Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kitsunes and Fire Demons ❯ Introductions and Lots of Blushing ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ah, the weekend. No more school for two days. I feel so happy!

Hiei: Get on with this chapter or I'll burn you to death!

Fine! Kurama say the disclaimer plz!

Kurama: Ok! Hiei is mine forever does not own YYH! How could she? Shes only twelve.

Hiei: Really, shes to stupid to think up any episodes for YYH.

I heard that. Be nice or do want to become a cross-dresser in my story.

Hiei: Hn

I thought so!

Poll results for now

M/Hiei: 2

M/Kurama: 0

Ayame/Hiei: 0

Ayame/Kurama: 2

Alternate Endings: 0

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~

Kitsunes and Fire Demons
Chapter 3

~ Ayame's POV ~

Won't M 'SHUT UP! Doesn't she know people are sleeping?! I opened my eyes and saw a really cute guy in front of me. His flaming red hair matched his emerald green eyes.

As I tried to situp I fell off the bed. I clutched my head with my hand. The guy with red hair bent down next to me.

" Are you okay? " he asked me

" Yeah " I answered as he picked me up and put me back on the bed. I blushed a bit.

" Who are you and where are we? Oh, how rude of me, my name is
Ayame " I asked confused as to where we are. It didn't look familier to me.

" Well, my name is Kurama, that's Yusuke " he pointed to the guy with slicked back black hair " and beside him is- " Kurama was interuppted by the ugly orange haired guy.

" I'm the great Kazuma Kuwabara! " he said flexing his muscels ( Which he has very little of ) I ignored him.

" Then the one bickering with your friend " Kurama continued while pointing to the black spikey haired guy. I sweatdropped, M was always like this at times " is Hiei. Now if they would stop I would tell you where you are and why "

Man this this guy Kurama is cute. I wonder if he has a girlfriend. He probably does by his looks and he is very calm. He seems sweet to me. A very nice person indeed. I think I want to know him more. I broke out of my trance and blushed for staring. He gave me a smile which made me blush even more.

" Oh, um..I can fix that " I stated as I cupped my hands over my mouth and shouted " M shut up and stop acting like a two year old. That goes for you to
Hiei! "

M was about to punch Hiei when she heard me. She stopped what she was doing and turned to look at me. She blinked a couple of times before running toward me and hugging me. I could understand why because I am her only sister and after what happened in the past, well lets just say it wasn't pretty.

She let go of me and asked me if I knew who these other people were. I introduced them all and blushed when I said Kurama's name. I seemed to blush alot around him.

~ M's POV ~

When I saw Ayame blush saying Kurama's name I snickered. She gave me a death glare in return. She would have hit me but I figured she didn't because of Kurama. I decided it was time to play matchmaker. Maybe the others would help. I smiled evilly. This would be fun.

I saw Kuwabara whisper something to the boy Yusuke. I listened intently even though they were to far away for human ears to hear I was able to.

" Hey Urameshi (sp?) I think today is my lucky day. Two beautiful girls are here. Although I have a funny feeling about them other than them being
goddesses "

" Yeah me to "

I nudged Ayame and asked in a very low tone " Did you hear what that baffoon over there said to Yusuke? "

" Yeah I did but we can't say 'what kind of funny feeling do you think we have?' because it will blow our cover of not only being goddesses but- "

" Yes I know, I am not stupid. Right now I sense two demons in this room. The one Hiei and Kurama are. The two others just have high spiritual energy. I just now noticed. "

" Can you tell which kind of demons they are? "

" Kurama is a kitsune and Hiei is a... " I paused for a moment shocked " fire demon. With a Jagan eye no less "

Ayame was shocked on behalf that Kurama was a kitsune. Ayame from what I knew thought kitsunes didn't live in the Ningenki. (hint, hint)

I was dazed still. Another fire demon, I thought I was- never mind. Hiei seems to have a ice wall built around his heart. Maybe he had a bad past like me. I want to be the one to melt his heart and no one else, just me. Woah! Where did that come from? Why should I try? He probably hates me after I hit him.

'Because you like him'

I do not!

'Yes you do'

I said I don't! Understand?!

'Do to'

Do not

'Do to'

Do not

This is useless, I am arguing with myself. But I guess I do like him a little bit. I mean he is cute. Its funny the way he gets angry so easily.

