Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ King of Hearts ❯ A God's Gift ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Koenma sighed. She was so like Yusuke it was annoying. She was also just like her mate, whom he had purposely refrained from mentioning. She had the regal arrogance of the kitsune, and the bull headed stubbornness of Uremeshi. It was not a good combination. He decided to get to the point of his summoning her.
“I have a request to make of you Saori.”
Her eyes widened. What could Koenma want of her?
“What could I possibly do for you Koenma?”
“My Spirit Detectives need your help. Yusuke doesn't know it yet, but he will not be able to face this alone.”
Before she could dismiss him and walk away, he continued.
“Youko will need your help as well.”
For a moment, Saori stared at him. Then, he gasped as her face erupted in fury. He couldn't help the small step he took backwards as she stomped over to his desk.
“Don't you ever his name. You have no right to use him to get me to help you.” She growled.
“You don't understand Saori.”
“I understand perfectly. I at least respected you before this Koenma.”
She turned to storm out, but Botan appeared before her.
“He's not lying Saori. About twenty years ago, Youko's physical body died.”
Saori gasped, and her eyes widened as she sat in a chair in front of Koenma's desk.
“What? No. It can't be. If he died, he would have come to me.”
Koenma shook his head.
“He's not here.”
Saori frowned.
“You said he died. Where the hell is he?”
“He's in the Living World. His physical body died, but he sent his spirit to the human world and merged with an unborn infant.”
“But…how did he…”she asked, trembling.
Koenma softened towards the woman in front of him.
“After you died…he became reckless. He stole anything and everything of value. Finally, he was injured by a member of the SDF. That's when he…”
Saori's eyes lowered to her lap. It had been her fault. She hadn't been strong enough, and Youko had paid for it. She couldn't stop the tears that fell or the sobs that shook her small frame. Botan placed a hand on Saori's shoulder.
“He needs your help Saori. Someone is after him. They are using your death to weaken him.”
Saori's head snapped up.
“What do I do?”
“I'm giving you back your life.”
“What?” she demanded, shocked.
“H-how…I mean, why?”
“He needs your help Saori. I'm giving you life, but I'm also giving you a choice.”
He smiled as Saori frowned.
“I'm giving you the choice of going back as the human you were,” he looked her in the eyes,
“Or as a youkai.”
She gasped as she realized what he was offering.
“Would…would my mark be present on my new body?”
He continued before she could protest.
“It is present on your very soul. It will be reborn with you every time.”
Tears filled her eyes again, but this time they were out of joy. She jumped up and circled Koenma's desk to hug the teenage form of the ruler.
“Thank you Koenma.”
Koenma gently pet her back, before holding her out in front of him.
“What would you like to do Saori?” Go back to him as a human, or youkai?”
Her emerald eyes locked onto the golden orbs belonging to the god. He could see every emotion. Fear, because she was so used to her human body. Hope, that she would soon see the kitsune again. Love for said kitsune, and joy that she would be given more time. She smiled: Her decision was made.
~ ~ ~
Hiei used his Jagan to thrust into Kurama's mind while he slept. He too wondered why the kitsune had been so quiet lately.
-What is it Hiei?-
~Who was she?~ he demanded, surprising the other thief.
-What do you mean?-
Hiei rolled his eyes,
~I've always known that you were mated fox. One can only assume that something happened to her to make you act this way~
Youko felt himself grow angry, but realized that the apparition's words were true.
-She was the daughter of Nobunaga Oda. Her name was Saori-
In his despair, the fox failed to notice the way Hiei stiffened at Saori's name.
~What…what happened to her?~
Youko sighed.
-It was after Kuronue died. It had been so hard on both of us, because we both loved him. I was so careless-
Youko's `voice' was consumed by grief.
-Her father found her one day. She had left the den to escape our sorrow. He came upon her, and took her. He…he let his samurai play with her, rape her. Then he found a sorcerer to put a curse on her-
Hiei felt as if his heart was about to explode, but he needed to know.
~What kind of curse?~
Youko lifted tired eyes to the pain filled ones of the apparition. His own widened in surprise at the emotion on the hybrid's face.
-Hiei…what do,-
~What was the curse?~ he demanded, interrupting the kitsune.
-That if she were to mate with a youkai…she would die-
Hiei erupted in anger, his howl of rage awakening Kurama.
~You bastard! You mated her, knowing it would kill her?!~
+What…what is going on? What are you two talking about?+
~The kitsune's lack of honor!~
Youko's body straightened and his eyes blazed in anger.
-I have never acted dishonorably-
Hiei scowled, clenching his hand over the hilt of his katana.
~I can't even look at you~
He abruptly ripped the Jagan out of Kurama's mind, causing both souls to hiss in pain.
+Hiei!+ Kurama called, but Hiei had blocked both him and the kitsune from is mind.
+Youko?+ Kurama began, only to be shut out of the fox's mind as well.
“Well,” he huffed, exasperated.
