Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Koenma's assassin turned to Spirit team member ❯ The Demons ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho unluckily, but I do own my characters Ashkali.

Chapter 3

Hiei answers, "I've been trying to get into her mind, but it's sealed off. I can't even get through the first barricade of obstacles that are in the way to get into her mind, but I think that I remember her, she was the one who helped me after I got my Jagan eye, when I was at my weakest and couldn't save myself, but I can't remember if she gave me that name, but how. She doesn't seem to be a demon."

You walk out of the link up as you go back to class. FAST FORWARD TO AFTER SCHOOL. You walk out of the gates and see Kurama waiting for you. You say to him that you really need to hurry to get home. He nods and lets you go. You run into the forest and towards your home.

There you open up a portal and enter the walls of Koenma's office and using your talent that you picked up, you looked through the wall. Koenma was alone in the room, and seemed to be doing some work.

You go through the secret entrance and go into his office.

He looks up as you enter.

"Koenma, you are in so much trouble with me."

Koenma looks at you very confused. "You sent me to a school where you have currently got your team of spirit detectives, or is it Human, Spirit detective and two demons."

Koenma nods. "Yes and what is wrong with that Ash."

"Well, if you had filled me in on this, I could have made you put them in another school … " you stop when you hear a knock at the door.

Quickly you go back into the wall and Koenma answers the door with a yell "Come in."

In come Kurama and Hiei. Koenma could see by their expression that they were concerned about something. You saw Kurama put a spell on the room to make it so that no one could hear or interrupt the conversation.

Annoyed you left. When you arrive home, you get into the bath and soak. The bubbles on the top covering your body. You happily sank into the bliss of the water and fell asleep in the tub.

Later you wake up and put on your normal clothes and walk out into the woods near your house. You could sense a group of demons nearby. Quickly you change into your demon form, which looks a lot different from your human like one. Then you find the demons, they are on their way through the trees.

You jump down, in front of the leader and say, "So who are you looking for?"

They see you and start to laugh. "Thank you Darkness Flame, we were looking for you."

"And why would that be for now boys?" you ask. "No reason, just to kill you for revenge for killing my brothers and parents."

"Oh is that all." You say getting the katana ready. They charge. You finish the fight quickly and wipe the blood on your sword onto one of the dead enemies clothes. That's when you hear the sounds of three people running through the woods.

"They came this way, I'm sure." A voice you almost recognize says. Then you turn to see a blur appear behind you, as the guys from school except Hiei appear.

Kurama turned to you, clearly not knowing who you are. You say before they can say anything "Call me Flame, and no, I will not come with you anywhere servants of the toddler."

You turn to go when you get hit in the middle of your neck, right where you would just fall down and you black out.