Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Koenma's assassin turned to Spirit team member ❯ School grounds ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho unluckily, but I do own my characters Ashkali.

Chapter 2

They said Hi and turned back to teacher as he came up to them and began to shout at them for not listening yet again.

Taking out your books you quickly take notes down on the work your supposed to be doing. Finally you feel the eyes that are burning into your side. You cast a glace at Hiei and smile to him. He turns away and says under his breath "Hn."

You only barely picked it up with your sensitive hearing. You sigh lightly and look like you are listening to the teacher, but focus on trying to find your target.

Quickly you find your target. He may not be a full demon, but you could tell that it was him, even though he hid his youki. Undoubtedly, no one else could tell, but you had been trained in doing this for many years and trained extensively for it. No one could hide anything from you. Then you feel a trigger on your telepathic mind, someone was send and receiving messages in the room.

Sneakily you tap into their telepathic conversation and discover it was Hiei, and Kurama. "I think I know her. What do you think of her fox, she seems to be human, but I don't think she is." Hiei said.

"Well, I can't sense anything from her, not a single trace of youki or demon in her, but your right, I think I may have seen her around before, but where. Maybe Youko Kurama knows something." Kurama answered.

You back out of the link and think over this. Hiei, that name was rather familiar, ah yes I remember now, The Forbidden Child. Now when did I meet up with him, hmm. Two hundred and forty years ago, a mere child I was and so was he. He had just received his Jagan eye and I looked after him for a while there after he was attacked by a band of demons and was almost killed.

But he wouldn't remember me would he. Then again, why would he remember me at all. I was and am nothing special, and I never told him anything about who I was. So he would never figure it out right.

Now as for Youko Kurama, well he is another story all together. We worked together to kill and steal the Golden Fire amulet, and the Frozen wind amulet. Not only that, but we had also been lovers for a time, and at the time, he hadn't been like the reputation had put on him, but different. More compassionate and almost as if he truly though of me as the one for him.

Then because of him Koenma caught me and finally found out about me. Then he turned me into his own tool, since I was already half way there, he just took me the rest of the way. If Kurama asks Youko, then I hope that Youko is enough of a bastard to not tell him. You almost start to break out into a sweat, but hold it back.

Your hair slightly changed to light form of dark purple. Hiei sees this and stares at you again, and with Kurama doing the same you start to get anxious, then the bell signals to the end of the lesson. You quickly pack away your things and rush out of the class.

Seeing someone who you recon will know the layout of the school like the back of his hand, you scan their mind and take a copy of the school map back to yours. Happy that you find your way around without help, you put your stuff away and head for morning break. Not hungry, you walk over to a tree and sit under it and watch the others play about and talk.

You see Kurama walk over with Yusuke and Kwarbara, but not Hiei.

`Wonder where he is?' you think. Then feeling the youki you look up and see him sitting in the braches of the tree looking down on you.

"Hello, Hiei" you say.

"Hn" was all you heard. Then the rest of the guys came over seeing you.

"Hello," you say. Kurama smiled and looked up at the small demon in the tree, then back to you. Kwarbara, looks down on you and says

"Are you free would you go out with me?" You look at him and narrow your eyes.

"No" you say with slicing malice that could cut through anyone, and even Hiei looks at you funnily. Yusuke hits Kwarbara over the head and then they are soon down on the ground fighting.

Kurama looks down on them and sighs. Then you feel the link between Hiei and him twitch again.

"I tried to talk to Youko, he's hiding something, but isn't going to tell, and there's no way to force him to, I've tried everything I can think of."

"Thank you god" you mumble so low that no one could hear you