The next day, the members of the Spirit Detective's team met with Koenma in the Reikai. The tension between Kurama and Hiei could be felt by all. Koenma only smiled.
“We seem to have a problem with dead samurai staying dead. The resurrected warriors are being directed by a stronger, more malevolent force.”
“Who?” Kurama asked.
Koenma looked directly into the avatar's green eyes.
“Nobunaga Oda.”
The anger from Kurama, and his transformation into Youko was expected, but the fury that spewed from Hiei was not.
“Where is he?” the apparition snarled, eyes bleeding red.
Koenma held up his hands.
“We don't know. You're going to need help tracking him.”
"Like hell we do Koenma." Yusuke yelled, standing up.
"Yeah we don't need any help," Kuwabara added.
Koenma just smiled.
"I believe that you all will appreciate this help."
He pressed the intercom switch on his desk.
"Send her in Botan."
He heard Yusuke mumble about dumb chicks as the doors slid open. Youko turned and froze. It couldn't be…
She smiled and nodded.
"Hai Youko, it's me."
Before he could go to her, a black blur manifested in front of her. He growled at Youko and held his sword out in front of him.
"You will not touch her."
Hiei felt a small hand on his shoulder, and turned. He winced as he saw tears filling the girl's eyes, but felt his own eyes tear as her arms wrapped around him.
"Kage," she whispered against his neck.
His own arms wrapped around her as he whispered back his name for her.
She lifted her head to smile at him. As her eyes shifted to the agitated kitsune behind him, her smile widened.
"It's alright Hiei. He didn't know."
"Hn," was the only verbal acknowledgement Hiei gave, but he moved to the side.
"You hurt her, I'll make sure that your life ends…again," he finished with a smirk.
All the fox did was nod as he completely took in the fact that she was really there in front of him. She held out a hand to him, and he took a step towards her. Then, he swept her up against him, burying his face against the side of her neck. He inhaled, soothing himself with her scent. His eyes drifted open, and widened. He lifted a trembling hand to her shoulder, and laid it over the mating mark that was still present.
"It's still here," he whispered.
"Hai. Koenma promised me that it will always be there. Even though I've changed."
It took a moment fir her words to sink in. When they did, he frowned.
"What d you…" he trailed off as he leaned back and really looked at her. Her scent was the same, but she was not!
"You…you are youkai," he exclaimed in wonder.
His eyes roamed over her body, taking in the changes. He could not explain why he didn't notice such obvious changes before. She still had the same piercing green eyes, but they seemed deeper now. She had the sharp canines of a youkai. What was the most surprising were the silky, black fox ears and tail that she now possessed. Honestly how had he not noticed???
"A kitsune?"
She grinned and nodded.
"Koenma gave me the choice of coming back to you as a human or a youkai. This way, we have so much more time Youko."
Suddenly, she could detect the scent of salt. Startled, she realized that Youko was crying. Hurt, she took a step backwards.
"Aren't you happy? Don't you want to be with me again?" she asked in a trembling voice.
She couldn't believe that after all this, he didn't want to be mated to her anymore.
"Don't," Hiei growled at her.
He had heard her thoughts, and while he didn't really want the kitsune to touch his Hikari, he knew that the tears were not ones of regret.
"Don't continue that thought."
~Youko, you had better explain your tears. She thinks you do not want her~
Youko's eyes snapped up to search Saori's doubt filled face. He crushed her body to his, and took possession of her mouth with his own. He felt her body go lax in his arms, and he nearly grinned. He still had the same effect on her after all these years. The sound of someone clearing their throat behind him broke their kiss. Yusuke was grinning.
"Well. Is she why you have been pouting and moping the past couple days?"
Youko scowled at the detective.
"This Youko does not mope, or pout."
Saori laughed, and traced his mouth with a finger.
"Yes you do."
Yusuke and Kuwabara laughed at ho much power the little woman had over the powerful creature.
"I like her already."
* * *
Youko felt his eyes fill with tears.
"Saori! What the hell can I do?"
She gasped, and her body arched up in pain. She turned fear filled eyes to the kitsune.
"Please, just hold me."
He gently gathered his mate against his chest.
"Koi, what is happening?"
Panting, she placed a hand on his cheek.
"M-my…father. He had…a sorcerer…put a curse on…me."
Youko frowned.
"What kind of curse?"
She smiled sadly, and dropped her hand.
"To…to die in…agony if I were…to mate with a…youkai."
Youko froze as his mind replayed the moment his fangs had puntured her skin, marking her as his mate. His tears flowed unchecked now. He had killed the woman he loved by making her his.
"Soari, why?" he choked out.
"I wanted to know…what it was to be loved…just once."
* * *
Anyone who walked into the demigod's office would have been hard pressed not to laugh at the scene found inside. There was a couch, as well as two chairs. All were occupied. The Spirit Detective and his friend Kuwabara occupied the chairs while the three demons took over the couch. Saori sat between Youko and Hiei. The kitsune had yet to release her hand, and the apparition growled at any who came too close to the female. A truly entertaining spectacle.
