Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Koenma's assassin turned to Spirit team member ❯ Meet your character ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Welcome to my world, well, not really. Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho unluckily, but I do own my characters Ashkali.


You are Ashkali, a 300-year-old elemental dragon demon, related to Koenma, but look to be 16. You only mainly use fire and darkness because you specialise in them.

You have been an assassin for Koenma for the past 200 years, but no one knows it. When you were younger (first 100 years) you were a famous assassin under the name of the Darkness Flame that worked for whoever paid the most, so famous that you rivalled the reputation of the famous kitsune thief Youko Kurama. To keep up your reputation as an assassin that works outside of the law, you get money from the people who are after the deaths of your assignments. (Koenma fully understands, half goes to him of course though).

You have long black wavy hair that reaches half way down your back with white streaks which change colour when embarrassed angry or sad. Silvery blue eyes and are about Hiei's height only an inch shorter. Usually you wear a black shirt, which shows off all your curves and a short black skirt with a pair of black ankle high boots with heels.

Demon form: When out you have black wings, which occasionally change colour to what attacks that you use. Your hair lengthens and becomes white reaching almost down to your knees. Long black leather gloves over your hand to a bit over your elbows. A short black dress with no sleeves with a pair of knee high boots and silver skin. Your eyes usually flick between red and black, but change with your emotions, skin doesn't change with emotions (ex. Red faced when embarrassed).

Favourite attacks Fire dragon. Darkness Dragon. Flaming darkness sword (energy wraps around your katana) Darkness flame, Black nighmare, Flames of Hell, and best defence mechanism Darkness melt. Tell you about these later. You Don't know about the Yu Yu team except that they work for Koenma.