rose, angered.
"What kind of man is he? To leave a woman like that." He demanded furiously despite the fact that Saori had not wanted the marriage either.
"A man in love," was Saori's soft reply.
She pressed Hiei's hand to her heart, shocking all present not only when Hiei allowed the gesture, but smiled and kissed the fingers of her other hand.
"If I hadn't met Hiei, I never would have known that love even existed."
She turned her emerald eyes to Youko's golden gaze.
"If it weren't for him I never would have made a deal with Kagetora."
"What kind of deal?" Yusuke asked, genuinely curious.
This girl had not only Youko's attention and affection, but it seemed, Hiei's as well. She must be one hell of a woman.
"That one of us would disappear. So, I wan away from my father's fortress in Edo; and was kidnapped by an arrogant youkai."
Youko grinned.
"An extremely powerful and attractive youkai."
Yusuke, Botan, and Kuwabara's eyes widened.
"You were taken by him?" Botan exclaimed.
She walked over to whisper in Saori's ear.
"And you were still a virgin the next day?!"
Said youkai, having overheard Botan, turned a fierce red. At Saori's laughter and Hiei's smirk, Yusuke had to ask.
Saori just shook her head, and continued laughing. Hiei turned to the detective.
"The kitsune's reputation is apparently well known."
Yusuke's face momentarily went blank, but a grin slowly appeared as he chuckled at the Spirit Fox's situation. All started at the sound of Koenma clearing his throat.
"Ahem. If we may get back to the matter at hand?"
Botan and Saori nodded, as well as Kuwabara before sitting. Hiei and Youko simply sat on either side of the kitsune female, silent. Yusuke sat back in his chair,
"Yeah, yeah. Don't get your diapers in a twist."
Refusing to rise to the provocation, Koenma went on about the assignment.
"Actually Saori, you had better explain."
Eyes turned towards her as she nodded.
"Hai. My father, Oda, died in battle. However, he had a sorcerer that worked for him."
All noticed the sadness in her eyes as she mentioned her father's magician.
"Before he died, my father had his sorcerer cast a spell over him."
"What kinda spell?" Kuwabara asked.
Botan exchanged a glance with Koenma. When she saw his nod, she shuddered. For Oda to have had that particular spell cast on him…Kami help them.
"A spell that granted him, I guess you'd call it a second life. I heard him telling Mana that he wanted to be able to live forever, with infinite power."
Hiei snorted,
"Typical human."
Even the two humans in the room found that they could not disagree with the hybrid.
Saori gave a small smile, squeezing the hands of both males next to her.
"Well, this spell grants both. My father can summon the spirits of the dead samurai, and bind them so that their souls must do his bidding."
Youko tapped his chin,
"Mana? Hmmm? Why does that name sound familiar?"
Koenma turned to the thief sadly.
"Because you've met him before."
Golden eyes narrowed on the prince.
Saori placed a hand on the fox's arm.
"Youko. You'll understand after I explain something else Mana did."
He nodded.
"Were you aware of the InuTaisho?"
"His eldest son, Lord Sesshomaru, was the most powerful youkai in the fuedal era. Even you can not deny this." she said as he opened his mouth to protest.
His jaw snapped shut, knowing that she was right. He didn't like admitting that there was a youkai more powerful than him, but Sesshomaru's power had been undeniable.
"Well, my father feared him more than anything else. So, he commanded Mana to curse the taiyoukai."
Youko tensed,
"Like he cursed you?"
Saori shook her ehad.
"Much worse. Sesshomaru was not killed by his curse. His soul was condemned for eternity, to be bound."
"To what?" Kuwabara asked.
Saori lifted a chain that hung around her neck, revealing the purest piece of amber any had ever seen.
"To this."