"So we know how Youko knows Saori and Oda, but what about you Hiei? Never figured you for one to pant after a human female." Yusuke snickered, earning growls from both males.
Saori laughed, gaining the detective's attention.
"He's not. One to go after human females, that is. He would have had nothing to do with me if I hadn't saved his life."
The room was consumed with silence as Hiei shot a glare at the woman next to him.
* * *
"Are you alright?" the girl asked, kneeling next to the shadow. That's what the small man resembled, a shadow. She ignored his growl of warning as his body trembled.
"Please let me help."
He slapped her hand away before trying to rise. He made it to his knees before collapsing. She heard him curse, and frowned. She gripped him under the arm, and draped him over her shoulders. They both froze as they heard samurai coming closer. The girl quickly threw her cloak over the apparition's head, holding him close to her body. He could hear her heart beating quickly. He stroked her arm in a subconscious move to calm her.
"Halt!" One of the men yelled, causing her to stiffen.
"Who dares to stop me?" she demanded in a strong, authoritative voice.
The shadow almost smiled. Her voice might have presented a brave front, but her scent and the slight tremors coming from her said otherwise. The man halted and bowed to the onna.
"Sumimasen Princess Saori. I did not recognize you." the man glanced up, his eyes narrowing.
"Who is that?"
The apparition felt the girl's tremors increase, and snickered. Her grip on him tightened, as If to will him Into silence. The thought was absurd. As if she, a ningen onna, could influence him. He was curious though, as to why she seemed to fear the very men that were guarding her. His recently acquired power decided then to manifest itself by delving Into the girl's thoughts. The result was erratic, but revealing.
'Don't know what they'll do…must protect…can't let them take him.'
He was shocked into silence as he heard the girl respond.
"Oh, this one? She is a friend of mine who has had a little too much sake tonight."
The guard took in the small slumped figure draped over his lord's daughter, and dismissed the idea of danger. He smiled.
"Will she be staying with you tonight then lady?"
He seemed t miss her sigh of relief.
"Hai. I'm afraid she wouldn't make it home."
"Do you need assistance?"
She shook her head quickly.
"No. Arigatou."
"Alright then. Goodnight lady Saori."
When he left, Saori half carried the now unresisting youkai to her chambers in her father's fortress. She laid the shadow on her futon, removing her cloak. She lit a lamp, and brought it over to illuminate his features. He was an attractive male, and at another time, she might have noticed. What drew her attention though was the expression of near agony that contorted his delicate features.
"Oh! What can I do?" she whispered.
She was startled, but remained still as he placed a clawed hand over hers.
She didn't have to ask what he was talking about. His crimson eyes held hers as he waited for her to answer. She told him what she found was the most truthful.
"I just couldn't let you die."
A strange look passed over his features before reverting back to the tense, pain filled expression.
~Tell me the rest~
She jumped at the touch of his mind, but noticed him ease slightly at the contact. So, as she retrieved a pitcher of cool water and a cloth, she projected her thoughts to him.
*They must be very important to you*
His eyes followed her movements as she removed his cloak and boots.
She slid his shirt over his head, and sighed as she used the cloth to cool off his overheated body.
*Whoever you endured the Implantation of the damned Jagan eye for*
His eyes widened in equal surprise of her knowing of the Jagan, and the fact that she was removing his pants.
"What are you…?" he rasped out gruffly.
She placed a finger to his lips.
"Sh. I don't need father to know that you are here. Just send me thoughts as you did before. That seemed to help you."
~What are you doing?~
*I'm cooling your body. It will ease some of your pain. Trust me* she added at his skeptical look.
She laughed softly, and leaned down to whisper in his sensitive ear.
"Don't worry. Your virtue is safe with me Kage-san."
"Hn," was his only response, but he couldn't help the rough laugh that escaped.
~Heh. If I am Kage, you must be Hikari~
He was strangely pleased as she laughed.
The next couple of hours were very revealing. Both because he was stripped naked in the woman's bed, and that he realized he needed her. In order to keep his body from overheating, which he was unable to control for some reason, and to keep the Jagan from swamping his mind with pain, he needed regular mental contact. She was the only presence around, or that even existed he believed, who was willing to allow him access to her mind. Eventually, her humanity bested her, and she fell asleep next to him. At first he braced himself for the return of that blinding pain, but when it never appeared he relaxed. His eyes widened as he realized that even in her sleep, Saori's mind was reaching for and blending with his own. He sighed and drew her body close to his, wanting the contact with her skin. She shocked him by throwing an arm across his chest and laying her head on his shoulder. He could feel his breathing sync with hers, and his eyes grew heavy. He fought to stay awake, not wanting to be more vulnerable than he already was. Before he succumbed to sleep, he used his mind to lock Saori's chamber door, and projected a small amount of his jaki to warn off and who would try and enter before he woke. Finally, he allowed his eyes to fall. Before he completely went under, he felt his arms wrap around Saori, and he realized that he was actually content for the first time in his existence.
* * *