Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kitsunes and Fire Demons ❯ Spirit World and Death Grip ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hey again! I would like to dedicate this story to my first two reviewers! Sundragon and Karate Kitty! YAY!! I thank you two. *hands Sundragon Kurama plushie and Karate Kitty a Hiei plushie* I hope you will enjoy this chapter.

Disclaimer: Me no own, you no sue! haha.

Kitsunes and Fire Demons


~M's POV~

I stirred when I felt strong arms pick my limp body up. My eyes
opened a bit to see a guy holding me. He had black spiked up hair with
white starburst sticking out. He then looked at me. His ruby red eyes seemed
to make him appear innocent, yet sad and lonely. I found myself falling into
slumber after a moment or two.

~Hiei's POV~

I felt her stir and looked at her. Her eyes slowly opened, they were
a beautiful light blue. She stared at me, studying the features of my face.
Then I could feel her drifting to sleep. I glanced at Kurama who seemed to
take a liking to the girl he was holding.

*^*^Spirit world^*^*

When we arrived at Koenma's office Yusuke and Kuwabara were already there waiting for us. As usual Yusuke was yelling at Koenma what they had to do now and the big oaf was being stupid. They soon noticed we were standing there after a moment or two when we arrived.

" Hey, what took you so long shrimp? " the oaf yelled as stolled over to me.

" Hn. We got delayed a bit, brainless pig. Ever thought of that? No, of course you didn't " I retorted

He then saw the girl I was holding and exclaimed " Wow, shes HOT! "

Then he leaned over to try to touch the girl I was holding. A low, deep growl was heard from me. The oaf backed away as he and everyone else stared at me questionly. I 'hn-ed' and turned my head away.

" Ah, I see you have found them! " Koenma said. To that everyone broke their gaze at me and stared at him confused.

~ Author's POV ~

" What do you mean 'found them'? Kurama asked

" Well your mission was to find and protect them " Koenma replied

" Why do we need to protect them? " Yusuke asked

" Those two are goddesses" he pointed to M and Ayame as he continued explaining " Demons are after them for their power. It seems a very strong demon wants them. If they fall into the hands of him it could be chaos for all three worlds! By the way, what happened to them? "

" We don't know for sure, they were on the ground unconcious in the rain " Kurama stated

" Well I suggest you put them in the hotel I ill rent for you. Let those two rest there. When they recover you must explain to them everything, then bring them to me " Koenma commanded

" Alright, let's go guys " Yusuke stated as they left the office and headed towars the hotel.

*^*^ Hotel room ^*^*

They arrived at the hotel room 186. Kurama and Hiei layed both the girls on the bed there.

~ Hiei's POV ~

I set the girl down on the bed. ( partly throwed her on the bed actually ) As I began to walk away to take my place at the window I felt a tug on my cloak. I looked back and noticed the girl had a death grip on my cloak. Damn girl, what does she think shes doing. I tried pulling her hand off but she only gripped tighter.

She soon pulled me in with her. ( imagine that really happening to Hiei ) I once again tried pulling away and failed miserably. What Is with this girl, shes seems determined on not letting go. I heard her wimper softly, I guessed she was having a bad dream. I sighed in defeat.

Kurama, Kuwabara, and Yusuke watched the whole thing. Kurama couldn't help a chuckle and the others burst out laughing. That caused this girl to wake up. I'll kill thos fools as soon as she lets this death grip off me. If it wasn't for their laughing she wouldn't have woke up.

~ M's POV ~

I woke up with me holding the boy that was carring me. Our faces were at least one inch apart. I felt a warm sense rise up to my cheeks.

" What the- AH!! PERVERT!" I screamed while slapping his face. He looked at me stunned touching his face thathad a red hand mark.

~ Kurama's POV ~

Ow! that has got to hurt. Poor Hiei. Well one goddess is up, now just to wait for the other. I chuckled silently seeing Hiei's face.

~ M's POV ~ (again )

" Hey, what was that for wench?! " said the cute spikey black haired boy. Wait...since when did I think this guy was cute? I don't even know him, but hes being rude.

" Because you were being a prvert! Who are you and where am I? Also I have a name and it is not wench. It's M. Learn it and use it! " I yelled

I looked around and saw three other boys. One had black hair slicked back hair, he was slightly cute. Next to him I'm guessing was his best friend, he had orange hair and was extremally ugly. I looked next to me and saw Ayame. I was really glad to see her here to and not just me. I looked above her and saw the third boy, he had red hair and gorgeous green eyes. At first I thought he was a girl. He looked at me and smiled.

I blushed for staring as I turned my head away. He looked as cute as the boy I am aguing with. There I go again about the spikey haired boy. What is wrong with me? I continued aguing with the boy.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Well that's the chap! Plz R&R! I'll probably update the next chapter Tuesday or Wednsday! It depends on how many people review. I am just joking. It actually depends on weather I want to type on one of those days. I just wanna say this for no particular reason, I LOVE HIEI!! And Sundragon I agree with you. ALL HAIL KURAMA! Also vote on which pairing! By the way M's real name is Midori, but she would rather be called M for short.

1. M/Hiei

2. M/Kurama

3. Ayame/Hiei

4. Ayame/Kurama

5. Alternate pairing

Just so you know I am planning already a M/Hiei thing and its already written down but I could always make alternate pairings like above or switch it around a bit. Laterz till next chapter, Ja Ne!