Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ KioxHiei ❯ memories found ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own YuYuhakusho

Warning: This is a (insert youself) fic that had to be continued as a regular fic,because it got erased.
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Kio couldn’t remember anything about her past, until one day she stole a copy of Shonen Jump. When she opened it, she was
transported to a strange but also familiar place. Here she met Urameshi, Kuwabara, Kurama, Boton, Amara, and Hiei.
After staying awhile, she discovered that she and Hiei were part of the same crime ring, in fact she was his right hand…
maybe more. She also felt that she had some kind of connection with the beautiful Amara (a/n no, she's
not Bi) she seemed to be getting along well with every one, until they reveled that she was a wanted person and they would
have to bring her in. When she resisted, Hiei knocked her out cold and took her to the ruler of the underworld Koenma.

Chapter 1
Memories Found-

Kio opened her eyes. The room blurred at first, then came into focus; she was in some kind of office, laying on one of
couches like the shrinks use in the movies use. her head pounded, she rubbed it and felt dried blood.
“ Oh, good your awake!” chirped a voice. she turned and recognized Boton
“ yeah, I’m awake.” she said grumpily
“ Not a morning person I see” giggled Boton, that statement would have normally sent rage through her entire body but she
felt a strange peace, because after so long… she remembered.
“ I’m sorry to interrupted your train of thought, but I need to talk to you Miss Kio” (a/n the name is said Keeo) came a
voice from behind her.
Kio stood up and turned to see a baby, sitting behind a large desk, and sucking a pacifier, but a talking baby wasn’t
strange, nothing was anymore.
She crossed her arms and spoke firmly “ Well I’m here start talking .” He looked a little annoyed with her tone.
“ Well, I guess you know that your wanted for the following…” he picked up a white piece a paper and began to read “… Robbery
, breaking and entering, murder, trespassing , and resisting arrest.”
“ Oh, that all?” she said coolly. Koenma narrowed his eyes
“ that’s quiet enough missy. Now, I suppose that you also know that Hiei and Kurama got community service instead of jail
time. I am offering you the same.”
she moved loose strands of her raven locks behind ears before she spoke “ Why? Because I’m powerful? I know that’s why you
gave Hiei this option.”
“ Yes, because your powerful and because some spoke on your account, and no I won’t say who!” he said guessing her next
She smiled sweetly and answered “ I would be stupid not to take your offer.”
“ Good! Boton will take you home in demon world. Your assignments will come from me personally.”

Once she was home… home… not the underpass she slept under in the human world, but home you have here in the demon world.
she closed herr eyes and let memories flood back, when Hiei whacked her on the head it brought her memories back.
A powerful enemy had sent her to the human world and taken her memories, but now she were back. she remembered everything
about herself too, she was half wolf demon, half human, from the Quest Class of demons. her step mother had trained her
in the art of sorcery, but she didn’t find out until she was grown that she wasn’t her real mother. her coal black hair,blood
red lips, and apple blossom skin… Hiei used to call her Snow White…… Hiei…. she opened her eyes as the last memory returned
. She ran to her bedroom, pulling off her shirt as she ran.
she stopped and stared in front of her mirror, she pulled her bra strap down so she could see it clearly. The mark. The bite
mark on her shoulder, that showed she had a mate.


Hiei sat in tree staring off into the sinking sun. (a/n every fluff scene needs a sunset!) He was wondering if that fool
Koenma would do as he promised. He hated that toddler taking Kio from him and he would not let him take her to prison.
He sensed her energy as she came up behind him.
“ How did you find me Kio?”
“ I got my memories back. I could find you no matter what. No one knows you like me.” she said as she sat down beside him.
“ I’m not angry with you Hiei.”
“ Did the runt offer you a deal?” he said still not looking at Her.
“ Yeah, guess we’ll be working together again.” she replied. He turned and faced her at last and she knew in a moment why he
hadn’t looked at her before. He didn’t want her to see the look in his eyes… he really had missed her,He stroked her face
gently. She smiled, as he leaned in and kissed her, softly at first then harder; pushing her up against the tree trunk.

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Kurama and Amara sat in her porch swing, Amara’s head leaning on Kurma’s shoulder.
“Amara?” Kurama said
“hmm?” she replied sleepily
“ Now that you’ve found Kio, what will you and your brothers do?” He asked
“well, we’ll just talk to her and tell her everything.” she stated simply
“ I hope everything works out for you and her.” Kurama said sweetly
“ yeah, me too.” said Amara. Kurama Kissed her gently on the forehead and pulled his arms tight around her.

Kio was the only thing Hiei could ever call his. He had resisted her for as long as he could, but they were soul mates.
Both had lost their families when they were children. He had never exxpirienced affection before her, it was like a drug, he
was completely addicted to her.
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Ficfreak: Woo! Lets hope this story doesn’t get erased. :: sighs:: review, review, please. If I don’t get at least
three reviews it’s discouraging.