Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Koenma's assassin turned to Spirit team member ❯ First Day of School ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho unluckily, but I do own my characters Ashkali.

Chapter 1

"Shit," you mumble as you crawl out of bed and see the alarm clock. It's time to get up and ready for school. Your new assignment is out and you have to go to a school to get to know him and extract the information that is needed before you can kill him.

You luckily have half an hour to get ready, so you get up and have a quick shower after getting out of your kitten pyjamas. You sing out an old song that you heard on the radio a while back. Then get dressed in your uniform, which is much like the ones in Sailor moon. Getting together all your books and some lunch you think, `Well, this is better than having my normal duty of listening to what Koenma is talking about to his minions and so forth, I suppose.'

Then happy with what you have got, you give your hair a quick swipe over with your brush, (It don't ever mess up, lucky you) and go out the door of your small two bedroom home which Koenma had brought for you when your work mixed into the human world. Quickly you hide all traces of your demonic youki and ran the few miles to school, reaching it just as the bell was about to ring.

You go up to the office and see a small old lady at the desk talking on the phone. You wait patiently and a few minutes later she finishes. "I've just transferred here from America," in perfect Japanese. "I wonder if you could give me my timetable."

The lady seeing your sweetness immediately go to work and found the timetable and gave it to you. Then was about to give you directions to your class when a boy came into the office. He had beautiful green eyes and had red locks of hair that made him irresistibly desirable to all who saw him, but you weren't, nor was the old lady who seemed to have a great dislike of him.

"Kurama," she said in a harsh tone. "You can show Ashkali to your class since you are in the same one." Her tone only softened when she said your name.

Kurama smiled and nodded. So you follow him out of the office and as you walk down the hall he stops as you reach your locker, right beside his. "Wow, you actually got the Lady in the Office to be nice to you. I'm surprised, no one has ever done that before."

You smile slightly surprised, "Wow. Thanks for showing me the way." "That's okay." You grab all that you need and place everything else in the locker. When you reach the classroom Kurama walks in and you knock and walk up to the teacher.

He looks at you and says, "You must be the new student, welcome. Class this is Ashkali, she comes to us from America, I believe. Why don't you tell the class about yourself?" You smile and turn to the class. "Hi, I'm Ashkali, but just call me Ash, I just transferred from America and can't wait to meet you all." All the guys are staring at you with lust in their eyes, except for Kurama and a short guy with gravity defying black hair.

You smile and turn to the teacher. "Since you don't know anyone yet, pick where you want to sit and I'm sure that everyone will try their hardest to make you feel welcome. You pick a seat near the back beside Kurama and the black haired dude. All the other guys in the class groan and glare at Kurama. Kurama introduces you to him. "Ash, this is Hiei, don't mind him, he's always like that. That there is Kwarbara," pointing to a guy with orange hair and looked like a total idiot who was sitting in front of you, staring at you, making you slightly uncomfortable. "And that is Yusuke," pointing to the guy next to Kwarbara with black slicked back hair and was also staring at you.