'Told you that you liked him'

Shut up!


" Do you want to know why you are here or not? " Yusuke asked takinjg me out of my thoughts.

" Yes we do, please explain " I replied

~ Hiei POV ~

Her ki seems familier to me. Could she be-. Hn. I shook my head knowing she couldn't.

Strange, when I bicker with her I like it. She looks so beau- NO! I will Not think that! I don't like her, or do I?

~ Author's POV ~

M and Ayame listened to how Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei became the Spirit Detectives and how Kurama and Hiei found them. Along with their last mission which was The Dark Tournament.

M and Ayame told about themselves and why they were unconcsious on the ground. Hiei explained why she was hugging him in the bed. his story had been true because friends said they had seen it. M blushed in embarresment.

M remembered the dream she had. It had been about her and Ayame's past life. Living in the Makai was hard to stay alive, Either you eat or be eaten.

" Who's this Koenma you were talking about? " Ayame asked

" A toddler that is the son of King Enma and does paperwork. He's like seven-hundred years old and still needs his diaper changed! " Yusuke who burst out laughing along with Kuwabara.

' They are so imature ' thought M

" Koenma said he wanted us to bring you to him so he can speak with you " Kurama stated

" Okay " M said

~ M's POV ~

Before we left to see Koenma, Kuwabara came up and took my hands in his.

" I think I am in love " he said

" I think I am sick " I stated angrily

" Will you go out with me " He said totally ignoring my statment

This guy doesn't take a hint does he. I opened my mouth to say something when I was cut off by Hiei.

" Get your damn filfthy hands off her " he growled gripping his katana and slowly unsheathing it " or I will! "

Kuwabara took his hands off quickly and backed away. I was relieved for that. I wonder why Hiei did that. Does he like me? A least a bit.

" Arigato Hiei " I thanked

" Hn " was all I got. Never mind.

There was a knock at the door. Yusuke opened it and there was a blue haired girl.

" Oh, its just you Botan " Yusuke said bored

" Lighten up Yusuke, hello M and Ayame, nice to meet you " the girl Botan said happily holding out her hand.

I shook her hand " Ah, so your Botan "

" Koenma wants to see you right away. I think its another mission " she said

" We were already going there. I wonder what kind of mission the toddler wants us to do now. " Yusuke murmmured who was walking out the door toward the Spirit Castle.

We followed Yusuke there. Most of my attention was drawn to Hiei. For some reason he always was in my thoughts. He should smile a bit more. H e might look much more cuter. Hiei turned his head to see me staring at him.

" What? " He asked a bit annoyed

" Nothing " I replied

I turned my head forward acting like nothing happened. I blushed for staring. I sighed and thought more about Hiei.

~ Hiei's POV ~

Why was she staring at me? It doesn't make sense. I caught myself also staring. She might get the wrong idea if she notices. I turned my head and flitted into the trees.

~ Ayame's POV ~

I noticed M always glancing at Hiei every two seconds. An idea suddenly came to my head. I grinned and nudged Kurama who was next to me.

" Kurama, have you noticed M and Hiei? "

" Yes I have. Why? "

" Why don't we play matchmaker and try to get those two together. M really hasn't really taken intrest in guys and those two would make a perfect couple, am I right? "

" Exellent idea! Although it will take Hiei a bit of time to warm-up. Lets make some plans on how to get them together "

~ M's POV ~

Huh? Where did Hiei go. I looked up into the trees. Oh, he is just in the trees. He was fast, as fast as me actually. He reminds me of someone. I just can't put my finger on it. He might be- Nah! He couldn't be that person.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Gomen, Gomen! I didn't mean to update late. Blame my teacher! Shes the one who gave me this stupid project which is really hard. Boy, do I HATE Jr. High.

What was M and Ayame's bad past? Why are Hiei and M thinking that they somehow know eachother? What are Kurama and Ayame planning for their friends? Find out in upcoming chapters!

Vote plz! You have two more chapters to vote! R&R plz! Oh, and Bakurafan88 are you sure your dad erased SLSK. Because I WILL find a way to log back on again even if it takes me a year. Hope you liked this chapter! Ja ne till next chapter!